Details on the Kabarak university’s 15th graduation ceremony in December 2019; Ultimate news
Kabarak University is pleased to announce that the 15th Graduation Ceremony will take place on December 20, 2019 starting at 9.00 a.m. at the Main Campus, Kabarak.
Graduation candidates are required to apply online through the students’ portal.
The candidates are required to confirm the correct spelling and order of their names in
the Graduation list which will be available in the University website with effect from December 2, 2019.
The names will be taken from the certificates the students had submitted for admission to the University as follows:
- Undergraduates programs – KCSE certificates or equivalent
- Masters programs – Undergraduate certificates
- PhD programs – Master’s certificates
Meanwhile, the Provisional Graduation List which is still subject to further audit and amendment has been posted in the University website Prospective candidates whose names are not in the Provisional List are advised to check with the Head of Department or Dean of School for further advice.
The candidates should pick their graduation attire from their respective Schools in Main Campus from 9th – 13th December, 2019 upon production of University and National ID/Passport.
The attire should be returned to the examinations office on 6-10″ January, 2020 during office hours, failure to which a penalty of Kshs.1,000 will be charged per day overdue, exclusive of weekends.
Each candidate will be given two invitation cards and a car sticker during the issue of graduation attire.
Rehearsal will be conducted on December 19, 2019 at 9.00 a.m. in the Chancellor’s Court. All candidates are required to attend the rehearsal dressed in graduation attire.
Only those who will have cleared outstanding fees by November 29, 2019 will be included in the Graduation List. Those who dear fee payment after this deadline will be deferred to the next graduation in 2020.
Graduands are required to be punctual for the Rehearsal and the Graduation Ceremony. On Graduation Day December 20, 2019, graduands and invited guests should be seated at the Chancellor’s Court not later than 8.00 am
For further inquiries:
- E-mail, academic [email protected]
- Tel. 0726 515369
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