CRE KCSE Mock Exams and Answers {Latest Best Collections}


MOCKS 1 2023




313/1 – Paper 1





JULY 2023 – 2 ½ HOURS


NAME: …………………………………………………………. INDEX NO: ……………………


CANDIDATE’S SIGNATURE: ………………………………… DATE:………………………………….


Instructions to candidates


  1. Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above.


  1. Sign and write the date of the examination in the spaces provided above.


  1. This paper consists of six questions.


  1. Answer any five questions in the spaces provided


  1. Each question carries 20 marks.


  1. Candidates should check the question paper ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.


  1. Candidates should answer the questions in English.





For examiners use only


Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 Candidates Score


Candidates score





  1 | P a g e




1.  a) Give reasons why the use of the Bible is central in the study of C.R. E (7marks)
b) Identify five causes of sin with reference to Genesis chapter 3. (5marks)
c) State ways through which human beings continue to be co-creators with God. (8marks)
2.  a) Describe the covenant ceremony between God and Abraham in Genesis 15: 1- 19. (7marks)
b) Identify seven ways in which God prepared Moses to be the future leader for his people. (7marks)
c) State ways in which Christians keep their vows to serve God. (5marks)


a) Identify the factors that led to the split of Israel after the death of King Solomon. (7marks)  
b) Give seven attributes that shows the nature of the Canaanite religion. (7marks)  
c) Outline ways in which Christian leaders misuse their positions today. (6marks)  
4. a) Explain four differences between the Traditional African and Old Testament prophets. (8marks)  
b) Give seven duties of the prophets of God in Israel. (7marks)  
c) Outline the relevance of Old Testament prophets to Christians today. (5marks)  
5. a) Identify the occasions in which Nehemiah prayed to justify his needs in Judah. (7marks)  


  1. Give the promises made when the Israelites renewed their covenant with God during Nehemiah’s time.





  1. c) Give six reasons why people seek refuge in other countries. (6marks) 6. a) Outline seven roles played by ancestors in traditional African communities. (7marks) b) Explain the changes that have taken place in the rite of initiation (6marks) c) Identify the moral values taught to the youth during initiation to adulthood in Traditional African communities. (7marks)



MOCKS 1 2023






JULY 2023- 2 ½ HOURS





NAME : ……………………………………………………….INDEX NO : ………………….


CANDIDATE’S SIGNATURE :……………………………………DATE :………………….


Instructions to candidates


  1. Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above.


  1. Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.


  1. This paper consists of six questions


  1. Answer any five questions in the spaces provided


  1. Each questions carries 20 marks


  1. Candidates should check question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.


  1. Candidates should answer the questions in English.


For examiners use only


Questions 1   2 3 4   5   6 Candidates score




1.(a) Outline the psalmist prophecies concerning the messiah Psalms 41:9, 110:1-2                         (6marks)

(b) In what seven ways was the birth of Jesus going to be extra ordinary according to Angel
Gabriel?                 (7marks)
(c) What lessons can Christians learn from the infancy stories about children.? (7marks)
2.(a) Describe the healing of the paralytic man in Luke 5:1-11.   (8marks)
(b) Identify eight ways through which Jesus promoted social equality.   (8marks)


(c) State five reasons why Christians should practice forgiveness in their lives.                                                                                                                                                                                           (5marks)


3.(a) Relate the parable of the tenants as recorded in Luke 20:9-19.                                                                                                                                                                                           (7marks)


  • Identify seven ways through which the disciples of Jesus demonstrated their love for Jesus. (7marks)



(c) How do Christians show demonstrate their love for God?                                                                                                                                                                                        (6marks)


4.(a) Outline the message of Peter concerning Joel’s prophecy on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:7-21).


(b) Explain the unity of believers as expressed in the image of the church. (8marks)
(c) State five factors that bind members together in a local church in Keny today. (6marks)
5.(a) State seven factors contributing to unemployment in Kenya today. (7marks)
(b) Identify ways in which the church is helping to solve social problems resulting from misuse of
leisure. (7marks)
(c) Give the dangers of using illicit drugs among the youths in Kenya today. (6marks)
6.(a) Identify ways through which wealth is acquired by people in Kenya today. (7marks)
(b) Give seven reasons why Christians should respect the law of the country. (7marks)
(c) How can the youth in the church today carry out environment restoration. (6marks)


C.R.E PAPER 313/1




MOCKS 1 2023




  1. a) Give reasons why the use of the bible is central in the study of C.R.E
    • It’s a library of books used by the learners as a references book.


  • It reveals God to learners.


  • It’s a source of knowledge.


  • It’s a source of Christian beliefs and practices.


  • It helps learners to understand their relationship with God.


  • It’s a sacred book containing God’s revelation to people


  • It’s the true written word of God containing God’s message to the people.


  • It reveals how God spoke to the people through prophets.

It sets standard for moral behavior.                 7 x 1 = 7 marks


  1. Identify five causes of sin with reference to Genesis


  • Disobedience by man


  • Lack of faith in God


  • Human weakness


  • Greed for power / mental health / poverty


  • Pride


  • Temptation from Satan

Lack of knowledge of God                                             5 x 1 = 5 marks


  1. State ways through which human beings continue to be co-creators with God


  • Through provision of proper medical care to preserve life through provision health care.


  • Through procreation / bringing up children.


  • Establish of churches to worship God.


  • Through offering training to people and providing employment / Education.


  • Through respecting and protecting the right of others.


  • Through practicing and preaching peace to promote harmony.


  • Through scientific and technological innovation.


  • Through enacting just law / condemning injustices.


  • Through establishment of industries / manufacture of goods and services.


  • Through taking care of the needy, the poor, the sick and less fortunate.


  • Obeying Gods commandments.


  • Taking care of the environment.


  • Through creative arts / drawing.


  • Through proper farming methods.


  1. a) Identify seven ways in which prepared Moses to be the future leader of his people


  • God spared his life when he was received by Pharaoh’s daughter and brought him up as a price.
  • He was nursed by his own mother through God’s plan and design.


  • His mother gave him his true identity as an Israelite.




CaSPA ELDORET DIOCESE EXAM                                                                                              P a g e 1 | 5


  • His life in the wilderness hardened him to be bold and persevere hardships.


  • He learnt to be patient, keen and responsible as a shepherd.


  • He also learnt family responsibility through taking care of his own family and that of Jethro.


  • He acquired leadership skills while living in Pharaoh’s palace.


  • He was not a stranger of Pharaoh and Egypt hence he would approach Pharaoh freely.


7 x 1 = 7 marks


  1. Describe the covenant between God and Abraham in Gen. 15:1-19


  • Abraham doubted God’s promises of a son because he was childless.


  • God assured Abraham that his own son will be his heir but not Elizier of Damascus.


  • God assured Abraham that his descendant will be like stars in the sky.


  • To ascertain this, God asked Abraham to bring the following animals for a covenant: A Heifer, Ashe-goat, Aram each three years old, a turtle dove and a young pigeon.


  • The animal was to be without blemish.


  • He was instructed to cut the animal into the halves.


  • God instructed Abraham to arrange the animal opposite each other in two raw.


  • He was not to cut the birds.


  • Birds of prey came to feed on the carcasses but Abraham drove them away.


  • Abraham fell into asleep, and then God appeared to him in a vision.


  • Abraham was given promises.


  • A smoking fire put a flaming torch appeared suddenly and passed through the pieces of meat. 7 x 1 = 7 marks


  1. State five ways in which Christians keep their vows to serve God


  • Being prayerful.


  • Giving to the needy / visiting the sick.


  • Reading the bible every day.


  • Evangelizing to others / preaching.


  • Leading exemplary lives.


  • Keeps God’s commandments.


  • Giving offering / tithes.

Worshiping God through songs and praises.  5 x 1 = 5 marks

  1. a) Identify the factors that led to the split of Israel after the death of King Solomon
    • Solomon married many foreign wives who introduced idolatry.


  • Solomon built high places for the worship of idols.


  • Solomon himself worshipped Idols.


  • Solomon overtaxed the people especially the northern tribes.


  • Jeroboam was willing to lead the rebellions group.


  • Solomon practiced forced labour among the northerners.


  • Rehoboam rejected the advice of elders to rule less harshly them his father. 7 x 1 = 7 marks


  1. Give seven attributes that shows the nature of the Canaanite religion


  • Its polytheistic in nature with many gods and goddesses.


  • It was cosmic / cyclic.


  • It was cultic in nature with rituals.





CaSPA ELDORET DIOCESE EXAM                                                                                              P a g e 2 | 5


  • It had false prophets / prophetesses.


  • It had images or symbols representing gods.


  • It had chief gods or a god was powerful in his own town.


  • It involved temple prostitution.


  • Their gods were visible or seen touched and felt.


  • They practiced human sacrifices.

They offered animal sacrifices.                               7 x 1 = 7 marks


  1. Outline ways in which Christian leaders misuse their positions today
    • Embezzling church funds


  • Employing their relatives / nepotism


  • Oppressing the needy


  • Imposing their ideas on the congregation


  • Practicing immorality


  • Misusing spiritual gifts e.g., false teachings


  • Showing off / pride

Taking revenge                                                                                             6 x 1 = 6 marks

  1. a) Explain four differences between the Traditional African and Old Testament Prophets


  • The Old Testament prophets received their messages from God, where as some traditional African prophets received their messages from the ancestors.


  • Old Testament prophets delivered messages to their own people and those outside their locality while traditional African prophets were confined with their own communities.


  • The prophecies of the Old Testament transitional African prophets were recorded while those of the traditional African prophets were passed orally.


  • Old Testament prophets were rejected / faced opposition in their communities while traditional Africa prophets were liked and respected by their communities.


  • Old Testament prophets promoted monotheism while traditional African prophets were involved in worship of many gods.


  • The Old Testament received their power guidance directly from God, while the African traditional prophets got their power from God through the living dead / spirits.


4 x 1 = 4 marks


  1. Give seven duties of God’s prophets in Israel


  • They anointed Kings to rule for example Samuel anointed Samuel.


  • They communicated God’s message to the people.


  • They guided people according to the covenant way of life.


  • The condemned evil deeds in the society.


  • They warned people on God’s impending judgment and punishment.


  • They revealed God’s nature and his will to the people.


  • They assured people of salvation despite God’s judgment.


  • They acted as a conscience of the Kings to the people.


  • They offered sacrifices to God.


  • They foretold future events.


They gave the people message of hope for example Jeremiah.      7 x 1 = 7 marks


  1. c) Outline the relevance of Old Testament prophets to Christians today






CaSPA ELDORET DIOCESE EXAM                                                                                              P a g e 3 | 5


  • Christians should realize that the call to Christianity has a prophetic role, they should therefore, be Gods messengers.
  • As God’s spokes people, they should always stand for the truth.


  • Once appointed as God’s prophet, one should pass the message of God without fear or favor.


  • God spokes people should always condemn social, political or economic evils in their society.


  • Christians are given hope to those who are suffering.


  • Christians should realize that God call both men and women to his service therefore a Christians should not discriminate.


  • Christians should be concerned about the welfare of their community members including non-Christian because God is a universal God.


  • As Christian one should use the gift of prophecy for the glory of God and for the common good of the people; such as Moses performed miracles to show God’s power and served


Israel.                                                                                                                                   5 x 1 = 5 marks


  1. a) Identify the occasions in which Nehemiah prayer to justify these needs in Judah.


  • When he received a report about the condition of the walls of Jerusalem and oppression of his people.


  • Before expressing his sorrow and sadness to King Artexes.


  • When Tobias and Sanballat and other enemies discourage / the workers not to build the wall.


  • When he donated dues to the needy in society, he wanted God to reward him.


  • When shemiah attempted to frighten him to hide in the temple.


  • After warning people of Judah against the violation of the Sabbath.


  • After cleansing the temple.


  • After chasing away the son in-law ballast from the temple.


  • After cleansing the Israelites from mixing with foreigners.


When he learnt of the conspiracy to invade Judah.                                                                                                                                 7 x 1 = 7 marks


  1. Give he promises made when the Israelites renewed their covenant with God during Nehemiah’s


Neh. 10:28-30


  • They were to live according to God’s law.


  • They would not intermediary with foreigners living in their land.


  • They promised not to farm every seventh year.


  • They would make annual contributions towards the temple expenses / to be Levites.


  • They were to provide wood for burnt offering / sacrifices.


  • They were to offer first fruits of their harvest and dedicate their first-born sons and flocks as per the law.


  • They would pay tithes accordance to the law.


They would not do business on the Sabbath day.              6 x 1 = 6 marks


  1. Give six reasons why people seek refuge in other countries


  • Due to famine / drought


  • Outbreak of war


  • Political unrest


  • Religious persecution


  • Unemployment / lack of sustainability for social security

Ethnic classes / tension                                                          6 x 1 = 6 marks



CaSPA ELDORET DIOCESE EXAM                                                                                              P a g e 4 | 5


  1. a) Outline seven roles played by ancestors   in traditional African Communities       (7mks)
  • They act as mediators /intercessors between the living and God.


  • Ancestor’s monitors, oversee what is happening in the community.


  • They bring punishment to wrong doers/bless those to right.


  • Ancestors give instructions / directions on what should be done by members of the community.


  • They rebuke / give a warning of the coming punishment for wrong doers.


  • Ancestors give guidance on how rituals should be conducted.


  • They safeguard traditions of their community.


  • Through the ancestors the living has a sense of belonging / identity.


  • Ancestors welcome the dead to the spiritual world.


  • They avert the consequences of curses from the community members.

Ancestors provide a reservoir of people’s names.            7 x 1 = 7 marks


  1. Explain the changes that have taken place in the rite initiation in Kenya today.


  • Female circumcision is discouraged.


  • Circumcision may be carried out at any age any time.


  • It’s taking place in hospitals.


  • Education is offered by other people or bodies and not sponsors.


  • Some practices like removal of teeth are dying out.


  • Elaborate ceremonies are minimal.


  • Initiates are no longer using the same equipment.


  • Role of age group is fading.


Initiation is no longer attest of bravery or courage.                                                                                                                                                      6 x 1 = 6 marks


  1. Identify the moral values taught to the youth during initiation to adulthood in traditional African communities


  • Courage and bravery


  • Hospitality / generosity


  • Integrity


  • Tolerance / endurance


  • Chastity


  • Respect / courtesy


  • Love responsibility


  • Co-operation / unity

Diligence                                                                                                                      7 x 1 marks



MOCKS 1 2023







  1. a. Outline the Psalmist prophecies concerning the Messiah 41:9;110:1-2 (6marks)


  • The Messiah will defeat the enemies of the Israelites.


  • He will sit on the right-hand side of God.


  • He will rule as king.


  • He will be called Lord.


  • He will rule from Zion.


  • He will rule as God’s representative on Earth.


  • He will rule in the midst of his enemies


–   He will be betrayed by a close friend                                                                                     6×1 = 6 marks.


  1. In what seven ways was the birth of Jesus going to be extra ordinary according to Angel


Gabriel?                                                                                                                                                                                   (7marks)


  • The birth was announced by the Angel Gabriel.


  • The name was given by the Angel before birth.


  • He was to be born of a virgin.


  • He was to be conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit.


  • His birth would be a fulfillment of God’s promises to David.


  • He was going to be great.


  • He would be called the son of the most high.


  • He would inherit the throne of his father David.


  • He would rule over Israel forever.


  • He would establish an everlasting kingdom.


–   He would be holy.      7×1=7 marks


  1. What lessons can Christians learn from the infancy stories of Jesus and John about children? (7marks)




  • They are preached to, so as to know the gospel


  • They are prayed for.



  • Children are given responsibilities in the church, that’s teaching Sunday school children, and being ushers.


  • They are guided and counseled on how to sustain their faith.


  • Some participate in sacraments e.g., Baptism and Holy communion.


  • They sing for the Lord.


  • They participate in Bible study.





– They organize seminars to attain their spiritual growth. 7×1 = 7marks a. Describe the healing of the paralytic man in Luke 5:1-11 (8marks)



  • One day when was Jesus teaching in a house, among his audience were scribes and Pharisees.


  • Some people brought him a man who was paralyzed.


  • But finding no way to bring him in because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed through the tiles into the midst before Jesus


  • When Jesus saw the great faith of those who brought him, Jesus told the paralytic your sins are forgiven my friend


  • The Pharisees who heard him Grambled saying it was only God who could forgive sins


  • To prove to the Pharisees and the scribes that he had divine power to forgive sins he challenged them by saying, is it easier to say your sins are forgiven you or to say get up and walk.


  • Jesus then ordered the paralytic to rise up pick up his bed and go home


  • Immediately the paralytic rose up and departed to his house glorifying God


– The people were amazed and they glorified God and they were filled with fear. 8×1 = marks
b.  Identify  eight  ways  through  Jesus  promoted  social  equality  in  St.  Luke ‘s  gospel.


  • He was born of ordinary parents.


  • He was born in a manager.


  • His birth was revealed to ordinary persons, the shepherds.


  • He underwent the Jewish rites.


  • As a child he assisted his parents, for example in carpentry.


  • He was baptized by John the Baptist.


  • He picked his disciples from the ordinary citizens.


  • He preached to people of all classes in the society that is Jewish, Gentiles, the poor, the rich and even tax collectors.


  • He called everybody to repent.




  • He performed miracles to all classes of people.


  • He mixed with all people.


  • He worked for the benefit of women in Jewish custom where they were looked down upon.


  • Used experiences from daily life in his parables.


– He was crucified with criminals and suffered death just like any other person.                                                                                                                                                                                 8×1=8marks



  1. State five reasons why Christians should practice forgiveness in their lives




  • To show love for others.


  • In order to promote peace unity / avert conflict.


  • It is a way of winning converts so as to promote healthy living / lengthen life.


  • In order to be forgiven by God.


  • To emulate the example of Jesus.


  • To show obedience to the teachings in the Bible / Christ’s commands.


– It is a way of acknowledging  their own weakness / no one is perfect / it is a sign of humility.


  • It’s a way of appreciating God’s mercy.


–    It’s a demonstration of their faith in God.                                                                           5×1= 5 marks


  1. a. Relate the parable of the tenants as recorded in Luke 20:9-19. (7marks)


  • A man planted a vineyard rented it to his tenants and went to another country for a long time.


  • When the time come for harvest, he rented three servants to the tenants so that they could give him some of the fruits of the vineyard, but they did not.


  • The three servants were beaten and sent away empty handed.


  • Then he finally sent his own son thinking that the tenants would accord him the necessary respect.


  • When the tenants saw him, they agreed among themselves to kill him and inherit the vineyard.


  • Jesus then asked what the man would do to tenants in return.


  • He said that men would destroy the tenants and give others the vineyard.


  • Jesus looked at them and said what does the scripture mean, the stone which builders rejected has


become the cornerstone.                                                                                                                   7×1 = 7 marks


  1. b Identify ways through which the disciples of Jesus demonstrated their love for Jesus (7marks)


  • They left their duties and responsibilities and followed Jesus.


  • They accepted and obeyed his teaching.


  • They invited him to their homes for example Peter and Levi.


  • They joined him in prayer.


  • They gave him physical protection for example Peter.



4 b) Explain the unity of believers as expressed in the image of the church.
  • They accompanied him from place to place.


  • They helped him spread the gospel.


  • They took advice from him.


  • They were present at the cross, sad and weeping.


  • They removed his body from the cross after him death and buried it.


  • They took care of his mother.



–   They were happy after his resurrection.

7×1 = 7marks



3 c. How do Christians show demonstrate love for God –




– Through preaching the good news to others.


– Through giving tithes offerings


– Through caring for the ready


– Through caring for the environment


– Being involved in church functions.


– Through following the church doctrine


– Through celebrating the sacraments


– Through singing Christian songs


– Through observing the day of worship.                                                                                           6×1 = 6 marks



4 (a) Online the message of Peter concerning Joel’s prophecy on the day of Pentecost Acts 2:7-21 (7marks)

In the last day, God will pour his spirit on all the people.


  • Sons /daughters will prophecy


  • Young men will see visions


  • Old men will dream dreams


  • Men servants and maid servants shall prophecy.


  • God will show wonders in heaven above and signs on the Earth beneath, blood and fire and vapor of smoke.


  • The sun shall be turned into darkness and moon into blood before the day of the Lord comes.


  • Those who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.


  • Jesus of Nazareth performed mighty works and wonders to and signs through Gods’ Power.


7×1= 7 marks (8marks)



  • The church is compared to husband-wife relationship, members of the church should learn to live in unity just like husband and wife.


  • Just as the husband is the head of a marriage, Christ is the head of the church.


  • Just as Christ sacrificially loves the church, husbands should love their wives.


  • Just as husband-and-wife relationship is meant to last forever, Christians are called upon to maintain steadfast faithfulness to Christ until eternity.


  • Christians are called upon to submit to Christ to just as a wife submits to the husband.


  • Just as husband and wife become one flesh, so Christians are supposed to be united with Christ.


  • Jesus as Christ nourishes the church, husbands should care for their wives.


Any four 4×2 8marks


4 c) State five factors that bind together members of the local church in Kenya today. (6 marks)
– Church leadership  
– Church structure  
– Church doctrines  
– Guidance and counseling department  
– Use of spiritual gifts  
– Communal work in church  
– Church fellowship  
– Pastoral care 5×1 =5marks
5 a) State seven factors contributing to unemployment in Kenya. (7marks)
  • High population where there are too many people and few available jobs.
  • Lack of enough capital to start a business.


  • Lack of skill so as to be absorbed in the job market


  • Rural-urban migration –too many people in towns and jobs are limited.


  • Many Kenyans prefer white collar jobs as education system is geared towards that / education system is not in line with the job market.


  • Negative attitude towards work –some Kenyans lack initiative.


  • Unequal distribution of wealth some regions have more recourses than others.


  • Introduction of new technology like computers leading to retrenchment.


  • Bribery, corruption leading to people getting jobs and they are not qualified.


  • Poor economic policies by the government which hinder job creation.


  • Insecurity / increase in crime discouraging local and foreign investors.


– Selfishness and greed where some people take more than one job.                                      7 x1 (7marks)







5 b) Identify seven ways in which the church is helping to solve social problems resulting from misuse


of leisure.                                                                                                                                                                                           (7marks)


  • Praying for God’s intervention.


  • Visiting and giving encouragement to the affected.


  • Guidance and counseling the affected to find the root cause of their problems and help them on how to deal with it / preaching good news of salvation.


  • Loving and accepting the affected as they are.


  • Occupy the affected with something useful creating employment for them.


  • Take the affected for medical attention.


  • Opening rehabilitation centers for the affected who require special attention.


  • The church empowering the youth economically by giving them loans to start small businesses.


  • Establishment of church recreation facilities.


  • Educating the youth on proper use of leisure.


– Offering vocational training.                                                                                                                  7×1 = 7marks



  1. c) Give dangers of using illicit drugs among the youths in Kenya today.




  • There is an increase in rate of crimes committed.


  • The use of illicit drugs leads to sexual immorality / contracting of sexually transmitted infections /HIV and Aids.


  • Dependence /leading to poverty /lower productivity.


  • Illicit drugs damage vital organs /ill health.


  • The number of street children /families is increasing as a result of using drugs.


  • Use of illicit drugs is illegal / the offence are liable for punishment /imprisonment.


  • Use of illicit drugs can cause employer employee conflicts /jobs inefficacy.


  • Illicit drugs users become irresponsible quarrelsome /irritable leading to family disagreements /breakups.


  • Illicit drugs use can lead to murder/death.


  • Illicit drugs lead to- addiction.


– It causes indiscipline in educational institutions.                                                            6×1 = 6 marks



6 a) Identify ways through which wealth is acquired by people in Kenya today.


– Through inheritance


– Through industrial investment

(7 marks)




– By exploitation of natural resources


– Through trading activities


– Through commercial farming


– By investing money influential institutions


– Through employment


– Through receiving gifts and donations


– Through gambling



– Through exploitation of talents.


  1. b) Give seven reasons why Christians should respect the law of the country.

7×1 =7 marks





– it’s an act of patriotism


-Laws protect the rights of an individual


– To ensure security /protection of people /property


– Maintain peace /harmony


– Enhance morality in the society


– To respect authority which comes from God


– Law defines the duties of each individual in society.


– Law encourages justice


– It promotes National Development


– To imitate Jesus



– To be role models


  1. c) How can the youth in the church carry out environmental restoration in Kenya.

6×1 = 6marks





By marking contributions towards:



  • Conservation of the environment like planting trees


  • Observing personal hygiene


  • Participating in conservation projects like digging terraces, cleaning the environment


  • care for flora and fauna.


  • n participate in activities that destroy the environment.


  • teach on methods of environmental conservation programmes


– lobbying the government to eruct laws aimed at protecting the environment                 6×1 = 6marks

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