English schemes of work

English schemes of work for standard ____7___TERM___1____YEAR________

1 1-7 Revision          
2 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences  using  the pattern

-verbs that take two preposition

-order of adjectives

–        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        poster

–        pictures from the book

–        Handkerchief

NPPE PB7 Pg2-7

NPPE TG7 Pg2-6

PE PB7 Pg2-8

PE TG7 Pg2-5

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, pronounce and construct correct sentence using the new words –        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


NPPE TG7 Pg2-6

PE PB7 Pg2-8

PE TG7 Pg2-5

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, read passage ‘life in desert’, fluently and accurately and answer oral questions.


–        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Reading

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg2-7

NPPE TG7 Pg2-6

PE PB7 Pg2-8

PE TG7 Pg2-5

5 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to write correct sentences  by changing of –i to –a in past and –u in past participle

–        write correct sentence using words c/ sounded as /s/

–        write correct sentence using phrasal verbs

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg2-7

NPPE TG7 Pg2-6

PE PB7 Pg2-8

PE TG7 Pg2-5

6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to write composition to a dry a hot place –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg2-7

NPPE TG7 Pg2-6

PE PB7 Pg2-8

PE TG7 Pg2-5

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg2-7

NPPE TG7 Pg2-6

PE PB7 Pg2-8

PE TG7 Pg2-5

3 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences  using the pattern

-expansion of nominal group by addition of complement/ infinitive

contrast of very positive association

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg7-12

NPPE TG7 Pg6-11

PE PB7 Pg8-14

PE TG7 Pg5-9

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, construct correct sentences  using the new words given –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg7-12

NPPE TG7 Pg6-11

PE PB7 Pg8-14

PE TG7 Pg5-9

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read the passage ‘ Warriors humble’  correctly and fluently –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Reading

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg7-12

NPPE TG7 Pg6-11

PE PB7 Pg8-14

PE TG7 Pg5-9

5 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, write correct sentence using full stop in abbreviation

-use adverb of manner with and without -ly

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg7-12

NPPE TG7 Pg6-11

PE PB7 Pg8-14

PE TG7 Pg5-9

6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, write correct sentence correct order of adjectives

–        write minutes on a games meeting

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB6 Pg10-12

NPPE TG6 Pg11-15

PE PB6 Pg12-16

PE TG Pg10-15

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg7-12

NPPE TG7 Pg6-11

PE PB7 Pg8-14

PE TG7 Pg5-9

4 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences  using  the pattern phrasal verbs that take object

-question tag with past perfect and present perfect

–        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        poster

–        pictures from the book

–        Handkerchief

NPPE PB7 Pg7-12

NPPE TG7 Pg6-11

PE PB7 Pg8-14

PE TG7 Pg5-9

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, use pronounce and construct sentence using new words –        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


NPPE TG6 Pg11-15

PE PB6 Pg12-16

PE TG Pg10-15

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, read passage ‘The police chase’, fluently and accurately and answer oral questions.


–        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Reading

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg7-12

NPPE TG7 Pg6-11

PE PB7 Pg8-14

PE TG7 Pg5-9

5 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to write correct sentences  adverb of manner, time and place


–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg12-18

NPPE TG7 Pg-11-17

PE PB7 Pg8-14-19

PE TG7 Pg11-16

6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to write a formal letter –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg12-18

NPPE TG7 Pg-11-17

PE PB7 Pg8-14-19

PE TG7 Pg11-16PE TG Pg10-15

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg12-18

NPPE TG7 Pg-11-17

PE PB7 Pg8-14-19

PE TG7 Pg11-16

5 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences  using the pattern present participle + complement –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg12-18

NPPE TG7 Pg-11-17

PE PB7 Pg8-14-19

PE TG7 Pg11-16

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, pronounce and construct correct sentences using the new words –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg12-18

NPPE TG7 Pg-11-17

PE PB7 Pg8-14-19

PE TG7 Pg11-16

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read the passage ‘ You are under arrest’ correctly and fluently –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Reading

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg12-18

NPPE TG7 Pg-11-17

PE PB7 Pg8-14-19

PE TG7 Pg11-16

5 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, write correct sentence using direct speech


–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg12-18

NPPE TG7 Pg-11-17

PE PB7 Pg8-14-19

PE TG7 Pg11-16

6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, write composition about police rescue –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg12-18

NPPE TG7 Pg-11-17

PE PB7 Pg8-14-19

PE TG7 Pg11-16

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg12-18

NPPE TG7 Pg-11-17

PE PB7 Pg8-14-19

PE TG7 Pg11-16

6 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences  using  the pattern

-time + past + past

-nominal group + complement/ infinitive

-use of after + past  perfect + past

–        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        poster

–        pictures from the book

–        Handkerchief

NPPE PB7 Pg12-18

NPPE TG7 Pg-11-17

PE PB7 Pg8-14-19

PE TG7 Pg11-16

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, use of

-hope by sentences with possible condition

-pronounce and construct sentence using new words

–        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


NPPE TG7 Pg-11-17

PE PB7 Pg8-14-19

PE TG7 Pg11-16

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, read passage ‘Inter school drama festival’, fluently and accurately and answer oral questions. –        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg12-18

NPPE TG7 Pg-11-17

PE PB7 Pg8-14-19

PE TG7 Pg11-16

5 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to write correct sentences  using capital letter for proper nouns

-correct sentence using comma in opposition

-using comma in list

order of adjectives 

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB6 Pg22-26

NPPE TG6 Pg21-23

PE PB6 Pg20-23

PE TG Pg18-21

6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to write a speech –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg23-31

NPPE TG7 Pg24-34

PE PB7 Pg23-30

PE TG7 Pg21-28

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg23-31

NPPE TG7 Pg24-34

PE PB7 Pg23-30

PE TG7 Pg21-28

7 1-7 Revision By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to revise and answer questions set from the work covered  for the 5 weeks    
8 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences  using the pattern –like + nominal + present participle

–        Must/mustn’t have to/ don’t have to

–        Use both/both of

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg23-31

NPPE TG7 Pg24-34

PE PB7 Pg23-30

PE TG7 Pg21-28

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, pronounce construct correct sentences  using the new words given –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg23-31

NPPE TG7 Pg24-34

PE PB7 Pg23-30

PE TG7 Pg21-28

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read the passage ‘ A visit to the library’ correctly and fluently –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Reading

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg23-31

NPPE TG7 Pg24-34

PE PB7 Pg23-30

PE TG7 Pg21-28

5 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, write correct sentence using

i.       direct speech

ii.      order of adjectives

iii.    corrective nouns

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg23-31

NPPE TG7 Pg24-34

PE PB7 Pg23-30

PE TG7 Pg21-28

6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to write an interesting story  they have read –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg23-31

NPPE TG7 Pg24-34

PE PB7 Pg23-30

PE TG7 Pg21-28

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg23-31

NPPE TG7 Pg24-34

PE PB7 Pg23-30

PE TG7 Pg21-28




9 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences  using  the pattern

-phrasal verbs with noun and pronoun interposed

-conditional sentence with could in the main clause

–        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        poster

–        pictures from the book

–        Handkerchief

NPPE PB7 Pg23-31

NPPE TG7 Pg24-34

PE PB7 Pg23-30

PE TG7 Pg21-28

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, use of

-use of whether or not

-use auxiliary verbs

pronounce and construct sentence using new words

–        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


NPPE TG7 Pg34-44

PE PB7 Pg36-40

PE TG7 Pg31-37

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, read passage, ‘this could be avoided’ fluently and accurately and answer oral questions. –        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg33-43

NPPE TG7 Pg34-44

PE PB7 Pg36-40

PE TG7 Pg31-37

5-6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to write correct sentences  using

●          direct speech with final and initial reporting verb

●          write an informal letter to a friend

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg33-43

NPPE TG7 Pg34-44

PE PB7 Pg36-40

PE TG7 Pg31-37

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg33-43

NPPE TG7 Pg34-44

PE PB7 Pg36-40

PE TG7 Pg31-37

10 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences using the pattern

-use of verb + indirect object

-nominal + present participle

-every time + present + present

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg33-43

NPPE TG7 Pg34-44

PE PB7 Pg36-40

PE TG7 Pg31-37

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, construct correct sentences  using the new words given –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg43-52

NPPE TG7 Pg43-49

PE PB7 Pg36-47

PE TG7 Pg38-44

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read the passage ‘ Hobbies’ correctly and fluently –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Reading

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg43-52

NPPE TG7 Pg43-49

PE PB7 Pg36-47

PE TG7 Pg38-44

5 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, write correct sentence using

-direct speech with a medial reporting verb

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg43-52

NPPE TG7 Pg43-49

PE PB7 Pg36-47

PE TG7 Pg38-44

6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, write a composition about their hobbies –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg43-52

NPPE TG7 Pg43-49

PE PB7 Pg36-47

PE TG7 Pg38-44

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg43-52

NPPE TG7 Pg43-49

PE PB7 Pg36-47

PE TG7 Pg38-44


11 1 Revision By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to revise and answer examination questions on the work covered in term one –        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        poster

–        pictures from the book

–        Handkerchief

NPPE PB7 Pg43-52

NPPE TG7 Pg43-49

PE PB7 Pg36-47

PE TG7 Pg38-44

12 1 Revision By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to revise and answer examination questions on the work covered in term one –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg43-52

NPPE TG7 Pg43-49

PE PB7 Pg36-47

PE TG7 Pg38-44

2     –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


–        poster

–        pictures from the book





Digiteacher English schemes of work

English schemes of work for standard ____7___TERM___2____YEAR________

1 1-7 Revision By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to revise and answer examination questions on the work covered in term one –        Asking questions

–        Answering questions


question papers NPPE PB7 Pg954-64

NPPE TG7 Pg53-60

PE PB7 Pg42-57

PE TG7 Pg38-42

2 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences  using  the patterns

-use both and both of

-find + nominal + adjective/ past participle

– order of adjectives


–        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        poster

–        pictures from the book

–        Handkerchief

NPPE PB7 Pg954-64

NPPE TG7 Pg53-60

PE PB7 Pg42-57

PE TG7 Pg38-42

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to,  pronounce and construct correct sentences using new words, –        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


NPPE TG7 Pg53-60

PE PB7 Pg42-57

PE TG7 Pg38-42

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, read passage, ‘Bee keeping’, fluently and accurately and answer oral questions.


–        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Reading

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg954-64

NPPE TG7 Pg53-60

PE PB7 Pg42-57

PE TG7 Pg38-42

5 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to  write correct sentences  using

-forming opposites of adjectives

– complete a crossword puzzle

– write a conversation accurately

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg954-64

NPPE TG7 Pg53-60

PE PB7 Pg42-57

PE TG7 Pg38-42

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg64-68

NPPE TG7 Pg63-69

PE PB7 Pg56-67

PE TG7 Pg48-52

3 1-2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences  using

-verbs which take two prepositions

use of should and could

-pronounce and construct correct sentences using new words

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg64-68

NPPE TG7 Pg63-69

PE PB7 Pg56-67

PE TG7 Pg48-52

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read the passage ‘ The burnt cake’ correctly and fluently and answer oral question –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Reading

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg64-68

NPPE TG7 Pg63-69

PE PB7 Pg56-67

PE TG7 Pg48-52

5 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, write correct sentence using

i.                 forming past tense and past participle of verbs that change ‘d’ to ‘t’

ii.                forming with the suffix-er

iii.              use of semicolon

iv.              write a recipe

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg64-68

NPPE TG7 Pg63-69

PE PB7 Pg56-67

PE TG7 Pg48-52

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg64-68

NPPE TG7 Pg63-69

PE PB7 Pg56-67

PE TG7 Pg48-52

4 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences  using

– the pattern know/ remember/decide/hear


–        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        poster

–        pictures from the book

–        Handkerchief

NPPE PB7 Pg64-68

NPPE TG7 Pg63-69

PE PB7 Pg56-67

PE TG7 Pg48-52

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, use pronounce and construct sentence using new words –        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


NPPE TG7 Pg63-69

PE PB7 Pg56-67

PE TG7 Pg48-52

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, read passage ‘The Inspector’s day’, fluently and accurately and answer oral questions.


–        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Reading

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg64-68

NPPE TG7 Pg63-69

PE PB7 Pg56-67

PE TG7 Pg48-52

5-6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to write correct sentences  using words pronounced differently

-write a formal letter accurately  

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg64-68

NPPE TG7 Pg63-69

PE PB7 Pg56-67

PE TG7 Pg48-52

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg64-68

NPPE TG7 Pg63-69

PE PB7 Pg56-67

PE TG7 Pg48-52

5 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences  using the pattern –

-wish followed by a sentence with impossible condition

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg64-68

NPPE TG7 Pg63-69

PE PB7 Pg56-67

PE TG7 Pg48-52

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, construct correct sentences  using the new words given –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg64-68

NPPE TG7 Pg63-69

PE PB7 Pg56-67

PE TG7 Pg48-52

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read the passage ‘ Mother Teresa’ correctly and fluently –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Reading

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg64-68

NPPE TG7 Pg63-69

PE PB7 Pg56-67

PE TG7 Pg48-52

5 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, write correct sentence

-by forming adjectives with suffix-less

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg64-68

NPPE TG7 Pg63-69

PE PB7 Pg56-67

PE TG7 Pg48-52

6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, write composition a bout a person who is admired –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg64-68

NPPE TG7 Pg63-69

PE PB7 Pg56-67

PE TG7 Pg48-52

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read the story of ‘ Guinness World Record 2004’ for comprehension and enjoyment –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg90-96

NPPE TG7 Pg83-90

PE PB7 Pg82-87

PE TG7 Pg78-82

6 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences 

-with improbable conditions

-use of verb + indirect object

-keep + nominal + adjectives

-keep + nominal + past participle

–        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        poster

–        pictures from the book

–        Handkerchief

NPPE PB7 Pg90-96

NPPE TG7 Pg83-90

PE PB7 Pg82-87

PE TG7 Pg78-82

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, pronounce and construct sentences using new words –        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


NPPE TG7 Pg83-90

PE PB7 Pg82-87

PE TG7 Pg78-82

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, read passage ‘The stereo system’, fluently and accurately and answer oral questions. –        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg90-96

NPPE TG7 Pg83-90

PE PB7 Pg82-87

PE TG7 Pg78-82

5 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to write correct sentences 

-with omission of ‘e’ and addition of ‘t’  in past tenses and past participle

-using he sound of vowels ass in cat/cut

-using correct order of adjectives

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg90-96

NPPE TG7 Pg83-90

PE PB7 Pg82-87

PE TG7 Pg78-82

6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to write an interview –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg90-96

NPPE TG7 Pg83-90

PE PB7 Pg82-87

PE TG7 Pg78-82

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg90-96

NPPE TG7 Pg83-90

PE PB7 Pg82-87

PE TG7 Pg78-82

7 1-7 Revision By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to revise and answer questions set from the work covered  for the 5 weeks  
8 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences  using

-wish followed by sentences with impossible condition

-phrasal verb

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg90-96

NPPE TG7 Pg83-90

PE PB7 Pg82-87

PE TG7 Pg78-82

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, construct correct sentences  using the new words given –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB6 Pg83-97

NPPE TG6 Pg 84-96

PE PB6 Pg87-99

PE TG Pg-8190

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read the passage ‘ The Mombasa show’ correctly and fluently –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Reading

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg90-96

NPPE TG7 Pg83-90

PE PB7 Pg82-87

PE TG7 Pg78-82

5 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, write correct sentence using

i.                 form correct words using the suffix -ness

ii.                use past tense; verbs that don’t change

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg90-96

NPPE TG7 Pg83-90

PE PB7 Pg82-87

PE TG7 Pg78-82

6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to write a story given an ending –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg90-96

NPPE TG7 Pg83-90

PE PB7 Pg82-87

PE TG7 Pg78-82

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg98-101

NPPE TG7 Pg89-98

PE PB7 Pg82-99

PE TG7 Pg88-92



9 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences  using  the pattern

i.                 use of make/keep/find/leave + nominal + adjective

ii.                find + direct object + adverbial

iii.              improbable condition

iv.              construct sentences using new words


–        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        poster

–        pictures from the book

–        Handkerchief

NPPE PB7 Pg98-101

NPPE TG7 Pg89-98

PE PB7 Pg82-99

PE TG7 Pg88-92

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, read passage, ‘Death to all flies’ fluently and accurately and answer oral questions. –        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg98-101

NPPE TG7 Pg89-98

PE PB7 Pg82-99

PE TG7 Pg88-92

5-6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to write correct sentences  using

●          sentence using /ph/ and /gh/sounded /f/

●          using suffix –ful

●          use relative clause with who, whom, which and whose

●          write a picture composition

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg98-101

NPPE TG7 Pg89-98

PE PB7 Pg82-99

PE TG7 Pg88-92

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg100-108

NPPE TG7 Pg100-103

PE PB7 Pg92-99

PE TG7 Pg88-92

10 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences using the pattern

-sentence with improbable objects

-as soon as + present + future

-sentences that follow keep

-indirect object + for + indirect

-nominal + adverbial +adjectives

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg100-108

NPPE TG7 Pg100-103

PE PB7 Pg92-99

PE TG7 Pg88-92

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, construct correct sentences  using the new words given –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg100-108

NPPE TG7 Pg100-103

PE PB7 Pg92-99

PE TG7 Pg88-92

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read the passage ‘ A journey to remember’ correctly and fluently –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Reading

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg100-108

NPPE TG7 Pg100-103

PE PB7 Pg92-99

PE TG7 Pg88-92

5 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, write correct sentence using

-words with suffix-y

words pronounced differently

-words with article a. An and the.

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg100-108

NPPE TG7 Pg100-103

PE PB7 Pg92-99

PE TG7 Pg88-92

6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, write a descriptive composition  –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg100-108

NPPE TG7 Pg100-103

PE PB7 Pg92-99

PE TG7 Pg88-92

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg100-108

NPPE TG7 Pg100-103

PE PB7 Pg92-99

PE TG7 Pg88-92


11 1 Revision By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to revise and answer examination questions on the work covered in term two –        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        poster

–        pictures from the book

–        Handkerchief

NPPE PB7 Pg100-108

NPPE TG7 Pg100-103

PE PB7 Pg92-99

PE TG7 Pg88-92

12 1        
2 Revision By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to revise and answer examination questions on the work covered in term two –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


–        poster

–        pictures from the book




Digiteacher English schemes of work

English schemes of work for standard ____7___TERM____3___YEAR________

1 1-7 Revision By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to revise and answer examination questions on the work covered in term two      
2 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences  using  the pattern

-when/ until+ present perfect tense with future

-use of make for obligation with adjectives

-use of preposition besides

-use of in case and if

–        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        poster

–        pictures from the book

–        Handkerchief

NPPE PB7 Pg114-118

NPPE TG7 Pg110-111

PE PB7 Pg145-148

PE TG7 Pg140-145

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, use construct sentence using the new word –        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

OPDEA NPPE PB7 Pg114-118

NPPE TG7 Pg110-111

PE PB7 Pg145-148

PE TG7 Pg140-145

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, read passage,  “pirates on board’, fluently and accurately and answer oral questions. –        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg114-118

NPPE TG7 Pg110-111

PE PB7 Pg145-148

PE TG7 Pg140-145

5 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to write correct sentences  using

–distinguish words pronounced differently

-pronounce the word hair

-countable and uncountable nouns

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg114-118

NPPE TG7 Pg110-111

PE PB7 Pg145-148

PE TG7 Pg140-145

6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to write a composition about a journey by sea –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg114-118

NPPE TG7 Pg110-111

PE PB7 Pg145-148

PE TG7 Pg140-145

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg114-118

NPPE TG7 Pg110-111

PE PB7 Pg145-148

PE TG7 Pg140-145

3 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences  using —structure that can follow find

■       direct object

■       indirect objects

structure that follow  like

■       direct objects eg I like this car

■       like it when + clause

■       intransitive use of like

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg118-122

NPPE TG7 Pg110-120

PE PB7 Pg115-123

PE TG7 Pg110-11`3

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, construct correct sentences  using the new words given –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg118-122

NPPE TG7 Pg110-120

PE PB7 Pg115-123

PE TG7 Pg110-11`3

4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read the passage ‘ Shimoni caves’ correctly and fluently –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Reading

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg118-122

NPPE TG7 Pg110-120

PE PB7 Pg115-123

PE TG7 Pg110-11`3

5 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, write correct sentence using comma in lists –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg118-122

NPPE TG7 Pg110-120

PE PB7 Pg115-123

PE TG7 Pg110-11`3

6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, write correct sentence using

■       voiced and voiceless consonants

■       indirect speech

■       preposition of movement

■       write a slogan for a poster

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg118-122

NPPE TG7 Pg110-120

PE PB7 Pg115-123

PE TG7 Pg110-11`3

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg118-122

NPPE TG7 Pg110-120

PE PB7 Pg115-123

PE TG7 Pg110-11`3

4 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences 

-verbs + object + present principle

-double comparative

-the + comparative expression + subject + verbs

–        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        poster

–        pictures from the book

–        Handkerchief

NPPE PB7 Pg118-122

NPPE TG7 Pg110-120

PE PB7 Pg115-123

PE TG7 Pg110-11`3

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, use pronounce and construct sentence using new words –        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

OPDEA NPPE PB7 Pg128-132

NPPE TG7 Pg125-130

PE PB7 Pg125-133

PE TG7 Pg118-123

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, read passage ‘Banking advice’, fluently and accurately and answer oral questions.


–        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Reading

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg128-132

NPPE TG7 Pg125-130

PE PB7 Pg125-133

PE TG7 Pg118-123

5 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to write correct sentences  using

–        conjunctions while and whereas

–        -many much/a lot, a lot of

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg128-132

NPPE TG7 Pg125-130

PE PB7 Pg125-133

PE TG7 Pg118-123

6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to copy and fill a form –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg128-132

NPPE TG7 Pg125-130

PE PB7 Pg125-133

PE TG7 Pg118-123

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg128-132

NPPE TG7 Pg125-130

PE PB7 Pg125-133

PE TG7 Pg118-123

5 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences  using the pattern

-both and both of

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg128-132

NPPE TG7 Pg125-130

PE PB7 Pg125-133

PE TG7 Pg118-123

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, construct correct sentences  using the new words given –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg128-132

NPPE TG7 Pg125-130

PE PB7 Pg125-133

PE TG7 Pg118-123

3 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read the passage ‘ The buffalo’ correctly and fluently –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Reading

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg128-132

NPPE TG7 Pg125-130

PE PB7 Pg125-133

PE TG7 Pg118-123

5 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, write correct sentence using

–        proper  noun

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg128-132

NPPE TG7 Pg125-130

PE PB7 Pg125-133

PE TG7 Pg118-123

6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, write a formal letter –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg128-132

NPPE TG7 Pg125-130

PE PB7 Pg125-133

PE TG7 Pg118-123

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB6 Pg117-128

NPPE TG6 Pg122-130

PE PB6 Pg122-134

PE TG Pg120-131

6 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences  using  the pattern

-using conditional sentence

-use of coma in a position

–        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        poster

–        pictures from the book

–        Handkerchief

NPPE PB7 Pg128-132

NPPE TG7 Pg125-130

PE PB7 Pg125-133

PE TG7 Pg118-123

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, use of construct correct sentences using the new word


–        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

OPDEA NPPE PB7 Pg128-132

NPPE TG7 Pg125-130

PE PB7 Pg125-133

PE TG7 Pg118-123

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, read passage ‘Drug abuse’, fluently and accurately and answer oral questions. –        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg128-132

NPPE TG7 Pg125-130

PE PB7 Pg125-133

PE TG7 Pg118-123

5 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to write correct sentences  using

-conditional sentences

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg128-132

NPPE TG7 Pg125-130

PE PB7 Pg125-133

PE TG7 Pg118-123

6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to write a speech accurately –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg128-132

NPPE TG7 Pg125-130

PE PB7 Pg125-133

PE TG7 Pg118-123

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg128-132

NPPE TG7 Pg125-130

PE PB7 Pg125-133

PE TG7 Pg118-123

7 1-7 Revision By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to revise and answer questions set from the work covered  for the 5 weeks  
8 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences  using the pattern

-double comparatives

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg132-138

NPPE TG7 Pg130-133

PE PB7 Pg132-139

PE TG7 Pg118-124

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, construct correct sentences  using the new words given –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg132-138

NPPE TG7 Pg130-133

PE PB7 Pg132-139

PE TG7 Pg118-124

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read the passage ‘ Kenyan athletes correctly and fluently –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Reading

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg132-138

NPPE TG7 Pg130-133

PE PB7 Pg132-139

PE TG7 Pg118-124

5 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, write correct sentence using

i.                 adverb of frequency


–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg132-138

NPPE TG7 Pg130-133

PE PB7 Pg132-139

PE TG7 Pg118-124

6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to write a dialogue correctly and accurately –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg132-138

NPPE TG7 Pg130-133

PE PB7 Pg132-139

PE TG7 Pg118-124

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg146-150

NPPE TG7 Pg140-144

PE PB7 Pg145-148

PE TG7 Pg140-145



9 1-2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences  using  the pattern

-keep + direct object/indirect object

-pronounce and construct correct sentences using new words

–        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        poster

–        pictures from the book

–        Handkerchief

NPPE PB7 Pg146-150

NPPE TG7 Pg140-144

PE PB7 Pg145-148

PE TG7 Pg140-145

3 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, read passage, ‘Hot-air balloon’ fluently and accurately and answer oral questions. –        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg146-150

NPPE TG7 Pg140-144

PE PB7 Pg145-148

PE TG7 Pg140-145

5-6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to write correct sentences  using

●          sentence using comparatives and superlatives

●          write a composition

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg146-150

NPPE TG7 Pg140-144

PE PB7 Pg145-148

PE TG7 Pg140-145

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg146-150

NPPE TG7 Pg140-144

PE PB7 Pg145-148

PE TG7 Pg140-145

10 1 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to construct correct sentences using the pattern given.

■       Phrasal verbs

■       After + past perfect + past

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg146-150

NPPE TG7 Pg140-144

PE PB7 Pg145-148

PE TG7 Pg140-145

2 Oral work By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, construct correct sentences  using the new words given e.g. menu, nettles, experience etc –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events


–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg146-157

NPPE TG7 Pg140-149

PE PB7 Pg145-152

PE TG7 Pg140-149

3-4 Reading By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read the passage ‘snail for dinner?’ correctly and fluently –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Reading

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg146-157

NPPE TG7 Pg140-149

PE PB7 Pg145-152

PE TG7 Pg140-149

5 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, write correct sentence using

■       -some and any

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg146-157

NPPE TG7 Pg140-149

PE PB7 Pg145-152

PE TG7 Pg140-149

6 Writing By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to, write a guided composition given a beginning  –        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Writing

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg146-157

NPPE TG7 Pg140-149

PE PB7 Pg145-152

PE TG7 Pg140-149

7 Library By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to read

-the story in ‘fun spot’ for comprehension and enjoyment

–        a story book for comprehension and for enjoyment

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        Explanation

–        poster

–        pictures from the book


NPPE PB7 Pg146-157

NPPE TG7 Pg140-149

PE PB7 Pg145-152

PE TG7 Pg140-149


11 1 Revision By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to revise and answer examination questions on the work covered in term two –        Explaining

–        Pronouncing words

–        Asking questions

–        Describing events

–        poster

–        pictures from the book

–        Handkerchief

NPPE PB7 Pg146-157

NPPE TG7 Pg140-149

PE PB7 Pg145-152

PE TG7 Pg140-149

5-6   –               
12 1 Revision By the end of the lesson the pupil should be able to revise and answer examination questions on the work covered in term two    


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