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Computer Studies Form 4 KCSE Revision Exams, Mocks




NAME …………………………………………. INDEX NO …………………………….


CANDIDATES SIGN ……………………………..  DATE………………………..




Computer Studies

Paper 1


2 ½ Hours



  1. State one function of each of the following.

(a) Peripheral devices                                                                                          (1 mark


(b) System software                                                                                             (1 mark)


  1. Give importance of having the following in computer laboratory;-             (3marks)
  2. Standard furniture in the laboratory


  1. Antiglare screen/ monitor


  • UPS


  1. Describe future trends in microcomputers in relation to:

(a)       Hardware                                                                                            (2 marks)


(b)       Software                                                                                             (2 marks)


  1. Explain themeaningofBACKUP (2mks)



  1. Differentiate between the following terms as used in word processing. (3marks)
  • Drop Cap and Case


  • Superscript and subscript


  • Indent and tab


  1. Statetwo advantages ofelectronicspreadsheets overmanual workshee (2marks)


  1. (a) State and explain any one type of computer processing file.                       (1mark)


(b)             List any two fileorganization methods                                                    (2marks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

  1. Defineaprimarykeyfield (3marks)


  1. Statethetwo requirements of computerprogram testing (2marks)




  1. A computer studies form one student was requested to format his diskette in Windows XP Operating System environment. Instead, he selected and formatted the hard drive by mistake.

(a)       Explain why the student had to format his diskette.                         (1 mark)


(b)       Explain a possible consequence of the mistake made by the student.    (1 mark)


(c)      Describe two situations when the computer user will be required to format a storage media.                                                                                               (1 mark)


  1. Worksheet cells are referenced usingthe column letter and row number e. D2 is cell in column D and row2.

Usethesampleworksheet provided to answerthequestions below.




  A B C D E F
1 Moth Jan. Feb Mar. April Total
2 Fees 460 460 460 460  
3. Food 300 350- 305 270  
4. Electricity 100 100 100 100  
5. Fuel 150 150 150 150  
6 Transport 38 270 150 300  
7 total          



Writedown thedatatypethat is stored in cells C5


What cell contains thedataitems representingtransport forthemonth of

  February? (1mark)



Writedown the formulathat maybeused to computethetotal in cell F6.





  1. What is deadlock in reference to operating systems                                     (2marks)


  1. One way in which computing technology has impacted positively on society is the ease of communication through the e-mail. State two disadvantages of e-mail. (2 marks)


  1. Differentiate between baseband and broadband signal as used in networking. (2marks)
  2. Baseband signal


  1. Broadband signal


  1. Explain two ways of protecting data and information against unauthorized access. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(2marks)




Answer question 16 (compulsory) and any other three questions from this section.

  1. a) State the function of the following symbols as used in the flowchart.

(i)                                                                                                        (1 mark)




(ii)                                                                                                       (1 mark)




(b)To maintain a strategic fit Safaricom is introducing a tariff called the mega tariff that will lower costs to Safaricom to Safaricom calls and calls to other networks.  Calls to             Safaricom networks will be charged according to the time of the day as listed below:

-Between 8am to 12 noon – 6 Ksh

-Between 12 noon to 8pm-0.8 Kshs

-Between 8pm to 1 am -4Kshs

-Between 1 am to 8am- 1Kshs

Internal calls to other networks are charged at a fixed rate of Kshs 7 between 8am to 8pm             and Kshs 5 the rest of the day. International calls are charged at a rate of Kshs 25 between 8am to 8pm and Kshs 35 for the rest of the day.  All calls are charged per minute usage.

Mr. Wasswa Baale a business man who makes both internal and international calls would like to make maximum use of this tariff.




Write a pseudo code that would show him know the charges of calls with an appropriate label when he the inputs type of call and the time where appropriate.  Use a 24 hour clock.                                                                                                                                                (7 marks)






(c)       Design a flowchart for the pseudo code in 16(a) above.                               (6 marks)







  1. Perform the followingbinaryarithmetic andgiveyour answers in decimal notation:

(i)       1010.101 +11.011                                                                (3marks)



(ii)      1010.011 – 11.011                                                                  (3marks)








(b)Covert the following numbers into theirbinaryequivalents



(i)       0.562510                                                                                                                          (3marks)


(ii)      0.312510                                                                                                                          (3marks)


  1. c) Usingfour– bit twos compliment, perform the followingarithmetic (3marks)














  1. A school computer laboratory is scheduled to undergo major renovations. The lab is schedule to receive new computer whose specifications are given below:-

Pentium IV 2.8GHz processor


3 ½ FDD


56 x CD ROM

17” SVGA TFT monitor

The computers are going to be networked and will be able to browse the internet.

  1. Explain what is meant by the terms:-                                                           (2marks)
  2. FDD


  1. HDD


  • SVGA


  1. TFT


  1. The computer is to be networked, name one extra device that should be fitted on every computer to enable this to happen             (1mark)


  1. The computer is to receive internet facilities through the server on a dial; up system. Name and describe the function of a special device that needs to be connected to the server to complete the connection.       (1mark).


  1. (i) The school has to apply star topology to link up the computer. List two advantages of this type oftopology.                                                       (1mark)


(ii) Name the central device used to connect the computers in this topology.   (1mark)


  1. List two other types of topologies that the school could have opted for       (1mark)


  1. List four advantages of using a network                                                 (2marks)



  1. (i) Data transmission via the internet is done using a mode known as packet switching. Describe thisdata transmission mode.                                                             (1mark)


(ii) Name two other modes of transmission                                                        (1mark)


  1. (i) The school’s LAN is done using UTR cable. List two advantages of using this type of cable. (1mark)


(ii) List two advantages of using fibre cable in networking.                  (1mark)


  1. Data flows in the school’s LAN in a duplex manner. Discuss two other types of data transmission in network giving examples.                                                        (2marks)


  1. a) The growth and widespread use of computers and its related technologies has led to job displacement, creation and replacement. Define the following terminologies.

(i)        Job displacement                                                                                (1mark)


(ii)      Job creation                                                                                        (1mark)


(iii)      Job replacement                                                                     (1mark)


(b) Natural language processing is an area of computer systems evolution.

(i) Differentiate between natural language processing and voice input/output.(2marks)


(ii) State any two difficulties of implementing natural language processing.   (2 marks)


(c)(i) Explain three ways in which computers and related technologies can increase                         stress in the workplace.                                                                      (3 marks)



(ii) Suggest two ways in which computer related stress in the workplace can be minimized.

(2 marks)


(d)State any three examples of Internet use that may be considered morally wrong. (3 marks)


  1. Define the following terms
  • Database ( ½mark)


  • Database management system ( ½ mark)


  • Hierarchical database       (1mark)


  • Relational database (1mark)


  • Network database (1mark)


(b) List the advantages of using an electronic database system for storage of data over the file approach.                                                                                                              (4marks).


















(c ) Study the spreadsheet below and answer the questions that follow

  A B C D



3 DBASE IV 400.00 145  
4 LOTUS FOR DUMMIES 460.00 15  
5 OFFICE WORD IN 3 DAYS 300.00 65  
6 LEARN C++ IN 3 DAYS 700.00 100  
8 COMPUTER STUDIES 500.00 300  


300.00 10  


  1. Write down the formula that can be used to find the price of the most costly book. (1mark)


  1. Write down the formula that can be used to determine the total sales for the book titled COMPUTER STUDIES (1mark)


  • Write down the formula that can be used to determine the average price of the books.(1mark)


  1. Write down the formula in cell D6 that can be used to find the new price per book if they went up by a percentage written in cell B 10 and the formula has to be entered only in cell D3 then be copied to others.                                                                                       (1mark)


  1. Write down the output in D7 if in B6 is 10% (1mark)


(d) State any four advantages of using an electronic spreadsheet as compared to a traditional worksheet.                                                                                                            (2marks)





Computer Studies

Paper 1


2 ½ Hours



  1. State one function of each of the following.

(a) Peripheral devices                                                                                          (1 mark


(b) System software                                                                                             (1 mark)


  1. Give importance of having the following in computer laboratory;-             (3marks)
  2. Standard furniture in the laboratory


  1. Antiglare screen/ monitor


  • UPS


  1. Describe future trends in microcomputers in relation to:

(a)       Hardware                                                                                            (2 marks)


(b)       Software                                                                                             (2 marks)


  1. Explain themeaningofBACKUP (2mks)



  1. Differentiate between the following terms as used in word processing. (3marks)
  • Drop Cap and Case


  • Superscript and subscript


  • Indent and tab


  1. Statetwo advantages ofelectronicspreadsheets overmanual workshee (2marks)


  1. (a) State and explain any one type of computer processing file.                       (1mark)


(b)             List any two fileorganization methods                                                    (2marks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

  1. Defineaprimarykeyfield (3marks)


  1. Statethetwo requirements of computerprogram testing (2marks)




  1. A computer studies form one student was requested to format his diskette in Windows XP Operating System environment. Instead, he selected and formatted the hard drive by mistake.

(a)       Explain why the student had to format his diskette.                         (1 mark)


(b)       Explain a possible consequence of the mistake made by the student.    (1 mark)


(c)      Describe two situations when the computer user will be required to format a storage media.                                                                                               (1 mark)


  1. Worksheet cells are referenced usingthe column letter and row number e. D2 is cell in column D and row2.

Usethesampleworksheet provided to answerthequestions below.




  A B C D E F
1 Moth Jan. Feb Mar. April Total
2 Fees 460 460 460 460  
3. Food 300 350- 305 270  
4. Electricity 100 100 100 100  
5. Fuel 150 150 150 150  
6 Transport 38 270 150 300  
7 total          



Writedown thedatatypethat is stored in cells C5


What cell contains thedataitems representingtransport forthemonth of

  February? (1mark)



Writedown the formulathat maybeused to computethetotal in cell F6.





  1. What is deadlock in reference to operating systems                                     (2marks)


  1. One way in which computing technology has impacted positively on society is the ease of communication through the e-mail. State two disadvantages of e-mail. (2 marks)


  1. Differentiate between baseband and broadband signal as used in networking. (2marks)
  2. Baseband signal


  1. Broadband signal


  1. Explain two ways of protecting data and information against unauthorized access. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(2marks)




Answer question 16 (compulsory) and any other three questions from this section.

  1. a) State the function of the following symbols as used in the flowchart.

(i)                                                                                                        (1 mark)




(ii)                                                                                                       (1 mark)




(b)To maintain a strategic fit Safaricom is introducing a tariff called the mega tariff that will lower costs to Safaricom to Safaricom calls and calls to other networks.  Calls to             Safaricom networks will be charged according to the time of the day as listed below:

-Between 8am to 12 noon – 6 Ksh

-Between 12 noon to 8pm-0.8 Kshs

-Between 8pm to 1 am -4Kshs

-Between 1 am to 8am- 1Kshs

Internal calls to other networks are charged at a fixed rate of Kshs 7 between 8am to 8pm             and Kshs 5 the rest of the day. International calls are charged at a rate of Kshs 25 between 8am to 8pm and Kshs 35 for the rest of the day.  All calls are charged per minute usage.

Mr. WasswaBaale a business man who makes both internal and international calls would like to make maximum use of this tariff.




Write a pseudo code that would show him know the charges of calls with an appropriate label when he the inputs type of call and the time where appropriate.  Use a 24 hour clock.                                                                                                                                                (7 marks)






(c)       Design a flowchart for the pseudo code in 16(a) above.                               (6 marks)







  1. Perform the followingbinaryarithmetic andgiveyour answers in decimal notation:

(i)       1010.101 +11.011                                                                (3marks)



(ii)      1010.011 – 11.011                                                                  (3marks)








(b)Covert the following numbers into theirbinaryequivalents



(i)       0.562510                                                                                                                          (3marks)


(ii)      0.312510                                                                                                                          (3marks)


  1. c) Usingfour– bit twos compliment, perform the followingarithmetic (3marks)















  1. A school computer laboratory is scheduled to undergo major renovations. The lab is schedule to receive new computer whose specifications are given below:-

Pentium IV 2.8GHz processor


3 ½ FDD


56 x CD ROM

17” SVGA TFT monitor

The computers are going to be networked and will be able to browse the internet.

  1. Explain what is meant by the terms:-                                                           (2marks)
  2. FDD


  1. HDD


  • SVGA


  1. TFT


  1. The computer is to be networked, name one extra device that should be fitted on every computer to enable this to happen             (1mark)


  1. The computer is to receive internet facilities through the server on a dial; up system. Name and describe the function of a special device that needs to be connected to the server to complete the connection.       (1mark).


  1. (i) The school has to apply star topology to link up the computer. List two advantages of this type oftopology.                                                       (1mark)


(ii) Name the central device used to connect the computers in this topology.   (1mark)


  1. List two other types of topologies that the school could have opted for       (1mark)


  1. List four advantages of using a network                                                 (2marks)


  1. (i) Data transmission via the internet is done using a mode known as packet switching. Describe thisdata transmission mode.                                                             (1mark)


(ii) Name two other modes of transmission                                                        (1mark)


  1. (i) The school’s LAN is done using UTR cable. List two advantages of using this type of cable. (1mark)


(ii) List two advantages of using fibre cable in networking.                  (1mark)


  1. Data flows in the school’s LAN in a duplex manner. Discuss two other types of data transmission in network giving examples.                                                        (2marks)


  1. a) The growth and widespread use of computers and its related technologies has led to job displacement, creation and replacement. Define the following terminologies.

(i)        Job displacement                                                                                (1mark)


(ii)      Job creation                                                                                        (1mark)


(iii)      Job replacement                                                                     (1mark)


(b) Natural language processing is an area of computer systems evolution.

(i) Differentiate between natural language processing and voice input/output.(2marks)


(ii) State any two difficulties of implementing natural language processing.   (2 marks)


(c)(i) Explain three ways in which computers and related technologies can increase                         stress in the workplace.                                                                      (3 marks)


(ii) Suggest two ways in which computer related stress in the workplace can be minimized.                                                                                                                                                (2 marks)


(d)State any three examples of Internet use that may be considered morally wrong. (3 marks)


  1. Define the following terms
  • Database ( ½mark)


  • Database management system ( ½ mark)


  • Hierarchical database       (1mark)


  • Relational database (1mark)


  • Network database (1mark)


(b) List the advantages of using an electronic database system for storage of data over the file approach.                                                                                                              (4marks).


(c ) Study the spreadsheet below and answer the questions that follow

  A B C D



3 DBASE IV 400.00 145  
4 LOTUS FOR DUMMIES 460.00 15  
5 OFFICE WORD IN 3 DAYS 300.00 65  
6 LEARN C++ IN 3 DAYS 700.00 100  
8 COMPUTER STUDIES 500.00 300  


300.00 10  


  1. Write down the formula that can be used to find the price of the most costly book. (1mark)


  1. Write down the formula that can be used to determine the total sales for the book titled COMPUTER STUDIES (1mark)


  • Write down the formula that can be used to determine the average price of the books.(1mark)


  1. Write down the formula in cell D6 that can be used to find the new price per book if they went up by a percentage written in cell B 10 and the formula has to be entered only in cell D3 then be copied to others.                                                                                       (1mark)


  1. Write down the output in D7 if in B6 is 10% (1mark)


(d) State any four advantages of using an electronic spreadsheet as compared to a traditional worksheet.                                                                                                            (2marks)



NAME……………………………………………..INDEX NO…………………….



CANDIDATE SIGN.……………………. DATE………………………


Mock Exam


Computer Studies

Paper 2


2 ½ Hours



(a)       Type the following text using a word processor, font size 12’, line spacing 1 1/2 and save it as ACM1.                                                                                                                    (20mks)

Congress Endorses Computer Science Education as Driver of Innovation, Economic


AC (1 0/21/0 9,)

ACM and several computing community partners commend the U.S. I-House of Representatives

passage of a resolution to improve the visibility of computer science as a transforming industry

that propels technology innovation and improves economic productivity. The House resolution

designates the week of December 7 as ‘National Computer Science Education Week’ and calls

on educators and policymakers to improve computer science learning at all education levels and to encourage increased participation in computer science.

ACM is working with Microsoft. Google, Intel. the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA), the NationalCenter for Women & Information Technology (NC WIT), and the Computing Research Association to improve awareness that computer science education is a national priority. “National Computer Science Education Week will help us draw attention to the need for an educational system that values computer science as a discipline and provides students with critical thinking skills and career opportunities,” says ACM Education Policy Committee chairBobby Schnabel, dean of the School of Informatics at IndianaUniversity.


CSTA executive director Chris Stephenson notes the vital role that computing plays in people’s daily lives, and stresses the urgency of building a strong computing workforce. “We need to expose K- 12 students to computer science concepts to help them gain critical 21st century skills and knowledge. and we’re grateful for Congress’ recognition of this need as a national priority,” Stephenson says. NCWI CEO and co-founder Lucy Sanders says the annual commemoration of National Computer Science Education Week can strengthen efforts to inform students, teachers, parents, and the public about how computer science enables innovation in all science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields and creates economic opportunities.





(a)       (i)        Format the heading as follows: Uppercase, size 16’, double underlined.      (3mks)

(ii)       Apply two columns in the second paragraph.                                                            (2mks)

(iii)      Indent the third paragraph to 0.5” to the right and 0.5” to the left. (2mks)

(iv)      Save the document as ACM2.                                                                                    (2MKS)

(b)       (i)        Copy ACM1 into a new document.                                                                (2mks)

(ii)       Apply drop cap in the first paragraph.                                                                       (2mks)

(ii)       Apply page break in the document so that each paragraph is in its own page.             (2mks)

(iii)      Number the pages in the document.                                                                          (2mks)

(iv)      Enter the following in page two of the document.                                                    (3mks)

WORD   1500
DTP 15 HOURS 3500


(iv)      Save as ACM3.                                                                                                           (3mks)



(c)       Print ACM1, ACM2 and ACM3.                                                                               (3mks)

















Question Two

A school keeps its students details in a computer database. The information below contains details obtained from two tables of database. Study the tables and answer the following questions.


Tom Jose 250 2030 2011 Ruvuma
Okoth Rao 356 2031 2012 Zaire
Ken Otieno 412 2032 2012 Tana
Dan Muoso 205 2033 2011 Ruvuma
Adan Hassan 400 2034 2010 Zaire
Ahmed Kubasu 185 2035 2011 Tana
Mutai Jemo 289 2036 2012 Ruvuma
Mutua Sarafi 300 2037 2012 Zaire
Muesh Linda 426 2038 2011 Tana
Viena Oscar 405 2039 2010 Zaire
Violet Kadija 336 2040 2012 Tana


2030 59 48 56 83
2031 56 36 48 76
2032 29 25 59 80
2033 88 79 65 67
2034 70 29 62 91
2035 39 46 24 68
2036 82 78 18 84
2037 54 75 19 46
2038 69 54 46 87
2039 53 96 75 24
2040 74 20 49 50


  1. Create a new database called STUDENTS.       (2marks)
  2. Design two tables: DETAILS and PERFORMANCE with the following properties in their fields:

Validate the ADMNO entry to exactly four characters, three characters for KCPE MARKS and DORMITORY names each to start with capital letter.                                                            (4marks)

  1. c) Using appropriate primary and foreign keys create a relationship between the two tables and enforce referential integrity.                               (4 marks)
  2. d) Create and use forms to enter data into tables.       (12 marks)
  3. e) Create a query that would extract students whose name starts with letter “A” and save it as “Names”                                           (4marks)
  4. f) Create a query that would display ADMNO, NAME, ENGLISH, MATHS,KISWAHILI and COMPUTER and calculate the totals of the four subjects, sort the totals in descending order. Save it as “MARKS”                                                       (4marks)
  5. g) Create a query that would display only those students who sat their KCPE in 2012 and reside in Tana dormitory, save the query as “Tanas”                               (3marks)
  6. h) Using the performance table, compute the average for ENGLISH field, standard deviation for MATHS field and Variance for KISWAHILI field to be displayed on the same table. (3marks)

(i) Create a form to display all fields of details table with the following:                                (7marks)

  • Layout:-tabular
  • Style:-opulent
  • Title:-Dform
  • Add two form controlsto “print” and “close” the form.
  1. j) Create a report with the title “Excellent” using the query “MARKS” above.       (2marks)
  2. k) Print:
  3. Dform in portrait while the query “MARKS” in landscape       (2marks)
  4. Performance table       (2marks)
  • Report excellent



















































  1. a) The following information was extracted from a mark book maintained by a class teacher of a certain school. Using a spreadsheet, create a worksheet that contains the information and save as Test 1.                                                                                                                                                          (5 marks)
Muigai K. 85 81 60 92 90 74
Wakhisi N. 81 50 48 56 68 52
Otieno J. 62 71 44 55 60 60
Nasimiyu C. 70 42 51 48 62 88
Wamaitha D. 21 44 30 72 22 40
Kimeli F. 48 55 31 45 60 50
Chepchumba G. 98 54 65 30 40 45
Nasong’o R. 48 52 28 47 50 54
Saidi A. 49 56 65 58 50 55
Okiya S. 65 74 45 80 42 50


  1. b) Create four new columns and label them as TOTAL, MEAN, GRADE and REMARK                                                                                                                (2 marks)
  2. c) i) Using formulas compute the total and  mean for Muigai K. and copy it             to other cells to generate values for the other students.                                                                        (4 marks)
  3. ii) Use an appropriate function to determine a grade and a remark for Muigai K. Use the following grading system to determine the student’s grade: (8 marks)

MEAN            GRADE                       REMARK

80 to 100                     A                     Excellent

70 to 79                       A-                    Very Good

60 to 69                       B                     Good

40 to 59                       C                     Fair

Below 40                     F                      Fail

  1. ii) Copy the formulas to other cells in order to generate total, mean, grades and remarks for all the other students. Save your work as Test 2.                                     (3 marks)

iii) Format the mean marks to one decimal place.                                                    (1 mark)

  1. d) The class teacher wishes to determine those students who are likely to qualify for a course in

medicine. For a student to qualify, he/she must have scored:

  • 70 marks and above in Biology,
  • 60 and above in either Chemistry or Physics,
  • 50 and above in either English or Kiswahili.

Create a new column labeled MEDICINE and use an appropriate function to determine those students who qualify. If a student qualifies, the function should return “QUALIFY”, otherwise it should return “UNQUALIFIED”.                                                                         (5 marks)

  1. e) Create a new column and label it as POSITION. Enter a function in cell L2 and copy it to other cells to determine the position of each student.             (4 marks)
  2. f) Apply borders to your worksheet as follows:
  3. i) Double outline border. (1 mark)
  4. ii) Single line for inside vertical and horizontal borders. (1 mark)
  5. g) Copy the data on sheet1 to sheet2 and rename the sheet2 as QUALIFY. Filter the worksheet to display the records of the students who qualify.                                                         (4 marks)
  6. h) Create a bar graph on a separate sheet to compare the performance of the first four students in the six subjects. Label the bar graph appropriately.                         (4 marks)
  7. i) Launch a word processor and type the following letter. Save as Confirmation. (3 marks)


Dear <<NAME>>

We are pleased to inform you that you qualify to pursue a course in medicine having satisfied the admission board by posting a mean of <<MEAN>> and a mean grade of <<GRADE>> respectively. This performance placed in position             <<POSITION>>.


Yours faithfully,

  1. J. Mwanamoshi


  1. j) Merge the letter in (i) above (Confirmation) and the information on sheet 2 (QUALIFY) to generate letters for those students who qualify for a course in medicine. Save as Confirmation letters.                                                             (4 marks)
  2. k) Print Test 1, Test 2, Confirmation and any one of the confirmation letters.       (2 marks)















TERM 1 2021



  • Type your name and admission number at the top right hand corner of each printout.
  • Write the name and version of the software used for each question attempted in the answer sheet.
  • Passwords should NOT be used while saving in the storage media.
  • Answer all questions.
  • All questions carry equal marks
  • All answers must be saved in your CD-R/RW. Make printouts of the answers on the answer sheets provided.
  • Hand in all the printout and the CD-R/RW
  • Candidates may be penalized for not following instruction given in this pager
  • Arrange your printout and staple them together.














  1. Table 1, table 2 and table 3 are extracts of records, kept in a carpentry shop. Use the information to answer the questions that follow;


  1. Carpenter Table            Customer Table
  2. Order Table
CAP_001 CUST _01 1721 Bench January 18,000
CAP_002 CUST _02 1722 Coffee table January 25,000
CAP_003 CUST _03 1723 Office table January 10,000
CAP_004 CUST _04 1724 Single bed January 18,000
CAP_005 CUST _05 1725 Arm chair January 60,000
CAP_001 CUST _01 1726 Double bed February 75,000
CAP_002 CUST _04 1727 Dining table February 85,000
CAP_004 CUST _03 1728 Arm chair February 60,000
CAP_001 CUST _02 1729 Double decker bed February 72,000
CAP_002 CUST _06 1730 Kitchen table February 82,000
CAP_004 CUST _02 1731 Bench March 18,000
CAP_003 CUST _06 1732 bench march 18,000


  1. i) Using database application package, create a database file named;

CARPENTERINFORMATION                                                                                                                      (1mk)

  1. ii) Create three tables named Carpenter Table, Customer Table and Order Table that will be used to store the above data.                                       (10mks)

iii) Set the primary key for the tables                                                                                                      (2mks)

  1. iv) Create relationship among the tables         (2mks)


  1. i) Create a data entry form for each table         (3mks)
  2. ii) Enter the data in Carpenter Table, Customer Table and Order Table respectively


  1. i) Create a query named individual income to display the amount received from each customer every month.                                       (4mks)
  2. ii) Create a database object that computers Total income for each month. Save the query as                        (6mks)
  3. Create a query named loyalty to compute the total number of orders made by each customer over the three months.                                                                                                                  (3mks)
  4. Create a report to display order details, save the report as Order report                            (4mks)
  5. Print the three tables and the report         (4mks)



Use a spreadsheet to manipulate data in the table below.

Adm No Name Stream Comp Art Bus Eng Math Student Mean Rank
C001 Barasa H 56 45 36 56 26    
C002 Wangila K 58 57 90 54 23    
C003 Wafula H 48 56 54 45 25    
C004 Wanjala K 78 95 78 46 24    
C005 Kerubo H 49 86 68 35 52    
C006 Akinyi K 56 45 25 63 54    
C007 Odhiambo H 75 78 45 65 56    
C008 Okunyuku K 89 69 65 53 51    
C009 Nekesa H 69 58 45 54 52    
C010 Simiyu H 85 46 78 52 53    
  TOTAL FOR H              
  TOTAL FOR K              


  1. Enter the data in all bordered worksheet and auto fit all column. Save the workbook as

mark 1                                                                                                                                                                    (15mks)

  1. Find the total marks for each subject         (3mks)
  2. Find total for each subject per stream using a function         (5mks)
  3. Find mean mark for each student using a function         (5mks)
  4. Rank mean student in descending order using the mean         (5mks)
  5. Create a well labeled column chart on a different sheet to show the mean mark of every student. Save the workbook as mark 2.                                                      (7mks)
  6. Using mark1, use subtotals to find the average mark for each subject per stream. Save the workbook as mark 3                        (7mks)
  7. Print mark 1,mark 2 and the chart


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