Best Business Studies Schemes of Work (As per the new School Term Dates)
L/NO |
REF. | REM. |
1 |
1 |
Sole proprietorship. Ownership, formation, sources of capital, management and dissolution of a personal business. |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Describe the features of sole proprietorship of a business with regard to ownership, formation, sources of capital, management and dissolution of the business.
Brainstorming; Probing questions; Exposition; Discussion.
Chart – forms of business units showing all features. |
New Inventor KLB BOOK II Pg 1-2
2 |
Advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorship. |
State advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorship. | Probing questions;
Explanations. |
Pg 2-3 | |||
3 |
Business partnerships.
Classification of business partnership. |
Outline various criteria of classifying business partners.
State types of business partners. |
Exposition of new concepts;
Oral questions; Exposition of new ideas; Discussion.
Chart – forms of business units showing all features. | Pg 3-4 | ||
2 |
1 |
Formation of business partnership. |
Define the term partnership deed.
Identify components of a partnership deed. Outline rights of a partner and duties as enshrined in the Partnership Act.
Probing questions; Exposition; Discussion.
Pg 4-5,7 | ||
2 |
Management,Sources of Capital& dissolution of partnerships. |
Describe management of business partnerships.
Identify sources of capital for business partnerships. Cite circumstances that can lead to dissolution of business partnerships.
Oral questions; Brief discussion.
Chart – forms of business units showing all features. | Pg 6 | ||
2 |
3 |
Advantages & disadvantages of a partnership. |
State advantages and disadvantages of a business partnership. | Probing questions;
Pg 6-7 | ||
3 |
1 |
Introduction and formation. |
Define a co-operative society. Identify principles on which co-operative movement is founded. Describe formation of co-operatives.
Brain storming; Exposition of new ideas; Brief discussion. |
Chart – forms of business units showing all features. |
Pg 7 |
2 |
Ownership, capital & management. |
Describe ownership & management of co-operative societies.
Enumerate sources of capital for co-operative societies.
Probing questions; Discussion. |
Pg 8-9 | |||
3 |
ProducerCo-operatives. |
Distinguish producer from consumer co-operatives.
Identify purposes served by producer co-operatives. Give examples of producer co-operatives in Kenya.
Discussion. |
Pg 10 | |||
4 |
1 |
State advantages & disadvantages ofconsumer co-operatives. Cite examples of consumer co-operatives.
Oral questions;
Explanations; Discussion. |
Pg 11 | ||
2 |
Outline features of SACCOs.
State advantages & disadvantages of SACCOs.
Oral questions; Explanations; Discussion. |
Chart: structure of co-operatives in Kenya. | Pg 11-13 | ||
3 |
Primary and secondary co-operative societies. | Identify primary and secondary co-operative societies.
State advantages & disadvantages of co-operative societies. |
Explanations; Discussion. |
Pg 13-14 | |||
5 |
1 |
Limited liability companies.
Formation of a company. |
Define a company and a shareholder.
Identify features of a company with regard to requisite documents.
Exposition of new concepts.
Detailed discussion. |
Chart – forms of business units showing all features. | Pg 15-16 | |
2 |
Sources of capital.
Shares. |
Differentiate between ordinary & preference shares.
State characteristics of each.
Exposition of new concepts;
Probing questions; Discussion. |
Pg 17-18 | |||
3 |
Other sources of capital. |
Identify other major sources of capital. | Exposition of new concepts;
Probing questions; Discussion. |
Chart- sources of capital. | Pg 18-19 | ||
6 |
1 |
Types of companies.
Private limited companies. |
State characteristics of a private company.
Outline the advantages and disadvantages of a private limited company.
Exposition of new concepts;
Probing questions; Discussion. |
Pg 19-20 | ||
2 |
Public limited company. |
State characteristics of a public company.
Outline the advantages and disadvantages of a public company.
Exposition of new concepts;
Oral questions; Detailed discussion. |
Chart – forms of business units showing all features. | Pg 21-22 | ||
3 |
Management & role of stock exchange market. |
Analyse management practices of a company.
Outline the functions of stock exchange market. |
Exposition of new concepts;
Probing questions; Discussion. |
Chart: organization structure of a company. | Pg 22-24 | ||
7 |
1-2 |
3 |
Dissolution of limited liability companies. |
Identify possible reasons for liquidation of a company.
Probing questions;
Discussion; Written exercise. |
Pg 25 | |||
8 |
1-2 |
Public Corporations & Parastatals. |
Define a public corporation and a parastatal.
Give examples of public corporations / parastatals in Kenya. Describe formation of public corporations. State merits and demerits of public corporations.
Exposition of new concepts;
Oral questions; Detailed discussion. |
Chart – forms of business units showing all features. | Pg 26-27 | |
3 |
Management, financing and dissolving of public corporations.
Describe the management, financing and dissolving of public corporations. | Exposition of new concepts;
Probing questions; Discussion. |
Pg 27-28 | |||
9 |
1 |
Trends in forms of business units.
Topic review. |
Explain various current trends in forms of business units.
Answer questions.
Exposition of new concepts;
Discussion; Assignment. |
Pg 29-30 | ||
2-3 |
Government involvement in business activities. |
Identify ways in which the govt involves itself in business activities. Give reasons for government involvement in business activities.
Brain storming; Probing questions; Discussion. |
Pg 31 |
10 |
1 |
Govt involvement in business;-regulation.
Outline ways in which the govt regulates business. | Brain storming;
Exposition; Explanations of new concepts. |
Pg 32-33 | ||
10 |
2 |
Govt involvement in business;-training. -trade promotion.
Cite reasons why the govt trains business personnel.
Highlight duties of govt attachés in trade promotion. Highlight duties of ministry of trade in internal trade promotion.
Brain storming;
Exposition of new concepts. Brief discussion. |
Pg 33-35 | ||
3 |
Govt involvement in business;-public utilities. -enabling environment.
Discuss the role of the govt in providing public utilities and business enabling environment. | Exposition of new concepts.
Brief discussion. |
Pg 36 | |||
11 |
1 |
Merits and demerits of government involvement in businesses. |
Identify merits and demerits of government involvement in businesses. | Probing questions, Explanations. | Pg 37-38 | ||
2 |
Consumer protection. |
Enumerate reasons for consumer protection from producers and business people. | Brain storming;
Some counterfeit products. | Pg 38 | ||
3 |
Methods of consumer protection. |
Describe various methods used by the government to protect consumers.
Identify functions & limitations of consumer associations and NGOs.
Exposition of new concepts.
Brief discussion; Topic review. |
Pg 39-40 | |||
12,13 |
L/NO |
REF. | REM. |
1 |
1 |
Importance of transport to business.
Elements of transport. |
Define the term place utility. Explain the importance of transport to business.
Identify essential elements of transport.
Brain storming; Exposition of new concepts. Brief discussion. |
Pg 42-43 |
2 |
Land transport;Human porterage & cart transport.
State merits & demerits of human porterage & cart transport. | Brain storming;
Brief discussion. |
Chart- modes of transport. | Pg 44-45 | ||
3 |
Road transport. |
State merits & demerits of road transport. | Brain storming;
Probing questions; Brief discussion. |
Pg 46-47 | |||
2 |
1 |
Railway transport. |
State merits & demerits of railway transport. | Brain storming;
Brief discussion. |
Pg 47-48 | ||
2 |
Pipeline transport. |
State merits & demerits of pipeline transport.
Brain storming;
Probing questions; Brief discussion. |
Pg 48-49 | |||
3 |
Water transport. |
describe inland waterway transport & sea transport.
State merits & demerits of Sea transport. Give examples of water vessels.
Exposition of new concepts;
Detailed discussion. |
Pg 49-52 | |||
3 |
1 |
Containerization&Air transport. |
State merits & demerits of containerized transport.
State merits & demerits of air transport. |
Probing questions;
Brief discussion. |
Pg 52-53 | ||
2 |
Choosing means of transport. |
Highlight some factors for choosing means of transport. | Brain storming;
Probing questions; Brief discussion. |
Pg 55-56 | |||
3 |
Current trends and emerging issues in transport.
Analyse the current trends and emerging issues in transport. | Probing questions;
Discussion; Topic review questions. |
Pg 56-57 | |||
4 |
1 |
Meaning and importance of communication. |
Define the term communication. State purposes of communication.
Brainstorming Brief discussion. |
Pg 59-60 |
2 |
Lines of communication. |
Classify lines of communication on basis of level of communicating parties.
Classify lines of communication on basis of nature of message. |
Probing questions on vertical, horizontal & diagonal communications.
Exposition of formal & informal communications.
Pg 60-61 | |||
3 |
Essentials of effective communication. |
Identify essential elements of effective communication. | Exposition of new terms e.g. encoding, decoding, feedback.
Brief discussion. |
Chart: block diagram of essential components of effective communication. | Pg 61-62 | ||
5 |
1 |
Forms and means of communication.
Oral communication. |
State merits and demerits of face-to-face communication.
State merits and demerits of telephones and mobile phones.
Oral questions;
Discussion. |
Pg 63-65 | ||
5 |
2 |
Radio calls & paging. |
Outline features of a radio call and a pager.
State merits & demerits of radio calls and paging.
Brief discussion. |
Pg 65-66 | ||
3 |
Written communication. |
State merits and demerits of written communication.
Identify means of written communication. |
Q/A to review office equipment;
Brain storming; Exposition of new terms; Brief discussion. |
Pg 66-71 | |||
6 |
12 |
TEST | |||||
3 |
Audio –visual and other forms of communication. |
Define audio-visual form of communication.
Identify and Explain some audio-visual forms of communication. |
Exposition of new concepts.
Identifying common signs, e.g. road signs, signs of danger, HIV/Aids etc.
Diagrams of signs used in communication. | Pg 71-75 | ||
7 |
1 |
Choosing means of communication. |
State factors considered when choosing means of communications. | Oral questions;
Brief discussion. |
Pg 74-75 | ||
2 |
Barriers to effective communication. |
Highlight some barriers to effective communication.
Brief discussion and questions. | Pg 75-76 | |||
3 |
Services facilitating communication.-mailing services. |
Mentions some mailing services. | Exposition of new ideas of communication;
Brief discussion.
Pg 76-79 | |||
8 |
1 |
Telephone and broadcasting services. |
Explain how telephones, broadcasting & telecasting facilitate communication. | Oral questions;
Brief discussion. |
Pg 79-80 | ||
8 |
2-3 |
E-mail & Internet. |
Explain emerging issues relating to use of e-mails & internet. | Exposition of new terms such as e-mail address, on-line, cyber café, etc.
Practical activities: accessing the internet, opening e-mail address.
Computer, modem, mobile phone.
Pg 80-82 | |
9 |
1 |
WARE-HOUSINGImportance of warehouses to a business.
Define the term warehouse. Explain the importance of warehousing to a business.
Probing questions; Exposition; Discussion. |
Pg 83-84 |
2-3 |
Essentials of a warehouse. |
Identify important features and resources of a warehouse.
Discussion. |
Pg 85-86 | |||
10 |
1 |
Private warehouse. |
Classify private warehouses on basis of ownership.
State merits & demerits of a private warehouse.
Oral questions; Discussion. |
Chart – classification of warehouses. | Pg 85-86 | |
2-3 |
Public warehouse. |
Identify services provided by public ware houses.
State merits & demerits of a public warehouse.
Brain storming;
Oral questions; Discussion. |
Pg 86-87 | |||
11 |
1 |
Bonded warehouses. |
Classify warehouses on goods stored.
Outline features of a bonded warehouse. State merits and demerits of bonded warehouse.
Expose new concepts.
Discussion. |
Pg 88-89 | ||
2-3 |
Free warehouses. |
Outline features of free warehouses.
State merits and demerits of free warehouses.
Oral questions; Discussion. |
Pg 89-90 | |||
1213 |
L/NO |
REF. | REM. | |
1 |
1 |
Introduction. Definitions. |
Explain the terms contingencies, hazards or perils. Define the terms insurance. Give meanings of terms used in insurance.
Exposition, Detailed discussion. |
Pg 91,94-96 |
2 |
Importance of insurance.The theory ofPooling of risks. |
Explain the importance of insurance.
Explain the law of large numbers in operations of an insurance business. Outline benefits of pooling of risks to an insurance company. |
Brain storming;
Exposition of new concepts; Discussion. |
Pg 92-93 | ||||
3 |
Principles of Insurance: |
Explain the principles of insurance. | Expository
Approaches; Explanations; Discussion. |
Pg 96-97 | ||||
2 |
1 |
Principles of Insurance: |
Explain the principles of insurance. | Expository
Approaches; Explanations; Discussion. |
Pg 97-99 | |||
2 |
Classes of insurance:Life assurance. |
Describe various types of life assurance contracts.
State characteristics of life assurance.
Brain storming;
Exposition of new concepts; Discussion. |
Chart – types of insurance covers. | Pg 100-1 | |||
3 |
General insurance or property insurance. |
Give examples of risks insured under general insurance cover.
Outline characteristics of general insurance. |
Brain storming;
Exposition of new concepts; Oral questions; Discussion.
Pg 101 | ||||
3 |
1 |
Accident insurance. |
Identify covers offered under motor policies and general accident policies. | Exposition of new concepts;
Oral questions; Discussion. |
Pg 102-3 | |||
2 |
Marine insurance. |
Identify policies offered under | Exposition of new concepts;
Discussion. |
Pg 104-5 | ||||
3 |
Re-insurance. |
Outline factors considered when determining premiums to be charged.
Identify factors that may necessitate re-insurance. |
Brain storming;
Discussion. |
Pg 107 | ||||
4 |
1-2 |
Obtaining an insurance policy & compensation. |
Describe the procedure for taking an insurance policy Describe the procedure for claiming compensation. | Exposition;
Discussion. |
Pg 108-9 | |||
3 |
Insurance versus Gambling. |
Draw contrast between insurance and gambling. | Oral questions & brief discussion;
Review questions. |
Pg 109-110 | ||||
5 |
1 |
Purposes of product promotion. |
Give the meaning of a product and product promotion. Explain the purposes of product promotion. Explain factors considered when choosing method of product promotion. |
Brain storming; Oral questions; Explanations; Discussion. |
Pg 111-2 |
2 |
Personal selling of products. |
Describe personal selling of product as a method of product promotion.
Cite circumstances when personal selling of products is appropriate. Outline qualities of a good salesperson. |
Oral questions;
Explanations; Discussion. |
Pg 112-3 | ||||
5 |
3 |
Personal selling procedure.Advantages & disadvantages of personal selling. |
Highlight steps involved in personal selling.
State advantages &disadvantages of personal selling.
Brain storming;
Oral questions; Simulations / role playing; Discussion. |
Pg 113-4
Pg 117-8 |
6 |
1 |
Shows, trade fairs and exhibitions. |
Outline roles of shows, trade fairs and exhibitions in product promotion. | Probing questions;
Discussion. |
Pg 114-6 | |||
2 |
Advertising.Definition & aims of advertising. |
Define the term advertising. State aims of advantages.
Brain storming; Oral questions;
Pg 118 |
3 |
Types of advertising. |
Outline types of advertising. | Exposition;
Oral questions; Discussion. |
Pg 118-9 | ||||
7 |
1 |
Advertisement media.
Newspapers, magazines and periodicals. |
State advantages and disadvantages of advertising in newspapers, magazines and periodicals.
Brain storming; Probing questions Discussion. |
Pg 119-121 |
2-3 |
8 |
1 |
Posters, billboards & transit advertising. |
State advantages and disadvantages posters, billboards & transit advertising.
Brain storming;
Probing questions Discussion. |
Pg 122-4 | |||
8 |
2 |
Electronic advertising. |
State advantages and disadvantages of advertising on radio, TV and cinema. | Probing questions
Discussion. |
Pg 124-6 | |||
3 |
Advertising agencies.Advantages & disadvantages of Advertisement. |
Highlight functions of Advertising agencies.State advantages & disadvantages ofadvertisement to the consumers, producers and manufacturers.
Oral questions;
Discussion. |
Pg 126-127 | ||||
9 |
1 |
Outline impact of positive and negative publicity on product promotion.State advantages & disadvantages ofpublicity.
Probing questions;
Explanations; Discussion. |
Pg 128-9 | |||
2 |
Public relations. |
Give examples of public relations activities.State advantages & disadvantages ofpublic relations as a method of product promotion.
Pg 129 | |||||
3 |
Other methods of product promotion. |
Highlight other methods of product promotion.State advantages & disadvantages of named method.
Probing questions and brief discussion on window display, direct mail advertising, cataloguing, discounts, coupons, etc.
Pg 129-131. | ||||
10 |
1-2 |
Other methods of product promotion. |
Highlight other methods of product promotion.State advantages & disadvantages of named method.
Probing questions and brief discussion on window display, direct mail advertising, cataloguing, discounts, coupons, etc. | Pg 131-133. | |||
3 |
Sales promotion
Definition and importance. |
Define the term sales promotion State the importance of sales promotion.
Oral questions; Discussion. |
Pg 134 |
11 |
1 |
Methods of sales promotion. |
Describe various methods of sales promotion.
Outline factors influencing choice of promotion method. |
Brain storming;
Discussion. |
Pg 134-5 | |||
2 |
Ethical issues in product promotion. |
Highlight some ethical issues related to product promotion. | Brain storming;
Exposition; Open discussion.
Pg 135-6 | ||||
3 |
Current trends and emerging issues in product promotion. |
Explain the impacts of current trends and emerging issues in product promotion. | Probing questions on effects of internet & HIV/AIDS, influence on the youth, pollution, mobile phones, convoys, etc.
Open discussion.
Pg 136-8 | ||||
1213 |