TSC opens portal for Term 3 TPAD appraisal (See instructions and deadline)
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has opened the TPAD portal for teachers to capture their appraisal data. According to the latest circular from the Commission, the TPAD online system opened on 20th May, 2021 and shall be closed on 23rd July 2021.
The Commission has at the same time given guidelines on how the TPAD will be handled, this term. For instance, teachers have been instructed to strictly adhere to TPAD calendar of activities. In the past, the Commission has penalized teachers who do not follow the stipulated calendar of activities.
A case in point is where a teacher filled all parts of the TPAD online form in the first week of the term. This should not be the case as there are parts of the form that should only be filled towards the end of the term; like the part on learners’ progress.
School heads have been directed to ensure that all staff in their institutions have created accounts for term three of 2020 (the current term). They will at the same time appraise all teachers in their institutions before the deadline. This will prevent scenarios where some teachers fail to be appraised in good time.
Make sure to also attach necessary documents as evidence to your TSC TPAD online appraisal form. See what to attach here; Latest list of documents and evidence that should be attached to the online TPAD form.
Whereas the School Heads and Principals have express authority to cancel a teacher’s appraisal form, the Commission has now asked them not to cancel TPAD forms that are not ‘satisfactory’. Once a teacher’s TPAD form is cancelled by the Head of Institution, such a teacher is expected to start the whole appraisal process, afresh.
Click here to create and Log into your TPAD account easily.
The ICT and TPAD champions are expected to facilitate the process and ensure 100% compliance in their schools. See also; How to ensure that your TPAD 2 online form reads 100% and not 99%.
The TPAD 2 system is more elaborate and detailed. To be sure that you will be carrying out the procedures correctly, it is good that you read the free resources below;
- How to Create a TPAD 2 Account and Log in to http://tpad2.tsc.go.ke
2. How to create new TSC TPAD Account (https://tpad2.tsc.go.ke) for self Evaluation
3. TSC- Scheduling an Appraisal Rating Meeting online at the TPAD 2 portal
4. How to undertake Lesson Observation in the TPAD 2 Online System
5. TSC- How to capture learner progress records on TPAD 2
6. TPAD 2 Portal Guide; How the Appraiser (Deputy Head) is to assess teachers
7. TSC- How to fill the TPAD 2 form online.
8. How to fill weekly lesson attendance data for all teachers in the new TPAD 2 online system: TSC Guides.
9. New TPAD 2 (http://tpad2.tsc.go.ke/) forms free download: Collection of all TPAD forms
10. Calendar of Activities for the New TPAD 2 per term: Free TSC Forms downloads
11. TSC Lesson Observation Form for teachers: New TPAD 2 free forms downloads.
12. TSC Lesson Observation Form for teachers: New TPAD 2 free forms downloads.
13. New TPAD 2 Lesson Recovery Schedule form: Free Lesson Recovery Form.
14. New TPAD 2 Lesson Attendance Summary Sheet: Free Form Download.
15. A checklist of all Professional Documents to be prepared by Teachers in the New TPAD 2: Free Checklist Form Download.
16. The new Teachers’ Performance Appraisal Form (New TPAD 2 Form) Free download and guide.
17. TSC TPAD2 portal for School Head Teacher, Principal;
18. TSC TPAD 2 Lesson attendance data for teachers; Procedure;
19. TSC TPAD 2 form; Offline filling using excel;
20. TSC TPAD 2 system account login and dashboard navigation guide;
21. TSC TPAD 2; How to reach agreement on Appraisee and Appraiser marks plus countersigning;
22. TSC TPAD 2 system reports; TPAD, TPD, Lesson Attendance, Appraisal and Learner Progress Reports;
23. How to create a lesson observation request on TPAD 2; Lesson observation form;