NAME: ……………………………        Adm. No. ………………..….

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Instructions to candidates:


  • This paper consists of SIX
  • Answer any FIVE questions in the answer booklet provided.










1 20  
2 20  
3 20  
4 20  
5 20  
6 20  
TOTAL 100  


  1. (a) From the Genesis stories of creation, identify four teachings on the relationship between human

being and environment.                                                                                                                           (8marks)

(b)   Give six responsibilities that God gave to man from the Genesis accounts of creation.     (6marks)

(c)   State the causes of evil in the traditional African community.                                                   (6 marks)

  1. (a) Identify seven activities that took place on the night of Exodus.                                        (7 marks)

(b)   Write down the importance of the Ten Commandments to the Israelites.                          (5 marks)

(c)   State lessons Christians learn about God from the ten plagues.                                                (8 marks)

  1. (a) State reasons that contributed to the division between Judah and Israel.                     (7 marks)

(b)   Identify seven failures of King Ahab.                                                                                                       (7 marks)

(c)   Give reasons why political leaders in Kenya fail to perform their duties effectively.       (6marks)

  1. (a) Explain the differences between the traditional African Prophets and old testament prophets.                                                                                                    (8 marks)
  • State Amos teaching on Israel’s election.                                                      (6 marks)

(c)   Give six ways through which the church prepares her converts for membership.               (6marks)

  1. (a) Outline Zechariah’s message about John the Baptist in the Benedictus. (Luke 1: 76 – 79)                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (6marks)

(b)  State the similarities between the work of John the Baptist and that of Jesus Christ. (8marks)

(c)  With appropriate examples from the book of Luke, give six lessons Christians learn from the life of

John the Baptist.                                                                                                                                                   (6marks)

  1. (a) Describe the incident when Jesus healed a man possessed by a demon in a Synagogue at apernaum.

(Luke 4:31-37)                                                                                                                                               (7marks)

(b)  State seven qualities of a disciple of Jesus taught in the sermon on the plain.                   (7marks)

(c)   State six challenges facing Christianity today.                                                                                    (6marks)





  1. (a) Teaching on the relationship between human beings and the environment.

(i)        Both have a common origin. They are created by God

(ii)       Human beings are superior to all other creatures

(iii)      Human beings should take care of the environment

(iv)      Human beings have authority over the rest of creation

(v)       Human beings should enjoy Gods creation

(vi)      Human beings should treat the rest of creation with respect

(vii)     Human beings and the environment are interdependent

(viii)    Human beings and the rest of Gods creation have a common destiny

(ix)      Both were made to reveal Gods glory                                               4 x 2 = 8 marks


(b)       Give the responsibilities given to man by God from genesis from chapter 1 and 2

(i)        To procreate/have children

(ii)       To rule over the rest of creation

(iii)      To cultivate the garden of Aden

(iv)      To guard the garden of Aden

(v)       To eat the fruit of the garden

(vi)      To obey Gods commands

(vii)     To get married

(viii)    To name Gods creation                                                                      6 x 1 = 6 marks

(c)       Causes of evil in the traditional African communities

(i)        Evil spirits

(ii)       Malicious ancestral spirits

(iii)      Evil people like witches, sorcerers, wizards

(iv)      Breaking the taboos

(v)       Curses by parents and elders

(vi)      Breaking of oaths

(vii)     Bad omen                                                                                6 x 1 = 6 marks


  1. (a) Activities that took place on the night of the exodus

(i)        Animals were slaughtered

(ii)       Blood was put on the door post of the house

(iii)      The slaughtered animal was to be roasted

(iv)      Israelites ate unleavened bread /bitter herbs

(v)       They ate while fully dressed for the journey in hurry

(vi)      They stayed in door until morning

(vii)     They burnt all the leftovers of the meal

(viii)    The killing Egyptian firstborns by the angel of death

(ix)      The mourning by the Egyptians when they realized their firstborns were dead

(x)       The pharaoh allowing the Israelites to leave Egypt                          7 x 1 = 7 marks


(b)       Importance of the Ten Commandments to the Israelites

(i)        To help them relate well with God

(ii)       To help them relate well with one another

(iii)      To protect them from the polytheistic Canaanite religion/ influences

(iv)      The Ten Commandments formed the foundation of their lives and their nation

(v)       To make the Israelites live as Gods people and be a model to other people/to

help them live according to the covenant

(vi)      To create order in the community.                                                    5 x 1 = 5 marks




(c)       Lessons Christians can learn about God from the then plagues

(i)        God is powerful

(ii)       God uses people to pass his message

(iii)      God is just/God punishes those who go wrong

(iv)      God is all knowing

(v)       God is merciful he delivered the Israelites

(vi)      God is omnipresent

(vii)     God is faithful/god keeps his promises

(viii)    God demands obedience

(ix)      God saves

(x)       God is the lord of nature                                                                    8 x 1 = 8 marks


  1. (a) Reasons that contributed to the division of the kingdom

(i)        Solomon had married foreign wives who brought idols with them

(ii)       Solomon built high places of worship for idol god which displeased God

(iii)      Solomon overtaxed the Israelites

(iv)      He introduced force labour in Israel to accomplish the building of the place

and the temple

(v)       The availability of Jeroboam to be a spokesman of the people of Israel

(vi)      Rejection of Rehoboam of the advice of the old men

(vii)     Rehoboam accepted the advice of the young to rule harshly

(viii)    The readiness of jeroboam to rule the people of the North               7 x 1 = 7 marks


(b)       Failures of King Ahab

(i)        He allowed the idol worship Israel

(ii)       He allowed his wife Jezebel to bear false witness against Naboth

(iii)      He coveted Naboths vineyard

(iv)      He killed Naboth

(v)       He failed to protect the weak/poor as demanded by the law

(vi)      He took Naboths vineyard unlawfully

(vii)     He worshipped idols

(viii)    He stole Naboths vineyard stealing

(ix)      He used the name of God in vain when he said that Naboth had

blasphemed God                                                                                 7 x 1 = 7 marks


(c)       Reasons why political leaders fail to perform their duties effectively

(i)        Lack of leadership skills

(ii)       Divisions/conflicts within/between parties

(iii)      Women leaders are discriminated

(iv)      Inability to live to the expectation of the electorate

(v)       Inadequate funds to initiate development projects to help their electorate

(vi)      Cultural/religious tribal/ethnic/racial corruption

(vii)     Conflict/division of ideologies

(viii)    Insecurity /threats/harassment

(ix)      Ridicule from member of society

(x)       Lack o adequate forum to meet with the electorate                          6 x 1 = 6 marks



  1. (a) Difference between testament prophets and traditional African prophets

(i)        The Old Testament prophets stressed the worship of one God/Monotheism

while in traditional African Communities prophets recognized many, gods,

and goddesses

(ii)       The Old Testament prophets faced opposition from their people while traditional African prophets were respected in their communities

(iii)      The Old Testament received their power, guidance, directly from God, while the

African traditional prophets got their power from God through spirit

(iv)      The Old Testament prophets prophesied to other communities and nations but traditional African prophets were configured to their ethnic communities

(v)       The work of Old Testament prophets were recorded and reserved while in

traditional African it was handed through oral tradition                  4 x 2 = 8 marks


(b)       Amos teaching on Israel election

(i)        Israelites were chosen by God

(ii)       Israelites was chosen /elected from many other nations

(iii)      By being elected it put at a point of responsibility

(iv)      Israel was to obey God/be faithful

(v)       Failure to be faithful would lead to punishment

(vi)      Israel election was due to the love for their fore father

(vii)     God would choose many other nations

(viii)    Israel election was not supposed to be used to manipulate God but serve him

6 x 1 = 6 marks

(c)       Ways through which the church prepares converts for full membership

(i)        The converts were taught the bible, the history of the church and its doctrines

(ii)       The converts are counselled on the Christian values and principles

(iii)      They are taught their responsibilities in the church

(iv)      They are taught catechism to prepare them for baptism and confirmation

(v)       They go through the sacrament of baptism and confirmation

(vi)      They are instructed on how to study the bible

(vii)     They are introduced to the members of the church /congregation

(viii)    In some churches, they are given a chance to affirm their faith practically

through public confession

(ix)      The leaders of the church and other members pay the pastoral visit

(x)       They are given uniform and badges

(xi)      They undergo ordination ceremonies

(xii)     Married couples are encouraged to solemnize their marriage          6 x 1 = 6 marks


  1. (a) Zechariah’s message about John the Baptist in the Benedictus. (Luke 1: 76 – 79)
  • John will be the Prophet of the Most High.
  • He will be the forerunner of the Messiah / He will prepare the way of the Messiah.
  • He will give knowledge of salvation to the people of God.
  • John will give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.
  • He will direct God’s people to tender mercy of God which they will receive forgiveness of sins. (any 3×2 = 6mks)


  • Both preached the message of salvation / They preached the Good News.
  • Both preached about social justice / They condemned social injustices.
  • They advised people to repent their sins in order to attain salvation.
  • Both condemned hypocrisy in the Jewish society.
  • Both predicted what would happen in the future / They foretold the future / Both were prophets.
  • John and Jesus encountered opposition from the Jewish leaders.
  • Both died for what they stood for.
  • Both fulfilled what was prophesized in the Old Testament / Their ministry had been prophesied in the Old Testament. (any 4×2 = 8mks)


  • Christians should be courageous in their work, John did not fear to condemn Herod.
  • They should be honest like John who revealed the hypocrisy in the lives of Israel.
  • They should be ready to suffer just as John was jailed for the sake of the Gospel.
  • Christians should have faith. John had a strong conviction that the Messiah would be coming very soon.
  • John obeyed God by proclaiming His message. Christians should also obey God.
  • Christians should be ready to lead a life of self-denial. John lived in the wilderness.
  • Christians should be ready to serve God. John served God by baptizing people and preaching the gospel.
  • John was humble as he acknowledged the greatness of Jesus. Christians should be humble.                                                                       (any 6 x 1 = 6mks)
  1. (a)
  • Jesus went to Capernaum after the rejection at Nazareth.
  • He taught people in a synagogue.
  • People were astonished at his teaching because he taught with authority.
  • There was a man in the synagogue who had a demon.
  • The man cried out to Jesus with a loud voice. Ah! What have you to do with us Jesus of Nazareth?
  • Jesus rebuked the demon and commanded it to be silent.
  • The demon threw the man down and left without hurting him.
  • People were amazed.
  • Reports about Jesus spread. (any 7×1 = 7mks)


  • He should love his enemies.
  • Should pray for those who mistreat them.
  • A true disciple should give without expecting to be paid back.
  • A disciple should be merciful as God is merciful.
  • He / she should not judge / condemn others.
  • He should forgive others so as to be forgiven also.
  • A disciple should obey God / should set a good example.
  • A disciple should not revenge / not strike back when offended.(any 7×1=7mks)


  • Advancement in science has challenged the basic beliefs of Christianity.
  • There are false doctrines which are opposed to Christianity / cults that spread false teachings.
  • Negative influence by the mass media / competition from modern entertainment.
  • Competition from other faiths such as Islam, Hinduism and Budhism.
  • Different interpretation of the Bible on issues such as homosexuality, same sex marriage and lesbianism.
  • Secularization of the society prevents Christians from practicing their faith freely.
  • Failure by some Christians to measure up to the teachings of the church / Hypocrisy is rife in Christianity.
  • Schism in the church especially between the third world and developed countries.
  • The influence of prosperity gospel / materialism in the church.
  • The diminishing numbers of people who attend the church / Reduction of church membership especially in western world.
  • Lack of adequate training / mentorship of church leaders. (any 6×1 = 6mks)

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