Here is the full TSC list of all primary school administrators in Busia county. TSC classifies the following tutors/ teachers as administrators: school heads, principals, their deputies, senior teachers and masters.
Get TSC administrators’ lists for all other counties here; TSC NEWS PORTAL.
Mr Kechula, Andrea Lumumba | Deputy Headteacher | Akibui Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Onjote, Wycliffe Imbwenya | Deputy Headteacher | Akulony Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Wasike, Lilian Sabina | Deputy Headteacher | St. Paul’s Okokoru Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Opili, Ruth Naigambi | Deputy Headteacher | Amongura Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Obari, Silas Orute | Deputy Headteacher | Akites Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Orembe, Sylverious Okech | Deputy Headteacher | Odio Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ochiko, Francis | Deputy Headteacher | Aderema Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Odunga, Jacquilyn Anyango | Deputy Headteacher | Ongaroi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Nanjala, Hezekiah Odwory | Deputy Headteacher | Aciit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Ms Musunguson, Doreen Naliaka | Deputy Headteacher | Acunet Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Musumba, Margaret Wesonga | Deputy Headteacher | Palama Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Makoba, Trix Nnoli | Deputy Headteacher | Segero Primary Schhol | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Ateba, Geoffrey Opailo | Deputy Headteacher | Segero Primary Schhol | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Wabwire, Agrispin Wafula | Deputy Headteacher | Busidibu Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Odhiambo, Mildren Adera Jane | Deputy Headteacher | Nasira R.C. Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Nanzala, Brenda Lucy | Deputy Headteacher | Nang’oma Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Ongondo, Peter Mwanza | Deputy Headteacher | Lunga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Okumu, Roselyne | Deputy Headteacher | Siteko Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Kwena, Daniel Wanyangu | Deputy Headteacher | St. Catherine Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Wanga, Abdi Masinde | Deputy Headteacher | St. Catherine Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Juma, Timothy Amboye | Deputy Headteacher | Bukati Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Owinoh, Everlyne Grace | Deputy Headteacher | Butula Boys Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Okech, Gregory Odwory | Deputy Headteacher | Esibine Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Sibuda, Apollo | Deputy Headteacher | Busire Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Makokha, Thomas Matswa | Deputy Headteacher | Sikoma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Ngonga, Pauline Achieng | Deputy Headteacher | Mudoma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Oketch, Augustine Steve | Deputy Headteacher | Nyakwaka Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Onyango, Henry Dickens | Deputy Headteacher | Sichekhe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ombwaki, John Onyango | Deputy Headteacher | Bubamba Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Anya, Jane Joslyne Kaunya | Deputy Headteacher | Malaba Special School For The Mentally C | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Ikaali, Esnas Asiyo | Deputy Headteacher | St. Luke Kakemer Special School For P.H. | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Acheni, Alice | Deputy Headteacher | Kakapel Special School For H.I. | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Oteba, Daniel Emuria | Deputy Headteacher | Oburi Kode Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Itellah, Maurice Dishon Papa | Deputy Headteacher | Aboloi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Kapule, Domian Ojilong | Deputy Headteacher | Adanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ijakaa, Elly Ochomo | Deputy Headteacher | Aedomoru Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Omunga, David Bramwel | Deputy Headteacher | Akichelesit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Etarukot, John | Deputy Headteacher | Akiriamet Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Imwene, Shem Mamai | Deputy Headteacher | Akolong Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Imeturu, Teresa Nanjala | Deputy Headteacher | Aloete Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Alungata, Beldina Opuru | Deputy Headteacher | Angurai Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Givinald, Ituru Juma | Deputy Headteacher | Ataba-oburi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Osiel, Abraham Milton | Deputy Headteacher | A.C.K. Chamasiri Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Emase, Donald Shem | Deputy Headteacher | Chelelemuk Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Mamai, Keziah Ikatek | Deputy Headteacher | Chelelemuk Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Kilongi, Joshua Stephen | Deputy Headteacher | Kabukui Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Otwane, Pamela | Deputy Headteacher | Kakapel Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Wekesa, Sarah Nakhumicha | Deputy Headteacher | Kakeriaut Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Emokata, Chrispin Okedi | Deputy Headteacher | Kakurikit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Emoding, Benson | Deputy Headteacher | Kakemer Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Ikate, Dinah | Deputy Headteacher | Kangelemuge Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Kituyi, Rodah Naliaka | Deputy Headteacher | Kasinge Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Omong’ot, Simon Imaet | Deputy Headteacher | Katakwa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Juma, Peter Papa | Deputy Headteacher | Katakwa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Wekesa, Aggrey Khaemba | Deputy Headteacher | Kekalet Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Emopus, Anthony Abuchi | Deputy Headteacher | Kolait Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Hesketh, Ekissa Victor | Deputy Headteacher | Kolanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Nabende, Violet Nasimiyu | Deputy Headteacher | Kongololo Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Tata, Jane Mamai | Deputy Headteacher | Kosenyi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Omudeck, Austin Emukule | Deputy Headteacher | Kosenyi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Olima, Eddyson Clide | Deputy Headteacher | Moding Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Abai, Rose Ajuma | Deputy Headteacher | Mwari Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ipapo, Cyrus Peteritus | Deputy Headteacher | Mwari Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Aucho, Consolata Mary | Deputy Headteacher | Okimaru Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Opara, Dominic Ipapo | Deputy Headteacher | Rwatama Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Etyang, Dan Imwana | Deputy Headteacher | Adurukoit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ekiring, Job Odera | Deputy Headteacher | Amagoro Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Omuse, Catherine Amoit | Deputy Headteacher | Ikapolok Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Atyang, Fidelis Jullie | Deputy Headteacher | Ikapolok Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Osike, Peter Oriah | Deputy Headteacher | Kakoli Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Okapes, Justus Okisai | Deputy Headteacher | Kamuriai Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Wepukhulu, Nelson Barasa | Deputy Headteacher | Kengatuny Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Muthoni, John | Deputy Headteacher | Kocholya Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Omukule, Godfrey Etyang | Deputy Headteacher | Kocholya Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Muhatia, Christabella | Deputy Headteacher | Kokare Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Papai, Michael Osuut | Deputy Headteacher | Koruruma Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Okemo, Roseline Kaswiti | Deputy Headteacher | Malaba Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Orone, Eunice | Deputy Headteacher | Malaba Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Okole, Annah Atyeng | Deputy Headteacher | Malaba Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Okochil, Francis Aboss | Deputy Headteacher | Okuleu Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ekisa, Edward Karani | Deputy Headteacher | Okuleu Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ekasiba, Dennis Benjamin | Deputy Headteacher | Kajei Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Emojong, Moses | Deputy Headteacher | Kaukotoit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Isogoli, Joseph Ikojyo | Deputy Headteacher | Matumbai Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ekenyan, Isaac Omung’a | Deputy Headteacher | Kisiombe Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ojuma, Eria Onyadi | Deputy Headteacher | Kisiombe Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Omusolo, Abel Egete | Deputy Headteacher | Kaeset Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Papa, Wildad Yonah | Deputy Headteacher | Kopiya Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Mukhandia, Moses | Deputy Headteacher | Changara Ack Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Etabo, Charles Emusi | Deputy Headteacher | Kiriko Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Idewa, Arnold Iringo | Deputy Headteacher | Kamolo Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Etyang, Benson Engorit | Deputy Headteacher | Katanyu Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Alimor, Kennedy Opero | Deputy Headteacher | Machakusi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Barasa, Moses Isoka | Deputy Headteacher | Onyunyur Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Edukit, James Ekisa | Deputy Headteacher | St. Peters Akiriamas Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Osili, Maurice | Deputy Headteacher | Okiporo Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Atyanga, Miriam Nafula | Deputy Headteacher | Akibui Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Okitoi, Domian | Deputy Headteacher | Gara Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Abwaku, Truphena Emily | Deputy Headteacher | Ekisegere Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ekisa, Paul David | Deputy Headteacher | Kapesur Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Emolot, Andrew | Deputy Headteacher | Kaejo Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Okiring, Jane Florence | Deputy Headteacher | Kamunyele Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Ms Adungo, Fidelia | Deputy Headteacher | Kasogol Kapel Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ekirapa, Daniel Franklin | Deputy Headteacher | Ketebat Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Oswani, Reuben Emojong | Deputy Headteacher | Akulony Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Isapuke, Caroline Ruth | Deputy Headteacher | St. Mathews Moru Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Sirari, Samuel | Deputy Headteacher | Goromait S.A. Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Onyait, Norah Itukule | Deputy Headteacher | St. Barnabas Katelenyang Primary | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Kitui, John Patrick M | Deputy Headteacher | St. Mary’s Akiriamasit R.C. Primary Scho | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Emodo, Vincent Papa | Deputy Headteacher | S.A. Kolanya Girls Boarding Prim School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Akapolon, Roselyne | Deputy Headteacher | St. Paul Achunet A,C,K. Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Papa, Ibrahim Iteba | Deputy Headteacher | St. Paul Achunet A,C,K. Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Ekakoro, Cecil Amusugutu | Deputy Headteacher | Kongurakol Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Isokatt, Jeremiah Julius | Deputy Headteacher | St. Mark Kidek Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Wawire, Janet Khakasa | Deputy Headteacher | S.D.A Kaujakito Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Otabu, Richard Iyaite | Deputy Headteacher | Elalai Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Ino, Alungata Sabentia Ekirap | Deputy Headteacher | Elalai Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Opagala, Arnold Jakait | Deputy Headteacher | St. Mary’s Osajai R.C Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Emojong, Evelyne Atwani | Deputy Headteacher | Osopotoit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Ipaat, Pauline Aguria | Deputy Headteacher | St. James Osia Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Okware, Beatrice Rachael O | Deputy Headteacher | Kalalaran R.C Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Barasa, David Wangusi | Deputy Headteacher | Kolait Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Wanyonyi, Dismas Kundu | Deputy Headteacher | St. Charles Akudiet R.C Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Lutta, Lillian Shiroya Odwali | Deputy Headteacher | Apokor Special School For M.H. | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Okumu, Hellen | Deputy Headteacher | Opokoto A.C.K. Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Murunga, Hildah Askuku | Deputy Headteacher | Oburi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Mutoto, Joab Emmanuel | Deputy Headteacher | Ojamii Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Owaya, Felistus Iteba | Deputy Headteacher | St. Paul’s Okokoru Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Johya, Rozario Sabincia | Deputy Headteacher | St. Peter’s Osipata Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ireta, Peter Opili | Deputy Headteacher | St. Peter’s Osipata Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Okisai, Ruth Ichani | Deputy Headteacher | Kabosokipi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Simiyu, Everlyne Knight | Deputy Headteacher | Okame Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ono, Vincent Emojong | Deputy Headteacher | Obuucun Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Omondi, Stellah Auma | Deputy Headteacher | Amongura Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Otwani, Rita Amukulon | Deputy Headteacher | Asiriam Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Omoro, Protus Shikuku | Deputy Headteacher | Alomodoi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Onyango, Mark Opoti | Deputy Headteacher | Amaase Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Emasa, Sylvia Amukaut | Deputy Headteacher | Ojaamong Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Odhuno, Maurice Ochieng’ | Deputy Headteacher | Ojaamong Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Okiru, Yerusa Awori | Deputy Headteacher | Ojaamong Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ochodomong, Francis Ong’odia | Deputy Headteacher | Olepito Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Omanyu, Hosea Omita | Deputy Headteacher | Chakol Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Omukaga, Samuel Patrick Emukule | Deputy Headteacher | Chakol Girls Boarding Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Etyang, Humphrey Ikwa | Deputy Headteacher | Amukura Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Osike, Fredrick Omukaga | Deputy Headteacher | Akwobait (cha) Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Etyang, Bisansio Odeke | Deputy Headteacher | Akwobait (cha) Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Etyang, Henry O Melchizedic | Deputy Headteacher | Apatit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ekweny, Denis Ekada | Deputy Headteacher | Apokor Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Omunyin, Dickson Osiya | Deputy Headteacher | Katelenyang Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Etyang, Romano | Deputy Headteacher | Kodedema Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Opakasi, Phillip Etyang | Deputy Headteacher | Kamarinyang Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Akinyi, Jane Francisca | Deputy Headteacher | Kosera Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Imuka, Rodgers Odeke | Deputy Headteacher | Kotur Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Atelo, Jephrice Okiya Samuel | Deputy Headteacher | Kwangamor Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Tati, David Binika | Deputy Headteacher | Morukamosing Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Emoto, George Emomeri | Deputy Headteacher | Morukeyan Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Odwali, Charles Omukaga | Deputy Headteacher | Okatekok Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ombok, Lawrence Ongaria | Deputy Headteacher | Okisimo Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Okwape, Alloys Ekuleut | Deputy Headteacher | Akatagoroit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Miss Iseren, Christine | Deputy Headteacher | Akites Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Omuse, Rael Judith Amusolo | Deputy Headteacher | Akoreet Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Mala, Basil | Deputy Headteacher | Apegei Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Miss Emokol, Sarah Amuruon | Deputy Headteacher | Aterait Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Otakamong, Mathew Ibwalat Douglas | Deputy Headteacher | Aterait Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Wekesa, Gloria Nafula | Deputy Headteacher | Asinge Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Olukunyang, Silas Epuret | Deputy Headteacher | Ngelechom Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Omusugu, Sylvester | Deputy Headteacher | Aderema Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Karani, Otee Cain Mathew | Deputy Headteacher | Aderema Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ndubi, Abraham | Deputy Headteacher | Papa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Orwata, Glario Adungo | Deputy Headteacher | Omoloi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Omongor, Getrude Nawire | Deputy Headteacher | Keriamata Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Omusolo, Stephen Omunyu | Deputy Headteacher | Keriamata Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ounoi, Philip Etyeng | Deputy Headteacher | Obekai Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Imo, Sophie Francesca Owade | Deputy Headteacher | Kidera Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Emoru, Godfrey Richard Ochoge | Deputy Headteacher | St. Luke’s Amoni Primatu School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Emojong, Christopher Okodoi | Deputy Headteacher | St. Joseph’s Irukan Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Emoru, Maurice Dedan Omanyala | Deputy Headteacher | St. Simon Aburi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Opakasi, Fredrick Etyang | Deputy Headteacher | Ochude Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Miss Okapesi, Catherine Leah | Deputy Headteacher | Okerebwa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ekodoi, Donald Ojaang’or | Deputy Headteacher | Okerebwa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Awuor, Charles Odhiambo | Deputy Headteacher | Okerebwa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Olut, Daniel Odakai | Deputy Headteacher | Palama Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Atyang, Margaret Masakwe | Deputy Headteacher | Goria Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Lugonzo, Edward Shitsukane | Deputy Headteacher | St. Martin Kisoko Specil Sch For M.H | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Wesonga, Marystella Ekaya | Deputy Headteacher | Buyofu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Juma, Walter Oduori | Deputy Headteacher | Ekisumo Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Wafula, Patrick Nyongesa | Deputy Headteacher | Igara Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Oloo, Andrew Khisa | Deputy Headteacher | Igara Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Wamatuba, Gladys | Deputy Headteacher | Khayo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Makokha, Janefefa Narotso | Deputy Headteacher | Namahindi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Wasike, Aaron Peter | Deputy Headteacher | Madende Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Pamela, Akinyi | Deputy Headteacher | Mungatsi Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Okutoyi, Maximilla Waswa | Deputy Headteacher | Musokoti D.e.b Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Were, Alfred Dan | Deputy Headteacher | Musokoto Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Masaba, Anzelimo Barasa | Deputy Headteacher | Madibo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Mayoye, Edward | Deputy Headteacher | Madibo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Munyani, Victor Okama | Deputy Headteacher | Sikinga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Maketso, Henry Wesonga | Deputy Headteacher | Sianda Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Musimbi, Pamellah | Deputy Headteacher | Siera Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Alachu, Stephen Sylvester | Deputy Headteacher | St. Elizabeth Opedur R.C. Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Makokha, Miriam Mbete | Deputy Headteacher | Emukhuyu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Okumu, Antony Patrobah | Deputy Headteacher | Esinende Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Nakhone, Quintone Obara | Deputy Headteacher | Esinende Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Makokha, Rosemary Oscar Atieno | Deputy Headteacher | Khwirale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Auma, Redempta Oloo | Deputy Headteacher | Kisoko Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Sakwa, Hellen Dina | Deputy Headteacher | Lwanyange Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Makokha, Daniel Wafula | Deputy Headteacher | Mabunge R.c Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Shirenya, Rose Jackline | Deputy Headteacher | Malanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Echesa, Stephen Nabwayo | Deputy Headteacher | Malanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Odino, Jane Auma | Deputy Headteacher | Manyole Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Omenda, Robert Martin | Deputy Headteacher | Maolo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Khaira, Joseph Mukunzi | Deputy Headteacher | Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Emomeri, Paul Munyane | Deputy Headteacher | Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Bwire, Dixon Henry | Deputy Headteacher | St. Mary’s Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Sakwa, Godfrey Christianos | Deputy Headteacher | St. Mary’s Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Ms Weyula, Beatrice Ebbah | Deputy Headteacher | Nambale Urban Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Nyongesa, Marygoret | Deputy Headteacher | Nange’ni Rc Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Wasike, Simon Wesonga | Deputy Headteacher | Nange’ni Rc Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Musumba, George Wandera | Deputy Headteacher | Sibembe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Namwaya, Richard Sande | Deputy Headteacher | Otiiri Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Sirigwa, Caleb Otaru | Deputy Headteacher | Koshalai Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Okitaba, Patrick Omoto | Deputy Headteacher | Sango Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Pwotso, Paskalia Kutoyi Nanga | Deputy Headteacher | St. Francis Makongeni Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Wabwire, Meshack Wanzala | Deputy Headteacher | Khwirale Centre Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Etyang, Martin | Deputy Headteacher | Kapina Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Wekhoba, Ulyric Obanda | Deputy Headteacher | St. Mark’s Musoma Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Ndubi, Antony Raudo | Deputy Headteacher | St. Mark’s Musoma Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Ambale, Beatrice Hellen | Deputy Headteacher | Namisi Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Omudokolo, Peter Nyongesa | Deputy Headteacher | Matili Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Ms Musumba, Justine P | Deputy Headteacher | Bugeng’i M.H. Special School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Omanyo, Becker Ochieno | Deputy Headteacher | Busidibu Special School For The M.H. | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Omunyin, Joseph Mathew | Deputy Headteacher | Mundika Special School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Lubanga, Reuben Eshikumo | Deputy Headteacher | Lwanya Special School For The M.H. | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Wandera, Greyfas Omondi | Deputy Headteacher | Busidibu Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Oketch, John Kennedy Wanyama | Deputy Headteacher | Luliba Primary | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Wanjala, Job Osebe | Deputy Headteacher | Lwanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Oduori, Consolata Auma | Deputy Headteacher | Mabunge Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Pepela, Dismas | Deputy Headteacher | Nasira Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Oundoh, Harriet Namenge | Deputy Headteacher | Nasira Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Wandera, Julius Okuku | Deputy Headteacher | Buringala Primary | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Amuga, Loise Kengi | Deputy Headteacher | Mundika Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Odhiambo, George Onyango | Deputy Headteacher | Mundulusia Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Kucha, Fredrick Nyongesa | Deputy Headteacher | St. Eugene’s Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Ogutu, Lucia Atieno | Deputy Headteacher | Busia Girls Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Oluoch, Vincent | Deputy Headteacher | Bulanda Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Barasa, John Wanyonyi | Deputy Headteacher | Bulanda Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Opiayo, Sammy Thomas | Deputy Headteacher | Bwamani Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Kachinja, Paul Oketch | Deputy Headteacher | Mayenje Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Agonga, Rossiette Rosa Mather | Deputy Headteacher | Burumba Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Nangira, Robert Ouma | Deputy Headteacher | Burumba Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Okoth, Wilfred Ojwang | Deputy Headteacher | Mabale Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Wasike, Margaret Maloba | Deputy Headteacher | St. Teresa Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Osango, Ebert Mickey Asitiba | Deputy Headteacher | Alungoli Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Achieno, Jacklyne | Deputy Headteacher | Busende Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Barasa, John Mark | Deputy Headteacher | Indoli Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Syeunda, Justine Dorothy | Deputy Headteacher | Igero Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Kila, Antony Ogutu | Deputy Headteacher | Igero Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Odunga, David Orodi | Deputy Headteacher | Murende Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Barasa, Elizabeth Leah | Deputy Headteacher | Muyafwa Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Barasa, Dickson Owino Godfrey | Deputy Headteacher | Nasewa Primary | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Okumu, Irene Pauline Anyango | Deputy Headteacher | Bugengi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Opondo, Washington Juma | Deputy Headteacher | Esikulu Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Akumu, Jane Irene | Deputy Headteacher | Esirisia Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Barasa, Fredrick Oduori | Deputy Headteacher | Esirisia Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Okworo, Peninah Kerubo | Deputy Headteacher | Munongo Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Akoth, Praxides | Deputy Headteacher | Mujuru Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Gibendi, Evans | Deputy Headteacher | Mujuru Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Khaseke, Martin Makadia | Deputy Headteacher | Buyama Pri. Sch. | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Nyange, Ruth Wuganga | Deputy Headteacher | Mundika Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Okumu, Lawrence Bwire | Deputy Headteacher | Mundika Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Nyongesa, Eliud Ojiambo | Deputy Headteacher | St. Moses Sigwata Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Abetter, Zacharia Okoth | Deputy Headteacher | Budokomi Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Ndanyi, Fred Ouma | Deputy Headteacher | Buderie Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Keya, Priscila Beatrice | Deputy Headteacher | Siteko Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Ochieng, John Wycliffe | Deputy Headteacher | Siteko Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Onyango, Patrick Wanga | Deputy Headteacher | Lugulu A.C. Secondary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Wanzala, George | Deputy Headteacher | Buduma Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Okoth, Bartholomew Matangu | Deputy Headteacher | Bukati Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Murwayi, Hillary Owina | Deputy Headteacher | Bukati Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Kutoyi, Charles Taabu | Deputy Headteacher | Bumala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Obiero, Margaret Apiyo | Deputy Headteacher | Butula Girls Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Onyango, Robert Daria | Deputy Headteacher | Butula Girls Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Okwalo, Timothy Otsieno | Deputy Headteacher | Elukhari Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Arango, Geneveva Atsieno | Deputy Headteacher | Isongo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Watiti, Geoffrey Ateya | Deputy Headteacher | Kalalani Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Agunda, Christine Nafula | Deputy Headteacher | Kanjala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Ngono, Blasto Sandas | Deputy Headteacher | Makwara Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Rev Ouma, Timothy Raphael | Deputy Headteacher | Mauko Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Okinda, Dalmas Waaka | Deputy Headteacher | Masendebalae Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Tsinjendo, Cleophas Odonde | Deputy Headteacher | Mungabo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Adeya, Fredrick Awuori | Deputy Headteacher | Musibiriri Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Achola, Robert Musebe | Deputy Headteacher | Musibiriri Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Onyango, Francis Ondoo | Deputy Headteacher | Musibiriri Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Chitai, Norbert | Deputy Headteacher | Sikarira Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Oduor, Denis Musumba | Deputy Headteacher | Siribo Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Musebe, Nicholas Esdor | Deputy Headteacher | Siribo Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Soita, Judith Khanjila | Deputy Headteacher | Bujumba Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Magero, Jane Leya | Deputy Headteacher | Bukhakhala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Okoth, George Oduor Patel | Deputy Headteacher | Bukhakhala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Masiga, Hezron Peter | Deputy Headteacher | Bukhwaku Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Wesonga, Genovefa Nafofoyo | Deputy Headteacher | Bumala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Aringo, Wilberforce Joram Muniala | Deputy Headteacher | Burinda Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Murono, Dorcas | Deputy Headteacher | Buriya Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Rabongo, Michael Bwire | Deputy Headteacher | Busire Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Sidwaka, Patrick Oyugi | Deputy Headteacher | Dadira Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Wasike, Moses Muyekho | Deputy Headteacher | Ikonzo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Were, Vincent Juma | Deputy Headteacher | Namwitsula Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Otieno, Joyce Anyango | Deputy Headteacher | Nango Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Indede, Consolata Apiyo | Deputy Headteacher | Nyamwanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Oketch, Stephen Wadondera | Deputy Headteacher | Bukhalalire Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Onyango, Bonface Wanga | Deputy Headteacher | Bukhuma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Osore, Vincent Odhiambo | Deputy Headteacher | Bukhuma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Opuba, Bernard Bob | Deputy Headteacher | Bulwani Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Mboka, Maximilla Nekesa | Deputy Headteacher | Bumutiru Rc Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Ogada, Charles Omondi | Deputy Headteacher | Busiada Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Caleb, Daniel Otieno | Deputy Headteacher | Emagombe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Mwandala, Sammy Abednego | Deputy Headteacher | Igula Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Namusenda, Humphrey Onyango | Deputy Headteacher | Khunyangu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Musundi, George | Deputy Headteacher | Kingandole Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Ochieng, Charles Juma | Deputy Headteacher | Madola Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Mwanza, Benson Zacharia Odonge | Deputy Headteacher | Bishop L. Atundo Mung’ambwa Primary Sch. | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Ongulu, Meshack | Deputy Headteacher | Nyalwanda Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Oduor, Gabriel Ogama | Deputy Headteacher | St. Meltus Saka Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Wesonga, Bonface Wabwire | Deputy Headteacher | St. Meltus Saka Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Wandera, Charles Victor | Deputy Headteacher | St. Meltus Saka Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Isorit, Susan Adiye | Deputy Headteacher | Sikoma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Okumu, Catherine Awino | Deputy Headteacher | Sikoma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Okunga, Scholastic Dorothy Nelly | Deputy Headteacher | St. Augustines Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Kwoba, Ernest Ouma | Deputy Headteacher | Musoma R.C. Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Juma, Godfrey | Deputy Headteacher | Elunyiko Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Osiako, John Mutichiro | Deputy Headteacher | Lukonyi Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Wanyama, Lydia Mudofu | Deputy Headteacher | Lukonyi Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Odhiambo, Sylvanus | Deputy Headteacher | Busibi Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Anyango, Roseline R | Deputy Headteacher | Nangina Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Oundo, Caroline Anyango | Deputy Headteacher | Bunandi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Oduori, John Ojwang | Deputy Headteacher | Bujwanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Shikuku, Phanice Topister | Deputy Headteacher | Bujwanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Malo, Patrick Ochwada | Deputy Headteacher | Namunyweda Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ouma, Nobert Barasa | Deputy Headteacher | Sigalame Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Awori, Livingstone Victor | Deputy Headteacher | Nanaderema Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Okello, Vincent Bruno | Deputy Headteacher | Nanaderema Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Omondi, Matilda Awori | Deputy Headteacher | Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Ms Obura, Lucy | Deputy Headteacher | Bukeko Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Lumala, Martin Okudumu | Deputy Headteacher | Namuduru Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Wanga, Petronilla Mwajuma | Deputy Headteacher | Bumayenga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Ngweno, Lucy Nangira | Deputy Headteacher | Busijo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Ogesa, Anne Nafula | Deputy Headteacher | Nabalaki Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Wanjala, Milton Kwome | Deputy Headteacher | Rumbiye Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Adongo, Robert Adongo | Deputy Headteacher | Bumulimba Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Barasa, Patrick Odhiambo | Deputy Headteacher | Buburi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Wandera, Kennedy Edwin | Deputy Headteacher | Nabuganda Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Mabachi, Hedwick Apiyo | Deputy Headteacher | Namasali Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Achaba, Eric Sanya | Deputy Headteacher | Hakati Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Kimoi, Elphas Kele | Deputy Headteacher | Busulere Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Onyango, Victor Wandera | Deputy Headteacher | Burandi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Okeda, Justus Jacob | Deputy Headteacher | Bukhwamba Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ojiambo, Henry Patrick | Deputy Headteacher | Buloma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Odwori, Joseph Vincent | Deputy Headteacher | Ganjala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Atieno, Floice Olubero | Deputy Headteacher | Lugala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Oundo, Julius Barasa | Deputy Headteacher | Lugala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Namagwa, Isaac Matata | Deputy Headteacher | Mundaya Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Khasindu, Francis Robert Ogutu | Deputy Headteacher | Mundaya Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Were, Stephen Allan | Deputy Headteacher | Namboboto `b’ Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Mangeni, Davy Humphreys | Deputy Headteacher | Nambuku Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Omirah, Josephat Apeli O | Deputy Headteacher | Nyakwaka Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Barasa, Dennis Okechi | Deputy Headteacher | Nyakhobi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Were, Medline Anyango | Deputy Headteacher | Sichekhe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Wanyama, Henry Buluma | Deputy Headteacher | Sidonge Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ayienga, Benard Kaunda | Deputy Headteacher | Sidonge Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Bwire, Justus Okello | Deputy Headteacher | Sibinga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Magoye, Arcadius Wafula | Deputy Headteacher | Sifuyo Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Wabwire, Josephine Dorothy | Deputy Headteacher | Nerobia Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Isoyi, Agnes Auma | Deputy Headteacher | Muramba Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Mang’eni, Kennedy Magoba | Deputy Headteacher | Sibale Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Machyo, Simoh Peter Oduke | Deputy Headteacher | Nangina Mixed Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Obola, Michael Agumba | Deputy Headteacher | Nangina Mixed Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Mukhongo, Benard Simokin | Deputy Headteacher | Burudu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Wesonga, Samuel Manda | Deputy Headteacher | Malanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Mugoya, Lawrence Lugungu | Deputy Headteacher | Nangina Girls Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Maji, Fredrick Jacob | Deputy Headteacher | Nabutuki Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ochwanya, Albert Okumu | Deputy Headteacher | Luchululo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ouma, Bonface | Deputy Headteacher | Bukhulungu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Masiga, James Lemmy Okumu | Deputy Headteacher | Nandereka Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Mangoli, Eliud Wanyama | Deputy Headteacher | Sijowa Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Juma, Agnes Ajiambo | Deputy Headteacher | Sijowa Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ouma, Chrispinus Barasa | Deputy Headteacher | Sijowa Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ojiambo, Michael Opondo | Deputy Headteacher | Wakhungu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Nabonwe, Gabriel Kidogo | Deputy Headteacher | Odiado Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Achila, James Namukisa | Deputy Headteacher | Sigulu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Wakhaya, Phelix Dickson | Deputy Headteacher | Sigulu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Musungu, Lydia Apiyo | Deputy Headteacher | Bukiri Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Otolo, Isaack John Wafula | Deputy Headteacher | Kabwaodo Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Okumu, Kevin Victor Odwory | Deputy Headteacher | Mukonjo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Otieno, Tobisca Achieng | Deputy Headteacher | Nakhasiko Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Okochi, Grace Truphena | Deputy Headteacher | Mugasa Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Atieno, Seraphine Eva Ogutu | Deputy Headteacher | Rugunga Special Sch For The M. Challeged | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Oduori, Felix Simon | Deputy Headteacher | Mundere Sp Sch For The Hearing & Impaire | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Mukhuri, Thaddeus Dondo | Deputy Headteacher | Bubango Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Kechula, Wiphrida Lucy Egondi | Deputy Headteacher | Budalangi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ebere, Bramwel | Deputy Headteacher | Budalangi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Lugera, Joseph Oola | Deputy Headteacher | Budubusi Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ouma, Casper Jumaine | Deputy Headteacher | Bukoma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ogesa, Cornel Okochi | Deputy Headteacher | Bumadeya Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ounyoh, Godfrey Oundo | Deputy Headteacher | Igigo Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Maloba, Thomas | Deputy Headteacher | Lunyofu Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Maindi, Phaustine Tabu | Deputy Headteacher | Mudembi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Makhulo, Esther Odondo | Deputy Headteacher | Mundere Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Okello, Robert Mugabe | Deputy Headteacher | Namalo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Okumu, Ibrahim Wanyama | Deputy Headteacher | Namalo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Olumbe, Resula Ande | Deputy Headteacher | Port Mixed Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Nyongesa, Charles Taabu | Deputy Headteacher | Ruambwa Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ofumbo, Emmanuel Bahati | Deputy Headteacher | Sibuka Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Musolo, Benta Nambasi | Deputy Headteacher | Sifugwe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Konde, Elda Night | Deputy Headteacher | Sirimba Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Osamo, Collins Calory | Deputy Headteacher | Sisenye Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Oundo, Benard Ong’amo | Deputy Headteacher | St. Cecilia Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Oloo, Samuel Onyango | Deputy Headteacher | Osieko Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Joash, Musa Amoto | Deputy Headteacher | Maduwa Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Opiyo, Christopher Bwire | Deputy Headteacher | Runyu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Okende, Rosemary Nangira | Deputy Headteacher | Budala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Omumi, Sylvester Andera Wilfred | Deputy Headteacher | Musoma A.C. Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ojiambo, Daniel Okochi | Deputy Headteacher | Rugunga Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Makhulo, Fredrick Wandera | Deputy Headteacher | Rugunga Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Wanga, Anthony | Deputy Headteacher | Lugale Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Obwoga, Robert Ojiambo | Deputy Headteacher | Makunda Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Ogombe, Dorcas Auma | Deputy Headteacher | Mukhobola Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ngosia, Victor Ojiambo | Deputy Headteacher | Mubwayo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Nandie, Christopher Wanyama | Deputy Headteacher | Mundika B Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Onalo, Emilly Afandi | Deputy Headteacher | Mundika B Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Oduori, Caroline Majuma | Deputy Headteacher | Busagwa Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Obara, Janipher Majimbo | Deputy Headteacher | Buongo Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Osodo, James Majimbo | Deputy Headteacher | Nanjomi Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Miss Khabiri, Elizabeth Achieng | Deputy Headteacher | Bulemia Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Sipanda, Enosy Adongo | Deputy Headteacher | Kenya Gauze Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Saidi, Godfrey Otiende | Deputy Headteacher | Lakeview Primary School – Nandekere | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Vidolo, Herman Edward | Deputy Headteacher | Nabutswi Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Omiari, Margaret Aroni | Headteacher | Apegei Special Sch For The Phy Handi | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Miss Ekisa, Praxides Ikituk | Headteacher | Malaba Special School For The Mentally C | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ojuma, Michael Eeme | Headteacher | St. Luke Kakemer Special School For P.H. | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Werimo, Josephat Owino | Headteacher | Kakapel Special School For H.I. | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Amulen, Risper Zippy | Headteacher | Oburi Kode Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Simiyu, Cleophas Wanyama | Headteacher | Aboloi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Eseme, Anthony Joseph | Headteacher | Adanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Mamboleo, Fredrick Chemiat | Headteacher | Aedomoru Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Emuria, Noah Emayot | Headteacher | Aedomoru Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Kipkut, Fredrick Kirui | Headteacher | Akichelesit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Omasete, Frederick Mark | Headteacher | Akiriamet Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Barasa, Michael Ojuma | Headteacher | Akolong Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Mango, Peter Inganga | Headteacher | Aloete Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ekisa, Honorat Epae | Headteacher | Angurai Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Manyiror, Chrisantus | Headteacher | Ataba-oburi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Okech, Livingstone | Headteacher | A.C.K. Chamasiri Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Odongo, Robert Wamukota | Headteacher | Chelelemuk Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Elungat, Robai Imatikide | Headteacher | Chelelemuk Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Waswa, Dennis Thomas | Headteacher | Kabukui Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Muchanga, Ferdinand Fwamba | Headteacher | Kabukui Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ejuma, Joseph Emaida | Headteacher | Kakapel Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Olungur, David Ikapolok Imai | Headteacher | Kakapel Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Etiang, Ham | Headteacher | Kakeriaut Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Omeri, Francis Nyongesa | Headteacher | Kakurikit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Oteba, Geofrey | Headteacher | Kakurikit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Emomeri, Benjamin Osere | Headteacher | Kakoit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ojala, Julius Geoffrey | Headteacher | Katakwa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Etyang, Mary Agule | Headteacher | Kolait Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Olunga, Paul Bartholomew | Headteacher | Kolanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Osiya, Miriam Ajakaa | Headteacher | Kolanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Masake, Peter Dan | Headteacher | Kongololo Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Osere, David Esiromo | Headteacher | Kongololo Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Onyapidi, Geoffrey Dan | Headteacher | Kosenyi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Mayeku, Amos Wafula | Headteacher | Moding Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Mulongo, Peter Phanuel | Headteacher | Mwari Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ikisai, Shadrack | Headteacher | Mwari Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Chematui, Lydia Boikei | Headteacher | Adurukoit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Wanyonyi, Jackline Lyambila | Headteacher | Amagoro Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Emeje, Simon Peter Ojuma | Headteacher | Amoni Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Otieno, Frederick Oduor | Headteacher | Ikapolok Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Malowa, Patricia Agutu | Headteacher | Kamuriai Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Orapidi, Moses Omasete | Headteacher | Kamuriai Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Echakara, Elkana Jakait Achiya | Headteacher | Kengatuny Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Epalat, David Ekesa | Headteacher | Kokare Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Nangendo, Margaret Nafula | Headteacher | Korisai A.C.K. Prmary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Anyang’, Linet Osinya | Headteacher | Koruruma Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Walela, Boaz Wamalwa | Headteacher | Malaba Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Gichanga, Simon Marira | Headteacher | Okuleu Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Lok’osiya, Robert Davidf Atedu | Headteacher | Katotoi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Chespol, Francis Tuwai | Headteacher | Kaukotoit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Etyang, Barasa Lazarus E | Headteacher | Kisiombe Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Onyadi, Petrolina Ipail | Headteacher | Kisiombe Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Lufume, Geofrey Sifuna | Headteacher | Akobwait {cha} R.c. Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Sakwa, Rose Esiromo | Headteacher | Angaro Sa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Amai, Paul Imoh | Headteacher | Angaro Sa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ate, Tom Ejoyi | Headteacher | Kopiya Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Munyite, Evans Masai | Headteacher | Changara Ack Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Wekesa, Japheth Wasike | Headteacher | Kiriko Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ngali, Anthony Simiyu | Headteacher | Kamolo Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Munyane, George Isaac | Headteacher | Katanyu Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Boit, Andrew Ruto | Headteacher | Machakusi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ochula, Richard Emojong | Headteacher | Onyunyur Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Emaase, Debora Nekesa | Headteacher | Totokakile Pry Sch | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Osikedi, James Oramisi | Headteacher | St. Peters Akiriamas Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ndeke, Moses Walusekhe | Headteacher | Okiporo Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Emayot, Tony Chrispine | Headteacher | Agong’et Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Omako, Bramwel Omuse | Headteacher | Akibui Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Wafula, Vitalis Juma | Headteacher | Gara Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Inagoi, Leonard Orodi Yonna | Headteacher | Ekisegere Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ikapolok, Titus Ekulunyat | Headteacher | Akapijan Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Kurima, Javan Lumbuku W. | Headteacher | Kapesur Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Odera, William Opondo | Headteacher | Aparatere Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Okabata, Fredrick Evans | Headteacher | Akadoot Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Oboi, Vitalis Omukule | Headteacher | Kamunyele Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Juma, Fred Anthony | Headteacher | St. Mathews Moru Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Simiyu, Alice Nafula | Headteacher | St. James Koteko Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Oketh, Bernard Odongo | Headteacher | St. Mary’s Akiriamasit R.C. Primary Scho | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Emuria, Pamela Akadekere | Headteacher | Kongurakol Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Ipaat, Ruphus Akwenyi | Headteacher | St. Mark Kidek Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Emojong, Wilson Washingtone | Headteacher | Elalai Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Omado, Catherine Nekesa | Headteacher | St. Mary’s Osajai R.C Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Etyang, Sospeter Crescent | Headteacher | Osopotoit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ilukau, Joseph Barasa | Headteacher | Kolait Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Idewa, George Imwene | Headteacher | St. Charles Akudiet R.C Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Omoding, John Kiatu | Headteacher | Apokor Special School For M.H. | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Ikwi, Immaculate Marciana Okopio | Headteacher | Alupe Special School For The H. Impaired | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ongelechi, Francis Okaron | Headteacher | Opokoto A.C.K. Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Omuse, Felix Eroni | Headteacher | Oburi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Kahenda, Joseph Otieno | Headteacher | Osasamet Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Waswa, Solomon | Headteacher | Busia AirStrip Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Aluso, Isaac Okoth | Headteacher | Ojamii Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Mohol, George Onyango Isaac | Headteacher | Kabosokipi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Odera, Bonface Omunyin | Headteacher | St. Veronica Odiria Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Anyanga, Fredrick Dishon | Headteacher | Okame Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Alinyo, Edwin Philip | Headteacher | Obuucun Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ishepet, Charles Emoto | Headteacher | Ongariama Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Khanyinga, Livingtone Omamo | Headteacher | Amongura Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ekideit, John I Oguti | Headteacher | Asiriam Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Opilit, Patrick Omanyo | Headteacher | Alomodoi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ekeya, Ernest Oluku | Headteacher | Ojaamong Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Etyang, Sherry Awor | Headteacher | Ojaamong Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Andala, Amos Mwangu | Headteacher | Otimong Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Orengo, Justus Mubweka | Headteacher | Olepito Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Osienyi, Chrisantus Ekisa | Headteacher | Chakol Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Rev Mwangi, Mary Waithira | Headteacher | Amukura Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Mauda, Reagan Okwara | Headteacher | Akwobait (cha) Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Omoding, Geoffrey Sebastian | Headteacher | Apatit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Omunanga, Joanne Opindi | Headteacher | Apokor Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Amulundu, Jeremiah Ngala | Headteacher | Kaliwa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ogada, David Omondi | Headteacher | Kamunoit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Omuse, Stephen Peter | Headteacher | Katelenyang Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ijait, Patrick Munyane | Headteacher | Kochek Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Angate, Celestine | Headteacher | Kochek Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Omuse, Ceremin Omukaga | Headteacher | Kamarinyang Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Okitoi, Henry Paul | Headteacher | Kotur Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Omuse, Fidelis Olakacuna | Headteacher | Kwangamor Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Simotwo, Francis Chepkuto | Headteacher | Morukamosing Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Osia, Francis Irambanyi | Headteacher | Morukeyan Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Maina, Richard Aswani | Headteacher | Okatekok Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Kimchong, Fredrick Peter | Headteacher | Okisimo Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Ekabten, Josephine Odima | Headteacher | Akatagoroit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Inya, Mary | Headteacher | Akites Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Isokat, Rosemary Ipalei | Headteacher | Akoreet Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ayuyo, Maurice Ochoro | Headteacher | Apegei Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Imwana, Vincent Oroni | Headteacher | Aterait Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Cherot, Patrick Rengeri | Headteacher | Karisa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Emusugut, Dismas Etyang | Headteacher | Ngelechom Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ayucha, Vitalis Ouma | Headteacher | Okwata Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Kirong, Philemon Saekwo | Headteacher | Okook Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ekutu, Quinto | Headteacher | Osuret Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Barasa, Christopher Oramisi | Headteacher | Papa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Okochil, Jesca Grace | Headteacher | Ongaroi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ekisa, Benard Ajelo | Headteacher | Omoloi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Osebe, John Wandera | Headteacher | Amerikwai Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Otieno, Thomas Omondi | Headteacher | Acunet Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Magio, Godfrey Okhenga | Headteacher | Obekai Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Mamai, Philip Abel | Headteacher | Kidera Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Echosit, Peter Alira | Headteacher | Kidera Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Obello, Gerald Okissai | Headteacher | St. Luke’s Amoni Primatu School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Omoit, Victor Echecheme | Headteacher | St. Anne Sidelewa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Emoru, Dismas | Headteacher | St. Simon Aburi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Alubala, Bernard Imbayi G | Headteacher | Ochude Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Wekesa, Patrick Wafula | Headteacher | St. Martin Kisoko Specil Sch For M.H | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Munamu, Hadija Auma | Headteacher | Buyofu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Ong’aro, Fredrick Mwima | Headteacher | Ekisumo Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Auku, Chrisantus Kizito | Headteacher | Elwanikha Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Odhiambo, Robert Banu | Headteacher | Elwanikha Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Obinda, Evans Nyongesa | Headteacher | Igara Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Sakwa, Godfrey Nakhone | Headteacher | Katira Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Nyongesa, Wycliffe | Headteacher | Khayo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Wanundu, Judith Adhiambo | Headteacher | Namahindi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Oundo, John Egesa | Headteacher | Madende Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Juma, Leonard Ejakaa | Headteacher | Musokoti D.e.b Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Ekisa, Tom | Headteacher | Lupida Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Masika, Sonslas | Headteacher | Madibo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Ojwang, Clement Magero | Headteacher | Sikinga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Orumah, Edward Makokha | Headteacher | Siera Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Wechuli, Genirald Nyongesa | Headteacher | St. Elizabeth Opedur R.C. Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Musungu, Adelaide Shumila | Headteacher | Emakina Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Anyika, Fredrick Mwisukha | Headteacher | Emukhuyu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Nakafwa, Jeremiah Obalanga | Headteacher | Esinende Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Shikoli, Callistus Musungu Andalo | Headteacher | Khwirale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Omunyin, Joseph Oguti | Headteacher | Kisoko Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Katuka, Celestine Kavili | Headteacher | Kisoko Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Ayoma, Phoeby Ngaira | Headteacher | Lwanyange Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Webuye, Prisca Auma | Headteacher | Mabunge R.c Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Wangara, Amina Salima K | Headteacher | Manyole Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Mbaka, Josephat Nambanga | Headteacher | Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Mate, Benson Benedicto | Headteacher | Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Obanda, Godfrey | Headteacher | St. Mary’s Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Mutanyi, Godfrey Sunya | Headteacher | Nambale Urban Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Maloba, Humprey John | Headteacher | Nange’ni Rc Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Obabala, Wilben Osembo | Headteacher | Segero Primary Schhol | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Okello, Rose Nancy | Headteacher | Sibembe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Vihenda, Christine Asiligwa | Headteacher | Otiiri Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Makomere, Phyllis | Headteacher | Kaludeka Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Osukuku, Michael Omuse | Headteacher | Maira R.C. Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Onjoro, Rosemary Akello | Headteacher | Sango Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Makokha, Martin Milton | Headteacher | Khulwanda Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Wandera, Joab Atop Nasikawa | Headteacher | St. Francis Makongeni Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Simiyu, Dan Nyikuri | Headteacher | Dulinge Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Masai, Julius Odhiambo | Headteacher | Mwangaza Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Etyang, Hillary Ijon | Headteacher | Kapina Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Mungala, Moses | Headteacher | St. Mark’s Musoma Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Barasa, Michael Aluku | Headteacher | Namisi Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Wandera, Juvenalis Okomba | Headteacher | Matili Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Wanyama, Everlyn Nasimiyu | Headteacher | Bugeng’i M.H. Special School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Asirasi, Evans Ideke | Headteacher | Mundika Special School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Wandera, Christopher Barasa | Headteacher | Lwanya Special School For The M.H. | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Sikote, Rose Mulekano | Headteacher | Busidibu Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Michael, Opondo Abetter | Headteacher | Luliba Primary | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Obbayi, Alfred Maxwell | Headteacher | Lwanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Wandera, Charles | Headteacher | Mabunge Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Makhanu, Shem Masika | Headteacher | Nasira Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Masakhalia, Wilson Barasa | Headteacher | Nasira R.C. Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Ongura, Daniel M Wandera | Headteacher | Buringala Primary | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Okumu, Chrispinus W. Barasa | Headteacher | Buringala Primary | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Okwaro, Dymphina Ondusye | Headteacher | Mundika Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Odokano, Nicodem Leonard | Headteacher | Mundulusia Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Barasa, Carolyne Nyongesa | Headteacher | Mundulusia Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Barasa, Patrick Nicholas | Headteacher | Nambere Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Olubwayo, Walter Rodgers | Headteacher | St. Eugene’s Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Okoko, Fanuel Otieno | Headteacher | Bulanda Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Mutsoli, Vita Bonface | Headteacher | Mayenje Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Mutuva, Julius Luyundi | Headteacher | Burumba Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Sunya, Denis Noel | Headteacher | Mabale Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Khaemba, Violet Nakhanu | Headteacher | St. Teresa Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Ms Ouma, Jane Aloo | Headteacher | Bishop Hannington Khuduru Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Musse, Patrick Agoya | Headteacher | Busabakhwa Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Were, Benard Wafula | Headteacher | Indoli Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Wasike, Grephas L Makokha | Headteacher | Igero Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Omkanda, Odhiambo | Headteacher | Murende Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Khamala, Ezekiel Makuda | Headteacher | Muyafwa Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Aswani, William Injemera | Headteacher | Bugengi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Okello, Stephen Otieno | Headteacher | Bukalama Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Bwire, Richard Adongo | Headteacher | Esikulu Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Olaka, Naphtal Olaka | Headteacher | Esirisia Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Odunga, Benson Wesonga | Headteacher | Mujuru Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Buluma, Charles Odwori | Headteacher | Lunga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Sikaally, Willimina Magina | Headteacher | Busiabwabo Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Ouma, Phostine Owino | Headteacher | Buyama Pri. Sch. | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Nalwenge, Beatrice Lily | Headteacher | St. Moses Sigwata Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Patrick, Mudingo Barasa | Headteacher | Budokomi Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Makokha, Stephen Wandera | Headteacher | Buderie Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Mbanda, Bonventure Wandera | Headteacher | Siteko Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Gechemba, Eucabeth | Headteacher | St. Peters Buriangi Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Masakhwe, Florence Wanjala | Headteacher | St. Catherine Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Rero, Boniface Nyawalo | Headteacher | Buduma Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Odongo, Beatrice Nanzala | Headteacher | Buhuyi Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Okode, Jenifer Amolo | Headteacher | Bukati Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Wakula, Pamela | Headteacher | Bumala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Dipondo, Chrisantus O P | Headteacher | Butula Boys Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Mukonzo, Eglay Alwanga | Headteacher | Butula Girls Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Tekei, Silas Kingo | Headteacher | Elukhari Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Agayi, Antony Muloka | Headteacher | Esibembe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Mutanda, Petronila | Headteacher | Esibembe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Kujaju, Dennis Ndigiro | Headteacher | Esibine Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Odiyo, Edward Mmbai | Headteacher | Esibine Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Maloba, Sebastian Anakalet | Headteacher | Isongo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Wamakuba, Naftali Nyikali Makuba | Headteacher | Lugulu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Olaka, Henry Oduor | Headteacher | Makwara Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Kiso, Edwin Chesuteck | Headteacher | Mauko Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Masika, Godfrey Barasa | Headteacher | Masendebalae Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Waneku, Patrick Oyosa | Headteacher | Mungabo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Omina, Patrick Onyango | Headteacher | Musibiriri Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Wambani, Everlyn | Headteacher | Sikarira Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Musundi, Myumba | Headteacher | Sikarira Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Chessa, Alfred Odanga | Headteacher | Siribo Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Kirui, Cleophas Jemos | Headteacher | Siunga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Opwora, Robert Awino | Headteacher | Tingolo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Ogutu, Millicent Aoko | Headteacher | Bukhakhala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Odhiambo, Sumba Obiero | Headteacher | Bukhwaku Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Okumu, Francisca Atieno | Headteacher | Bumala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Ominde, Joseph Gilberts | Headteacher | Burinda Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Saya, Jackson Wangachi | Headteacher | Buriya Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Onyango, George K | Headteacher | Busibula Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Anyona, Alex Ouma | Headteacher | Busibula Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Opondo, Mark Otieno | Headteacher | Busire Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Obuya, Paul Haggai | Headteacher | Dadira Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Otieno, Patrick Obunde | Headteacher | Masebula Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Opondo, Sebastian | Headteacher | Namwitsula Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Bukachi, Jacob Amboka | Headteacher | Nango Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Ochieng, Aggrey Omondi | Headteacher | Nyamwanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Andati, William Nasaye Oluboka | Headteacher | Bukhalalire Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Akula, Anthony Omondi | Headteacher | Bulwani Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Onyango, Vitus Aloo | Headteacher | Bumutiru Rc Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Magero, Erick W Mheshimiwa | Headteacher | Bumutiru Rc Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Owera, Vincent Pangaras | Headteacher | Bwaliro Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Kusumo, George Mulama | Headteacher | Emagombe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Okumu, Aggrey Siinzala | Headteacher | Igula Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Lutta, Wilfred J | Headteacher | Igula Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Wanyangu, Stephen Onyango | Headteacher | Khunyangu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Owino, Stephen Oduk | Headteacher | Kingandole Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Wanga, Moses | Headteacher | Nelaa Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Mulaa, Thomas Barasa | Headteacher | Nyalwanda Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Were, Lawrence Egesa | Headteacher | Sikoma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Opondo, Chrispinus Ouma | Headteacher | Simuli Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Musumba, Patrick Owino | Headteacher | Musoma R.C. Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Agango, Henrietta Awuor | Headteacher | Elunyiko Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Sheundah, Zacharia Wetende | Headteacher | Lukonyi Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Otieno, Hybon | Headteacher | Nangina Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Njaya, Francis Okelo | Headteacher | Bunandi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Otwoma, Benjamin Nyongesa | Headteacher | Bujwanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Osolo, Fredrick Nyongesa | Headteacher | Namunyweda Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Okumu, Benard O Tasio | Headteacher | Nanaderema Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Namudiru, Justus Wanyama | Headteacher | Munyanja Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Okoth, William Wabwire | Headteacher | Munyanja Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Obwora, Vivian Makhokha | Headteacher | Namuduru Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Mugwang’a, Steve Leo Biko | Headteacher | Bumbe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Olakhi, Wilson Richard | Headteacher | Busijo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Opwoko, Morris Ongesa | Headteacher | Nabalaki Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Ambundo, Florence Ngota | Headteacher | Rumbiye Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Manyobe, Janeclaire Frances | Headteacher | Bumulimba Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Luduba, Tom Achoka | Headteacher | Buburi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Atyola, Francis Bongi | Headteacher | Nabuganda Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Nagemi, Richard Ogere | Headteacher | Namasali Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Juma, Bernard Bwire | Headteacher | Hakati Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Musamba, Teleford Maclean | Headteacher | Busembe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ong’ata, Fredrick Masinde | Headteacher | Busulere Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Juma, Vincent Morning | Headteacher | Burandi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Makokha, Samuel Rafimbi | Headteacher | Busibi Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Anuna, Truphena Veronica | Headteacher | Bukhwamba Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Barasa, Jubilitus Wandera | Headteacher | Buloma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Wabwire, Medix Akumu | Headteacher | Buloma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Sikudi, Cedes Akoth | Headteacher | Ganjala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Omondi, Emmanuel Oundo | Headteacher | Mudoma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Karani, Santilinos | Headteacher | Lugala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Odairo, Maurice Okochi | Headteacher | Mundaya Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Masiga, Daniel Ouma | Headteacher | Namboboto `b’ Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Barasa, Mary Nabwire | Headteacher | Nambobote Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Lumumba, Patrick N | Headteacher | Nyakhobi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Cheptot, Fredrick Kinjo | Headteacher | Sagania Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Bwire, George Wandera | Headteacher | Sichekhe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Nabwire, Mary Goretti | Headteacher | Sifuyo Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Opetu, Vincent Okochi | Headteacher | Nerobia Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Munyolo, Ndombi | Headteacher | Muramba Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Omucheyi, Stella Atieno | Headteacher | Sibale Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Omwaka, Harry Chiteri | Headteacher | Nangina Mixed Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ndege, John Omondi | Headteacher | Malanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Omusikoye, Emily Isutse | Headteacher | Nangina Girls Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ogemah, Joseph Opondo | Headteacher | Nabutuki Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ingoyi, Seth Amita | Headteacher | Nabutuki Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ojiambo, George William Oduor | Headteacher | Luchululo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Wakasa, Grace Simwa | Headteacher | Bukhulungu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ogolla, Johnstone O | Headteacher | Nandereka Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Wanyama, Amina Kisembe | Headteacher | Sijowa Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Achieno, Jenta Khasiayi | Headteacher | Wakhungu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Amien, Herman Onyango | Headteacher | Wakhungu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ogao, Patrick Oduori | Headteacher | Odiado Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Lumiti, Japheth Inzeyi | Headteacher | Buduta Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Ms Barasa, Christine Achieno | Headteacher | Mukonjo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ouma, Edward Ojiambo H | Headteacher | Nakhasiko Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Omondi, Janefrance Akinyi | Headteacher | Nambale R.C. Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Magoba, Tasisio Gumo | Headteacher | Moody Awori Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Simiyu, Enock Bukokhe | Headteacher | Eugene Masombo Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Odongo, Dan Nicholas | Headteacher | Rugunga Special Sch For The M. Challeged | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ongwari, Moses Ouma | Headteacher | Bubango Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Wekuke, Joseph Utuba | Headteacher | Budalangi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ogutu, Pascal Robert | Headteacher | Budubusi Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Sakwa, George Okute | Headteacher | Bukoma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Miss Wandera, Maureen Sarah Wanjala | Headteacher | Bumadeya Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Otieno, Christopher Oduor | Headteacher | Lunyofu Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Bwire, Michael Jumah | Headteacher | Mundere Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Obuko, Benson Olumbe | Headteacher | Mundere Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Were, Maria Apiyo | Headteacher | Namalo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Kweyu, John Wakhungu | Headteacher | Port Mixed Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Namukuba, Wilfrida | Headteacher | Ruambwa Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Muleke, Pascalia | Headteacher | Sibuka Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ongaya, Patrick Tamba | Headteacher | Sifugwe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Adambo, Julius Wandera | Headteacher | Sirimba Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Angaya, Nesley Omusundi | Headteacher | Sisenye Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Rev Imbali, Everline Busolo | Headteacher | St. Cecilia Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Mukhongi, Robano Nadimo | Headteacher | Osieko Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Oyugi, Charles Nyatodo | Headteacher | Osieko Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Mwari, James | Headteacher | Maduwa Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ockotch, John Abwoga | Headteacher | Bulwani A.c Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Pande, John Okwaya | Headteacher | Runyu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Wanga, Fanice W. Makokha | Headteacher | Budala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ouma, Humphreys Oundo | Headteacher | Musoma A.C. Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Adochi, Castor Robin Odwori | Headteacher | Rugunga Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Olanga, Francis Angira | Headteacher | Lugale Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Abwoga, John Barasa | Headteacher | Makunda Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Wandekere, Richard Sumba | Headteacher | Makunda Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Wekesa, Justus Kisielo | Headteacher | Mukhobola Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Odero, Jared Ndira | Headteacher | Bubamba Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Eshikumo, Moses Osale | Headteacher | Mubwayo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Kipyator, Isaac Kitemu | Headteacher | Mundika B Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Obari, Boniface Nganda | Headteacher | Buongo Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Abwoga, Charles Ouma | Headteacher | Bulemia Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Obanda, Cornel Naiy | Headteacher | Nabutswi Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ososo, Joseph Onyango | Headteacher | EARC – Busia | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Amoit, Asumpta Mary Okalio | Headteacher | Kangelemuge Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Osukuku, Ronald Orodi | Headteacher | Kakoli Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Kipsongoch, Simon C | Headteacher | St. Barnabas Katelenyang Primary | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Olubayi, Jared Eng’ong’o | Headteacher | St. James Osia Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Aroni, Franciscar Jane | Headteacher | EARC – Teso | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ingati, Peter Alfred | Headteacher | Busia Township Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Omalalu, Felix Emojong | Headteacher | Angoromo Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Momeri, Wildard Barasa | Headteacher | Asinge Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Waswa, Elvis Mukhiyi | Headteacher | Osasame R.C. Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Wanjala, Willimina Nakhone | Headteacher | Sianda Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Nganyi, Robai Makokha | Headteacher | Malanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Avumba, Elizabeth Migarusia | Headteacher | St. Mary’s Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Barasa, Jacqueline Ofunja | Headteacher | Busende Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Makhulo, Patrick Juma | Headteacher | Nasewa Primary | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Orega, Gregory Paskal Otieno | Headteacher | Buyende Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Oloo, George Juma | Headteacher | Mundika Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Wandukusi, Benjamin Mbarie | Headteacher | C.S.O. Township Zone – Busia | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Omulule, Victor Nganyi Elly | Headteacher | Bujumba Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Omusula, Habel Joseph | Headteacher | Ikonzo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Lukale, Raphael Aggrey | Headteacher | Busiada Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Olego, William Shiundu | Headteacher | Butunyi Mixed Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Odoli, Patrick S Khasenge | Headteacher | Sikoma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Osolika, Jane Ababu | Headteacher | Lukonyi Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Tenderesi, Moses Kembeze | Headteacher | Busibi Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Opondo, Carol Opiyo | Headteacher | Bumbe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Okomba, Charles Ngoya | Headteacher | Mundaya Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Nakhone, David Joe | Headteacher | Nambuku Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Odongo, Philomena Kulola | Headteacher | Mundere Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Emodo, Xavier Adung’o | Senior Teacher | Apegei Special Sch For The Phy Handi | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Epaalat, Mary | Senior Teacher | Apegei Special Sch For The Phy Handi | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Isale, Segunda Oprong | Senior Teacher | Malaba Special School For The Mentally C | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Okumu, Denis Oduor | Senior Teacher | St. Luke Kakemer Special School For P.H. | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Nyongesa, John Oling’a | Senior Teacher | Kakapel Special School For H.I. | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Imo, Beatrice Apale | Senior Teacher | Kolanya Boys Secondary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Dismass, Etyang Richard | Senior Teacher | Oburi Kode Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Barasa, Cathelyne Lilly | Senior Teacher | Aboloi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Okumu, Evans Oliki | Senior Teacher | Aboloi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Aridi, Matilda Shapil | Senior Teacher | Adanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Sande, Rosemary | Senior Teacher | Akiriamet Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Joash, Isokata Peter | Senior Teacher | Akolong Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Murefu, Joan Atiang | Senior Teacher | Aloete Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Ipoma, Jane | Senior Teacher | Angurai Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Kaunya, Agnes Amoit | Senior Teacher | Ataba-oburi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Onyapidi, Irene Aswani | Senior Teacher | Chelelemuk Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Ekakoro, Rose Echakara | Senior Teacher | Chelelemuk Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Omusugu, Evans Ogore | Senior Teacher | Kabukui Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Akadekenye, Violet | Senior Teacher | Kakurikit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Khamali, Gladys Nambuya | Senior Teacher | Katakwa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Omelu, Phylis Ajilong | Senior Teacher | Kawalun Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Lutta, Jeremiah Amke | Senior Teacher | Kolanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Toywa, Rodgers Wanyonyi | Senior Teacher | Kolanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Idoyo, Gilbert Olimah | Senior Teacher | Moding Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ichelai, Isaac Fanuel | Senior Teacher | Mwari Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Abai, Charles | Senior Teacher | Mwari Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Omunyongor, Jesca Tata | Senior Teacher | Rwatama Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Nangaka, Lawrence Waziri | Senior Teacher | Rwatama Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Nyongesa, Moses Odikor | Senior Teacher | Amagoro Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Miss Omukaga, Lilian Ajuma | Senior Teacher | Amagoro Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Oure, Angella Iwono Amwanzo | Senior Teacher | Amagoro Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Amusugutu, Jael Okomoli | Senior Teacher | Ikapolok Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Ainok, Rovina Apali | Senior Teacher | Kakoli Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Idoke, Patrick Etyang | Senior Teacher | Kamuriai Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Kasebe, Joan Epus | Senior Teacher | Kengatuny Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Odima, Faith Amusolo | Senior Teacher | Kokare Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Omonya, Khadija Sitati | Senior Teacher | Kokare Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Aboli, Christine Adhiambo | Senior Teacher | Korisai A.C.K. Prmary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Wekesa, Elizabeth Wandeyi | Senior Teacher | Malaba Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Muchika, Francisca Naliaka | Senior Teacher | Malaba Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Okiring, Scolastica Mwana | Senior Teacher | Malaba Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Miss Ishepai, Emily Akisa E | Senior Teacher | Malaba Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Njuguna, Samuel Gitene | Senior Teacher | Malaba Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ojok, Peter Baraza Erineo | Senior Teacher | Okuleu Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Makokha, Moses Wafula | Senior Teacher | Katotoi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Miss Alung’at, Lilian Iyese | Senior Teacher | Kajei Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Juma, Sheila Nafula | Senior Teacher | Kaukotoit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Emoru, Noelina | Senior Teacher | Akobwait {cha} R.c. Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Atwane, Middy | Senior Teacher | Akobwait {cha} R.c. Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Otwane, Michael Henry | Senior Teacher | Kaeset Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Chemiati, Jane K.Ekirapa | Senior Teacher | Changara Ack Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Washuku, Saidi Oling’a | Senior Teacher | Onyunyur Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Imai, Livingstone Oese | Senior Teacher | Agong’et Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Otidi, Wesley Ikoboi | Senior Teacher | Akibui Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Asiyo, Esnas | Senior Teacher | Ekisegere Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Emojong, Martin Constant | Senior Teacher | Akapijan Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Amojong, Phillis | Senior Teacher | Kamunyele Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Aluku, Charles Obali | Senior Teacher | Kasogol Kapel Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Barasa, Caroline Chepkwemoi | Senior Teacher | Kasogol Kapel Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Mamai, Jescah | Senior Teacher | Kasogol Kapel Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Atianga, Dorothy Odeke | Senior Teacher | Kasogol Kapel Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Osokaese, George Wycliffe | Senior Teacher | Akulony Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Osiya, Jael | Senior Teacher | St. Mathews Moru Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Omanyala, Joseph Masang’ir David | Senior Teacher | St. Barnabas Katelenyang Primary | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Amoit, Josephine Emily Masangir | Senior Teacher | St. Paul Achunet A,C,K. Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Otiengi, Cosmas Omunyin | Senior Teacher | Osopotoit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Miss Sanya, Lilian Taaka | Senior Teacher | St. Charles Akudiet R.C Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Iliwa, Michael Erneo | Senior Teacher | St. Bridgit Sec Sch For The Deaf And Voc | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Juma, Innocent Kukah | Senior Teacher | St. Bridgit Sec Sch For The Deaf And Voc | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Okello, Phydelis Esauke Naliaka | Senior Teacher | Apokor Special School For M.H. | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Agote, Vincent | Senior Teacher | Apokor Special School For M.H. | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Sisuma, Ruth Marris | Senior Teacher | Alupe Special School For The H. Impaired | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Onadi, Anselm Etyang | Senior Teacher | Opokoto A.C.K. Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ichani, Thaddeus Omong’o | Senior Teacher | Opokoto A.C.K. Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Kiundu, Rose Ndinda | Senior Teacher | Busia Township Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Nyaboke, Rael Onkundi | Senior Teacher | Busia Township Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Miss Ogutu, Patricia Adhiambo | Senior Teacher | Busia Township Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Okombo, Audrey Taaka | Senior Teacher | Busia Township Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Elingit, Romano Okwi | Senior Teacher | Busia Township Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Lukhoba, Alice Nekesa | Senior Teacher | Busia AirStrip Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Olendo, Pauline Adhiambo | Senior Teacher | Busia AirStrip Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Ochieng, Rosemary Imatata Omuse | Senior Teacher | Ojamii Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Miss Makudiuh, Judith | Senior Teacher | Ojamii Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Musiro, Anne Apondi | Senior Teacher | Angoromo Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Khalayi, Caroline Lydia | Senior Teacher | Angoromo Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Masai, Marion Mutete | Senior Teacher | Angoromo Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Owire, Richard Okoluo | Senior Teacher | Angoromo Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Emoit, Donald Okedi | Senior Teacher | Okame Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Omai, Stephen Etyang | Senior Teacher | Ongariama Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ekirapa, Moses | Senior Teacher | Ongariama Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Odayo, Christine Makungu | Senior Teacher | Amongura Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Okute, Keneth Ocheda | Senior Teacher | Asiriam Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Okochil, Vincent Wekesa | Senior Teacher | Ojaamong Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Mudanya, Beatrice Imungu | Senior Teacher | Otimong Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Sikutatu, Florence Obarasa | Senior Teacher | Chakol Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Simiyu, Milly Nafuna | Senior Teacher | Chakol Girls Boarding Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Marira, James Ngere | Senior Teacher | Chakol Girls Boarding Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Omuse, Jude Emmanuel | Senior Teacher | Apatit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Emoodo, Robert Omunyongole | Senior Teacher | Apokor Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ilado, Chrispinus | Senior Teacher | Kaliwa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Omoding, Evans Sakaya | Senior Teacher | Kamunoit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Miss Saiya, Pascalia | Senior Teacher | Kamarinyang Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Idiama, Quinto | Senior Teacher | Kosera Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Onyona, Michael Omondi | Senior Teacher | Kosera Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Mbembe, Simon Charles Wanzala | Senior Teacher | Kwangamor Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Olutele, Lecticia Emojong | Senior Teacher | Kwangamor Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Onagari, Antony Opili | Senior Teacher | Okatekok Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Adungo, Immaculate Mary | Senior Teacher | Akatagoroit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Miss Alokaiti, Judith Enaga | Senior Teacher | Akoreet Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Karani, Elias | Senior Teacher | Akoreet Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ekisa, George Paran | Senior Teacher | Asinge Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Epuret, Kenneth Mooka | Senior Teacher | Karisa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ajala, Felix Siepe | Senior Teacher | Ngelechom Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ideke, Boniface | Senior Teacher | Odio Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ongelech, Benson Benedictus | Senior Teacher | Okwata Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Ekisa, Stellah Amoit | Senior Teacher | Osuret Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ochilangole, Simon Okisai | Senior Teacher | Osuret Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Sifuna, Sarah M | Senior Teacher | Papa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Wanzalla, Chrisantus Henry | Senior Teacher | Papa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Miss Amukuje, Sabensia Olekat | Senior Teacher | Keriamata Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Papa, Maurice Opili | Senior Teacher | Acunet Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Ms Muyodi, Beatrice | Senior Teacher | Obekai Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Ombajo, Esther Nabwire Maloba | Senior Teacher | St. Luke’s Amoni Primatu School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Oteba, Patrick Ekodi | Senior Teacher | Palama Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Nyerera, Obedi Khamala | Senior Teacher | St. Martin Kisoko Specil Sch For M.H | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Simala, Kezia Betla | Senior Teacher | St. Martin Kisoko Specil Sch For M.H | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Musungu, Monica Imbuira | Senior Teacher | St. Martin Kisoko Specil Sch For M.H | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Simon, Mary Gati | Senior Teacher | St. Martin Kisoko Specil Sch For M.H | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Makoba, Janedesta Nakhabi | Senior Teacher | St. Martin Kisoko Specil Sch For M.H | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Baraza, Antony Wandera | Senior Teacher | Buyofu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Mung’oni, Janet Kezia Wamba | Senior Teacher | Ekisumo Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Atieno, Beatrice Pamela | Senior Teacher | Elwanikha Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Juma, Beatrice Aloo | Senior Teacher | Khayo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Oduori, Irene | Senior Teacher | Mungatsi Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Watitwa, Sylas Wabwile | Senior Teacher | Lupida Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Wesonga, Kalory Silvester | Senior Teacher | Madibo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Sudi, Ephraim | Senior Teacher | Sikinga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Mwakha, Gladys | Senior Teacher | Sikinga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Okumu, Pamela | Senior Teacher | Sikinga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Bigambo, Lorna Nyandiko | Senior Teacher | Emakina Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Nyangweso, Mary Condita | Senior Teacher | Kisoko Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Omusanga, Roselyn | Senior Teacher | Kisoko Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Manyala, Festus Nyongesa | Senior Teacher | Kisoko Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Elungat, Grace Imbanga | Senior Teacher | Kisoko Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Were, Sabina A | Senior Teacher | Kisoko Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Oduor, Malachy Papias | Senior Teacher | Mabunge R.c Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Makokha, Thomas Wamukota | Senior Teacher | Malanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Shikwati, Vitalis Makokha | Senior Teacher | Maolo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Nyando, Teresa Wambui | Senior Teacher | Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Juma, Vincent Aura | Senior Teacher | Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Namulanda, Jackline Nangalwe | Senior Teacher | Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Mayoye, Katherine Andisi | Senior Teacher | Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Ochola, George Aggrey Ajwang | Senior Teacher | St. Mary’s Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Oronda, Williams Nyongesa W | Senior Teacher | St. Mary’s Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Wesonga, Francisca Winnie | Senior Teacher | St. Mary’s Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Wafula, Loice Nasimiyu | Senior Teacher | St. Mary’s Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Musumba, Marygoret | Senior Teacher | St. Mary’s Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Narotso, Willykista | Senior Teacher | St. Mary’s Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Dindi, Caroline Syeunda | Senior Teacher | Nambale Urban Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Radoli, Everline | Senior Teacher | Nambale Urban Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Aleri, Peter | Senior Teacher | Nange’ni Rc Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Tiema, Allan Atolah | Senior Teacher | Sibembe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Were, Bendict Raphael | Senior Teacher | Otiiri Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Kundu, John Saenyi | Senior Teacher | Sango Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Ojwang, Philip Simiyu | Senior Teacher | Kapina Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Wandera, Jackline Amunu | Senior Teacher | Namisi Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Juma, Fredrick Namunyu | Senior Teacher | Matili Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Ongulo, Elijah Swetta | Senior Teacher | Bugeng’i M.H. Special School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Nabonwe, Christopher Ouma | Senior Teacher | Bugeng’i M.H. Special School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Lubuka, Antony Olila | Senior Teacher | Bugeng’i M.H. Special School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Mugubi, Patrick Lukiri | Senior Teacher | Bugeng’i M.H. Special School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Ndenga, Joseph Oloo | Senior Teacher | Mundika Special School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Okumu, Bruno Omondi | Senior Teacher | Mundika Special School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Musimbi, Mary Dimbwa | Senior Teacher | Mundika Special School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Sumba, Leimah Buyaka | Senior Teacher | Mundika Special School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Odongo, Sylvia | Senior Teacher | Mundika Special School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Oduor, Anne Akinyi | Senior Teacher | Mundika Special School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Makokha, Kevin Aringo | Senior Teacher | Lwanya Special School For The M.H. | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Wamukoya, Jacqueline Akinyi | Senior Teacher | Lwanya Special School For The M.H. | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Kebaso, Ruth Mokeira | Senior Teacher | Lwanya Special School For The M.H. | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Ms Okoit, Lucy | Senior Teacher | Busidibu Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Onyango, Margaret Achieng | Senior Teacher | Luliba Primary | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Nandi, James Asike | Senior Teacher | Lwanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Aduwa, Joseph Obonyo | Senior Teacher | Lwanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Odero, Mary Akumu | Senior Teacher | Lwanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Adikinyi, Joan Joyce | Senior Teacher | Lwanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Musumba, David Kennedy | Senior Teacher | Buringala Primary | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Makokha, Tonny Kwamini | Senior Teacher | Buringala Primary | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Makokha, Emily Akuku | Senior Teacher | Mundika Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Meso, Bertha Wedede | Senior Teacher | Mundulusia Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Ndeda, Esther Olila | Senior Teacher | Mundulusia Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Ogola, Pamela Achieng | Senior Teacher | Mundulusia Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Musumba, George Onyango | Senior Teacher | Nambere Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Pepela, Benjamin Makhet | Senior Teacher | St. Eugene’s Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Bwire, Mary Nabwire Ogumbo | Senior Teacher | Busia Girls Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Ondiek, Dorothy Akinyi | Senior Teacher | Busia Girls Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Chabaga, Sally Sagina | Senior Teacher | Busia Girls Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Barasa, Pamella M | Senior Teacher | Busia Girls Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Muhando, Betty Ahono | Senior Teacher | Busia Girls Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Ndege, Dorothy Adipo | Senior Teacher | Bulanda Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Ambani, Gladys | Senior Teacher | Bulanda Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Sarange, Phenic Ayienda | Senior Teacher | Bulanda Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Khaira, Jane Mukola | Senior Teacher | Bulanda Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Barasa, Beatrice Night | Senior Teacher | Bulanda Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Omondi, James Odhiambo | Senior Teacher | Bulanda Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Rajwais, Janetrix Nasirumbi | Senior Teacher | Bulanda Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Oduya, Brenda Akwera | Senior Teacher | Bulanda Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Mungaya, Hannington Imbiakha | Senior Teacher | Mayenje Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Ojwang, Lucy | Senior Teacher | Burumba Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Nabuko, Rose Emily | Senior Teacher | Burumba Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Kwendho, Margaret W | Senior Teacher | Burumba Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Mbiti, Laban Musembe | Senior Teacher | Burumba Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Onyango, Susan Adhiambo | Senior Teacher | Burumba Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Olweyo, Wilfrida Aor | Senior Teacher | Burumba Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Olut, Kelvin Matini | Senior Teacher | Burumba Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Okina, Milly Josephine | Senior Teacher | Burumba Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Fwamba, Jacklyn Nakhumicha | Senior Teacher | Burumba Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Opoti, Marylene Nyongesa | Senior Teacher | St. Teresa Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Sireka, Ruth Nachimo | Senior Teacher | St. Teresa Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Opondo, Emily Adhiambo | Senior Teacher | St. Teresa Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Khayira, Josephine Kilaho | Senior Teacher | Alungoli Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Sakwa, Sylvester Ezachary Ongoma | Senior Teacher | Busende Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Kendi, Monicah Kedogo | Senior Teacher | Busende Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Mwanaisha, Saida | Senior Teacher | Busende Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Abetter, Petronila Amei | Senior Teacher | Busende Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Busera, Judith Nalala | Senior Teacher | Bishop Hannington Khuduru Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Barasa, Vincent Mukhini | Senior Teacher | Indoli Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Abetter, Phaustine Solomon | Senior Teacher | Igero Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Adienge, Florence Matina | Senior Teacher | Igero Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Odongo, Petronilla Awino | Senior Teacher | Igero Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Oduori, Chrisantus Kenneth | Senior Teacher | Igero Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Wafula, Christine Adikinyi | Senior Teacher | Igero Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Vosevwa, Nancy | Senior Teacher | Igero Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Musebe, Georgina | Senior Teacher | Igero Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Ngota, John | Senior Teacher | Murende Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Ochieng, Sylvester Ojiambo | Senior Teacher | Nang’oma Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Mbeja, Emily Anyango | Senior Teacher | Nang’oma Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr George, Ruba Majoni | Senior Teacher | Nasewa Primary | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Otika, Truphena Atemo | Senior Teacher | Bugengi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Edina, Jackline | Senior Teacher | Bugengi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Nyongesa, Jeniffer Muchinyi | Senior Teacher | Bugengi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Ogwori, Paul Imonyata | Senior Teacher | Bukalama Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Ogama, Vitalis Otieno | Senior Teacher | Buyende Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Lukas, Ochieno Okotch | Senior Teacher | Esirisia Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Okello, Fredrick Ouma | Senior Teacher | Munongo Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Ongaria, David Ojumaa | Senior Teacher | Mujuru Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Achong’a, Johnmark Juma | Senior Teacher | Mujuru Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Makokha, Theldred Nabwire | Senior Teacher | Lunga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Murenga, Mwanamisi Matimbo | Senior Teacher | Lunga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Adundo, Francisca Neni Mariam | Senior Teacher | Lunga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Otieno, Isaac Oduor | Senior Teacher | Busiabwabo Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Olopi, Josephine Mmbaiza | Senior Teacher | Mundika Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Okoth, Judith Atieno | Senior Teacher | Mundika Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Akello, Stephen Louis | Senior Teacher | Budokomi Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Mbilika, Victoria | Senior Teacher | St. Peters Buriangi Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Nakhadu, Sheila Mauryn | Senior Teacher | St. Peters Buriangi Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Ms Okoth, Emelda Adhiambo | Senior Teacher | St. Catherine Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Akello, Milton Mudeyi | Senior Teacher | St. Catherine Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Senagi, Ebynety Mmbone | Senior Teacher | St. Catherine Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Obora, Walter Johnston | Senior Teacher | St. Catherine Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Wandera, Respah Odanga | Senior Teacher | St. Catherine Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Ondigo, Imelda | Senior Teacher | St. Catherine Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Asuka, Christopher Jimmy | Senior Teacher | St. Catherine Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Okinda, Gregory Masakhwe | Senior Teacher | St. Catherine Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Butula |
Ms Oteng’o, Everlyn Angulu | Senior Teacher | St. Catherine Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Nyawade, Frederick On’gweni | Senior Teacher | St. Catherine Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Ouma, Romanus Okumu | Senior Teacher | St. Catherine Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Ochilo, Chrispinus Makana | Senior Teacher | St. Catherine Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Matui, Jane Chepchirchir | Senior Teacher | St. Peter’s Sirikhaya Secondary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Musumba, Charles Smith | Senior Teacher | Buhuyi Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Shikhoba, Penina Omina | Senior Teacher | Butula Boys Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Kubally, Celestine Patroba | Senior Teacher | Butula Girls Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Nawade, Eliud Manasseh | Senior Teacher | Elukhari Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Barasa, Benedict Ambaka | Senior Teacher | Elukhari Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Wanzala, Marygorety Aoko | Senior Teacher | Esibembe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Were, Simeon | Senior Teacher | Esibembe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Obiero, Chrisantus Were | Senior Teacher | Esibine Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Ambunya, Patrick Muyia | Senior Teacher | Isongo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Odwory, Bonface Owino | Senior Teacher | Isongo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Okumbe, Josephat Aren | Senior Teacher | Kalalani Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Mukanga, Vivian | Senior Teacher | Kalalani Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Pamba, Francisca Athieno | Senior Teacher | Lugulu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Auma, Janetrix Atieno | Senior Teacher | Lugulu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Rapenda, Joan Nafula | Senior Teacher | Lugulu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Okello, Beneah | Senior Teacher | Siribo Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Asuka, Praxides | Senior Teacher | Siunga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Dibondo, Petronillah Wathiera | Senior Teacher | Bujumba Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Barasa, Esther Masaba | Senior Teacher | Bujumba Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Meta, Canuti Onyango | Senior Teacher | Bukhakhala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Wafula, Joyce Ajulu | Senior Teacher | Bumala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Were, Elizabeth Akinyi | Senior Teacher | Bumala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Magero, Andrew Edward W | Senior Teacher | Bumala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Kwena, Julius Philip | Senior Teacher | Buriya Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Lubisia, Lucas Wabusia | Senior Teacher | Busire Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Achieno, Janephesa | Senior Teacher | Busire Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Adang, Nelly Akinyi | Senior Teacher | Masebula Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Ouma, Prisca Nasirumbi M | Senior Teacher | Masebula Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Ms Wanyama, Elizabeth | Senior Teacher | Nyamwanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Werimo, Pauline Awiti | Senior Teacher | Bukhuma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Nyongesa, William Wesonga | Senior Teacher | Bulwani Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Tero, Audrey Elizabeth | Senior Teacher | Bumutiru Rc Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Opemi, Hezbon Nasubo | Senior Teacher | Bumutiru Rc Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Odenyo, George Olamba | Senior Teacher | Busiada Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Wafula, Harriet Nangira | Senior Teacher | Busiada Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Obochi, Chrysostom Omondi | Senior Teacher | Bwaliro Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Ongulu, Gad Barasa | Senior Teacher | Emagombe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Osendo, Francis J Onyango | Senior Teacher | Emagombe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Muga, Peter Omondi | Senior Teacher | Igula Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Odhiambo, David Juma | Senior Teacher | Khunyangu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Imembi, Benjamin Oyiengo | Senior Teacher | Bishop L. Atundo Mung’ambwa Primary Sch. | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Akinyi, Bennice Pauline | Senior Teacher | Bishop L. Atundo Mung’ambwa Primary Sch. | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Wanyangu, Ernest Oduya | Senior Teacher | Nelaa Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Wakhaya, Boniface Oduori | Senior Teacher | Nelaa Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Musebe, Kizito Miena | Senior Teacher | Nyalwanda Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Obiero, Rose Shikeyi | Senior Teacher | Sikoma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Taitola, Esther Wendi | Senior Teacher | Lukonyi Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Wandera, Cynthia Wesonga | Senior Teacher | Lukonyi Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Odwori, Vincent Kong’ani | Senior Teacher | Nangina Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Odebero, Gideon Namudiru | Senior Teacher | Nangina Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Nakholi, Stephen Ochieng | Senior Teacher | Nangina Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Auma, Pascalia Angela | Senior Teacher | Nangina Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Pamba, Jane M | Senior Teacher | Nangina Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Omondi, Julius Kabbis | Senior Teacher | Nangina Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Onyango, Caren Sarah | Senior Teacher | Nangina Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Bwire, Milton Nyongesa | Senior Teacher | Nangina Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Thomas, Peter Wafula | Senior Teacher | Bujwanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Gatua, Beth Nyawira | Senior Teacher | Bujwanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Magoye, Angellah Nangira | Senior Teacher | Bukeko Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Kadima, John Bwire | Senior Teacher | Bumayenga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Egesa, Vincent Wandera | Senior Teacher | Busijo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Obwora, Greenstine | Senior Teacher | Rumbiye Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Abangi, Bonventure O | Senior Teacher | Rumbiye Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Wanyama, Michael Ochieng | Senior Teacher | Buburi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Osolo, Fred Oganah | Senior Teacher | Namasali Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Achoka, Stanley Ojiambo | Senior Teacher | Busembe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Wandera, Esther Magero | Senior Teacher | Busembe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Bwire, Festus Ronald | Senior Teacher | Busembe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Kanani, Jackson Stanslaus | Senior Teacher | Busulere Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ongiya, Kennedy Opiyo | Senior Teacher | Busulere Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Mnika, James Mugenya | Senior Teacher | Burandi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Ouma, Pamela Caren | Senior Teacher | Busibi Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Onjoro, Vincent Wesonga | Senior Teacher | Bukhwamba Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Wanyama, Paul Pamba | Senior Teacher | Bukhwamba Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ojiambo, Ronald Bwire | Senior Teacher | Bukhwamba Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Wanyama, Patrick Maloba Henry | Senior Teacher | Ganjala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Okello, Joash Kocas | Senior Teacher | Ganjala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ojambo, Maxtone Onyango | Senior Teacher | Ganjala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Bulimu, Grace Mmbone | Senior Teacher | Ganjala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Madline, Juma | Senior Teacher | Mudoma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Njaya, Richard Mwali | Senior Teacher | Namboboto `b’ Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Wafula, Pamela Adhiambo | Senior Teacher | Nambobote Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Oundo, Beatrice Wambuni | Senior Teacher | Nyakwaka Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Barasa, Francis Were | Senior Teacher | Nyakhobi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Nabwire, Lucy Ojunga | Senior Teacher | Sichekhe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Aringo, Margaret | Senior Teacher | Sichekhe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Hainja, Robert Ngira | Senior Teacher | Sichekhe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Obichu, Douglas Bon Mugeni | Senior Teacher | Sichekhe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Barasa, Milton Tabu | Senior Teacher | Sidonge Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ouma, Josephat Mutimba | Senior Teacher | Muramba Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Ratori, Christine Achola | Senior Teacher | Muramba Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Okello, Velma | Senior Teacher | Sibale Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Achibo, Levy Oduory | Senior Teacher | Malanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Makhinde, Ernest Juma | Senior Teacher | Nangina Girls Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Matioli, Titus Barasa | Senior Teacher | Nabutuki Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ouma, Christopher Patrick | Senior Teacher | Bukhulungu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Bwire, Rosemary | Senior Teacher | Bukhulungu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Apeli, Rosemary Akello | Senior Teacher | Nandereka Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Okello, Linnet Taaka | Senior Teacher | Nandereka Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ouma, Peter Lawrence | Senior Teacher | Agenga Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Ogali, Eunice Naomi | Senior Teacher | Wakhungu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Wanjala, Julita Akuku | Senior Teacher | Wakhungu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Ayuma, Jane Kachula | Senior Teacher | Odiado Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Makokha, Walter Okuku. A | Senior Teacher | Kabwaodo Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ngira, Thomas Otoro | Senior Teacher | Buduta Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Wangala, Petronilar Opondo | Senior Teacher | Nakhasiko Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Oduori, Judith Ajiambo | Senior Teacher | Nakhasiko Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Joseph, Rafael Gongi | Senior Teacher | Nakhasiko Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Kabbis, George Wesonga | Senior Teacher | Moody Awori Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Oundo, Wingrade Nafula | Senior Teacher | Moody Awori Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Bwire, Eunice Emilly | Senior Teacher | Moody Awori Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Nasirumbi, Jesca Ogara | Senior Teacher | Mugasa Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Maiga, Bernard Ernest | Senior Teacher | Mugasa Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Okwaro, Edwin Saratuki | Senior Teacher | Eugene Masombo Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Musikotsi, Albert Olila | Senior Teacher | Rugunga Special Sch For The M. Challeged | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Wangira, Paul Wanzala | Senior Teacher | Rugunga Special Sch For The M. Challeged | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ajali, Peter Karani | Senior Teacher | Bukoma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Miss Juma, Dester Tabitha | Senior Teacher | Bumadeya Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Odeyo, Archduke Malomba | Senior Teacher | Lunyofu Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Adina, Linus Ochieng’ | Senior Teacher | Mudembi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Achola, Anthony Leo | Senior Teacher | Mundere Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Wandera, Joseph Lugekhe | Senior Teacher | Namalo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Miss Wanyama, Caroline Wanyama | Senior Teacher | Namalo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Achola, Susan Anyango | Senior Teacher | Port Mixed Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Ouma, Rosemary Akumu | Senior Teacher | Port Mixed Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Onyango, David Maloba | Senior Teacher | Sifugwe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Khasogo, Kenneth Kaunda | Senior Teacher | Sifugwe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ayiro, John Nyongesa | Senior Teacher | Sirimba Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Miss Masiga, Martha Nabwire Sofia | Senior Teacher | Sisenye Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ogutu, Dan | Senior Teacher | Osieko Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Okech, Humpreys Odhanjo | Senior Teacher | Osieko Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Mallo, Wycliffe Wanyama | Senior Teacher | Osieko Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Omuke, Gilbert Siule | Senior Teacher | Bulwani A.c Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Salamba, William Omodo | Senior Teacher | Runyu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Magio, David Fuja | Senior Teacher | Runyu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ombere, John Ogula | Senior Teacher | Musoma A.C. Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Odongo, Fredrick Kasese | Senior Teacher | Musoma A.C. Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Mudibo, Samwel Justus | Senior Teacher | Musoma A.C. Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Obada, Duncan Sammy | Senior Teacher | Rugunga Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ojiambo, Lucas | Senior Teacher | Lugale Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Musolo, Bonface Ouma | Senior Teacher | Lugale Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Osogo, Simon Peter Ogoba | Senior Teacher | Lugale Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ombwayo, Michael Ndekwe | Senior Teacher | Lugale Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Wandera, Charles Okhanya | Senior Teacher | Makunda Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Satatu, Austin Odunga M N | Senior Teacher | Makunda Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Owuory, Johnstone Oloo | Senior Teacher | Mukhobola Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Mutula, Francis Ojiambo | Senior Teacher | Mukhobola Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Agunda, Leonard Bwire | Senior Teacher | Mukhobola Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Opiyo, John Bosco | Senior Teacher | Bubamba Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Juma, Michael Omolo | Senior Teacher | Bubamba Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Obwori, Valentine Adhiambo | Senior Teacher | Mubwayo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Miss Bwire, Josephine Andulungu | Senior Teacher | Mundika B Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Okello, Kevin Ojiambo | Senior Teacher | Mundika B Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Allego, Paul Juma | Senior Teacher | Busagwa Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Miss Adundo, Celestine | Senior Teacher | Busagwa Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Muduih, Austin Nakhabuka | Senior Teacher | Buongo Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Sakhulo, Samson Webuye | Senior Teacher | Buongo Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ouma, Hannington Kabeti | Senior Teacher | Nanjomi Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Nalianya, Edwin | Senior Teacher | Nanjomi Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Miss Wanjala, Marygorrety | Senior Teacher | Bulemia Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Nyandonge, Patrick Henry | Senior Teacher | Lakeview Primary School – Nandekere | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Emongais, Imwana Kanoti | Senior Teacher | Apegei Special Sch For The Phy Handi | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Indeke, Esther Caroline | Senior Teacher | Adanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Isogol, Violet Anne | Senior Teacher | Adanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ekirapa, Moses | Senior Teacher | Akiriamet Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Idau, Norbert | Senior Teacher | Akolong Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Olaibon, Etyang | Senior Teacher | Aloete Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Nyongesa, Caroline Khanakwa | Senior Teacher | Aloete Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Atyang, Rita Etyang | Senior Teacher | Angurai Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Okaroni, Charles Esau | Senior Teacher | Ataba-oburi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Papai, Geoffrey Isokatt | Senior Teacher | Chelelemuk Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Mukalami, Mathew | Senior Teacher | Kakeriaut Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Omanyala, Wilberforce O Wesley | Senior Teacher | Kakeriaut Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Serengo, Humphrey Matango | Senior Teacher | Kasinge Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Amke, Ezekiel Ochebo | Senior Teacher | Katakwa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Osukuku, Vitalis Peter | Senior Teacher | Katakwa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Ekwenye, Linet Jessie | Senior Teacher | Mwari Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Ikarede, Eunice Teckla | Senior Teacher | Rwatama Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Simiyu, Judith Cherop | Senior Teacher | Adurukoit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Okwenye, Evans Elisha | Senior Teacher | Amagoro Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ekirapa, Joseph | Senior Teacher | Amoni Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Miss Ene, Lydia Omeri | Senior Teacher | Ikapolok Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Imojel, Philemon Imoo | Senior Teacher | Kakoli Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Apacho, Hellen Ichodo | Senior Teacher | Kokare Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Okiyai, Beatrice Amoit | Senior Teacher | Korisai A.C.K. Prmary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Amachar, Catherine Maurine | Senior Teacher | Koruruma Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Abwaku, Christine Jean | Senior Teacher | Malaba Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Idekure, Fridah Etyang | Senior Teacher | Malaba Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Okone, Josephine Hendrica | Senior Teacher | Okuleu Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Juma, Emojong J.Peter | Senior Teacher | Katotoi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Imoo, Judith Imela Itur | Senior Teacher | Kajei Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Omususgu, Benard Osirang | Senior Teacher | Kisiombe Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Onyapidi, John Antony | Senior Teacher | Kaeset Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Miss Masibai, Susy Chepteek | Senior Teacher | Kiriko Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Ipas, Margaret | Senior Teacher | Machakusi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Abwaku, Charity Phelesiah | Senior Teacher | Machakusi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Miss Atieno, Grace | Senior Teacher | Machakusi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Miss Ochilang’ole, Ruth Amadede | Senior Teacher | Machakusi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ino, Silas Levi | Senior Teacher | Onyunyur Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Okware, Zadock Okulo | Senior Teacher | Totokakile Pry Sch | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Amoit, Angela | Senior Teacher | Akadoot Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Okapel, Joseph Arthur | Senior Teacher | Akadoot Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Eseme, Eunice Jully | Senior Teacher | Ketebat Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Omuse, Alex Osike | Senior Teacher | St. James Koteko Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Wanyonyi, Christine Nasimiyu | Senior Teacher | St. James Koteko Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Mojongit, Janet Margaret | Senior Teacher | St. Paul Achunet A,C,K. Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Mwenga, Edith Omuse | Senior Teacher | St. Paul Achunet A,C,K. Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Shianyisa, Janepher Elisha | Senior Teacher | St. Mark Kidek Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Miss Jakait, Sylvia Adi | Senior Teacher | St. Mark Kidek Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Ingala, Corina Iparasi | Senior Teacher | S.D.A Kaujakito Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Apadet, Calasina | Senior Teacher | Osopotoit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Atoroit, Anne Papai | Senior Teacher | Apokor Special School For M.H. | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Opilio, Sylvester Okituk | Senior Teacher | Apokor Special School For M.H. | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Miss Kesekwa, Dorothy Kaveza | Senior Teacher | Apokor Special School For M.H. | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Aluku, Dennis Oure Ilikori | Senior Teacher | Opokoto A.C.K. Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Elungat, Edwin Osemo | Senior Teacher | Busia Township Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Oboo, Benard | Senior Teacher | Busia AirStrip Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Odhiambo, Jacqueline Achieng Collete | Senior Teacher | Ojamii Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Miss Andisi, Pauline Omukhweso | Senior Teacher | Ojamii Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Ingelech, Leonora Ikileng | Senior Teacher | Angoromo Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Opili, David Emokor | Senior Teacher | St. Paul’s Okokoru Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ochekedi, Titus Osilimong | Senior Teacher | St. Peter’s Osipata Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Obanda, Albert | Senior Teacher | St. Peter’s Osipata Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Etyang, Jane Ikolot | Senior Teacher | Okame Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Olubai, Josephine | Senior Teacher | Ongariama Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Olemunyang, Dismas Okware | Senior Teacher | Amongura Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Mamai, Jael Isukuyait | Senior Teacher | Amaase Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Ene, Petronila | Senior Teacher | Otimong Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Emasa, Christine E Aguti | Senior Teacher | Olepito Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Shisakha, Dancun | Senior Teacher | Olepito Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ajiambo, Linus Justo | Senior Teacher | Olepito Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Emong’or, Leah Ita | Senior Teacher | Chakol Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Omalalu, Ruth Auma Ong’aro | Senior Teacher | Chakol Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Miss Mutua, Rodah Mutindi | Senior Teacher | Chakol Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Ochilang’ole, Norah Aprong | Senior Teacher | Amukura Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Okout, Daniel Ekering | Senior Teacher | Apokor Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Kapule, Thomas E | Senior Teacher | Kaliwa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Otiengino, Ritah Obal | Senior Teacher | Kamunoit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Epale, Godwin Echakara | Senior Teacher | Katelenyang Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Miss Khatoro, Florina | Senior Teacher | Kochek Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Magero, Anne Itela | Senior Teacher | Kochek Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ekasiba, Geoffrey Otori | Senior Teacher | Kotur Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ikiro, Gerald Otwane | Senior Teacher | Kotur Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Miss Osoma, Jacquelyne Wanda | Senior Teacher | Okatekok Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Okedi, Joseph Oketch | Senior Teacher | Akoreet Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Osabiti, Kennedy John | Senior Teacher | Aterait Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Adenya, Anne Dorcas Taaka | Senior Teacher | Aterait Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Emojong, Teopista Akajolit | Senior Teacher | Asinge Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Miss Otung’u, Marilyn Amoit | Senior Teacher | Asinge Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Ong’elech, Juliet Ajalit Okiruh | Senior Teacher | Asinge Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Oteba, Stephen Ibelet | Senior Teacher | Asinge Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Osigi, Andrew | Senior Teacher | Ngelechom Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Ontario, Florence Omusugut | Senior Teacher | Odio Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Orinyo, Maritha Naliaka | Senior Teacher | Okwata Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Omele, Fredrick Etangasait | Senior Teacher | Aciit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Apiyo, Esther Hellen | Senior Teacher | Amerikwai Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Miss Atyang, Linda Loice | Senior Teacher | Keriamata Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Onyango, Judith Awuor | Senior Teacher | Acunet Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Odedo, Jacob Bindi | Senior Teacher | Acunet Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Etyang, Kevine Oluoro | Senior Teacher | St. Luke’s Amoni Primatu School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Ms Amoit, Janet Anjeline | Senior Teacher | St. Anne Sidelewa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Oduori, Mary Adikinyi | Senior Teacher | St. Joseph’s Irukan Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Oguti, Andrew Oloka | Senior Teacher | Palama Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Miss Ouma, Millicent Nawire | Senior Teacher | Palama Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Wabwire, Mary Nafula | Senior Teacher | St. Martin Kisoko Specil Sch For M.H | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Nyongesa, Everlyne Akuku | Senior Teacher | St. Martin Kisoko Specil Sch For M.H | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Osembo, Joseph Maxwelly | Senior Teacher | St. Martin Kisoko Specil Sch For M.H | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Aneriko, Janerose Nafula | Senior Teacher | Ekisumo Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Sikalo, Floice Oyiko Ateka | Senior Teacher | Namahindi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Makokha, Camilita Awino | Senior Teacher | Namahindi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Ojwang, Pamela | Senior Teacher | Madende Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Wabwire, Martha Nanzala | Senior Teacher | Mwenge Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Okinda, Charles Nyapaya | Senior Teacher | Mungatsi Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Ekesa, Peninah Nekulu | Senior Teacher | Mungatsi Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Syeunda, Alex Taabu | Senior Teacher | Mungatsi Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Nangabo, Selpher Akumu | Senior Teacher | Mungatsi Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Patrick, Sakwa Kaunda | Senior Teacher | Sikinga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Ajiambo, Evelyn | Senior Teacher | Sikinga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Tangara, Milton Rodgers | Senior Teacher | Emukhuyu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Osinya, Gentrix | Senior Teacher | Esinende Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Chitechi, Peace Mali | Senior Teacher | Khwirale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Orubia, Joyce | Senior Teacher | Khwirale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Ochieng, Linnet Apondi | Senior Teacher | Khwirale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Nanzala, Electa Joan | Senior Teacher | Kisoko Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Ms Ibokor, Syslia | Senior Teacher | Kisoko Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Othieno, Jacinta Akula | Senior Teacher | Kisoko Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Sisuma, Martina Narotso | Senior Teacher | Kisoko Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Etyang, Sabina Akasiba | Senior Teacher | Kisoko Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Bunyasi, Lenah Awori | Senior Teacher | Malanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Opondo, Emilly | Senior Teacher | Malanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Oundo, Beatrice Lugovia | Senior Teacher | Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Mukuvi, Mary Khamala | Senior Teacher | Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Bakesia, Beatrice Opondo | Senior Teacher | St. Mary’s Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Wesonga, Mary Nganyi | Senior Teacher | Nambale Urban Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Wekesa, Gradys Najilula | Senior Teacher | Nambale Urban Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Nabwire, Priscila Ongulo | Senior Teacher | Nambale Urban Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Okelele, Laurine | Senior Teacher | Mwangaza Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Mwandije, Diphiyna | Senior Teacher | St. Mark’s Musoma Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Nyongesa, Christine Nekesa | Senior Teacher | Mundika Special School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Oundo, Henry Humphrey | Senior Teacher | Lwanya Special School For The M.H. | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Olukoye, Jairus Rajuayi | Senior Teacher | Busidibu Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Oboki, Kennedy Wabwire | Senior Teacher | Busidibu Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Okumu, Godfrey Shabaan | Senior Teacher | Lwanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Okado, Edwin Ouma | Senior Teacher | Lwanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Onyango, Phanice Nabwire | Senior Teacher | Lwanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Oundo, Perus Anyango | Senior Teacher | Lwanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Mabwa, Waston Wellington | Senior Teacher | Nasira Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Mukhongo, Jemimah Achieno | Senior Teacher | Mundika Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Oloo, Caroline Nyongesa | Senior Teacher | Mundika Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Okumu, George | Senior Teacher | Mundika Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Ouma, Josephine Anyango | Senior Teacher | St. Eugene’s Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Ouma, Mary | Senior Teacher | Busia Girls Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Abunya, Mary Angalwa | Senior Teacher | Bulanda Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Adongo, Mildred | Senior Teacher | Bwamani Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Alachu, Annastanzia | Senior Teacher | Bwamani Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Ogutu, Harrison Nicodemus | Senior Teacher | Burumba Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Dibo, Dina Achieng | Senior Teacher | Burumba Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Ouma, Mildred Melsa | Senior Teacher | Burumba Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Egessa, Millicent Nakhumwa | Senior Teacher | Burumba Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Auma, Christine Noela Mutsune | Senior Teacher | Burumba Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Wafula, Edwin Juma | Senior Teacher | Burumba Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Mulama, Fredrick Mwima | Senior Teacher | Burumba Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Odoli, Mildred Nangira | Senior Teacher | Mabale Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Mise, Mable Mmbone | Senior Teacher | St. Teresa Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Oundo, Linet Risper | Senior Teacher | Busende Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Osino, Lucy Adhiambo | Senior Teacher | Busabakhwa Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Odhiambo, Elizabeth Ngala | Senior Teacher | Indoli Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Mushiyi, Everlyne Owiso | Senior Teacher | Igero Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Nyuliah, Dolphine Andeso | Senior Teacher | Igero Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Oyiela, Everlyne | Senior Teacher | Nang’oma Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Odaba, Lynn Adah | Senior Teacher | Bugengi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Musungu, Mercy Vivian Aori | Senior Teacher | Bugengi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Okumu, Salome Nabwire | Senior Teacher | Bugengi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Osano, Dorine Kerubo | Senior Teacher | Bukalama Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Were, Stephen Mutaliko | Senior Teacher | Buyende Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Khaunya, Pamela Adikinyi | Senior Teacher | Esirisia Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Njeka, Nelson Ochieng | Senior Teacher | Esirisia Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Odongo, Nancy Auma | Senior Teacher | Munongo Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Auma, Millicent Achieng | Senior Teacher | Mujuru Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Okumu, Stella Awino | Senior Teacher | Lunga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Nyongesa, Wilfred Wandera | Senior Teacher | Lunga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Nyabola, John Emoto | Senior Teacher | Busiabwabo Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Oduor, Cleopas | Senior Teacher | Busiabwabo Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Akello, Joseph Nyangede | Senior Teacher | St. Moses Sigwata Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Musundi, Hillary Sudi | Senior Teacher | Budokomi Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Achong’a, Lydia Taka | Senior Teacher | Budokomi Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Kadima, Jane Nekesa | Senior Teacher | Siteko Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Ayuya, Francis Mutsachi | Senior Teacher | St. Catherine Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Kwena, Salome Esther | Senior Teacher | St. Catherine Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Makubo, Margaret Akong’o | Senior Teacher | St. Catherine Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Barasa, Margaret | Senior Teacher | St. Catherine Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Ong’are, Emily Awino | Senior Teacher | Buduma Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Omoto, Ruth Charity | Senior Teacher | Buhuyi Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Okola, Stephen Odhiambo | Senior Teacher | Buhuyi Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Margaret, Kwoba Mukele | Senior Teacher | Bukati Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Mutinyu, Jacinta Adhiambo | Senior Teacher | Butula Boys Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Onyango, Mildred | Senior Teacher | Butula Boys Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Ochieng, Robert Ongoma | Senior Teacher | Butula Boys Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Erulu, Edith Attracta | Senior Teacher | Elukhari Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Olusi, Marygoret Kalara | Senior Teacher | Elukhari Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Butire, Violet | Senior Teacher | Esibine Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Kafwa, Hellen Agasa | Senior Teacher | Esibine Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Mbalukha, Noreen Anyango | Senior Teacher | Kalalani Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Oluoch, Patrick Martin | Senior Teacher | Kalalani Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Mwaro, Teresa Nangiro | Senior Teacher | Kalalani Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Ayiemba, Evelyne Patty | Senior Teacher | Lugulu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Amolo, Ronald Onyango | Senior Teacher | Makwara Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Onyango, Anjelyne Akinyi | Senior Teacher | Sikarira Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Nasimiyu, Julia Okech | Senior Teacher | Sikarira Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Wambani, Phaustine Akinyi | Senior Teacher | Sikarira Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Akinyi, Christine Nabule | Senior Teacher | Sikarira Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Ayieko, Veronica Kongoti | Senior Teacher | Sikarira Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Makokha, Stephen | Senior Teacher | Siribo Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Osobolo, Salome Mamy Weta | Senior Teacher | Siribo Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Namwaya, Bridgit Sitawa Rael | Senior Teacher | Siunga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Owang, Bethwell Okello | Senior Teacher | Bujumba Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Obonyo, Charles Okuku | Senior Teacher | Bukhakhala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Anzaya, Alice Omito | Senior Teacher | Bukhwaku Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Obura, Ruth Nekesa | Senior Teacher | Bumala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Atsieno, Susan M | Senior Teacher | Bumala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Otieno, Josephine Adhiambo | Senior Teacher | Burinda Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Oduba, Anne B | Senior Teacher | Busire Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Wafula, Victor Bernard | Senior Teacher | Busire Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Oduori, Agnes Wanekaya | Senior Teacher | Dadira Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Othieno, Lawrence Owino | Senior Teacher | Dadira Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Oduor, Chrispinus Juma | Senior Teacher | Ikonzo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Achieng, Cornel Ochieng | Senior Teacher | Masebula Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Nyamori, Jemimah Anyango | Senior Teacher | Masebula Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Onyango, Dennis Kudoyi | Senior Teacher | Nango Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Oluoch, George Andrew | Senior Teacher | Nyamwanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Ong’enge, Everlyne Auma | Senior Teacher | Bukhalalire Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Locho, Peris Vugutsa | Senior Teacher | Bukhuma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Ogutu, Vivian Apiyo | Senior Teacher | Bukhuma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Wangara, Shaffy Makokha | Senior Teacher | Bulwani Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Njoora, Susan Wambui | Senior Teacher | Butunyi Mixed Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Aketch, Emily Adhiambo | Senior Teacher | Butunyi Mixed Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Omondi, Fredrick Onyango | Senior Teacher | Butunyi Mixed Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Ogara, Winfred Nerima | Senior Teacher | Butunyi Mixed Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Athieno, Elizabeth Milka | Senior Teacher | Igula Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Wambola, Jane Agneta | Senior Teacher | Bishop L. Atundo Mung’ambwa Primary Sch. | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Odongo, Pascalia Shisia | Senior Teacher | Bishop L. Atundo Mung’ambwa Primary Sch. | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Ogara, Francis Shiro | Senior Teacher | Nyalwanda Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Kweyu, David Olando | Senior Teacher | St. Augustines Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Okech, Leah Anne | Senior Teacher | Enakaywa Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Wafula, Ben Onyango | Senior Teacher | Musoma R.C. Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Juma, Julia Auma | Senior Teacher | Lukonyi Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Odongo, Simon | Senior Teacher | Busibi Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Ondonge, Stephen Opondo | Senior Teacher | Nangina Sp Unit | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Wandera, Fredrick Bwire | Senior Teacher | Bunandi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Karidi, Amani | Senior Teacher | Bujwanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Juma, Michael Gongi | Senior Teacher | Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Okeka, Justine Akoth | Senior Teacher | Bumbe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Wandera, Daglas Gardner | Senior Teacher | Buburi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Omolo, Wilfred Wangila | Senior Teacher | Nabuganda Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Onyango, Dick | Senior Teacher | Nabuganda Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ong’amo, John Wandera Bosco | Senior Teacher | Nabuganda Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Sabi, Erick Bwire | Senior Teacher | Nabuganda Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ouma, Lawrence Okumu | Senior Teacher | Busembe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Nadebu, Charles Jafred | Senior Teacher | Busibi Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Mudibo, Mary Okochi | Senior Teacher | Bukhwamba Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Achieno, Caroline | Senior Teacher | Ganjala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Machyo, Judith | Senior Teacher | Mudoma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Barasa, Christine I | Senior Teacher | Namboboto `b’ Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Wandera, Emilly | Senior Teacher | Nyakwaka Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Majale, Justine Bwire | Senior Teacher | Sichekhe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ouma, Vincent Wafula | Senior Teacher | Sichekhe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Mangeni, Roselyne Monday | Senior Teacher | Sibinga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Opiyo, Beatrice Nabwire | Senior Teacher | Nerobia Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Achieng, Pamela Otumba | Senior Teacher | Nerobia Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Apondi, Janepheser Constance | Senior Teacher | Nerobia Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Obura, Domian | Senior Teacher | Nerobia Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Nadebu, Humphrey Obada | Senior Teacher | Muramba Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Magonda, Winstone Wandera | Senior Teacher | Muramba Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Aduordi, Scolastica Muheleshitsi | Senior Teacher | Sibale Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Minayo, Caroline | Senior Teacher | Sibale Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Musungu, Lilian Adongo | Senior Teacher | Sibale Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Ojiambo, Grace Anyango | Senior Teacher | Sibale Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Wanyama, Grace Njeghe | Senior Teacher | Nangina Mixed Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Ochieng, Lilian Mediatrix | Senior Teacher | Nangina Mixed Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Ochembo, Marceline Atieno | Senior Teacher | Nangina Girls Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ouma, Josephat Juma | Senior Teacher | Nandereka Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Juma, Dennis Adonija | Senior Teacher | Nandereka Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Ombajo, Esther Barasa | Senior Teacher | Agenga Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Ogengo, Everlyne Achola | Senior Teacher | Wakhungu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Oduori, Josephine Akumu | Senior Teacher | Wakhungu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Nakhibi, Juliet Esereah Wanyama | Senior Teacher | Wakhungu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Ngashira, Mary Nechesa | Senior Teacher | Odiado Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Masiga, Caroline Achieno | Senior Teacher | Bukiri Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Odini, Carolyne Nambasi | Senior Teacher | Mukonjo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Wanjala, Esther Hannah | Senior Teacher | Mukonjo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Odukhula, Beatrice Akinyi | Senior Teacher | Moody Awori Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Barasa, Charles M | Senior Teacher | Rugunga Special Sch For The M. Challeged | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Sipanda, Lilian Awuor | Senior Teacher | Bubango Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Siwoyi, Ann Asembo | Senior Teacher | Budalangi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Okochi, Malengo John | Senior Teacher | Bukoma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Miss Omondi, Olive Achieng | Senior Teacher | Bumadeya Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Khadodo, Fedelis Obuyu | Senior Teacher | Igigo Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Bwire, Alex Sami | Senior Teacher | Igigo Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Mungayo, Christopher Obonyo | Senior Teacher | Sirimba Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Wanyama, Juvenalis | Senior Teacher | Sirimba Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr. Mleke, David Mbinga | Senior Teacher | Sirimba Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Namanjaba, James Halusa | Senior Teacher | Sisenye Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Miss Achieno, Wilkister | Senior Teacher | Sisenye Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ogaya, Romanus Oduor | Senior Teacher | St. Cecilia Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Miss Bwire, Pauline Osengo | Senior Teacher | Osieko Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr. Malo, Hanningtone Antony | Senior Teacher | Osieko Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Achola, Benson Onjoro | Senior Teacher | Maduwa Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Miss Oruma, Salome Nerima | Senior Teacher | Budala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Bwire, Joseph Oduba | Senior Teacher | Rugunga Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Oyugi, Hezron Okumu | Senior Teacher | Rugunga Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Juma, Margaret Akumu | Senior Teacher | Makunda Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Miss Ajiambo, Eunice | Senior Teacher | Makunda Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Musee, Patrick Munyakho | Senior Teacher | Bubamba Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Nalami, Linus Nanjala Bwire | Senior Teacher | Mubwayo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ouma, Francis Tabu | Senior Teacher | Mubwayo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Ouma, Fedelis Omina | Senior Teacher | Busagwa Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Kaunya, Titus Nandek | Senior Teacher | St. Luke Kakemer Special School For P.H. | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ekapu, Musa Ekirapa Wilfred | Senior Teacher | Aboloi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ochuna, Geoffrey Sirengo | Senior Teacher | Adanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Okadapau, Evans Murunga | Senior Teacher | Kolait Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Fwamba, Esau Mukhwana | Senior Teacher | Adurukoit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Nyapara, Helen Kimingich | Senior Teacher | Amagoro Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Idewa, Isaac | Senior Teacher | Amoni Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Otiengi, Jenifer Iyapa | Senior Teacher | Kamuriai Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Okisai, David Papa | Senior Teacher | Kengatuny Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Miss Odung’uli, Carolyne | Senior Teacher | Kocholya Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Imwana, Pharice Emuria | Senior Teacher | Korisai A.C.K. Prmary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Okware, Moses Opuru | Senior Teacher | Koruruma Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Imutuan, David Ebatal Tebacol | Senior Teacher | Malaba Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ikoche, Zaccheaus Oruputo | Senior Teacher | Kajei Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Ambuchi, Benard | Senior Teacher | Katanyu Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Barua, Joseph Jim | Senior Teacher | Onyunyur Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Abukui, Violet Anna | Senior Teacher | Totokakile Pry Sch | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Ajilit, Selina Karani | Senior Teacher | St. Peters Akiriamas Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Omuku, Kennedy Ojakaa | Senior Teacher | Okiporo Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Jumah, Nelly Atto | Senior Teacher | Agong’et Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Okemeri, Timothy Rapheal | Senior Teacher | Akapijan Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Imojir, Mark Vandyke | Senior Teacher | Aparatere Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mrs Temba, Lydia Nasambu | Senior Teacher | Akulony Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Murie, Philip Ochana | Senior Teacher | Goromait S.A. Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Miss Ikaah, Philis | Senior Teacher | St. Paul Achunet A,C,K. Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Esiromo, Meshack Osere | Senior Teacher | Osopotoit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso North |
Mr Barasa, Dennis Ingololo | Senior Teacher | Alupe Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Omwene, Elizabeth Muyoka | Senior Teacher | Busia AirStrip Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Oduor, Jael Atieno Helen | Senior Teacher | Ojamii Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Teba, Stephen | Senior Teacher | Obuucun Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Ojula, Annastancia Franciscaobukui | Senior Teacher | Ongariama Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Adungo, Michael Omukai | Senior Teacher | Amongura Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Otieng, Francis | Senior Teacher | Alomodoi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Awala, Hillary Mike | Senior Teacher | Ojaamong Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ongiro, Paul Emoit | Senior Teacher | Ojaamong Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Miss Opiyo, Violet Tereza | Senior Teacher | Otimong Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Odwori, Paul Okamari | Senior Teacher | Chakol Girls Boarding Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Eliani, Willy Sidayi | Senior Teacher | Amukura Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Odera, Dickson William Nandiek | Senior Teacher | Kwangamor Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Emojong, Okendi Bisansio | Senior Teacher | Morukamosing Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Karani, Robert Angate | Senior Teacher | Morukeyan Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Muruga, Robert Osibo | Senior Teacher | Akatagoroit Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Otijom, Callistus Oujo | Senior Teacher | Akoreet Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Omunyu, Francis Wanyonyi | Senior Teacher | Apegei Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Dennis, Ijakaa Ekesa | Senior Teacher | Karisa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Emai, Patrick Esair | Senior Teacher | Odio Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Opili, Herbert Otwani | Senior Teacher | Okwata Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Orot, Joshua Vincent | Senior Teacher | Okook Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Khaoya, Peter | Senior Teacher | Papa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Okide, Julius Eng’ati | Senior Teacher | Ongaroi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Owire, Humphreys Okello Okiring | Senior Teacher | Ongaroi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Owaya, Justine Apurudung | Senior Teacher | Omoloi Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Khayumbi, Michael Shisakha | Senior Teacher | Keriamata Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Ikagala, Samuel Okemo | Senior Teacher | Keriamata Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Ikasilon, Josephine Barasa | Senior Teacher | Osasame R.C. Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Miss Omelu, Phanice Alle Ochodi | Senior Teacher | Osasame R.C. Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Etyang, Joseph Obarasa | Senior Teacher | Acunet Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mr Aluri, Ernest Odikoro | Senior Teacher | Obekai Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Okwede, Maureen Oliwa | Senior Teacher | Kidera Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Miss Ounoi, Scovia | Senior Teacher | St. Luke’s Amoni Primatu School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Emojong, Nancy Aulubi | Senior Teacher | Okerebwa Primary School | Western | Busia | Teso South |
Mrs Wanjala, Catherine Ngoni | Senior Teacher | Buyofu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Okara, Stanely | Senior Teacher | Elwanikha Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Imasaja, Margaret Komoni Tito | Senior Teacher | Igara Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Omuse, Fredrick Otaru | Senior Teacher | Katira Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Khatala, Bridgit Harriet | Senior Teacher | Khayo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Nyongesa, James Akhobe | Senior Teacher | Madende Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Wanyama, Joseph Onyango | Senior Teacher | Musokoto Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Okumu, Fredrick Mwanda | Senior Teacher | Lupida Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Nasubo, Eddah Agatha | Senior Teacher | Madibo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Akumu, Florence | Senior Teacher | Emakina Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Ondusu, Albert Obore | Senior Teacher | Emukhuyu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Ouma, Moses | Senior Teacher | Kisoko Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Nakhone, Agnes | Senior Teacher | Kisoko Girls Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Ibwaga, Joyce Kageha | Senior Teacher | Mabunge R.c Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Manyala, Sylvanus Kulula | Senior Teacher | Malanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Anyango, Fanice Christine | Senior Teacher | Manyole Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Ngongesa, Mary Yiya | Senior Teacher | Maolo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Odhanjo, Pauline Atieno | Senior Teacher | Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Miss Wanjala, Mercy Khayanga W. | Senior Teacher | Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Juma, Agnetta Shikuku | Senior Teacher | St. Mary’s Nambale Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Mwebi, Alice Kwamboka | Senior Teacher | Nambale Urban Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Kwena, Anthony David | Senior Teacher | Nambale Urban Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Pamba, Duncan Omondi | Senior Teacher | Nange’ni Rc Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Matata, Christine | Senior Teacher | Otiiri Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Okutoyi, Eunice Abwamba | Senior Teacher | Kaludeka Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Washington, Phoebe Muronji | Senior Teacher | St. Francis Makongeni Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Alivitsa, Mary Lodogoli | Senior Teacher | Mwangaza Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mr Odhiambo, Godffrey | Senior Teacher | Kapina Primary School | Western | Busia | Nambale |
Mrs Walumbe, Jackline Wesonga | Senior Teacher | Busidibu Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Odhiambo, Vincent Ocholah | Senior Teacher | Lwanya Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Mutimba, Joseph Wesonga | Senior Teacher | Nasira Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Chumba, Monicah Jelagat | Senior Teacher | Buringala Primary | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Ouma, Pamella Nabwire | Senior Teacher | Mundulusia Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Mayawu, Lamas Onyango | Senior Teacher | Busendabala Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Wambire, Hillary Ronald | Senior Teacher | Nambere Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Olesso, Andrew Wesonga | Senior Teacher | St. Eugene’s Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Ouma, Phoebe Auma | Senior Teacher | Busia Girls Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Wabwire, Gabriel Egesa | Senior Teacher | Mayenje Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Kowiti, Julia Brenda Adongo | Senior Teacher | Mayenje Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Mududa, Lilian Silyvier | Senior Teacher | Mabale Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Barasa, Modesta | Senior Teacher | St. Teresa Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Lwande, Vincent Wesonga | Senior Teacher | Alungoli Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Bwire, Constant Juma | Senior Teacher | Busabakhwa Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Miss Makhulo, Lilian Alice Ayere | Senior Teacher | Murende Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Wabwire, Pascal Owino | Senior Teacher | Nang’oma Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Wanjala, Titus Okello | Senior Teacher | Bukalama Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Oduor, Richard Oloo | Senior Teacher | Esikulu Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Akello, Kenneth | Senior Teacher | Mujuru Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Amollo, Edgar Muga | Senior Teacher | Lunga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Onyango, Risper Adikinyi | Senior Teacher | Busiabwabo Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mrs Obbayi, Ecclay Moi | Senior Teacher | Mundika Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Matayos |
Mr Oduory, Fredrick Onduso | Senior Teacher | Masebula Secondary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Onyango, Fredrick Okwero | Senior Teacher | Buduma Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Olendo, Cornel Wanga Pancras | Senior Teacher | Buhuyi Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Wanjala, Petronilla Aruda | Senior Teacher | Bukati Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Okinda, Wilfred Were | Senior Teacher | Bumala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Olwal, Scholastica Barasa | Senior Teacher | Butula Boys Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Ouma, Lawrence Otsieno | Senior Teacher | Elukhari Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Peter, Mugoma | Senior Teacher | Esibine Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Odembo, Pancras Alois | Senior Teacher | Kalalani Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Musee, Selina Beatric | Senior Teacher | Kalalani Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Ngaira, Phanice Lihavi | Senior Teacher | Kalalani Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Mayabi, Godeliver Adhiambo | Senior Teacher | Lugulu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Wambulwa, Juliet Nabalayo | Senior Teacher | Makwara Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Oduor, Evans Mutswenje | Senior Teacher | Mauko Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Nambenjere, Benson Auma | Senior Teacher | Musibiriri Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Wafubwa, Dorothy Origine | Senior Teacher | Musibiriri Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Obatsa, Milka Muyodi | Senior Teacher | Sikura Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Oloo, Peter Omondi | Senior Teacher | Siribo Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Onyango, Alfred Reagan | Senior Teacher | Siunga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Rauchu, Philip Sirima | Senior Teacher | Tingolo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Wandera, Josephat Osinya | Senior Teacher | Bukhakhala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Cheboit, Nancy Chepkemei | Senior Teacher | Bukhakhala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Ndonji, Christabel Tabu | Senior Teacher | Busibula Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Mubasa, Francis Mulaa | Senior Teacher | Ikonzo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Oduk, George Oduory | Senior Teacher | Masebula Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Munyanya, George | Senior Teacher | Namwitsula Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Atenya, Susan Omuronji | Senior Teacher | Nyamwanga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Obondo, Martha Akinyi | Senior Teacher | Bukhuma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Masinde, Paulyne Mutsotso | Senior Teacher | Bulwani Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Narotso, Monica | Senior Teacher | Bumutiru Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Shikuku, Silvia Mukoswa | Senior Teacher | Busiada Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Wesonga, Judith Ngesa | Senior Teacher | Bwaliro Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Akhenda, Nelly Malesi | Senior Teacher | Emagombe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Kombo, Everlyne Akinyi | Senior Teacher | Igula Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Omondi, Juliet Adhiambo | Senior Teacher | Madola Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Mayabi, Jane | Senior Teacher | Bishop L. Atundo Mung’ambwa Primary Sch. | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Neyima, William Odero | Senior Teacher | St. Meltus Saka Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Omadwa, Walter Kwena | Senior Teacher | Simuli Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Lumbasi, Macline Sellah | Senior Teacher | Enakaywa Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mrs Mukati, Consolata Atsieno | Senior Teacher | Musoma R.C. Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Miss Otieno, Risper Anyango | Senior Teacher | Elunyiko Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Ngei, Justus Kudoyi Obanya | Senior Teacher | Elunyiko Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Nyaberi, Jeremiah Miregwa | Senior Teacher | Lukonyi Boys Primary School | Western | Busia | Butula |
Mr Abidonge, Humphreys | Senior Teacher | Sigalame Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Otieno, Palandina Namukuru | Senior Teacher | Munyanja Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Mukudi, Daniel Were | Senior Teacher | Bumayenga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Wakhaya, Peris Njeri | Senior Teacher | Bumbe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ouma, Patrick Wanyama | Senior Teacher | Busijo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Lusimbo, Justine Mukaga Omonyo | Senior Teacher | Nabalaki Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Oloo, Joseph Fredrick | Senior Teacher | Buburi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Oketch, Stephen Philip | Senior Teacher | Buburi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr. Wangira, Samson Okinda | Senior Teacher | Hakati Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Odanga, Austine Barasa | Senior Teacher | Busembe Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Oundo, Esther Mamou | Senior Teacher | Buloma Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Owuor, Jackline Sekina | Senior Teacher | Lugala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Kobero, Godfrey Nyongesa | Senior Teacher | Nambuku Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Oduory, Hesbon Kenedy | Senior Teacher | Nyakhobi Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Jusa, John Kigame | Senior Teacher | Sagania Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Rangute, Hillary Odera | Senior Teacher | Sagania Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Oduor, Violet Nabwire | Senior Teacher | Sibinga Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Aringo, Jackline Caroline | Senior Teacher | Sifuyo Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Obura, Eric Auku | Senior Teacher | Nangina Mixed Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Were, Vincent Wandera | Senior Teacher | Burudu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Okuta, Nasirumbi Christine | Senior Teacher | Burudu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Ouma, Bernard Ojiambo | Senior Teacher | Nabutuki Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Wafula, Carley | Senior Teacher | Nabutuki Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Makokha, Mary Maende | Senior Teacher | Luchululo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Opiyo, Josephat Malingu | Senior Teacher | Agenga Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Onyango, Jacob Frank | Senior Teacher | Sijowa Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Oundo, Calasina Auma | Senior Teacher | Wakhungu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Auma, Esther Lilian | Senior Teacher | Wakhungu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Okechi, Caroline Night | Senior Teacher | Sigulu Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Miss Muthengi, Ruth Kavutha | Senior Teacher | Bukiri Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Juma, Chrispinus Mangeni | Senior Teacher | Nakhasiko Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mr Wandera, George Omaso | Senior Teacher | Eugene Masombo Primary School | Western | Busia | Funyula |
Mrs Juma, Caroline Odialo | Senior Teacher | Mundere Sp Sch For The Hearing & Impaire | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Birenge, Francis Ogutu Ayiya | Senior Teacher | Budubusi Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Miss Mukoya, Christine Auma | Senior Teacher | Bumadeya Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Miss Okumu, Celestine Auma | Senior Teacher | Lunyofu Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Ms Owanga, Rachel Nafula | Senior Teacher | Mundere Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Onyango, Lucas Dienya | Senior Teacher | Mundere Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Magero, Sylvester Tabu | Senior Teacher | Mundere Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Otete, Nicholas Mundi M | Senior Teacher | Namalo Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Wanyama, Chrispinus Ogokha | Senior Teacher | Sibuka Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Gaunya, Patrick Ounga | Senior Teacher | St. Cecilia Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Negesa, George Wandera | Senior Teacher | Osieko Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Okello, Zachary A | Senior Teacher | Maduwa Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Nyawara, Hillary Oyombi | Senior Teacher | Bulwani A.c Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Okumu, Williams Wangira | Senior Teacher | Budala Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Miss Auma, Lucy Namukuru | Senior Teacher | Rugunga Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Odero, Stephen Akumba | Senior Teacher | Lugale Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Magio, Michael Juma | Senior Teacher | Bubamba Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Olengo, Chrispinus Odirah | Senior Teacher | Busagwa Pri Sch | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Akhenda, Bonface Ben | Senior Teacher | Buongo Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mr Amalwa, Gabriel Afubwa | Senior Teacher | Nanjomi Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Mrs Osodo, Beatrice Nabwire | Senior Teacher | Lakeview Primary School – Nandekere | Western | Busia | Budalangi |
Miss Ajiambo, Rosemary Pauline | Senior Teacher | Nabutswi Primary School | Western | Busia | Budalangi |