Computer Studies Form 4 KCSE Revision Exams, Mocks {Kapsabet Boys Exams}
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
- This paper consists of two section A and B
- Answer all questions in section A (40 marks)
- Answer question 16 (Compulsory) and any other THREE questions in section B.
A | 1-15 | |
B | 16 | |
17 | ||
18 | ||
19 | ||
Answer ALL the questions in this section
- Define the following terms (4mks)
- Multiplexing
- Baseband signal
- Explain the difference between digital signal and analog signal in data communication
- List down two types of computer viruses (2mks)
- Below is a graphical representation of a section of a Microsoft words application window.
Use it to answer the question that follow.
Give the uses of the icons labeled A and B (2mks)
A ……………………………………………………….
B ……………………………………………………..
- Define the following terms as used in disk management
- Partitioning (2mks)
- Defragmentation (2mks)
- State three ways in which your school librarian can use a computer (3mks)
- i) Write the acronym UPS in full? (1mk)
- ii) Explain the uses of UPS? (1mk)
- a) Give two possible ways of fitting the document in one page (2mks)
- b) The shopkeeper one day switched on the computer and experienced a number of problems with windows operating system that he had installed. The problems included failure to load the operating system during the booting. After several trials of switching on the computer booting. It hand so often alongside abnormal restarting. State any two possible causes for the computer’s behavior. (2mks)
- Differentiate between real time processing and batch processing giving examples where each could be used. (4mks)
- In Kenya Tea Packers Company several people are employed as record clerks., typists and messenger. The company intends to introduce a computerized system in all the departments. Suggest three reasons that would make workers unhappy with the new system. (3mks)
- Give two advantages of an electronic spreadsheet over traditional analysis ledger sheet
- Explain the following terms as used in information Technology with reference to software purchase:-
- User friendliness (1mk)
- Authenticity (1mk)
- While purchasing computers for his school the principal Musambweni high school decided to consult an expert. As a computer student advised him on four hard ware considerations
- Give the names of the following system flowchart symbols (2mks)
A ……………………………………………………………
B …………………………………………………………..
C ……………………………………………………………
D …………………………………………………………..
- State any two features of a user friendly program (2mks)
Answer question 16 and any other three questions from this section
- a) State three qualities of a good psecudocode? (3mks)
- b) i) State the 3 translators used in programming (3mks)
- ii) List two examples of;
- Third generation languages (1mk)
- Object oriented languages (1mk)
- c) Draw a flowchart that was used to come up with the following pseud code (7mks)
While n < 3
X = X + 1
While x < 2
N = N +1
End while
- a) The diagram below shows four common network topologies A, B, C and D.
- Name the network topologies A, B, C and D (4mks)
A ………………………………………………..
B …………………………………………………
C ………………………………………………….
D …………………………………………………..
- Explain what happens if server X topology A fails (1mk)
- List two problems associated with network topology B (2mks)
- List two disadvantages associated with network topology D (2mks)
- b) Differentiate between Internet and World Wide Web. (2mks)
- c) Convert the following binary number, 11001011.001 into decimal form. (4mks)
- a) Human activity systems are said to be soft systems. Give therereasons why they are said to be so (3mks)
- b) What are hard information systems (2mks)
- c) Discuss any five characteristics of a system (10mks)
- a) One of the functions of an operating system is job scheduling. Explain what is meant by job scheduling. (2mks)
- b) List and explain three types of user interfaces. (6mks)
- c) Describe the following categories of software (4mks)
- Firmware
- Proprietary software
- d) A new company ABC intends to go into business of desktop publishing. Advice the company on three computer hardware specification features to consider as a measure of enhancing performance. (3mks)
- a) Briefly explain the following terms as used in spreadsheet (4mks)
- Cell
- Range
- Value
- Function
- b) List three paragraph formatting features of word processors (3mks)
- c) Explain the difference between the printing of multiple pages and multiple copies (2mks)
- d) Distinguish between a worksheet and a work book (2mks)
- e) The following is an excel worksheet showing the performance of students in Tana class.
A | B
Adam |
Student name |
D Cat 1/50 | E Cat 2/50 | F
Total / 40 |
Exam / 60 |
Total |
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
4333 4330 4322 4324 |
SelinaMbugua Winnie Wanjema MagaretWambari FaniNjuguna Maximum Minimum Average |
20 25 27 28 (c) (d) (e) |
29 26 24 24
(a) | 45
55 50 43 42 |
(b) |
Using the above worksheet write the following formula to calculate the values in cells labeled (4mks)
- a) Multiplexing data signal over the same
– It is the process of sending multiple medium (Give mark if diagram exist)
- b) Baseband signal
It is a digital signal that is generated and applied to the transmission medium directly without modulation. (2mks)
- Analog signal is made up of continuous varying waveform while digital signal is made up of non continuous discrete waveform.
- -Boot sector viruses
- File virus
- Hoax virus
- Trojan virus
- Worms
- Backdoors (any 4@1/2mk)
- Below is a graphical representation of a section of a Microsoft word ®application window. Use it to answer the question that follow.
Give the uses of the icons labeled A and B
A – Right align text
B – Create columns in a document Total = 2mks)
- i) Partitioning – Creating volumes by subdividing a large physical disk.
- Refers to the process of deviating a large physical disk into two or more partitions called logical drives.
- ii) Defragmenting –Consolidating fragments files into one area if the disk or so that file occupies a single, contiguous space on the above.
- i) Sign in/Log in- When you want to access a website, type the full address of the website in the address box.
- ii) Surf in/Log in-The process of accessing the website.
iii) Downloading-The process of transferring information from a remote computer to a local storage.
- – To access records of books faster.
- For faster updating of books records.
- To search title of books for someone to borrow.
- For research if there is connection to the internet. Any three@1mk. Total =3mks
- i) Uninterruptable Power Supply
- ii) Explain
- It provides temporarily in the event of power failure.
- It regulates the amount of power into the computer hence eliminating power surge and brown out. Brown out is partial blackout, whereby there is low voltage flowing into the system.
- It alerts the user when there is a blackout by producing a beeping sound (2mks)
- a) Give two possible ways of fitting the document in one page:
- Reduce the line spacing
- Adjust the left and right margins
- Reduce the font size (2mks)
- b) Hardware conflict or incapability possibility due to interrupt requested or missing device drivers.
- Possibility of a problem in the installation process
- Problem with hard disk boot sector due to damage or virus attack.
- Insufficient memory
- Corrupted system windows registry.
- Real time- Data is received and processed so fast and the results returned so quickly that the process is instantaneous to the user.
Batch-Data is accumulated and processed at a predetermined time. Once processing begins no amendments.
- In Kenya Tea packers Company several people are employed as record clerks, typists and messengers. The company intends to introduce a computers system in all the departments. Suggest three reasons that would make workers unhappy with the new system. (3mks)
- Job replacement
- Reatrining on the use of computers
- Side effects of using computers (1mrk each)
- It’s faster, accurate and efficient in accomplishing task.
- It offers larger virtual sheet for data entry and manipulation.
- Electronic spreadsheets have better documents formatting capabilities.
- It has in built formulae 9function) that enables the user to manipulate mathematical data quickly.
- Automatically adjusts the results the results of a formula if the values of worksheet are changed.
- It enables the user to produce neat work.
- It utilizes large storage space on computer storage devices to save and retrieve documents.
- Explain the following terms as used in information Technology with reference to software purchase:-
- User friendliness (1mk)
- Refers to how easy the software is to use for the user.
- Authenticity (1mk)
- The genuinessess, validity and / or legitimacy of.
- – Processor speed
- Memory capacity
- Cost
- Warranty
- User needs
- Upgradeability compatibility
- Portability
- i) Process
- ii) Magnetic disk storage
- Any storage device
- Sort operation
- State any two features of a user-friendly program (2mks)
- Relatively easy for user to start using the software
- Amount of effort & information required of the user to get the system to complete required tasks should be kept minimum.
- System should be self-contained so that the user is not forced into accessing manuals or dealing with things that should be kept out of the system.
- System should be able to adjust to different levels of expertise between users and as users grows in competence.
- User should be made to feel in control of what is going on.
- a) Three qualities of good pseudocode (3mks)
- Show the ‘start’ and ‘end’ of the executable statements.
- Input, output and processing statements are clearly stated
- The statements should not have more than one meaning
- It should have clear and readable.
- b) – Compilers
– Assemblers
– Interpretors
List two examples of;
- Third generation languages (1mk)
Pascal, Fortran, Cobol, C, Agog
- Object oriented languages. (1mk)
Visual basic, C++, visual Foxpro, Delhi, Java, VB, net
Start |
- c)
N = 0
X = 0 |
Is N < 3 |
X = X + 1 |
Is X < 2 |
N = N + 1 |
Stop |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
- a) The diagram below shows four common network topologies A, B, C and D
- Name the network topologies A, B, C and D (4mks)
A – Hierarchical /tree
B – Token-ring
- Explain what happens if server X topology A fails. (1mk)
- Terminal 4, 5, 6 cease to function or cut off from the network.
- List two problems associated with network topology B. (2mks)
- Difficult to trouble shoot
- Duplication of resources
- Packets collision causing data distortion
- When a terminal fails the network fails
- To add a terminal one has to disable the network.
- List two disadvantages associated with network topology D (2mks)
- Uses many cables
- If the server fails the entire system fails
- All communication must pass through server
- Difficult to implement in a wide area of long distance.
- b) Differentiate between internet and World Wide Web. (2mks)
- Internet is a global network of computer networks linked together.
- Is a vast collection of linked documents held on computers all over the world and is accessible via internet, it is a service of the internet.
- c) Convert the following binary number, 11001011.001 into decimal form (4mks)
- a) Human activity systems are said to be soft systems. Give three reasons why they are said to be so (3mks)
- Their boundaries are fluid or keep on changing.
- Their goals and objectives usually conflict and can hardly be captured clearly at any one time
- It’s difficult to define exact measures of performance for them
- b) What are hard information systems (2mks)
- One in whose goals and objective are clearly defined and the outcomes from the systems processes are predictable and can be modeled.
- c) Discuss any five characteristics of a system (10mks)
- Holistic thinking: Components may be simple but the combination gives a complex whole whose overall goals are more sophisticated.
- Subsystems: systems are made up of different components
- Boundary and environment: each system has space within which the components operate.
- Purpose: each system performs a specific task.
- Process: Process data from one state to another
- System entropy: systems decay naturally over time
- Inputs and outputs: systems communicate with their environments y receiving inputs and giving outputs.
- Open and closed systems: open systems adapt to changes in the environment.
- Control: control is achieved through feedback and adjusts control signals ensuring that outputs meet set expectations.
- a) Explain what is meant by job scheduling (2mks)
- The scheduler decides which of the jobs is to be allocated to the CPU for processing.
- Allocating CPU time to jobs
- Sequencing of jobs in a queue
- b) List and explain three types of user interfaces. (6mks)
- Command prompt/line interface is a form of interface between the operating system and the user in which the user types commands by using a special command languages.
- Menu driven interface operating system is a program that uses menus to prevent/list choices of commands and available options.
- GUI operating system display format to enable the user to choose commands, start programs and see lists or file and other options by pointing to pictorial representations (icons, WIMPS)
- c) Firmware are – language translators resident in ROM and is used for immediate access by the user of the system.
- Software on ROM or embedded permanently or semi-permanently.
- Software buried on a microchip. (2mks)
- Proprietary software is privately owned software and can only be used under conditions. Need a licence to be used.
- d) Three computer hardware specification features to consider as a measure of enhancing performance. (3mks)
- High processor speed
- High primary memory capacity
- High/enough secondary memory capacity
- High resolution output devices
- Data bus band width
- 20(a)
- Cell-An intersection between a row and a column
- Range-A rectangular arrangement of cells specified by the address of its top left and bottom right cells, separated by colon(:)
- Value-Numbers that can be manipulated mathematically.
- Function-Inbuilt predefined formulae that the user can quickly use instead of having to create a new one each time a calculation has to be carried out. (4mks)
(b) i) Line spacing and character spacing-Indenting-Text alignment (3mks)
(c) i) Printing more than one page
-Printing several copies of the same page
(d) Work sheet is the working area in Microsoft Excel program. Work book is the file where several workbooks reside.
- (a) = (D1+E1/100)*40) (1mk)
- (b) = sum(F1:G1) (1mk)
- (c) = MAX(H1:H6) (1mk)
- (d) = MIN(H1:H6) (1mk)
- (e) = AVG (H1:H6)
- Type your name and admission number at the top right hand corner of each printout.
- Write the name and version of the software used for each question attempted in the answer sheet.
- Passwords should not be used while saving in the diskettes.
- Answer all questions
- All questions carry equal marks
- All answers must be saved in your diskette. Make printouts of the answers on the answer sheets provided.
- Hand in all the printout and the diskette
- Candidates may be penalized for not following instruction given in this pager
- Arrange your printout and staple them together.
- Table 1, table 2 and table 3 are extracts of records, kept in a carpentry shop. Use the information to answer the questions that follow;
CAP_001 | JAMES | CUST_01 | MARY K. | |
CAP_002 | JOHN | CUST_02 | DIANA K. | |
CAP_003 | ALEX | CUST_03 | ALEX N. | |
CAP_004 | ISAAC | CUST_04 | MARTHA K. | |
CAP_005 | MAURICE | CUST_05 | SARAH W. | |
Carpenter Table Customer Table
Order Table
CAP_001 | CUST _01 | 1721 | Bench | January | 18,000 |
CAP_002 | CUST _02 | 1722 | Coffee table | January | 25,000 |
CAP_003 | CUST _03 | 1723 | Office table | January | 10,000 |
CAP_004 | CUST _04 | 1724 | Single bed | January | 18,000 |
CAP_005 | CUST _05 | 1725 | Arm chair | January | 60,000 |
CAP_001 | CUST _01 | 1726 | Double bed | February | 75,000 |
CAP_002 | CUST _04 | 1727 | Dining table | February | 85,000 |
CAP_004 | CUST _03 | 1728 | Arm chair | February | 60,000 |
CAP_001 | CUST _02 | 1729 | Double decker bed | February | 72,000 |
CAP_002 | CUST _06 | 1730 | Kitchen table | February | 82,000 |
CAP_004 | CUST _02 | 1731 | Bench | March | 18,000 |
CAP_003 | CUST _06 | 1732 | bench | march | 18,000 |
- i) Using database application package, create a database file named;
- ii) Create three tables named Carpenter Table, Customer Table and Order Table that will be used to store the above data. (10mks)
iii) Set the primary key for the tables (2mks)
- iv) Create relationship among the tables (2mks)
- i) Create a data entry form for each table (3mks)
- ii) Enter the data in Carpenter Table, Customer Table and Order Table respectively
- i) Create a query named individual income to display the amount received from each customer every month. (4mks)
- ii) Create a database object that computers Total income for each month. Save the query as (6mks)
- Create a query named loyalty to compute the total number of orders made by each customer over the three months. (3mks)
- Create a report to display order details, save the report as Order report (4mks)
- Print the three tables and the report (4mks)
Use a spreadsheet to manipulate data in the table below.
Adm No | Name | Stream | Comp | Art | Bus | Eng | Mat | Student mean | Rank |
C001 | Barasa | H | 56 | 45 | 36 | 56 | 26 | ||
C002 | Wangila | K | 58 | 57 | 90 | 54 | 23 | ||
C003 | Wafula | H | 48 | 56 | 54 | 45 | 25 | ||
C004 | Wanjala | K | 78 | 95 | 78 | 46 | 24 | ||
C005 | Kerubo | H | 49 | 86 | 68 | 35 | 52 | ||
C006 | Akinyi | K | 56 | 45 | 25 | 63 | 54 | ||
C007 | Odhiambo | H | 75 | 78 | 45 | 65 | 56 | ||
C008 | Okunyuku | K | 89 | 69 | 65 | 53 | 51 | ||
C009 | Nekesa | H | 69 | 58 | 45 | 54 | 52 | ||
C010 | Simiyu | H | 85 | 46 | 78 | 52 | 53 | ||
TOTAL | |||||||||
TOTAL | FOR H | ||||||||
- Enter the data in all bordered worksheet and auto fit all column. Save the workbook as
mark 1 (15mks)
- Find the total marks for each subject (3mks)
- Find total for each subject per stream using a function (5mks)
- Find mean mark for each student using a function (5mks)
- Rank mean student in descending order using the mean (5mks)
- Create a well labeled column chart on a different sheet to show the mean mark of every student. Save the workbook as mark 2. (7mks)
- Using mark1, use subtotals to find the average mark for each subject per stream. Save the workbook as mark 3 (7mks)
- Print mark 1,mark 2 and the chart