TSC circular on the Training Programme for Teachers on TPAD Online System & COVID19 Sensitization 2021
December 13, 2024 | TSC News Portal |
| The Teachers service Commission, TSC, has arranged a 3 days training Programme for teachers on TPAD Online System and COVID19 Sensitization Under PRIEDE Project. The training shall run from 25th to 27th February, 2021.
A number of areas will be covered during the training i.e:
- Overview of TPAD &PC
- Account Creation
- TPAD dashboard
- Notification
- Self- appraisal
- Learners progress record; Regular, CBC and SNE
- Lesson attendance
- Appraisal by appraiser
- Lesson observation
- Scheduling of appraisal
- Appraisal meeting; Agreement on target achievement and completion, Arbitration and Countersigning
- Cancelled appraisal
- Performance Contract; Managing PC, Developing OWP and Updating Progress
- TPD; TPAD TPD and TPD modules
- Head of Institution, HOI, Portal- managing institutions
- Allocation of rights
- Reports: Teachers reports, HOI reports.
- Mainstreaming COVID19 Knowledge in TPAD Training
The Commission had initially halted the training as a result of the Covid19 outbreak in the country.
See also; TSC TPAD 2 portal- 2021; http://tpad2.tsc.go.ke/
TSC circular on the Training Programme for Teachers on TPAD Online System & COVID19 Sensitization Under PRIEDE Project
Read contents of the circular below;
[embeddoc url=”https://educationnewshub.co.ke/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/3-days-programme-for-teachers-training.pdf”]