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Bachelor Of Technology Education Course at Open University of Kenya; Requirements, Fees, Duration

Bachelor of Technology Education

Duration: 4 Years

Start Date: 

Cost: KES 115,000

Mode of Delivery: Online

Application Due: Open

Fee Structure and Payment



The programme is designed to prepare Technology Education Trainers who are competent in specialized content areas and pedagogy to carry out teaching, research and community service in the areas of construction and woodwork technology, Electrical and Electronics Technology, Mechanical and Automotive Technology, Manufacturing and textile Technology and Computer Technology. The Bachelor of Education Technology graduates among others are required to successfully implement Competency Based Education and Training at multiple levels including TVET, Junior Secondary, Senior Secondary and Basic Education levels.

Career Prospects in Technology Education:

Graduates of this program can explore diverse and promising career trajectories, including but not limited to:

  • Technology Education Teacher
  • Educational Technology Specialist
  • Curriculum Developer
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Educator
  • Higher Education Lecturer/Professor
  • Mobile Learning Developer

Need Guidance?

Kindly ask for a return call from our proficient OUK course consultants to have your inquiries addressed.


Other Programmes Offered

Programme Structure

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this programme, the student will be able to:

  1. Apply appropriate pedagogical principles and skills in CBET (teaching, assessment, use of ICT tools, guidance and counseling) as well as understand ethical and professional responsibilities.
  2. Demonstrate appropriate knowledge, skills and safety awareness in the technical area of expertise and effectively and efficiently manage Education and Training Institutions, programmes and industry setups.
  3. Engage in continuous professional Learning and Research to enhance National Development and provide solutions to real world challenges.
  4. Carry out Curriculum Development and Evaluation as well as evaluate Education and Training systems and develop innovative solutions.

Total credit hours and course units required for graduation

The programme shall be offered in 8 semesters. The minimum total courses for the programme are 48. The minimum total course credit hours required for graduation is 144 hours.

Admission Requirements

A candidate must satisfy the general University admission criteria for undergraduate programmes.

  • A mean grade of C+ and above at KCSE  OR
  • Diplomas or professional qualifications  OR
  • A certificate of foundation or bridging courses from recognised institutions  OR
  • A portfolio for the purpose of recognition of prior learning  OR
  • Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education with a minimum of 1 principal  OR
  • A bachelor’s degree from an institution recognised by Senate.

Curriculum Requirements

  1. Minimum mean grade of C+ (plus) at KCSE and C+ in Mathematics with C plain and above in Physics, Chemistry and English or
  2. equivalent qualification from recognized institutions  OR
  3. Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE) with a minimum of two principal passes in Mathematics /Physics /Chemistry. OR
  4. A minimum of grade C (Plain) in KCSE or equivalent and a certificate of bridging courses or pre-university qualifications  from recognized institutions and C+ in Mathematics with C plain and above in Physics, Chemistry and English. OR
  5. Diploma in technical education or computer studies from recognized institution in a relevant field

Option 2:

To recognize prior learning, the applicant must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. a)KCSE certificate or its equivalent 
  2. b)A minimum of two years workplace training/a minimum of two years work experience in industry or a relevant field
  3. c)Relevant short courses of not less than three months, the number of which the Senate will decide.  OR
  4. d)Recognition of prior learning assessment certificate from a recognized institution

Regulations On Credit Accumulation And Transfer

Credit Accumulation

Regulations on credit accumulation, including possible pathways, shall be in line with the provisions of Universities Regulations, Universities Standards and Guidelines, and general national trends.

Credit Transfer

The regulations of Credit transfer for OUK shall be as follows:

  1. a)To qualify for transfer to Open University of Kenya a student must have attained at least a cumulative grade C or GPA of 2.0 on a GPA scale of 1 to 4.
  2. b)Credit transfer can only be granted to a registered student in the university he or she is transferring from.
  3. c)The student records will officially be communicated between the universities.
  4. d)Where a transfer is granted, the student must take a minimum of 52% of the units at the Open University of Kenya.
  5. e)The student must undertake the two teaching practice sessions under the Open University of Kenya.
  6. f)The student must undertake all third year and fourth year courses in the Open University of Kenya.
  7. g)Where a student is to transfer a course with a prerequisite, such a prerequisite must have been covered at the university where the student is transferring from.
  8. h)  The student will be required to transfer all the credits obtained at the university where he a)or she is transferring from.
  9. i)For any course to be considered for credit transfer it should have been taken at an equivalent level and obtained a minimum of 50% mark, the overall aggregate score for a candidate to be considered for transfer shall be 50% and above.

Guidelines For Transfer Of Credit/ Exemptions

A candidate may be exempted from degree level courses if the Senate is satisfied that the candidate has completed a similar course at the Diploma level from a recognized institution. The general rules governing credit transfers and exemptions will apply. In addition, the following rules apply:

  1. Must meet the requirements for admission to the Bachelor of Data Science program.
  2. Must obtain and submit an official transcript from the previous university/college indicating academic status, courses offered, credits units completed, and grades obtained.
  3. Will be allowed to transfer/exempt credits earned from the courses described, but only up to 49%.
  4. If permitted to transfer/exempt, he/she will not be permitted to transfer units in courses in which he/she received a pass mark of less than 50%.
  5. All applications must be accompanied by recommendations from the institution from which he or she is transferring.
  6. The school will evaluate the application and make recommendations to the Sen- ate.

Student Assessment Levels

Student Assessment at programme level

The course will be assessed through:

  1. Content embedded quizzes
  2. Online practical work
  3. Open book tests
  4. Project reports
  5. End of course online examination

The projects will be assessed through e- portfolios. Students will present their work to an evaluation panel. All students’ work will be checked for plagiarism. The students should be logged in with the university provided login details in order to carry out any task.

Countinous Assessment

Tests/Tasks: 50%

Examination 50%

Programme Courses

History Education Sociology of Education
Foundations of Mathematics Ethics and Social Cohesion
Introduction to Technology Education  Material Science
Basic Physics Calculus II
Basic Chemistry

Calculus I

Fundamentals of Computer Technology

(Choose one in Sem I & 2-3 in Sem II course from specialization)

Building and Civil Engineering Technology and Practice I

Building and Civil Engineering Technology and practice II


Technical Drawing I

Electrical Measurements and Fault Diagnosis

Electrical workshop practice


Technical Drawing I


Workshop Technology

Engine Technology

Technical Drawing I


Workshop Technology

Mechanics and Application

Workshop Technology


Technical Drawing I

Fundamentals of Computer Programming

Fundamentals of Web Development

Computer Systems Architecture

Discrete Mathematics

Since gaining independence in 1963, Kenya has recognized the need for reforms in education to address issues such as access, equity, quality, and relevance. Read More



The annual fee for the undergraduate degrees and postgraduate diploma programmes will be as follows:


Bachelor of Data Science

KES 105,000


Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics

KES 105,000


Bachelor of Technology Education

KES 115,000


Bachelor of Business and Entrepreneurship

KES 105,000


Bachelor of Economics and Statistics

KES 105,000


Post Graduate Diploma in Learning Design and Technology

KES 110,000


Post Graduate Diploma in Leadership and Accountability

KES 110,000


If you require government financial support you MUST make an application for consideration through the official scholarship and loan application portal, Should the government scholarship, loan and bursary not be sufficient to cover the entire cost of your programme the remaining fees balance will be the responsibility of your parent/guardian.


  1. The fee structure can be varied at the sole discretion of the university.
  2. Students outside East Africa will pay more by 10%.
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