Easily change form one placement

Form one placement has been done by the ministry of education and all learners were placed in different institutions.

The ministry of education said that they experienced difficulties while placing the students since students ended up choosing same schools that gave them hard time during placement.

According to selection that was done they ensured that they don’t place more than five students in the same secondary school who were learning in the same primary school.

Those parents who are not comfortable to where there children were placed are advised to follow the following steps to change the placement of their children.

A parent or guardian should send a request at the school of interest where he wants his or her child to be transferred to. From there the school through National Education Management system ( NEMIS), will enter the details of the selected candidates from their waiting list and request the ministry to capture them in the new school.

Approval to the school’s requests shall be granted at different levels depending on the category of the school .

Once the approval has been granted, the learner will be moved from the selection list of the first school to the new school.

Lastly the parent or guardian will go online and print Admission letter for the new school.

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