Agriculture Form Three Schemes of Work {As per new School Calendar)










REFERENCES: Longhorn Secondary Agriculture Book , Golden Tips KCSE Agriculture, Certificate Agriculture Book, KLB Top Mark Agriculture, KLB Secondary Agriculture, Teacher’s Guide



























Livestock Production (III) selection


Reproduction and reproductive systems in cattle


By  the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

describe reproduction and reproductive systems in cattle



Describing reproduction and reproductive systems in cattle

drawing reproductive systems in cattle



diagrams in students book

farm animals

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 1-6

Certificate Secondary Agriculture F2 pg 123-124

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 1-5

Teachers guide pg 37-38

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 21-23

Top mark Agriculture page 91-92




Livestock production (III) selection and Breeding


Reproduction and reproductive systems in poultry


By the end of the lesson, the leaner should be able to

Describe reproduction and reproductive systems in poultry


Describing reproduction and reproductive systems in poultry

Drawing reproduction system in poultry



Farm animals

Diagrams in the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 6-8

Certificate Secondary Agriculture F2 pg 123-124

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 6-8

Teachers guide pg 37-38

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 23-24

Top mark Agriculture page 92




Livestock production selection and Breeding


Selection of dairy and beef cattle


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Define selection

Describe selection of the breeding of stock in cattle


Defining selection

Describing selection of the breeding stock in cattle

Drawings in students book


Farm animals

Diagrams in the students book


KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 8-9

Certificate Secondary Agriculture F2 pg 123-124

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 8-10

Teachers guide pg 38-39

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 24

Top mark Agriculture page 91-92






Livestock selection and breeding


Selection of sheep and goats


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe selection of the breeding stock


Describing selection of the breeding stock

Note taking

Asking and answering questions


Farm animals

Diagrams in students book


KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 8-9

Certificate Secondary Agriculture F2 pg 123-124

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 11-12

Teachers guide pg 37-38




Selection of pigs and camels


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe selection of the breeding stock


Describing the breeding stock

Note taking

Asking and answering questions


Farm animals

Diagrams in the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 1-6

Certificate Secondary Agriculture F2 pg 123-124

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 1-5

Teachers guide pg 37-38

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 21-23

Top mark Agriculture page 91-92




Livestock section and breeding


Selection of breeding

Methods of selection


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

State factors considered when selecting a breeding stock

Describe the methods in selection

Define breeding

Explaining the importance of breeding


Stating factors considered in selection

Describing the various methods used

Defining breeding




Diagrams on students book

Farm animals

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 11-16

Certificate Secondary Agriculture F2 pg 123-124

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 15-16

Teachers guide pg 38-39

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 24

Top mark Agriculture page 93











By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Explain the terms used in breeding


Explaining the various terms




Farm animals

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 16

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 16-19

Teachers guide pg 39-41

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 24-25

Top mark Agriculture page 93-94




Livestock selection and breeding


Signs of heat in livestock cattle, pigs rabbits


By the end of the lesson, should be able to

Explain the process of mating in cattle, pigs & rabbits

State signs of heat in cattle, pigs and rabbits


Explaining the process of mating

Stating signs of heat in pigs, rabbits and cattle


Farm animals


Students book


KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 16-19

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 19-23

Teachers guide pg 39-41

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 25

Top mark Agriculture page 94-95




Breeding systems of breeding



By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

State various systems of breeding

Explain reasons for breeding systems

Describe various



Stating various systems of breeding

Explaining reasons for breeding

Describing various breeding systems



Farm animals

Diagrams in the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 16-19

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 19-23

Teachers guide pg 39-41

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 25

Top mark Agriculture page 94-95

  4 Livestock selection and breeding  

Methods of service in livestock

Natural mating

Artificial insemination

Embryo transplant

By the end of the lesson, the leaner should be able to

Identify the various services in livestock

Describe the methods of services in livestock

Explain the advantages & disadvantages of the methods


Identifying the various methods of services

Describing the methods of services in livestock

Drawing diagrams

Explaining the advantages & disadvantages


Farm animals

A.I technicians

Diagrams in the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 20-23

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 23-30

Teachers guide pg 41-43







Signs of parturition in livestock





By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

State signs of parturition in cows, sows and does


Stating signs of parturitions in cows, sows and does


Coral, photographs

A.I Technicians

Students book

Farm animals

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 24-25

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 41-43

Teachers guide pg 39-41

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 26-27

Top mark Agriculture page 96-97




Livestock production

Livestock rearing practices



Livestock rearing practices


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Define a routine

Explain the routine practices in livestock rearing

State the importance of each of the practice


Defining a routine

Explaining the routine  practices

Stating the importance of each practice


Livestock structures

Livestock feeds

Animals farm


Student book


KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 27-31

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 33-35

Teachers guide pg 49-51

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 28-29

Top mark Agriculture page 98




Livestock production (IV)


Parasite and disease control practices


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

State various methods of parasite and disease control

Describe the various parasite and disease control practices


Stating the various control practices

Describing various control practices

Carrying out the various control practices


Livestock drugs

Livestock tools


Diagrams on the students book

Livestock tools

Students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 32-36

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 35-39

Teachers guide pg 49-51

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 25

Top mark Agriculture page 98-99






Livestock production (IV)

Livestock Rearing


Breeding practices


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

State the breeding practices

Describe the various breeding practices

Carry out the various practices


Stating the breeding practices

Describing the various breeding practices

Carrying out the various practices


Livestock drugs

Livestock tools


Students book

Diagrams on the students book


Livestock farm

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 27-29

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 49-51

Teachers guide pg 49-51

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 30-31

Top mark Agriculture page 99




Livestock Rearing practices




Tooth clipping



By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe de-beaking tooth, clipping and culling

Carry out these practices


Describing de-beaking, tooth clipping and culling

Carrying out the practices

Drawing the diagrams showing the practices



Livestock drugs

Livestock tools

Students book


Diagrams on the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 41-48

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 41-44

Teachers guide pg 49-51

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 25

Top mark Agriculture page 99-100




Dehorning, shearing, castration


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

describe dehorning, shearing, castration

Carry out these practices


Describing  dehorning, shearing castration

Carry out these practices



Livestock drugs

Livestock tools

Students book


KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 45-50

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 41-44

Teachers guide pg 49-51

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 25

Top mark Agriculture page 100






Livestock rearing practices


Management of cows during parturition


By the end of the lesson, the leaner should be able to

Describe the management of a cow parturition


Describing the management of a cow during parturition

Drawing diagrams




Students book

Veterinary personnel

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 53

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 50-54

Teachers guide pg 49-51

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 170, 295

Golden tips agriculture page 277

  2   Management of sows, nannies, does, ewes By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe the management, does & ewes during parturition

Describing the management of sows, nannies, does, ewes& during parturition   KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 53-56

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 54-56

Teachers guide pg 49-51

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 33-34

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 170, 295

Golden tips agriculture page 175,295-296




Bee- keeping



Bee colony

Sitting the a apiary


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

State the importance of bee keeping

Describe the importance of bee keeping

Describe the bee conolony

Explain factors to consider when citing an apiary



Stating the importance of bee keeping

Describing the bee colony

Explaining factors to consider when citing an apiary



Bee hives


Bee handling tools


KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 56-60

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 51-52

Teachers guide pg 49-51

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 33-34

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 175-176






Bee keeping


Types of bee hive stocking the bee hive

Management of bees


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

State the various types of bee hives

Describe the stocking of bee hive and management


Stating various types of bee hives

Describing the stocking of a bee hive and management





Bee handling

Students book

Protective clothing

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 60-69

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 59-62

Teachers guide pg 51-52

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 33-34

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 175-176

Golden tips agriculture page 299-300




Bee keeping


Importance of fish farming

Types if fuse kept in farm ponds


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Define fish farming

Explain the importance of fish farming

Identifying the types of fish kept in the fish pond


Defining fish farming

Explaining the importance of fish farming

Identifying the types of fish kept in pond

Drawing diagrams


Fish nets

Fish species

Fish ponds

Diagrams in the students book

Fish food

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 70-73

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 62-64

Teachers guide pg 51-52

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 36

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 175-176

Golden tips agriculture page 301




Fish Farming


Importance of fish farming

Types of fish kept in farm ponds


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Define fish farming

Explain the importance of fish farming

Identifying the types of fish kept in fish pond


Defining fish farming

Explaining the importance of fish farming

Identifying the types of fish kept in fish pond

Drawing diagrams


Fish nets

Fish species

Fish pond

Diagrams in the students book

Fish pond

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 73-77

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 65-70

Teachers guide pg 52-53

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 36-37

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 177

Golden tips agriculture page 301-302






Fish Farming



Fish farming

Harvesting and processing fish


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe fish management

Explain fish harvesting and processing fish


Describing fish management

Explaining fish harvesting and processing


Fish pond

Fish species

Fish nets

Students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 73-79

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 65-70

Teachers guide pg 52-53

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 36-37

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 177

Golden tips agriculture page 302-303






Livestock Rearing Practices


Appropriate handling of livestock during routine management


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Demonstrate a caring attitude towards livestock


Demonstrating a carrying attitude towards livestock

Drawing diagrams


Diagrams from the student book

Farm animals


Livestock handling tools

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 79-81

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 70-75

Teachers guide pg 53-54

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 36-37

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 296

Golden tips agriculture page 296




Farm Structures


Farm buildings and structures

Citing parts of a building

Cite preparation


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

State factors considered when citing farm structures

Describe parts of a building


Stating factors considered when citing farm structures

Describing parts of a building


Farm buildings


School farm

Student’s book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 83-88

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 77-80

Teachers guide pg 59-60

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 36-37

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 235

Golden tips agriculture page 250




Farm Structures


Livestock Structures



By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify materials used in constructions

State the maintenance of a crush

Explain the uses of a crush


Identifying materials used n construction of crush

Stating the maintenance of a crush

Explaining the various uses of a crush



Constructional materials

Student’s book


KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg93-94

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 81-83

Teachers guide pg 59-60

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 236

Golden tips agriculture page 251-252






Farm structures


Livestock Structures- Dips


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify materials used in construction of a dip

State the maintenance of a dip

Explain the uses of a dip

© Education Plus Agencies


Identifying materials used in constructions

Stating the maintenance of a dip

Explaining the uses of the dip

Drawing the structures


Dip construction materials


Diagrams from the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 95-96

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 83-86

Teachers guide pg 60-63

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 36-37

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 236

Golden tips agriculture page 252




Farm structures


Livestock structures

Spray race

Dairy shed


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Identify the constructional materials used

State the uses of these structures


Identifying materials used in construction

Stating the uses of the structure

Drawing the structures


Diagrams from the students book


Construction materials

Spray race and dairy shed

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 99-102

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 86-90

Teachers guide pg 60-63

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 88

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 236

Golden tips agriculture page 253-254




Farm structures


Livestock structure

Calf pens

Poultry houses

Rabbits hutches

Pig sty’s


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Name the construction materials used

State the uses of these structures

Describe the construction of the materials


Naming the construction materials

Stating the uses of the structures

Describing the construction of the structures


Calf pens

Poultry houses

Rabbit hutches

Pig stys

Construction materials


Students book

Diagrams on the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 194-114,115

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 86-90

Teachers guide pg 60-63

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 88

Golden tips agriculture page 254-257






Farm Structures


Livestock structures

Fish pond



By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Identify the construction materials used

Explain the uses of these structures


Identifying the construction materials

Explaining the uses of these structures



Students book

Constructional materials

Diagrams in the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 115, 123

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 100-104

Teachers guide pg 60-63

Golden tips agriculture page 250




Farm structures


Zero grazing unit

Bee hive


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Identify construction materials used

State the uses of these structures


Identifying the construction materials

Stating the uses of these structures


Zero grazing unit


Students book

Construction materials


KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 102-104

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 103-106

Teachers guide pg 60-63

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 88

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 235

Golden tips agriculture page 259-260




Farm Structures


Farm Stores


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Identifying the construction materials used

State the uses of these structures

Describe the process of constructing a farm store


Identifying the construction materials

Stating the uses of these structures

Describing the process of constructing a farm store


Diagrams in the students book


Farm store

Construction materials

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 121-122

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 106-110

Teachers guide pg 64

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 89

Golden tips agriculture page 260-261

11 1-2 Farm structures Fences By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

State the types of fences

Identify the construction materials used

Stating types of fences

Identifying the construction materials used

Explaining the uses of these structures

Drawing the fences


Construction materials

Students book



KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 124-132

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 110-117

Teachers guide pg 65




Farm structures


Green Houses


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

State the construction materials used

Describe the process of constructing green house

Explain the uses of these structures


Stating the construction materials

Describing the process of constructing green house

Explaining the uses of the structures


Green houses

Construction materials

Diagrams from the students book

Students book


KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 133-139

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 128-121

Teachers guide pg 66

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 89

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 235

Golden tips agriculture page 262


12                                                                                                         TOPICAL REVISION

13-14                                                                                       END TERM EXAMINATIONS  
15                                                                                                         CLOSING  











REFERENCES: Longhorn Secondary Agriculture Book , Golden Tips KCSE Agriculture, Certificate Agriculture Book, KLB Top Mark Agriculture, KLB Secondary Agriculture, Teacher’s Guide




























Agricultural Economics (III)

Land tenure and reforms


Land tenure types

Collective tenure systems


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Define land tenure

State the types of land tenure

Describe the collective tenure systems


Defining the term land tenure

Stating the types of land tenure

Describing the collective systems



Students book

Chalk board

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 140-141

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 123-125

Teachers guide pg 74

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 98-99

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 120

Golden tips agriculture page 125




Individual Tenure System


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

State the types of individual tenure system

Describe individual tenure systems

State advantages and disadvantages of this tenure system


Stating the individual tenure systems

Describing individual tenure system

Stating advantages and disadvantages of the system


Title deeds


Students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 143-145

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 123-125

Teachers guide pg 74

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 98-99

Golden tips agriculture page 124




Land tenure and reform


Land Reforms


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Define land reforms

Describe the various types of land reforms

Explaining the various settlement schemes in Kenya


Defining land reforms

Describing various types of land reforms

Explaining the various settlement scenes in Kenya


Title deeds

Students book


Chalk board

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 148-157

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 127-155

Teachers guide pg 75-76

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 99

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 120-121

Golden tips agriculture page 125-126






Soil and water conservation


Soil Erosion


By the end of the lesson, the earner should be able to

Define soil erosion

Explain factors that influence soil erosion


Defining soil erosion

Explaining factors that influence soil erosion


Excavated areas

School farm


Diagrams on the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 158-160

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 137-138

Teachers guide pg 80

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 121

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 120-121

Golden tips agriculture page 126




Soil and Water Conservation


Soil Erosion


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Explain the various agents of erosion


Explaining various agents



School farm

Excavated areas

Students book

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 15-16

Teachers guide pg 38-39

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 24

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 80

Golden tips agriculture page 26




Soil and Water Conservation


Soil Erosion


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe the various types of soil erosion


Describing the various types of erosion



Students book

School farm

Excavated areas

Diagrams in the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 161-167

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 139-141

Teachers guide pg 80

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 24

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 80-81

Golden tips agriculture page 27






River bank erosion


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Define river bank erosion

Explain the effects of river bank erosion

State the control measures


Defining riverbank erosion

Explaining the effects of river

Bank erosion

Stating control measures



River bank

Diagrams in the students book


KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 167-168

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 87

Golden tips agriculture page 27




Mass wasting solifluction


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Define mass wasting

Explain factors influencing mass wasting

Describing effects of mass wasting


Defining mass wasting

Explaining factors influencing mass wasting

Describing effects of mass wasting




Diagrams in the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 168-173

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 87

Golden tips agriculture page 27




Soil and water conservation


Soil control


Biological and cultural control

Physical and structural control measures


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe the biological, cultural physical and structural control

Measures on soil erosion


Describing the biological, cultural, physical and structural measures of controlling soil erosion

Drawing diagrams


Mesh wire


Quarry chips

School farm


Excavated areas

Students book

Garden tools

Diagrams in the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 173-186

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 142-149

Teachers guide pg 81

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 122-124

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 81-83

Golden tips agriculture page 28-30

4 1-2 Soil and Water  Conservation Water Harvesting By the end of the lesson, the leaner should be able to

Name methods used to harvest water

Describe water harvesting and conservation techniques

Explain the micro catchment and their uses

Naming methods used to harvest water

Describing water harvesting and conservation

Explaining micro catchment

Stating their uses






School farm

Garden tools



KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 187-191

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 149-159

Teachers guide pg 81-82

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 124-125

Access secondary Agriculture Revision page 83-85

Golden tips agriculture page 30-31




Weeds and weed control







By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

define a weed

identify the various weeds

classify the weeds in various groups


defining weeds


identifying the weeds

classify the weeds


weed specimen

school farm


students book

diagrams in the students books

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 192-201

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 161-164

Teachers guide pg 87-88

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 73-74

Golden tips agriculture page 63-64






Weeds and weed control






By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

identify the various weeds

classify the various weeds


identifying the various weeds

classifying the various weeds


weed specimen

school farm


diagrams in the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 193-200

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 161-164

Teachers guide pg 87-88

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 73-74

Access secondary agriculture page 89

Golden tips agriculture page 63-64








Weeds and weed control


Weeds competitive abilities of weeds

Harmful effects of weeds


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Identify the various weeds

Classify the various weeds


Identify the various weeds

Classifying the various weeds


Weed specimen

School farm


Diagrams in students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 200-202

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 159-161

Teachers guide pg 87-88

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 73-74

Access secondary agriculture page 89-90

Golden tips agriculture page 64-65






Weeds and weed control


Weed control



By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe mechanical weed control


Describing mechanical weed control


weed specimen

school farm


diagrams in the students book

garden tools

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 209-210

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 169-170

Teachers guide pg 88-92

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 76

Golden tips agriculture page 64-65






Cultural and biological control


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe biological and cultural weed control method



Describing the biological and cultural weed control method

Note taking

Asking and answering questions


Garden tools

Students book


School farm

Farm specimen

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 210-211

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 178

Teachers guide pg 93-95

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 76

Golden tips agriculture page 65





Chemical and legislative weed control methods


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Explain ways in which chemicals kill weeds

State the classification of herbicides

Explaining factors affecting selectivity and effectiveness of herbicides

Identifying the precautions in using chemicals

Stating the advantages and disadvantages of herbicides


Explaining ways in which chemicals kill weeds

Stating the classifications of herbicides

Explaining factors affecting selectivity and effectiveness of herbicides

Identifying the precautions in using chemicals

Stating the advantages and disadvantages of herbicides


Garden tools

Students book


School farm

Weed specimen

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 203-208

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 170,172-175

Teachers guide pg 88-92

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 74

Golden tips agriculture page 90

Access secondary Agriculture page 65-66






Crop pest and diseases


Crop Pests


By the of the end lesson, the learner should be able to

Define a pest

Explain harmful effects of crop pests


Defining a pest

Explaining the harmful effects of crop pests

Asking and answering questions


Students book

Specimens of crop pests

Crops attacked



KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 213-214

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 177-178

Teachers guide pg 93-95

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 76




Crop Pests


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Classify pests based on mode of feeding

Classify pests based on crop part attacked


Classifying pests based on mode of feeding

Asking and answering questions


Crops attacked specimens of crop pests

Photographs of pests

Students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 214

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 177-178

Teachers guide pg 93-95

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 76

Golden tips agriculture page 67

Access secondary Agriculture page 97






Crop Pests


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Classify pest on the basis of stage of growth classification (scientific)

Level of damage and place where they are found of habitat


Classify pests

Asking and answering questions

Note taking


Crops attacked

Specimen of crop pests

Photographs of pests

Students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 214-215

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 177-178

Teachers guide pg 93-95

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 76

Golden tips agriculture page 67

Access secondary Agriculture page 97






Crop pests and diseases


Crop pests



By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

identify common pests

describe the various pests and the stage, part of the crop attacked


Identifying common pests

Describing the various pests on the various basics

Asking and answering questions

Note making


Diagrams in the students book

Photographs of pests


Crops attacked

Specimens of crop pests

Students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 215-226

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 179-184

Teachers guide pg 93-95

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 77-79

Golden tips agriculture page 67-69

Access secondary Agriculture page 97-98




Crop pests



By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

identify common pests

describe the various pests and the stage part of the crop attacked


Identifying common pests

Describing the various pests

Asking and answering questions

Note making


Crops attacked

Specimens of crop pests

Photographs of pests


Diagrams in the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 215-226

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 179-184

Teachers guide pg 93-95

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 77-79

Golden tips agriculture page 67-69






Crop Pests and disease control


Crop pests


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe harmful effects of pests

Identify pest control measures


Describing the effects of pests

Identifying pests control measure


Students book

Specimens of crop pests

Crops attacked




KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 213-226

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 83-86

Teachers guide pg 60-63

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 88

Golden tips agriculture page 70-75

Access secondary Agriculture page 97-98




Crop pests control



By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe the cultural pest control measures


Describing the cultural pest

Control measures

Note taking

Asking and answering questions



Students book

Crops attacked


Photographs of pests

School farm

Specimen of crop pests

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 228-230

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 185-186

Teachers guide pg 63-70

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 79

Golden tips agriculture page 71-72






Crop pest and diseases


Crop pests


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe the mechanical pest control


Describing mechanical pest control

Asking and answering questions

Note taking


Students book

Specimen of crop pests

Crops attacked

Photographs of pests

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 226-227

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 186-188

Teachers guide pg 95

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 80

Golden tips agriculture page 7




Crop pests


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe the biological pest control


Describing biological pest control

Asking and answering questions

Note taking



Photographs of pests

Crops attacked

Specimens of crop pests

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 232

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 186-188

Teachers guide pg 95

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 88

Golden tips agriculture page 73-74






Crop pests




By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe chemical methods of pest control


Describing the chemical methods of pest control

Note taking

Asking and answering questions


Photographs of pests

Crops attacked

Specimens of crop pests

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 230-232

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 188-190

Teachers guide pg 95

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 88




Crop pests and disease


Crop diseases


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Define a plant disease

Classify plant diseases

Explain harmful effects of crop diseases


Defining a plant diseases

Classifying plant diseases

Explaining the harmful effects of crop diseases


Students book

Specimens of diseases crops



KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 233-236

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 190-191

Teachers guide pg 96-99

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 88







Crop pest and diseases


Crop diseases


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Identify common crop diseases


Identifying common crop diseases

Asking questions and answering

Note taking


Students book

Specimens of diseased crops



KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 233-241

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 191-197

Teachers guide pg 96-99

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 82-84






Crop diseases


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

classify  plant diseases


Classifying plant


Asking and answering questions



Specimen of diseased crops



Students book

Diagrams in the students books

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 233-238

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 191-197

Teachers guide pg 96-99

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 82-84

Golden tips agriculture page 74-77

Access secondary Agriculture page 97-98




Crop diseases


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe the disease control crops

Carry out crop diseases control


Describing the disease control in crops

Carrying out crop disease control




Students book

Specimen of disease crops



Diagrams in the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 239-240

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 182-184

Teachers guide pg 95

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 84

Golden tips agriculture page 77-78

Access secondary Agriculture page 104-106












REFERENCES: Longhorn Secondary Agriculture Book , Golden Tips KCSE Agriculture, Certificate Agriculture Book, KLB Top Mark Agriculture, KLB Secondary Agriculture, Teacher’s Guide




























Crop Production (VI)


Production of maize


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Name hybrids, composites of maize

State the ecological requirement of maize

Describe, field establishments, management and harvesting maize & marketing


Naming hybrids composites

Stating the ecological requirements

Describing management harvesting and field establishment

Note making

Asking and answering questions


Garden tools

Samples of maize

School farms

Student book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 242-250

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 200-202

Teachers guide pg 101-102

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 52,54,55

Golden tips agriculture page 57-58




Production of millet


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Name hybrids, composites and cutting of millet

State the ecological requirement of millet

Describe field establishment, management, harvesting and marketing


Stating the ecological requirements

Describing field establishment management harvesting and marketing

Note making

Asking and answering questions

Naming the hybrids, composites cultwas


Garden tools

School farm

Sample of millet

Diagrams on the students book


KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 250-255

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 201-214

Teachers guide pg 101-102

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 56

Golden tips agriculture page 82-84

Access secondary Agriculture page 58




Production of sorghum


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Name composites, hybrids, cultivar of sorghum

State the ecological requirements of sorghum

Describe the field establishment, management marketing and harvesting


Naming the hybrids, composite cultivars

Stating the ecological requirement of sorghum

Describing the field establishment management, harvesting and marketing

Asking and answering questions


Charts samples of sorghum

Garden tools

Diagrams on the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 250-255

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 201-204

Teachers guide pg 101-102

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 56

Golden tips agriculture page 84-85

Access secondary Agriculture page 59-60




Production Crop


Production of Beans


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

State the varieties of beans grown

Describe the varieties of beans grown

Explaining the ecological requirements of maize

Describe field establishment management and harvesting marketing


Stating the varieties

Explaining the ecological requirements of maize

Describing field establishment, harvesting and marketing

Note making

Asking and answering questions


School farm

Garden tools

Seed samples

Students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 250-255

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 214-215

Teachers guide pg 101-102

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 56-58

Golden tips agriculture page 85-87

Access secondary Agriculture page 59-60






Crop production


Gross Margin of Crop enterprises


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Compare and contrast the gross margin of maize/millet, sorghum and beans


Comparing and contrasting gross margins of maize, millet, sorghum and beans






Farm records

Students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 243-268

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 218-219

Teachers guide pg 101-102

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 56-58

Golden tips agriculture page 85-87,79-90

Access secondary Agriculture page 57-63




Crop production


Harvesting of cotton, sugarcane, pyrethrum


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

describe the harvesting of cotton, pyrethrum and sugarcane



describing the harvesting of cotton, pyrethrum and sugarcane



diagrams in the students book

school farm

farm harvesting tools

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 263-264

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 221-224

Teachers guide pg 102-103

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 58-59

Golden tips agriculture page 85-87,79-90

Access secondary Agriculture page 57-63






Crop Production


Harvesting of cotton, sugarcane, pyrethrum


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe the  harvesting of cotton, pyrethrum and sugar cane


Describing the harvesting of cotton, pyrethrum and sugarcane



Diagrams in the students book

School farm

Farm harvesting tools

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 264-266

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 224-226

Teachers guide pg 103-105

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 59




Crop production


Harvesting of tea and coffee


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe the harvesting of tea and coffee



Describing the harvesting of tea and coffee


Diagrams in the students book


Harvesting tools


KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 226-268

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 226-228

Teachers guide pg 103-105

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 59-60

Golden tips agriculture page 88-89




Crops forage


Pastures classifications


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Define pastures and forage crops

Classify pastures


Defining pastures and forage crops

Classifying pastures & forage



Students book

Specimens of pastures

Photographs of forage crops charts

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 269-272

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 230-234

Teachers guide pg 106-107

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 59-60

Golden tips agriculture page 108

Access secondary revision page 72






Pastures establishment management


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe pasture establishment

Describe pasture management


Describing pasture establishment

Describing pasture management note taking




Specimens of pastures

Photographs of forage crops

Garden tools

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 272-276

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 234-236

Teachers guide pg 106-107

Golden tips agriculture page 109

Access secondary revision page 72




Pastures utilizations


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe various methods of pasture utilization


Describing various methods of pastures


Asking and answering questions


Specimens of pastures

Photographs of forage crops

Students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 277-280

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 326-340

Teachers guide pg 107

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 59-60

Golden tips agriculture page 109




Forage Crops


Grazing methods


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Explain the two grazing methods

State the advantages and disadvantages of each


Explaining the two grazing methods

Stating the advantages and disadvantages of each


Diagrams in the students book



KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 280-283

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 59-60

Access secondary agriculture page 73-74

Golden tips agriculture page 110-111




Folder crops

Napier grass


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

State the ecological requirements of Napier grass

Describe the field establishment, management and utilization


Describing the field production of Napier grass




Samples of folder crop

School farm



Students book


KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 283-287

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 241-242

Teachers guide pg 107

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 88

Access secondary revision page 94

5 1 Forage crops Sorghum

Guatemala grass

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe the production of Guatemala grass under ecological requirements, establishment, management and utilization

Describe the production of sorghum under ecological requirements establishment, management and utilization

Describing the field production of sorghum and Guatemala grass Students book

Specimens of fodder crops

Photographs of forage crops

School farm

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 269-272

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 242-244

Teachers guide pg 108

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 89








By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

describe the production of kales under ecological requirements



Note taking


School farm

Photographs of folder

Specimen of fodder crops

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 291-292

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 244-245

Teachers guide pg 108

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 89-90

Golden tips agriculture page 108

Access secondary revision page 75-76




Fodder crops


Kenya white clover


By the of the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe the production of Lucerne under ecological requirements, establishment and utilization

Describe the production of Kenya white clover under ecological, requirement establishment, management and utilization


Describing the production of Lucerne, Kenya white clover

Note making

Asking and answering questions


Students book

Specimens of

Fodder crops

Photographs of Forage crops

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 269-272

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 230-234

Teachers guide pg 106-107

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 59-60

Golden tips agriculture page 108

Access secondary revision page 72






Forage Crops


Fodder crops




By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe the production of disodium under ecological requirements establishment, management and utilization

Describe the production of marigold under ecological requirements and utilization


Describing the field production of disodium and marigold


Students book

Specimens of fodder crops

Photographs of fodder crops

School farm

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 295-297

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 247-248

Teachers guide pg 108

Golden tips agriculture page 112

Access secondary revision page 77




Forage Crops




By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe agroforestry under ecological requirement, management and utilization


Describing agro forestry tree/bushes

Asking and answering questions

Note making


Student’s book

Specimens of fodder crops

Photographs of forage crops

School farm

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 297-299

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 248-249

Teachers guide pg 108

Golden tips agriculture page 86,99






Forage Conservation

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Define lay making

Describe silage making

Describe standing lay


Defining lay making

Describing the making of lay silage and standing lay

Asking and answering questions

Drawing diagrams


Tools used

School farm

Specimens of lay


School farm

Diagrams in the students book

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 250-253

Teachers guide pg 114-116

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 66-67

Golden tips agriculture page 112-113






Health Livestock Diseases (III)


Terms used in livestock diseases

Protozoan diseases

E.C.F (East Coast Fever)


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Define terms used in livestock diseases

Describe cause symptoms and control


Defining terms

Describing the East Coast Fever

Asking and answering questions

Note making


School farms

Photographs of animals with the disease

Diagrams in the students book

Cattle dip

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 308-312

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 114-116

Teachers guide pg 106-107

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 66-67









By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe the cause, symptoms and control of anaplasmosis


Describing anaplasmosis


School farm

Photograph of animal with the disease

Diagrams in the students book

Students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 312

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 256-257

Teachers guide pg 114-116

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 66-67

Golden tips agriculture page 316

Access secondary revision page 204




Livestock diseases


Protozoan diseases



By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe cause, symptoms and control of coccidiosisis


Describing coccidiosisis

Note making

Asking and answering questions


Photographs of animals with the disease

School farm

Diagrams in the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 312-313

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 257-258

Teachers guide pg 114-116

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 66-67

Golden tips agriculture page 316

Access secondary revision page 204






By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe cause, symptoms and control of Trypanosomiasis


Describing trypanosomiasis

Note taking

Asking and answering questions


Photographs of animals with the disease

School farm

Diagrams in the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 314

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 257-258

Teachers guide pg 114-116

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 66-67

Golden tips agriculture page 317

Access secondary revision page 204-205






Bacteria diseases

Fowl typhoid


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe cause, symptoms and control of fowl typhoid


Describing fowl typhoid

Note making

Answering and asking questions



Photographs of the affected animals

Diagrams in the students books

School farm

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 317-318

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 259-260

Teachers guide pg 116-117

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 67-71





Foot rot


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe cause, symptoms and control of foot rot


Describing foot rot


Note making

Asking and answering questions


School farm

Students book

Photographs of animal affected

Diagrams in the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 318-319

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 260-261

Teachers guide pg 116-117

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 67-71

Access secondary revision page 205-206




Livestock Health (III) diseases


Bacterial diseases

Contagious abortion


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe the causes, symptoms and control of contagious abortion


Describing contagious abortion

Note making


Photographs of affected students book

Farm (Livestock)

School farm

Diagrams in the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 319-320

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 261-262

Teachers guide pg 116-117

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 67-71

Access secondary revision page 206






By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe the causes, symptoms and the control of scours


Describing scours

Note taking

Asking and answering questions


Photographs of animals with the disease

Students book

Farm (Livestock)

Diagrams in the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 320-321

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 261-262

Teachers guide pg 116-117

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 314

Access secondary revision page 206-207






Bacterial Black quarter



By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe the cause, symptoms and control of mastitis

Describe the cause, symptoms and control of black quarter


Describing the mastitis

Describing the black quarter

Note making



school farm

diagrams in the students book

Photographs of affected animals

Students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 321-322,315-317

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 263-264

Teachers guide pg 116-117

Golden tips agriculture page 314

Access secondary revision page 207




Anthrax Pneumonia


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe cause, symptoms and control of anthrax

Describe cause, symptoms and control of pneumonia


Describing the Anthrax

Describing the pneumonia

Asking and answering questions


Photographs of animal with the disease

School farm

Livestock farm

Diagrams on the students books

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 312

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 256-257

Teachers guide pg 116-117

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 67-71

Golden tips agriculture page 314

Access secondary revision page 208-209




Livestock Diseases


Viral Diseases

Foot & Mouth



By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe cause, symptom and control of foot and mouth

Describe cause, symptom and control of Rinderpest


Describing foot and mouth and Rinderpest

Asking and answering questions

Note making


Photographs  of the animal with the disease

Students book

Chalk board

School farm

Livestock farm

Diagrams in the students book


KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 325-326

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 267-269

Teachers guide pg 116-117

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 71-74

Access secondary revision page 209-210









New castle


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe cause, symptoms and control a new castle


Describing new castle

Asking and answering questions


Photographs of animal with the disease

School farm

Livestock farm

Diagrams in the students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 326-327

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 269-270

Teachers guide pg 117-118

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 71-74

Golden tips agriculture page 316

Access secondary revision page 210




Fowl Pox


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe cause, symptoms and control of fowl pox


Describing fowl pox disease

Asking and answering questions


Livestock farm

School farms

Students book

Photographs of the affected animal

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 327-329

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 269-270

Teachers guide pg 117-118

Golden tips agriculture page 315

Access secondary revision page 211






By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe cause, symptoms and control of Gumboro


Describing Gumboro

Asking and answering questions

Note making


Photograph of affected animal

Livestock farm

School farm

Students book

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 329

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 271-272

Teachers guide pg 117-118

Golden tips agriculture page 315

Access secondary revision page 211




Livestock Diseases


African Swine Fever


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe cause, symptom and control of African Swine Fever


Describing African Swine Fever

Note taking

Asking and answering questions


Photograph of animals with the disease

Diagrams in the students book

School farm

Livestock farm

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 330-332

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 272-273

Teachers guide pg 118-119

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 66-67

Golden tips agriculture page 317

Access secondary revision page 212






Nutritional disorders

Milk fever


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe causes, symptoms and control, treatment of milk fever


Describing milk fever

Note making

Asking and answering questions


Photographs of animals with the disease

Diagrams in the students book

School farm

Livestock farm

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 330-332

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 272-273

Teachers guide pg 118-119

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 66-67

Golden tips agriculture page 317

Access secondary revision page 212






By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Describe the cause, symptom and the control of bloat


Describing bloat diseases

Drawing the process of control using surgical means

Asking and answering questions


Troca and canular

Photographs of the animals with the disease

Diagrams in the students book

School farm

KLB secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 332-333

Longhorn secondary Agriculture form 3 pg 272-273

Teachers guide pg 118-119

Gateway Agriculture revision paper 2 page 66-67

Golden tips agriculture page 317

Access secondary revision page 212

12                                                                                                                                                   EXAMINATION


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