TSC payslips online. Register, download and print your payslip.

How to apply for a TSC Sacco/ Bank loan online

Are you a TSC employed teachers who is seeking to apply for a loan through a Sacco or bank? Well. This is your complete guide on how to apply for your loan and get it approved , online, by TSC.


When you are ready to apply for your loan, either from a bank or Sacco, follow the steps below;

  • Just get the loan application form, duly fill it and attach a copy of your National ID. You can either download the form or visit your bank/ Sacco office for the hard copy.
  • Once duly filled, return the loan form, together with all the required documents to your local bank/ Sacco branch. It is now time for you to get you loan form processed and approved.
  • Log into the TSC Pay-slip portal so as to send your payslip online to your bank/ Sacco.. This can be done by logging into the T-pay portal at https://payslip.tsc.go.ke/login.php
  • Enter your TSC number and password correctly and click ”Login’
TSC payslip log in window.

TSC payslip log in window.

  • Once logged in, under third party transactions, select ‘click here to send your payslip’.
How to send your payslip to your bank/ Sacco.

How to send your payslip to your bank/ Sacco.

  • In the next window, select the third party category as ‘Bank/ Sacco’ and Company to be ‘Bank/Sacco’. You now should click ‘send payslips’. You will get a success message on your screen thus; ‘Payslip for this month has already been sent to a 3rd party’.

  • Your Pay-slip will be immediately received at the Sacco/ Bank and the loan application is then processed.
  • Once the loan appraisal is complete, you will receive an sms alerting you to login into the TSC pay-slip portal to give your loan consent.
  • Log into the TSC Pay-slip portal and click ‘confirm loan’.In the next window, tick the box next to the current loan and click on ‘approve loan’.
TSC payslip log in window.

TSC payslip log in window.

  • Now select ‘back’ and you will be able to see the loan status as ‘confirmed’.

  • Once consent is given by TSC (by seeing the status indicated ‘confirmed’), you will need to alert your bank/ Sacco in order for the loan to be finalized and funds deposited into your account.

  • When your loan has been approved, the loan amount will be deposited into you account number and you will be notified.
See also;

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