CBC curriculum designs, training manuals and notes

Education Ministry to ensure CBC succeeds

The Ministry of Education is working with its partners in the education, ICT and infrastructure sector to ensure smooth transition of teachers from the P1 to the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) system in schools.

Rift Valley Education Director John Olotua says the Ministry has heavily invested in ensuring proper training of teachers to implement CBC.

Olotua was speaking in Tambach Teachers Training College in Elgeyo Marakwet where 2,219 students graduated with P1 and Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) courses at its 26th Graduation Ceremony.

“We are committed to offer effective training in all our colleges including the upgrading and any other kind of content for CBC which will impact on the teachers,” he said.

The director said the government has invested heavily in Information Communication and Technology (ICT), infrastructure and Internet connectivity, to improve the training of teachers in colleges.

The Chief Principal, Jane Tallam, however said that the rolling out of diploma programmes and phasing out of the P1 certificate course has seen a decrease in the number of students, as the grade for admission into Teacher Training College has been raised to C.

Tallam noted that the college has already kicked off the new diploma program, saying they are expected to receive new students from this week.

“We still have quite a number of students who will need to upgrade from the P1 certificate and enrol in the diploma course to be CBC compliant,” she said.

She added that the college has resources and capacity to train up to 1,000 students under the new CBC curriculum.

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