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Biometric registration of teachers and head count: TSC speaks out

Dr Nancy Macharia who is the TSC Chief Executive Officer. Deployment and appointment of school heads, deputies, senior teachers and masters has now been decentralized to regional TSC offices.

Dr Nancy Macharia who is the TSC Chief Executive Officer.

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has given a clarification concerning news doing rounds in social media platforms on purported teachers’ head count and biometric registration. The fake news (see images below) called on teachers to provide a list of documents to enable the commission carry out a ‘supposed audit’.

   “In order to clean the commission payroll, TSC will carry out teachers’ head count and biometric registration,” reads the fraudulent post; in part.

   In yet another scamming post, teachers in administrative posts were required to visit the local TSC offices for verification.

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This is not the first time that scammers are targeting teachers. Such posts have seen some teachers lose substantive amounts of money to the fraudsters; more so those seeking employment opportunities with TSC.

   And indeed, the teachers’ employer is in the process of cleaning up the payroll and doing a fresh head count for school administrators. In a circular to county Directors, the TSC boss Dr Nancy Macharia ordered for a recount of all school heads, principals, deputy heads, deputy principals, senior teachers and masters. This is in a bid to weed out classroom teachers who had been captured as administrators prior to implementation of the 2017-2021 collective bargaining agreement.

   This move has caused jitters in the teachers’ unions with the Kenya National Union of Teachers (knut) daring the commission to make good of their threat to deduct any over-payments made to the affected teachers.

   The commission is at the same time preparing to implement the final phase of the CBA; with salary increments expected at the end of July.

A screen shot of the fake news on teachers' head count and biometric registration.

A screen shot of the fake news on teachers’ head count and biometric registration.

A screen shot of the fake news on teachers’ head count and biometric registration.

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