Fr. Soldati teacher's college

Fr. Soldati teacher’s college complete information

Fr. Soldati teacher’s college is a privately owned accredited College. It is located at Maua town in Meru County, Kenya.

Fr. Soldati teacher’s college Maua Courses

Fr. Soldati teacher’s college offers the following courses:

a. Diploma in Teacher Education
Entry requirement
Mean grade C+ and above
One must have C+ in two teaching subjects
C plain I English
D+ in mathematics

b. Diploma in Guidance and Counselling
Entry requirement
KCSE C- and above

c. Diploma in ECDE
Entry requirement
KCSE C plain and above
Holder of P1 certificate
Holder of KNEC proficiency Examination certificate
Holder of DICKE certificate with a minimum of D+ in KCSE

Fr. Soldati teacher’s college Maua Contacts

P.O Box 202 Maua

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