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Kamagambo Teachers Training College Courses, Admissions, Fees
Kamagambo Adventist College (KAC) established in 1912, is a premier training, research, technology and innovation driven institution of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in West Kenya Union Conference.
KAC was founded to provide a holistic education to students, right from early childhood to higher education.
The College which offers holistic education based on the Kenyan Education System comprises a primary school, a secondary school and a teachers’ training college.
The vision of the College is “A model Adventist institution offering holistic Christian education.”
The mission of the institution is, “To provide a holistic education in partnership with stakeholders that responds to contemporary and societal issues guided by professionalism”
Kamagambo Adventist College (KAC), as currently named, was founded by the pioneer Adventist missionary to Kenya, the late Elder Arthur Asa Carscallen in 1912 as a Mission Centre. The initial site was at Koderobara (the current Koderobara schools and church) within Kamagambo community before it was transferred to the current site.
The transfer was done with the guidance of the colonial government to a battle zone between the Luo and Gusii communities. The agenda of the transfer was to use the new found faith to occupy the battle field, convert it into an evangelistic center and bring peace to the neighboring communities.
The 70 acre plot on which it is standing was donated for mission work by the then Chief (late) Petro Oyier in 1912. Evangelistic work coupled with basic skills such as hygiene, nutrition and health care, grooming, agriculture and literacy were introduced to support mission work and reach the people of the land.
Among all other old mission centers Like Gendia, Ranen, Rapedhi, Wikondiek and Nyanchwa, no other mission center in Kenya has been of influence to the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist church like Kamagambo.
Evangelistic work conducted in connection with other related mission work and education realized six (6) souls baptized in 1918. The six together with several other believers formed the first congregation at Kamagambo and were then put in charge of evangelism in the Kenyan territory that has seen the church spread like it is today.
Elder Carscallen returned home in 1928 and was replaced by a missionary teacher, Elder Ernest Warland, who began a formal boarding school for girls. With his effort, Kamagambo teachers training college was started and was fully established and registered by the then colonial government in 1928.
In 1933, a third school, boys boarding school was established. In 1940, the government approved the founding of a two-year ministerial school and college under the leadership, of Pr D M Swaine.
In 1957, Kamagambo was registered as a high school in Kenya. Later on, 1971, the standard of the teacher training college was raised to P3 following exceptional performance and reputation of the teachers who trained from Kamagambo. They were exceptionally good compare to other teachers from across the country.
At this moment, Kamagambo Adventist College is a complex institution with a teachers training college, a high school, a primary school, a farm (poultry, dairy, vegetable), a dispensary. All serving the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
From inception to date, KAC has had 19 leaders (Principals).
The Kamagambo Adventist Teachers Training College
The Teachers Training College has three colleges namely; the Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) – Pre-School Level Teachers, the Primary Teacher Education (PTE) – Primary Level Teachers and the Diploma In Teacher Education (DTE) – for Secondary Level Teachers.
The Kamagambo Adventist Teachers Training College Contacts
Postal Address: P.O. Box 591-40200, Kisii, Kenya
Mobile number: +254-701-471-670
Email Address: [email protected]
The Kamagambo Adventist Teachers Training College Registration Form
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