Cheche za Moto by John Habwe

List of new English and Kiswahili set books

The new Kiswahili (Fasihi) and English (Literature) set books have been released by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD). The new books will replace the current books that have been in use since 2018.

New Set books for 2023-2028

The new English Literature set book will be ‘Fathers of Nations’ by Paul B. Vitta and published by the Oxford University Press East Africa. The novel will replace the ‘Blossoms of the Savannah’ by Henry Ole Kulet.

The optional English set books will be:

  • Parliament of Owls written by Adipo Sidang’ and published by the East African Educational Publishers was unveiled as an optional text replacing John Steinbeck’s The Pearl.
  • A Silence Song and other Stories which is an anthology of short stories will replace Memories we Lost.

In Kiswahili, John Habwe’s ‘Cheche za Moto’ has been unveiled as a compulsory set text replacing Assumpta K Matei’s ‘Chozi La Heri.’

Longhorn Publishers’s Tumbo Lisiloshiba will be replaced by Mapambazuko ya Machweo as the new anthology of short stories.

Samuel Wachira’s A Spider’s Web will be studied in Teacher Training Colleges,TTCs.

While, Mzigo wa Kichaa will be studied at Diploma levels.

New English set books for secondary schools

  1. Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta and published by the Oxford University Press East Africa- Compulsory Set Book.
  2. Parliament of Owls written by Adipo Sidang’ and published by the East African Educational Publishers-
  3. A Silence Song and other Stories which is an anthology of short stories

New Kiswahili set books for secondary schools

  1. Cheche za Moto by John Habwe (Riwaya).
  2. Mapambazuko ya Machweo (anthology of short stories).

Current set books

Since 2018 the compulsory English set book has been ‘BLOSSOMS OF THE SAVANNAH’ which is written by Henry Ole Kulet. It replaced The River and the source by Margaret Ogola

A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen has been the play book, after replacing ‘Caucasian Chalk Circle’ by Bertolt Brencht.

The three books that have been the optional books (where by students have to choose only one from the three) are: THE PEARL by John Steinbeck, ‘MEMORIES WE LOST’ by Chris Wanjala, and ‘INHERITANCE’ by David Mulwa.

In Kiswahili, ‘CHOZI LA HERI’ written by by Assumpta K. Matei has been the mandatory setbook after replacing ‘Kidagaa Kimemwozoea’.

Other Swahili set books have been ‘KIGOGO’ by Pauline Kea (play),  ‘TUMBO LISILOSHIBA NA HADITHI NYINGINE’ written by Alifa Chokocho and Dumu Kayanda (compulsory Kiswahili short stories).

English set books for secondary schools 2018-2023

  1. The compulsory English novel has been ‘BLOSSOMS OF THE SAVANNAH’ by Henry Ole Kulet, replaced ‘The River and The Source’
  2. ‘A DOLL’S HOUSE’ by Henrik bsen has been the play book, that replaced ‘Caucasian Chalk Circle’ by Bertolt Brencht.
  3. The Pearl by John Steinbeck (Optional book)
  4. Memories we lost by Chris Wanjala (short stories- Optional book)
  5. inheritance by David Mulawa (play- Optional book)

NOTE: In the three optional books, students have to choose one.

Kiswahili set books for secondary schools 2018-2023

  1. Chozi la Heri by Assumpta K. Matei replaced ‘Kidagaa Kimemwozoea’, as a compulsory book for the next four years.
  2. Kigogo by Pauline Kea Kyovi  (play)
  3. Tumbo Lisiloshiba na Hadithi Nyingine by Alifa Chokocho na Dumu Kayanda (Short stories.

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