Apply for the undergraduate HELB second and subsequent loans via the HELB Mobile App and the USSD mobile code today.

How to apply for HELB undergraduate second and subsequent loans: Mobile USSD Code and App

The Higher Education Loans Board, Helb, has opened the window for submitting undergraduate students’ second and subsequent loan applications. This loan is available for all Kenyan students admitted in in Public and private universities in Kenya and the East African region. The deadline for submitting your loan application is June 30, 2020.


For you to qualify for these loans you must meet the requirements below:

  • You must be admitted in a public or private university offering programmes that are recognized by the commission for university education, CUE.
  • You must be undertaking a bachelor’s degree; self-sponsored, parallel and module II programmes.
  • You must be a recent beneficiary of the undergraduate loans. (This is application is not available for first time applicants).

You can apply for the loan easily by using any of the methods below;

  • Using the HELB mobile app
  • Using the mobile USSD code *642#
  • Applying online

If you have a smart phone, then the cheapest way of submitting your application ;is by using the HELB mobile app:

  1. Download the mobile app from Google play. Just search for HELB in Google play and click ‘install’.
  2. Once successfully installed, register details.
  3. You will then be expected to read notes/ instructions.
  4. Now, select the loan application form.
  5. Fill in the details, correctly, and submit by clicking ‘OK’.

Another way you can use to apply for the loan is by utilizing the mobile USSD code. Register by using the steps below:

  1. Go to your dialer on your mobile and enter *642# and send.
  2. Then Select/ enter 1 and send.
  3. On the next window prompts, provide your: First name, last name, National ID number, date of birth.
  4. Enter a PIN you can easily remember and confirm it.
  5. A registration success message will be displayed thus: “Thank you for registering with the HELB mobile platform. You will receive SMS Confirmation Shortly.”
  6. Then, proceed to make your loan application.

This is yet another method via which the loan application can be filed.

  1. Visit the Helb portal by visiting the link;
  2. Enter your email address and password then click ‘Sign in’.
  3. Select the loan application name to get the application form. Fill it and submit. (Only The Products in Green Background Are Open for Application. Click On Row Of The Loan Product You Wish To Apply For)

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