Basketball Coaching Tips; Must have for all coaches
Meaning of Basketball offensive strategies 1. Motion Offense Motion offense is a flexible offense that features player movement, floor spacing, passing and cutting and screening.
2. Princeton Offense The Princeton offense is an offensive basketball strategy which emphasizes constant motion, back-door cuts, picks on and off the ball, and disciplined teamwork.
3. Continuity Offense Continuity offenses are characterized by a pattern of movement cuts, screens and passes which eventually leads back to the starting formation.
4. Shuffle Offense The shuffle offense has all five players rotate in each of the five shuffle positions.
5. Wheel Offense It is a kind of continuity offense in which players move around in a circular pattern to create good scoring opportunities.
6. Triangle Offense The offense starts when a guard passes to the wing and cuts to the strong-side corner.
How to improve coaching skills 1. Define your strengths Take the time to identify the strengths you already posses and use these as a guide to make improvements and develop new useful qualities. 2. Identify your goals 3. Seek a mentor 4. Build confidence
Coaching Formula/3 pillars for successful coaching? 1. Education 2. Communication 3. Accountability |
Tips to improve passing and reduce turnovers
1. Do overload drills to build speed and strength 2. Teach spacing 3. Teach players to shorten the pass. 4. Make the easy pass. 5. Emphasize the catch 6. Scrimmage without dribbles
Keys to Fearless Basketball 1. Perfection is not the goal. You will make mistakes on the court. 2. Get over what other people think. Caring too much if your coach believe in you or if your teammates respect you is a waste of time. 3. Don’t imagine the worst 4. Visualize 5. Compete 6. Dig deep 7. You don’t get any guarantees.
Tips to develop your conditioning on the basketball court/Avoiding being worn-out. 1. Have a specific pregame meal. 2. Drink water before the game practice. 3. Prioritize basketball endurance when building muscle. 4. Be intentional about ‘Cardio’.
Tips for starting out in Basketball/Getting better 1. Get in shape- Basketball is a physically challenging sport, so its best to be in as good condition as possible. 2. Practice 3. Dribble with your weak hand. 4. Shooting 5. Jumping 6. Don’t dribble too hard 7. Master some skills, then move onto others. 8. Get a good coach and study other players.
7. Steps to coaching your players to success
1. Build a relationship of mutual trust 2. Open the meeting 3. Get agreement 4. Explore alternatives 5. Get a commitment to act 6. Handle excuses 7. Provide feedback
How to coach your players in 6 steps 1. Wonder about root cause Rather than just jumping into problem-solving mode, first get curious about what may be causing the problem. 2. Investigate wants-visioning 3. Name possible solutions 4. Build a plan-Action 5. Insure Action-Accountability 6. Give Affirmation- Validation
3 steps coaching method 1. Discovery 2. Planning 3. Management
The process helps: (a). You as a coach to overcome challenges by discovering more about yourself. (b). Designing Value-based goals (c). Taking positive action
Top Coaching Mistakes 1. Talking too much 2. Owning the outcome 3. Giving lots of advice 4. Winging it. 5. Finishing without a commitment
The 7 Most Popular Coaching models in Basketball
1. Solution-Focuses Coaching Model “Places primary emphasis on assisting the client to define a desired future state, and to construct a pathway in both thinking and action that assists the client in achieving the state”.
2. Grow Coaching Model Learning through experience: reflection, insight, making choices and pursuing them. It depends on the time and energy invested into the process by the client.
3. OSKAR Coaching Model Is a popular coaching model that allows you to focus on solutions to problems rather than on the problems themselves.
4. CLEAR Coaching Model Is primarily used for goal-focused coaching, whereby the coach supports and enables a player to make changes to their beliefs and behaviours to facilitate his personal and professional growth.
5. AOR Coaching Model AOR coaching is a model that can be used to help clients/player achieve success. Mean Action, Outcome and Reflection.
6. FUEL Coaching Model A coach gives a player the fuel they need to go far Laying out a success plan to achieve the desired goal.
7. Woop Coaching Model Is an evidence-based intervention that helps introduce players to goal-setting while guiding them through an exploration of obstacles and barriers.
Meaning of Coaching Models in Basketball
1. CLEAR Coaching Model C- Contract (Coaching agreement) L- Listen (Ask probing questions then listen) E- Explore (Dive deeper into topics raised) A-Action (Create an action plan towards a Goal) R- Review (Assess ongoing progress)
2. OSKAR Coaching Model O- Outcome (desired outcome of objective of the coaching) S-Scaling (Assessment of the gap between present reality and the outcome K- Know-how & Resources (required skills, knowledge, qualifications attributes) A- Affirm & Action (What is working well already- what’s required to close the gap. R- Review (i). (Reflection on Previous Progress (Beginning of next season) (ii). What is better?
3. GROW Coaching Model G- Goals (What would you like to achieve?) R- Reality (What is the current situation?) O- Options (What would you do to achieve your goals) W- Will (What will you do?)
4. A.O.R. Coaching Model A- Activities – Identify individuals current activities e.g. cold calling O- Objectives – Set goals for individuals to reach e.g. make x amount of cold calls per week. R- Results – Analysis of individual’s achievements and failures 5- F.U.E.L. Coaching Model F- Frame the conversation By agreeing on the discussion’s purpose, process& desired actions. U- Understand the current state By exploring the individual’s perspective of current state to identify real issues E- Explore the desired state Options to achieve the mission. L- Layout a success plan To identify specific, actionable steps individuals must make to achieve their goal. |
6. WOOP Coaching Model
W- Wish Find a concrete way to express your wish O- Outcome How would the outcome look if you get your wish? O- Obstacle What are the obstacles inside yourself that are in your way? P- Plan How can you overcome these obstacles?
7. SOLUTION-FOCUSED Coaching Model
SOLUTION-FOCUSED Techniques (a). Counter Finding Counters are the resources that are already present
(b). Future perfect How the individual would like the situation to be.
(c). Scaling Measure & track individuals progress toward the goal.
(d). Exception Questions The time when the problem is happening at a lesser degree.
(e). Affirm Provide feedback on what was heard in the session.
The 7 essential Basketball Coaching Questions 1. What’s on your mind? 2. “And what else?” 3. “What’s the real challenge here for you?” 4. “What do you (really) want (from me)?” 5. “How can I help?”. 6. “If you are saying yes to this, what are you saying no to?” 7. “What was most useful for you?”
5 Mistakes Basketball coaches should avoid 1. Making the session all about you. 2. Using complicated, layered questioning 3. Bringing in judgements 4. Being distracted 5. Pressuring yourself too much |
What not to do as a Basketball Coach? / What to Avoid
1. Players who don’t work hard. Effort is everything 2. Parents who coach from the stand. 3. Players that aren’t good teammaters 4. Players that don’t execute the game plan. 5. Players who don’t have good communication 6. Players who talk back to the referee. 7. Players who don’t listen to feedback.
Good Basketball coaching practice reflects the following key principles. 1. Rights 2. Relationships 3. Personal standards 4. Professional standards
6 Core Leadership Coaching Principles 1. First, create a safe and supportive, yet challenging environment. We all need our thinking challenged at times. 2. Try to work within the coachee’s agenda 3. Facilitate and collaborate. 4. Advocate self-awareness 5. Promote learning from experience 6. Finally, model what you coach.
4 steps to Effective Coaching? 1. Step 1- Prepare Preparation is essential for success for each coaching session.
2 Step 2- Analyze & Explore After building rapport and establishing trust with the client, the second step of the coaching process is to analyze and explore. 3. Step 3- Coach 4. Step 4- Act |
The 5 Offensive strategies that all coaches should employ
1. Make spacing a priority The most valuable commodity on a basketball court is space. 2. Best shooters shoot the most 3. Evaluate your foul shooting 4. Less is more 5. Use screens to create mismatches.
Important workplace coaching techniques in basketball to improve ballers performance 1. Building trust 2. Active listening 3. Asking open-ended questions 4. Effective goal-setting 5. Encouraging an outcome focus 6. Fostering engagement with goals 7. Providing support on the development journey 8. Giving constructive feedback
What are the 5 roles of a Coach? Typical responsibilities include: 1. Teaching relevant skills, tactics and techniques 2. Monitoring and enhancing performance by providing tuition, encouragement and constructive feedback 3. Identifying strengths and weaknesses. 4. Advising about health and lifestyle issues 5. Developing training programmes
7 Ways to Build an Exceptional Basketball Team 1. Lead by example 2. Identify the Right Team Captains 3. Practice Fun Team- Building activities. 4. Maintain Team Chemistry off the court 5. Stay engaged during the off- season. 6. Remove any and all toxic, regardless of Talent 7. Stress teamwork over individuality. |
How to improve basketball coordination as a player?
1. Ball or Balloon toss. 2. Jump rope 3. Balance exercises 4. Target exercises 5. Juggling and Dribbling
Ways to increase your basketball Bravery 1. Don’t play good. You cannot read someone’s mind. 2. Practice crucial moments. All games have crucial moments 3. Speak words of power. You are what you repeatedly do. 4. Don’t fear pain. Many younger athletes fear pain.
How to build courage as a basketball player? 1. Acknowledge your fear. Never try to sweep your fear under the rug. 2. Confront it. 3. Use positive self-talk 4. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. 5. Make being brave a habit. 6. Practice mindfulness 7. Find a mentor 8. Embrace failure
Basketball Training Tips, strategies and secrets 1. Always have a workout plan. 2. Treat your workouts like doctors appointments 3. Shooting is the most important skill in basketball. 4. Elite shooters make 1,500 shots per week. 5. Always keep a detailed shooting log. 6. Perfect your shooting technique.
5 Basketball strategies and Tactics? 1. The shooting bigs 2. The mismatch. 3. Small ball. 4. Dribble penetration 5. Hero ball |
How does a basketball coach motivate his/her team to win? 1. Share your vision and set clear goals. 2. Communicate with your players. 3. Encourage teamwork. 4. A healthy office environment. 5. Give positive feedback and reward your team. 6. Provide opportunities for development. 7. Give players the space they need to thrive.
Powerful ways to motivate a weak team 1. Pay your players what they are worth. 2. Provide them with a pleasant place to work. 3. Offer opportunities for self-development. 4. Foster collaboration within the team 5. Encourage happiness 6. Don’t punish failure 7. Set clear goals.
Tips guaranteed to build a winning team. 1. Let each person shine. 2. Meet each team member where they are. 3. Hold a protective role. 4. Allow team members to be spontaneous. 5. Give them space. 6. Don’t expect them “to know”. 7. Reduce confusion 8. Appreciate your team.
5 features of a successful coach. 1. Expertise 2. Enthusiasm 3. Curiosity 4. The ability to connect with people. 5. Presence.
Qualities of a basketball Captain? 1. Caring 2. Courageous 3. Consistent
Qualities of an effective basketball coach?
1. An effective coach is positive 2. An effective coach is enthusiastic 3. An effective coach is supportive. 4. An effective coach is trusting. 5. An effective coach is focused. 6. A good coach is goal-oriented. 7. An effective coach is observant. 8. A good coach is respectful
Features of a successful basketball team 1. They practice with purpose. 2. They play together and move the ball. 3. They know their roles and don’t care who scores. 4. They defend with toughness. 5. They take smart shots and trust each other. 6. They communicate clearly and everyone is held accountable.
How does a coach motivate his team in difficulties 1. Give them vision 2. Don’t hide the target. 3. Provide regular feedback. 4. Make players part of the solution. 5. Focus on player development. 6. Communicate 7. Don’t overlook the power of praise. 8. Build fun.
6 steps to a successful coaching practice 1. Know yourself 2. Clearly define your expertise. 3. Get credentialed in coaching. 4. Get certified in behavioural analysis. 5. Understand operating a small team 6. Establish trust.
Basketball coach responsibilities 1. Understanding the game and the rules 2. Studying the skills and abilities of the players to maximize performance. 3. Devising play strategies. 4. Developing ideas to optimize performance. 5. Providing mentorship. 6. Teaching players the rules of the game. 7. Training assistant coaches. |
Importance of Defense in Basketball?
– Minimize opponents possession time and shooting percentage per possession.
Significance of offense in Basketball? – Increase team’s shooting percentage and shot attempts per possession.
The 16 common Rules in Basketball. 1. Only five players per team on the court. 2. Score more than your opponent to win. 3. Score within the shot clock. 4. Dribbling Advances the ball. 5. The offense has five seconds to inbound the ball. 6. The offense must advance the ball. 7. Ball and ball handler must remain inbounds 8. Defenders cant interfere with a shot on a downward trajectory. 9. Defenders can legally block or steal the ball. 10. Defenders must leave the paint after 3 secs. 11. Each team is allotted a certain number of fouls. 12. Illegal contact results in a foul. 13. Illegal contact results in a personal foul. 14. Excessive contact results in a flagrant foul. 15. Charges and illegal screens result in an offensive foul. 16. Certain rule violations result in technical fouls.
Technical foul – Is a penalty for violating the games administrative rules. – Officials commonly assess technical fouls for (a). fighting and (b) verbal abuse) often assessing coaches with this penalty if they are too abrasive when disputing a call.
The fundamentals of teamwork 1. The vocal support. – Players should always be vocally supportive of their team when they are on the court and when they are on the bench. 2. Accountability 3. Effort 4. Unity 5. Openness 6. Trust |
Ways to build a winning culture in Basketball
1. Program Team Player. 2. Players and coaches talk to each other not at each other. 3. No one is perfect. 4. Every player and every coach is important to the team and plays a role. 5. Focus on effort and attitude. 6. You either accept it or you correct it. 7. Repetition is not viewed as punishment
Ways to be creative as a basketball player. 1. Step outside. And go for a walk. 2. Step out of your comfort zone. 3. Create psychological distance. 4. Read (widely) 5. Listen to music 6. Write (or draw) 7. Make a healthy snack. 8. Break your routine.
Steps to build a strong Basketball team culture? 1. Define your team culture. 2. Explore how others do it. 3. Recognize how you set the tone. 4. Define your core values and company mission. 5. Keep expectations clear. 6. Keep building a team culture.
7 keys to Building a Great Basketball team 1. Commitment Commitment to the purpose and Values of a team provide a clear sense of direction 2. Contribution. 3. Communication 4. Cooperation 5. Conflict management 6. Change management 7. Connections
Basketball facts you didn’t know. 1. James Naismith invented basketball. 2. Basketball was played with a different ball. 3. Dribbling wasn’t allowed. 4. More players per side. 5. Fouls played. Qualities of great basketball team 1. Excellent communication on defense. 2. Effective substitution patterns, especially at crunch time. 3. Effective use of skip passes against zones. 4. Consistent movement/cuts without the basketball. 5. Knowing when to take a jumper in transition
5 things Basketball players need to avoid when playing Basketball. 1. Travelling 2. Losing eye contact 3. Knowing where the ball is at all times 4. Leaving your position 5. Intentional fouls. |
6. Referees used watches.
7. The game was much shorter. 8. The 1979 NCAA tournament was the start of basketball greats.
What not to do when playing Basketball (player) 1. Shoot on your own basket: If you make it, the other team will get two points. 2. Move without dribbling: Any time you have the ball and want to move around the court, you must dribble. 3. Ignore your coach: Always listen to your Coach
Qualities of a good basketball player 1. Skill set- Being able to handle the ball, pass, shoot, defend etc at a high level 2. Size and strength. 3. Commitment 4. Toughness/grit 5. Mental toughness 6. Positive attitude 7. Communication 8. Leadership
How can a player be a great Basketball leader 1. Give it an all-out effort. 2. Encourage 3. Understand that basketball is a team sport. 4. Understand mistakes will be made 5. Do not allow others to talk negatively about the team. 6. Builds your own confidence. 7. The team looks up to you. 8. Get you through the rough times.
How to coach strategy in Basketball 1. Clarify the goal. 2. Make the goal real. 3. Strategize the action steps for achieving the goal. 4. Your coaching strategy must include accountability for your player. 5. Celebrate each step toward the goal.
What every Basketball coach needs 1. Basketball bag: The molden basketball bag is about a standard-issued as it gets. 2. Cones: for practice sessions. 3. Coach’s whistle 4. Stop watch 5. Jump ropes 6. Dry-erase board 7. Traction pad 8. The hustle App