CBC Grade 6 CRE Schemes of Work Free Editable Word, PDF Downloads

CBC Grade 6 CRE Schemes of Work Free Editable Word, PDF Downloads



Week Lesson Strand Sub strand Specific learning outcomes Learning experiences Key inquiry questions Learning resources Assessment Reflection
1 1 The Church Church unity; The meaning of church unity in Christianity By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Define church unity.

b)     Brainstorm on the unity among Christians of the Early Church.

c)      Draw the picture on learner’s book.

d)     Appreciate the importance of church unity.


Learners are guided to:


-Define church unity.


-Brainstorm on the unity among Christians of the

Early Church.


-Draw the picture on learner’s book.


What activities promote unity in the church today? Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in ChristCRE page 120-121

·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


  2 The Church The teaching of the Bible on Christianity By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Read the Bible; John:20-23

b)     Discuss the teachings of the Bible on Christian unity.

c)      Memorize Matthew 16:18

d)     Appreciate the teaching of the Bible on Christianity

Learners are guided to:

-Read the Bible; John:20-23


-Discuss the teachings of the Bible on Christian unity.


-Memorize Matthew 16:18


What is the purpose of unity according to John 17:21?


How do the teachings promote unity among churches in the society?


Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in ChristCRE page 121

·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


  3 The Church Ways in which the church unity fosters peaceful co-existence By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Explain the meaning of peaceful co-existence

b)     Discuss ways in which the church promotes peaceful co-existence.

c)      Create a tune for the song on learner’s book and sing it.

d)     Appreciate the ways in which the church unity fosters peaceful co-existence.


Learners are guided to:

-Explain the meaning of peaceful co-existence


-Discuss ways in which the church promotes peaceful co-existence.


-Create a tune for the song on learner’s book and sing it.



What is peaceful co-existence?


How does the church fosters peaceful co-existence?

Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in ChristCRE page 122-124


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


2 1 The Church Good citizenship; The role of good citizens By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Explain the meaning of a citizen and citizenship.

b)     Identify the qualities of a good citizen.

c)      Draw a picture on learner’s book.

d)     Have a desire to be a good citizen.

Learners are guided to:

-Explain the meaning of a citizen and citizenship.


-Identify the qualities of a good citizen.


-Draw a picture on learner’s book.


Who is a citizen?


What is good citizenship?

Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in Christ CRE page 125-126


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


  2 The Church Ways in which we can promote harmonious living By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Explain how to promote harmonious living at home and in the community.

b)     Recognize ways in which good citizens promote harmonious living.

c)      Appreciate ways in which we can promote harmonious living.


Learners are guided to:

-Explain how to promote harmonious living at home and in the community.


-Recognize ways in which good citizens promote harmonious living.



What are the ways in which we can promote harmonious living? Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in Christ CRE page 127


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


  3 The Church The Bible’s teachings on good citizenship By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Read the Bible; 1 Peter 2:13-17

b)     Discuss the Bible teachings on good citizenship.

c)      Analyse the meaning of 1 Peter 2:13-17

d)     Design a flash card on good citizenship.

e)      Have a desire to read the Bible every day.

Learners are guided to:

-Read the Bible; 1 Peter 2:13-17


-Discuss the Bible teachings on good citizenship.


-Analyse the meaning of 1 Peter 2:13-17


-Design a flash card on good citizenship


Why should Christians obey their rulers?


How can people use the teachings of the Bible to promote harmonious living in the society?


Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in Christ CRE page 128-129


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


3 1 The Church How Christians can live godly lives on earth By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Identify ways in which we can live godly lives.

b)     Compose a poem on ‘I am a good citizen’ and recite the poem.

c)      Have fun and enjoy reciting a poem.


Learners are guided to:

-Identify ways in which we can live godly lives.


-Compose a poem on ‘I am a good citizen’ and recite the poem.



How do you live a godly life as a good citizen? Good News Bible

Flash cards

Digital devices


Oxford Growing in Christ CRE page 129-131


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


  2 The Church Interpersonal relationship among Christians By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Brainstorm on the meaning of interpersonal relationship among Christians.

b)     Discuss ways in which Christians relate well with one another in the community.

c)      Draw the pictures on learner’s book.

d)     Appreciate interpersonal relationship among Christians.


Learners are guided to:

-Brainstorm on the meaning of interpersonal relationship among Christians.


-Discuss ways in which Christians relate well with one another in the community.


-Draw the pictures on learner’s book.


How should Christians relate with one another? Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in ChristCRE page 132-133


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


  3 The Church Peter’s teaching on the relationship among Christians By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Read the Bible; 1 Peter 5:1-11

b)     Discuss ways in which Christians can promote peaceful co-existence in the country.

c)      Analyse 1 Peter 5:1-11

d)     Appreciate the importance of Peter’s teaching on the relationship among Christians.


Learners are guided to:

-Read the Bible; 1 Peter 5:1-11


-Discuss ways in which Christians can promote peaceful co-existence in the country.


-Analyse 1 Peter 5:1-11


How should the church elders and the young people relate with each other?


How do the teachings on the Bible promote good interpersonal relationships among Christians?

Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in Christ CRE page 133-134


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


4 1 The Church Moral values that can promote good interpersonal relationships among Christians By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Identify the values that promote good interpersonal relationships.

b)     Study the pictures on learner’s book and role play.

c)      Compose and recite a poem on good interpersonal relationships.

d)     Appreciate the moral values that can promote good interpersonal relationships among Christians.


Learners are guided to:

-Identify the values that promote good interpersonal relationships.


-Study the pictures on learner’s book and role play.


-Compose and recite a poem on good interpersonal relationships.


What are the moral values that can promote good interpersonal relationships among Christians? Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in Christ CRE page 134-137


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


  2 Christian living The importance of godly friendships among Christians By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Discuss friendship formation.

b)     Read the conversation between Amos and his father on learner’s book.

c)      Distinguish between good and bad friendships.

d)     Analyse the importance of godly relationship.

e)      Appreciate the importance of godly friendships among Christians.


Learners are guided to:

-Discuss friendship formation.


-Read the conversation between Amos and his father on learner’s book.


-Distinguish between good and bad friendships.


-Analyse the importance of godly relationship.



What is a godly friendship?


What should you do to maintain good friendships?

Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in Christ CRE page 138-140


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


  3 Christian living The teachings of Jesus on friendship By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Read the Bible; John 15:13-15

b)     Discuss ways of maintaining true friendship.

c)      Narrate about a friendship that has lasted for long.

d)     Appreciate the teachings of Jesus on friendship.


Learners are guided to:

-Read the Bible; John 15:13-15


-Discuss ways of maintaining true friendship.


-Narrate about a friendship that has lasted for long.


Who is a true friend?


What will you do to maintain godly friendships?

Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in Christ CRE page 140-143


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


5 1 Christian living Human sexuality; The importance of learning about human sexuality By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Explain the meaning of human sexuality.

b)     Read the Bible; Genesis 1:27

c)      Discuss ways in which human sexuality influences our choices and attitudes.

d)     Draw a table and fill it in with the body changes they experience.

e)      Appreciate the importance of of learning about human sexuality.


Learners are guided to:

-Explain the meaning of human sexuality.

Read the Bible; Genesis 1:27


-Discuss ways in which human sexuality influences our choices and attitudes.


-Draw a table and fill it in with the body changes they experience.


What is adolescence?


What do you like about being a male or female?


How does your sexuality affect your dressing?

Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in Christ CRE page 145-147


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


  2 Christian living Teachings of the Bible on responsible and irresponsible sexual behaviour By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Read the Bible; 1 Corinthians 6:18-20

b)     Discuss the meaning of responsible and irresponsible sexual relationship.

c)      Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy boy-girl relationship.

d)     Appreciate the teachings of the Bible on responsible and irresponsible sexual behaviour.


Learners are guided to:

-Read the Bible; 1 Corinthians 6:18-20


-Discuss the meaning of responsible and irresponsible sexual relationship.


-Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy boy-girl relationship.



What activities do boys and girls in healthy relationship engage in? Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in Christ CRE page 147-149


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


  3 Christian living The causes of irresponsible sexual behaviour among the youth By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Outline the causes of irresponsible behaviour in their community.

b)     Read James 1:14-15

c)      Recite the poem on learner’s book.

d)     Have a desire to live a responsible life.

Learners are guided to:

-Outline the causes of irresponsible behaviour in their community.


-Read James 1:14-15


-Recite the poem on learner’s book.




What are the causes of irresponsible sexual behaviour among the youth? Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in Christ CRE page 149-150


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


6 1 Christian living Skills that are required to overcome irresponsible sexual behaviour By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Identify the skills that can helps us to overcome irresponsible sexual behaviour.

b)     Read 2 Timothy 2:22

c)      Create a tune for the song on learner’s book and sing it.

d)     Appreciate the skills that are required to overcome irresponsible sexual behaviour.


Learners are guided to:

-Identify the skills that can helps us to overcome irresponsible sexual behaviour.


-Read 2 Timothy 2:22


-Create a tune for the song on learner’s book and sing it.




What are the skills that are required to overcome irresponsible sexual behaviour? Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in Christ CRE page 151-154


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


  2 Christian living Sanctity of life; Practices that violate the right to life By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Define human life.

b)     Discuss the practices that violate the right to life.

c)      Recognize the importance of human life.

d)     Appreciate the importance of human life.


Learner are guided to:

-Define human life.


-Discuss the practices that violate the right to life.


-Recognize the importance of human life.


Why is human life sacred?


What does it mean to violate a person’s right to life?

Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in Christ CRE page 155-156


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


  3 Christian living Effects of violation of the right to life By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Identify the effects of violation of the right to life.

b)     Debate the effects of violation of the right to life.

c)      Have a desire to preserve human life.

Learners are guided to:

-Identify the effects of violation of the right to life.


-Debate the effects of violation of the right to life.


What are the effects of violation of the right to life? Good News Bible

Digital devices



Oxford Growing in Christ CRE page



·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


7 1 Christian living Christians teachings on the abuse of the right to life By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Read the Bible Matthew 5:21-26

b)     Explain how anger can result in the violation of the right to life of a human being.

c)      Recognize ways of coping with anger to avoid the violation of the right to human life.

d)     Appreciate the Christian teachings on the abuse of the right to life.


Learners are guided to:

-Read the Bible Matthew 5:21-26


-Explain how anger can result in the violation of the right to life of a human being.


-Recognize ways of coping with anger to avoid the violation of the right to human life.



How do you respect someone’s right to life? Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in Christ CRE page 158-159


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


  2 Christian living Virtues that young people can practise to maintain the sanctity of life By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Explain how some virtues help us maintain the sanctity of life.

b)     Give reasons why the right to life should not be violated.

c)      Compose a poem thanking God for the gift of life and recite it.

d)     Appreciate the virtues that young people can practise to maintain the sanctity of life.


Learners are guided to:

-Explain how some virtues help us maintain the sanctity of life.


-Give reasons why the right to life should not be violated.


-Compose a poem thanking God for the gift of life and recite it.



What virtues helps us to maintain the sanctity of life? Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in Christ CRE page 159-161


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


  3 Christian living Drug and substance use By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Define the term alcohol, alcohol use, substance and substance use.

b)     Discuss reasons why young people abuse drugs.

c)      Read the story of Isaiah on learner’s book.

d)     Have a desire to advocate on the dangers of alcohol and substance abuse.


Learners are guided to:

-Define the term alcohol, alcohol use, substance, substance use.


-Discuss reasons why young people abuse drugs.

Read the story of Isaiah on learner’s book.


What is the meaning of drug and substance use? Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in Christ CRE page 163-165


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


8 1 Christian living Strategies used by Christians to prevent alcohol, drug and substance use By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Identify the strategies Christians use to prevent the use of drugs and substances.

b)     Outline ways of protecting ourselves from drug and substance use.

c)      Make posters about the dangers of alcohol and substance abuse.

d)     Appreciate the strategies used by Christians to prevent alcohol, drug and substance use.


Learners are guided to:

-Identify the strategies Christians use to prevent the use of drugs and substances.


-Outline ways of protecting ourselves from drug and substance use.


-Make posters about the dangers of alcohol and substance abuse.


What strategies used by Christians to prevent alcohol, drug and substance use? Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in Christ CRE page 165-167


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


  2 Christian living Measures taken by government agencies to fight drug trafficking and use By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Discuss the measures taken by government agencies to fight drug trafficking and use.

b)     Identify the measures that the Government of Kenya is taking to fight drug trafficking and use.

c)      Sing a song on the measures taken to fight drug trafficking and use.

d)     Appreciate the measures taken by government agencies to fight drug trafficking and use.


Learners are guided to:

-Discuss the measures taken by government agencies to fight drug trafficking and use.


-Identify the measures that the Government of Kenya is taking to fight drug trafficking and use.


-Sing a song on the measures taken to fight drug trafficking and use.


What are the measures taken by the government to fight drug trafficking and use? Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in Christ CRE page 168-169


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


  3 Christian living Measures taken by government agencies to fight drug trafficking and use By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)      Identify the skills we need in order to prevent the use of drugs and substance.

b)     Compose and recite a poem that creates awareness on the dangers of drug abuse.

c)      Appreciate our bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit.

d)     Have a desire to avoid the use of alcohol, drugs and substances.


Learners are guided to:

-Identify the skills we need in order to prevent the use of drugs and substance.


-Compose and recite a poem that creates awareness on the dangers of drug abuse.



What skills do we need to prevent the use of drugs and substances? Good News Bible

Flash cards

Pictures Songs Digital devices



Oxford Growing in Christ CRE page 170-172


·Written Quizzes


·Oral questions


9       ASSESSMENT          


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