Dr Nancy Macharia who is the TSC Chief Executive Officer. Deployment and appointment of school heads, deputies, senior teachers and masters has now been decentralized to regional TSC offices.

TSC to transfer heads and deputies in mixed schools

TSC LATEST NEWS TODAY- The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is planning a major shake up in schools’ administration after this year’s national examinations. This is after the Commission adopted a new policy that will govern deployment of administrators. According to the new policy, principals and deputies of mixed schools are not supposed to be of the same gender.

TSC Boss, Dr. Nancy Macharia, has directed all the TSC Regional Directors implement the policy that is aimed at fostering inclusivity in public schools. She directs regional directors are to liaise with the county directors who are to identify mixed schools that have heads and deputies of same gender and subsequently place the deputies appropriately after the national examinations.

“Identification and deployment of institutional administrators is premised on career progression guidelines and the policy on appointment and deployment of institutional administrators (2017). The process is underpinned on values and principles of governance which include but not limited to: equity, equality, inclusiveness, non-discrimination and affirmative action,” Macharia says in a circular addressed to all Regional TSC Directors.

Mixed schools with Principals who both are of the same gender will see one of them getting the marching orders. Macharia wants the list of the heads and deputies sent to her before April 30 once the placement is completed. This will lead to massive transfers of the affected administrators; mostly deputies.

See also;

Implementation of this new policy follows the commission’s research findings that showed a majority of the mixed schools in the country having heads and deputies of the same gender.

Macharia says a scenario where both heads and deputies are of the same gender leads to unprecedented gender imbalances in the learning institutions.

“The scenario neither fosters gender-inclusive learning environment nor provides a supportive atmosphere for all learners…Accordingly, to ensure a supportive learning environment for learners of both gender the commission’s policy is to appoint and deploy administrators of applicable gender to head and deputise learning institutions,” notes Dr.Macharia.

This policy will supplement the contentious delocalization exercise that has seen thousands of heads and their deputies moved away from home counties.

Related news; Massive teachers transfers, delocalization looming- TSC news

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