DeKUT Center for Open, Distance and eLearning
Log in
Is this your first time here?
Welcome to DeKUT Center for Open Distance and eLearning.
You will need an account created for you by the center in order to login.
If you don’t have an account, request your Chair of Department to forward your details to us.
Have you lost your password?
Please write to us through
Remember to provide the following details:
Full names, regnumber, course and department and your official email for Dekut.
click HERE for our direct online live web chat support
To reset your password, submit your username or your email address below. If we can find you in the database, an email will be sent to your email address, with instructions how to get access again.
Student Portal
Please fill out the following fields to login:
Login Credentials
Your username is your student email address
. The initial password is your registration number
. You will be required to change your password once you log in.
Contact Details
- Incase of issues related to your Student Email kindly send an email to
- Incase of issues related to Student Portal kindly send an email to
- Incase of issues related to E-learning Portal kindly send an email to