Teachers receive payment from TSC for attending RLM training sessions
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has finally paid Principals, Head Teachers, Teachers and ICT Champions who undertook online training on Remote Learning Methodologies (RLM).
The training that was undertaken in five days saw Secondary school Principals trained first and were followed by two (2) teachers from every Secondary and primary schools countrywide.
The full day sessions ran from Monday 07/06/2021 to Friday 11/6/2021.
The training covered a number of content areas that included:
- Concept & Delivery of Remote Learning
- Learning Management System
- Accessing Digital Content for Remote Learning
- Pedagogies of Remote Learning
- Assessment in Remote Learning
- Assistive Technologies
- Monitoring Remote Learning
- Policy Framework Supporting Remote Learning
- Role of Stakeholders in Remote Learning
Amount paid.
But, it is the amount paid by TSC that has caught the teachers by surprise. This is after the Commission decided to reimburse Sh940 to the teachers; to compensate the bundles used during the online sessions.
The money was deposited to teachers’ bank and Sacco accounts; where the monthly pay is also disbursed.
According to the teachers who undertook the training, the amount paid by TSC on 21st July, 2021 is far much lower than what was consumed in form of the bundles.
“The Teams App (used for the online sessions) consumed Colossal amount of bundles. It is a pity that the Commission has only decided to reimburse a fraction of the amount spent”, complained one teacher.
Other teachers vowed never to participate in such trainings unless the payment terms are revealed before hand. But, with the Commission cracking the whip on teachers who fail to heed to its directives, the teachers would have limited options; than to just train.
Also read; Step by step guide for online TSC transfer application.
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