KCSE 2021 Computer Studies Project

Download KCSE computer project 2021/2022

The Kenya National Examinations Council, Knec, has released the 2021 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) instructions and marking schemes for Computer Studies 451/3 Project.

According to the latest Knec guidelines, the 2021 Computer Studies Project will be done for a period of 7 months; July 2021 to January 2022.

KCSE 2021 Computer Studies 451/3 Project Instructions to Schools

Each school presenting candidates for Computer Studies (451) in the KCSE examination will be required to produce two copies of the project instructions. One copy will be for the Principal and the other one for the teacher in charge of the Computer Studies examination project hereafter referred to as the Computer Studies Teacher.

The Principal and the Computer Studies Teacher should each read these instructions carefully.

Relevant information should then be conveyed to the candidates as soon as possible to enable them to carry out the project in good time.

There is only one project. The title of the project is “MOVERS TRANSPORT SYSTEM”. It is necessary for the Computer Studies Teacher to discuss the project with the candidates and the Principal so as to understand what is required.

Also read; 2021 Knec projects for KCSE candidates: Project Instructions and How to capture Milestone 1 and 2 marks and photos


Schools presenting candidates for computer studies are required to provide each candidate with the following:

(a) A computer system

Each candidate will require access to a computer. The computer should be capable of running a Database Management System. This must be installed in the computer.

(b) Access to a printer

The candidates will require a printer to produce drafts and the final printouts of their project work.

(c) Removable storage medium (CD-R/CD-RW/DVD-R/DVD-RW)

Each candidate is required to save the finished project work in their storage medium. This will be handed in together with the printouts to the head of institution.

After the candidates have been provided with the resources outlined in (1) above, they should be instructed to keep a logbook of the activities carried out and any other observations made. The records will be used by the candidates to write their final report.

The project should be carried out by candidates between the months of August 2021 and January 2022.

The scoring guide will be uploaded on the KNEC website portal together with these instructions. Each school should download the scoring guide and make enough copies for all the candidates. The Computer Studies teacher should accurately assess the candidates’ projects using the scoring guide.

The total score of each candidate at the end of each of the two milestones shall be transferred from the individual assessment sheet to the manual assessment sheet. The list in the assessment sheet shall be entered in an ascending order of index numbers.

It is the responsibility of the head of institution to ensure that the candidates’ projects are marked and the scores correctly entered in the assessment sheets at the stipulated time for each milestone.

The report printouts, the soft copies, the assessment sheets and the report by the head of institution should be sent to the KNEC through the Sub County Director of Education by the end of the 2nd week of February.

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