Past iTOYA National winners display their awards.

2020 Teacher of the Year Award (TOYA), iTOYA, POYA Guidelines, Requirements, Marking Scheme and Timelines

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) in conjunction with the Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA) have released the 2020 instructions for the Teacher of the Year Award (TOYA), innovative/ICT teacher of the year (iTOYA) and principal of the year (POYA) awards. The 2020 TOYA, iTOYA and POYA assessment tool has been aligned to the policy framework to make the award system fair, competitive and open to all teachers where only merit will count.

  Related News: Full list of the 2019 POYA, iTOYA and TOYA Winners at all levels

In 2019, eligibility to contest in the iTOYA was expanded to include teachers in any subject as long as they can present their innovation and creativity in curriculum delivery.The main objective is to: encourage compliance with teaching standards; facilitate career progression; promote professional development; promote best practices in curriculum implementation.


To qualify for participation one must be a TSC employed teacher and must have taught for at least three years under TSC and should have a subject mean score of 5.0 (C-) and above in 2019 KCSE results in the teaching subject being presented for contest. To proceed to the next level, one must attain at least 60% on the scoring tool. Teachers with special needs are encouraged to participate.


To qualify for participation one must be a TSC employed teacher and must have taught for at least three years under TSC and should have a subject mean score of 5.0 (C-) and above in 2019 KCSE results in the teaching subject being presented for contest (however, this should not deter teachers with innovative projects from proceeding to the next level even if they do not meet the C- criteria).It is open to all teachers in all subjects.

To proceed to the next level, one must attain at least 60% on the scoring tool.Teachers with special needs are encouraged to participate. SMASE County Trainers’ Representatives are not eligible for the competition to avoid conflict of interest.

Here are links to the most important news portals:

Principals must be employed by TSC and fully paid up members of KESSHA. In addition, one must have served as a principal for at least three years and should have a school mean score of 5.0 (C-) and above in 2019 KCSE results.  In addition, one must have submitted books of accounts for the year 2019 for audit. To proceed to the next level, one must attain at least 60% on the scoring tool. Principals with special needs are encouraged to participate. KESSHA NEC officials, county and sub-county chairpersons are not eligible for this competition.  A principal is not eligible to participate in the iTOYA or TOYA awards.

Any participant who reaches the National Level in any of the above categories cannot take part in the exercise again.

The award criterion is in adherence with the TSC performance recognition, reward and sanction policy; focusing on school based quality management systems, professionalism and application of educational legal provision in teaching and learning and in managing learning institutions.

Further the criterion is based on indicators that are key pointers to the quality of a national education system, which include:

  1. Learners’ achievement; improvement index in the national examination.
  2. Enhancing access and retention in provision of Secondary Education.
  3. Improving the learning environment.
  4. Integration of ICT in learning and innovativeness in curriculum delivery.
  5. Exhibition of high levels of professionalism and integrity.
  6. Prudent financial and human resource management.
  7. Networking with other stakeholders in the provision and management of education programmes.



The following are the levels for identifying the contestants.

  1. School (Teachers only)
  2. Sub-county
  3. County
  4. Regional.
  5. National

The panelists at various levels will carry out their assessment and select the winners.



According to the KESSHA/ TSC instructions, the following will be panelists at different levels:

  1. School Level

The panel at the school level for TOYA/iTOYAshall consist of the following:

  1. BOM Chairperson – Chair
  2. Principal to coordinate
  3. Deputy Principal
  4. H.O.D
  5. PA Chairman

(Total members 5)

In a situation where the deputy or HOD or both are contestants then suitable replacements should be made.

  1. Sub-County Selection Panel

The panel at the sub-county level for TOYA shall comprise the following:

  1. TSC Sub-County Director – Chairperson
  2. Sub County Director of Education
  3. KESSHA –Sub-County chairman (coordinator)
  4. CEMASTEA trainer (who is not a contestant)
  5. Curriculum Support Officer (CSO)

(Total members 5)


The panel membership for POYA shall be the following:

  1. TSC Sub-County Director – Chairman
  2. KESSHA –Sub-County Chairman (coordinator)
  3. Sub-County School’s Auditor
  4. Sub County Director of Education
  5. Curriculum Support Officer (CSO)

(Total members 5)

  1. County Selection Panel

The following will constitute the panel for TOYA:

  1. TSC County Director- Chairman
  2. KESSHA county Chairman (coordinator)
  3. County Quality Assurance & Standards Officer (CQASO)
  4. TSC Deputy County Director
  5. CEMASTEA County Trainer’s Representative

(Total members 5)


The selection panel for POYA will be constituted by the following.

  1. TSC County Director(chairman)
  2. KESSHA County Chairman(coordinator)
  3. County Director of Education
  4. County Quality Assurance & Standards Officer (CQASO)
  5. TSC Deputy County Director

(Total members 5)

Also read;

  1. Regional Selection Panel

The selection panel for TOYA/iTOYA shall have the following members

  1. TSC Regional Director (chairman)
  2. KESSHA NEC representative
  3. Regional Coordinator- Education
  4. Regional QASO
  5. CEMASTEA National Trainer

(Total members 5)


The panel will have:

  1. TSC Regional Director (Chairman)
  2. TSC County Director (one)
  3. KESSHA NEC representative from a different region
  4. Regional Coordinator- Education
  5. Regional QASO

(Total members 5)

  1. National Selection Panel

The panel at the national level for POYA / TOYA/iTOYA will consist of the following:

  1. TSC Director, Quality Assurance and Standards – Chairperson
  2. 3 TSC HQs representatives
  3. TSC Regional Director
  4. 2 KESSHA NEC representatives
  5. Psychometric expert
  6. 2 CEMASTEA representatives for iTOYA session only
  7. Pedagogical expert for iTOYA participants

(Total members 11)


Panelist of POYA/TOYA/iTOYA at all levels will be requested to declare their interest in a candidate. Depending on the nature of interest, a panelist can disqualify him/herself or the chairperson may rule that such a panelist shall not adjudicate the candidate.

Time Frame

Below is the calendar for 2020 POYA/TOYA/iTOYA awards

  • Schools should have come up with their TOYA/iTOYA by 2ndMarch 2020.
  • Sub-counties should have come up with their iTOYA/TOYA/POYA by 16th March 2020.
  • Counties should have come up with their iTOYA/TOYA/POYA by 13th April 2020.
  • Regions should have come up with their iTOYA/TOYA /POYA by 4thMay 2020.
  • Documents to be verified at County level and certificate of verification signed by panel chair and submitted to next level.
  • Regional winners’ profiles to be submitted to KESSHA secretariat and TSC headquarters by 11thMay 2020.
  • Evidence verification visits by TSC headquarters by 23rdMay 2020.

 Mode of Presentation

The official reports in a prescribed summary draft at each level should be signed by all panelists and promptly presented to the next level of selection.

  1. KCSE Mean Score/improvement index for each category of schools shall be used to shortlist participants
  2. Talent identification and development shall also be used to shortlist participants
  3. Innovation in curriculum delivery shall also be used as criteria for short listing.
  4. Individual schools shall present the name of the winning teacher to the sub-county selection panel.
  5. The sub-county selection panel shall then conduct the short listing. The best 5 teachers shall be eligible for interviews.
  6. Principals shall be shortlisted by the sub-county selection panel; the best 5principals shall be interviewed.
  7. Each County shall forward the names of the winning principal and teacher to the Regional selection panel.
  8. The regional selection panel shall short list and interview a minimum of 4 and maximum of 8 principals and teachers.
  9. The regional winners, one principal and one teacher from each region shall be eligible for interview by the National selection panel.
  10. All KESSHA chairpersons at various levels and members of the National Executive Committee are not eligible to participate.
  11. There shall be school visits by members of the national panel and or as the Commission may guide for further verification for those qualifying for National Competition.

Award Packages

Here are the awards to be given to the Winners, First and Second Runners ups at various levels:

Position Award Who to fund award
1 10,000 Board of Management
2 8,000 Board of Management
3 5,000 Board of Management

NB: KESSHA at the different levels to facilitate and award the winners with cash prizes and certificates

Position Award Who to fund award
1 15,000 KESSHA Sub County
2 10,000 KESSHA Sub County
3 8,000 KESSHA Sub County


Position Award Who to fund award
1 25,000 KESSHA County
2 20,000 KESSHA County
3 15,000 KESSHA County


Position Award Who to fund award
1 30,000 KESSHA Counties within the Region
2 25,000 KESSHA Counties within the Region
3 20,000 KESSHA Counties within the Region


Position Award Who to fund award
1 100,000 KESSHA National
2 70,000 KESSHA National
3 50,000 KESSHA National

  1. KESSHA will undertake resource mobilization by engaging stakeholders both government and corporate bodies to support all the awards activities.
  2. The TSC will participate and coordinate the process at all levels in liaison with KESSHA andin line with existing policies.
Presentation to the National KESSHA Conference

Each nominee shall be given an opportunity make a brief presentation to the conference audience. The aim of the presentation is to give the audience an opportunity to learn from best practices and strategies which can be emulated by other institutions. The presentations provide an opportunity for the audience and the assessors to also objectively evaluate the articulation skills of the POYA, TOYA and iTOYA nominees.

The nominees are further assessed on various performance parameters which include;

  • honesty
  • mannerism,
  • articulation,
  • audibility and audience control,
  • resource utilization and management,
  • effective preparation and
  • time management.

The presentation content will further be corroborated with evidence provided by each nominee for authentication. In addition, indicators relating to;

  • access (to school and subject),
  • retention,
  • completion,
  • attendance,
  • academic achievement,
  • innovativeness,
  • resourcefulness and
  • focus to professionalism will be considered.

The Award
The Teacher’s Award Assessment Tool
  1. This tool will be used to evaluate both the teachers and the principals in regard to performance while offering teaching service.
  2. The criteria will be used to evaluate the teacher professional performance competencies in maintaining of teaching standards during curriculum implementation process.
  3. It is recommended that all the national finalists be evaluated at their work station by the TSC National adjudicators. This will offer an opportunity to verify and authenticate their performance and works; it will also create opportunity to access live evidence and experience of the teacher’s performance.

Scoring Criteria

The following criteria will be used to award marks: 
Scoring Criteria

The following criteria will be used for awarding marks at all levels:

Summary of the Scoring Areas
POYA   Max. Score
i.                    General Assessment

Improving Quality of Education

Learner achievement 10
Enhancing Access and retention 10
Improving Learning Environment 5
ICT Integration 5
Exhibition of professionalism 5
Prudent Financial Human Resource 5
Networking with Parents/Stakeholders 5
Inculcation of National Values 5
Sub Total 50


Ability of the teachers to tap talents 10
Mentoring and Coaching 5
Suggestions/Development of new curriculum 10
Teachers who identify and facilitate innovations 5
Sub Total 30

Distinguished Service

Makes major contributions or achievements under extra ordinary circumstances 5
Initiate and participate in school or community based programmes 5
Participate in disaster preparedness and management 5
Sub Total 15
PC Implementation Achievement of PC targets- 2019


2020 PC;

·         Uploaded Operational School Work plan

·         Uploaded term PC target achievement progress report

Evidence of having cascaded PC targets 1
Sub Total 5
ii.                  TPAD Assessment
TPAD TPAD 2.0. Assessment per Standard 50
Total Score 150 Mks
A. Professional achievement 10
B. Performance in Assigned areas 25
C. Maintenance of Documents using ICT 5
D. Lesson attendance (3months) 10
E. TPAD 50
F. Learner achievement 10
G. Co-curricular achievement 5
H. Team Player 5
I. Community involvement 5
Total 125
A. Professional achievement 10
B. Performance 10
C. Maintenance of Documents using ICT 10
D. Lesson attendance (3months) 10
E. TPAD 50
F. Learner achievement 10
G. Co-curricular achievement 5
H. Community involvement 5
Total Score 110


ICT Teacher of the Year Award (i-TOYA)
      Score Max. Score Actual Score
A Professional Achievement Verifiable Indicators   10


1.        Length of Service (Experience)     2  
          i.             5 years and above

ii.             Below 5 years




2.        Academic & Professional qualification     4  
       i.   Ph.D /Masters

ii.   Degree/PGDE

iii.   Diploma &

iv.   ICT certificate





3. Practice  of ICT Integration in  Teaching Indicators   3  
      i.    Preparation of schemes of work and lesson plan

ii.    Presentation of content

iii.    Research for content and pedagogy

SOW and LP presented in soft copy.

Activities in ICT lesson plans.

Generated digital content (text, videos, charts, diagrams, pictures models)

1 mk


1 mk

1 mk

4. Responsibilities     1  
     i.     ICT champion or Trainer or

ii.     Member of a Subject panel

Appointment letters.




1 mk




B Performance in assigned areas of responsibility Indicators Marks Max Score 25 Actual Score
  Video Observation         
          i.            Lesson planning  



(Use of ICT integrated lesson plan attached)

5 marks    
        ii.            Lesson introduction. 5 marks    
      iii.            Student participation 5 marks    
      iv.            Innovation 5 marks    
        v.            Conclusion 3 marks    
      vi.            Evaluation 2 marks    
C Maintenance of Professional Documents using ICT Indicators Marks Max score 5  
       i.      Current Personal Timetable Evidence of using ICT tools in generating and use of timetable 1 mark    
   ii.      Updated lesson  notes Digital notes 1 mark    
 iii.      Subject analysis for the National Exams. Statistics derived using ICT 1 mark    
 iv.      Innovative digital teaching /learning resources records Digital records 1mark    
   v.      Record of work Digital records 1mark    
D Lesson  Attendance Rating   Marks Max score 10  
          i.            <=59%   0 mks    
      ii.            60-70%   4 mks    
    iii.            71-80%   6 mks    
    iv.            81-90%   8 mks    
      v.            91-100%   10 mks    
E Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development(TPAD) Max score 50  
Part A-Instructional Delivery(Teaching)
Teaching Standards Indicators Evidence Based TPAD Rating Max. Score Actual Score
Standard 1: Professional Knowledge and Practice
1 Prepare professional documents based on the current syllabus/designs [3mks] Refer to TPAD 2.0 Online rating for Term 1, 2020 and verify the physical evidence used.

If the evidence is lacking or it is not provided do your own independent rating for each target and put in your report.

2 Demonstrate mastery of the subject content and use different appropriate instructional methods [3mks]   2  
3 Undertake lesson observation at least once a term[3mks]   2  
4 Utilize teaching/learning resources effectively (improvised or procured)   2  
5 Ability to identify the learners’ capability and learning styles[3mks]   2  
6 Ability to identify and nurture learners’ talents[3mks]   2  
7 Ability to access, retrieve and integrate ICT in teaching and learning[3mks]   2  
8 Ability to carry out learner assessment, feedback and reporting on learners’ learning[3mks]   2  
Standard 2: Comprehensive Learning Environment
1 Ability to create a stimulating classroom environment[3mks]     2  
2 Ability to create child friendly school/class environment[3mks]   2  
3 Ability to ensure safety of learners[3mks]   2  
4 Ability to manage learners conduct and behavior[3mks]   2  
Standard 3: Teacher Professional Development
1 Identify professional gaps     2  
2 Develop Teacher’s Termly Professional Development (TPD) Support Plan[3mks]   2  
3 Engaging in continuous and relevant career growth and development[3mks]   2  
Part B: Teacher Conduct And Professionalism
Standard 4: Teacher Conduct and Professionalism
1 Teacher’s ability to act in the best interest of the learner and maintain high standards of ethics and professional requirements within and outside the institution[6mks].  


2 Demonstrate knowledge on the legal requirements in education   2  
3 Comply with the professional requirements in teaching and learning[6mks]   2  
4 i.            Ability to observe punctuality in lesson attendance, performance of duty and preparation of professional documents   [6mks] ii. iii.            2 iv.
v.            5 vi.            Timely syllabus coverage and meeting of deadlines[6mks] vii. viii.            2 ix.
x.            Part C: Community of Practice
xi.            Standard 5: Participation in Professional Learning Community(PLC)
xii.            1 xiii.            Join Professional Learning Community (PLC) [5mks]  


ii. iii.            2 iv.
v.            2 vi.            Collaborate with colleagues and the broader Professional Learning Community to support teaching and learning[5mks] vii. viii.            2 ix.
x.            3 xi.            Collaborate with parents/guardians and other stakeholders[5mks] xii. xiii.            2 xiv.
xv.            4 xvi.            Establish linkages with communities[5mks] xvii. xviii.            2 xix.
xx.            5 xxi.            Participate in programs organized in collaboration with other education bodies and partners; (KNEC, MOE, KICD, NGOs etc) [5mks] xxii. xxiii.            2 xxiv.
F Learner Achievements     Max Score 10  
1. Performance in National Examinations   5mks  
  Either; Candidature: % of Candidates in   National Exam Optional Subjects  


30 and below   1 mks    
        i.            31-50%   2 mks    
      ii.            51-70%   3 mks    
    iii.            71-90%   4 mks    
    iv.            91-100%   5 mks    
  Or; %of candidates scoring C+ in compulsory subjects   5 Mks  
i.                    20 and below   1 mks    
ii.                  21-40%   2 mks    
iii.                41-60%   3 mks    
iv.                61-99%   4 mks    
v.                  100%   5 mks    
2 Either: KCSE  Subject Performance Mean Score   Max 5 mks  
  i.                    10

ii.                  9

iii.                8

iv.                7

v.                  6

  5 mks

4 mks

3 mks

2 mks


3 Or; Value AdditionImprovement Index -Last 3Years   Max 5 mks  
  Improvement Index KCSE        
2.10-2.50 & above   5 mks    
1.51-2.00   4 mks    
1.49-1.50   3 mks    
0.51-1.00   2 mks    
0.50 &less   1mks    
G Co-curricular Achievements     Max score 5 Actual Score 
Level of Competition Attained Indicator      
Sub-county Evidence of ICTintegration in co-curricular activities   1 mks  
County   2 mks  
Regional   3 mks  
National   4 mks  
International     5 mks  
H Team player     Max 5  
Consider manner of handling work relationships Evidence be provided in each area.   1  
Ability to peer  teach  others  on  ict  integration   2  
Using ICT in sharing new information with colleagues   2  
I. Community Involvement Indicator   Max 5  
Membership in a professional body or community of learning     1  
ICT system or innovation that has helped the school community System interface/evidence of innovation   2  
ICT system or innovation that has helped the surrounding community System interface/evidence of innovation   2  
TOTAL SCORE     125  



  1. To get a score for TPAD rating take the awarded marks and divide by marks for the target multiplied by 2 (eg. If a teacher is awarded 3marks for Join professional learning community target convert as follows; 3/5×2=1.2) or Timely syllabus coverage and meeting of deadlines target; 3/6×2= 1
  2. Those proceeding to the National Level will:
  • Be required to do a 7 minutes’ presentation to the national conference demonstrate their exemplary performance/achievement.
  • Undertake:
    • face to face interview
    • Aptitude Test

 Teacher of the Year Award (TOYA)
    Indicator Score Max. Score Actual Score
A Professional Achievement     10


1.        Length of Service (Experience)     3  
          i.            11 years and above

  1. 6 -10 years
  2. 3 – 5 years
Letter of appointment 3 mks

2 mks


2.        Academic & Professional qualification     4  
  i.           Ph.D

ii.         Masters

iii.       Degree/PGDE

iv.       Diploma

Certificate 4 mks

3 mks

2 mks

1 mks

3.        Membership to a  relevant  professional body     3  
  i.         Professional body membership Certificate/card

ii.       Letter of recommendation from subject panel

iii.     Member of cluster or peer study group





Attendance list







B. Performance in Assigned Areas of Responsibility   10  
1.        D/Head teachers / Senior/HoD/HoS/Other responsibilities Letter assigning responsibilities 1      mk 1  
2.        Exhibition of High levels of Professionalism and integrity        
          i.            Commitment to the profession The panel to formulate questions and scenarios to be used in the  interview 0.5mk    
        ii.            Content mastery 1mk    
      iii.            Classroom management 0.5mk    
      iv.            Creative thinking and innovativeness 1mk    
        v.            Leadership traits 1mk    
      vi.            Communication skills 1mk    
    vii.            Evaluation/ assessment ability 1mk    
  viii.            Problem solving 1mk    
      ix.            Maintain professional etiquette 1mk    
        x.            Awareness of how learners learn, their diversity and uniqueness using Individual Education Plans (IEP)records. 1mk    
C. Maintenance of Teacher Professional Documents   10mks  
              i.     Current Personal Timetable Approved 0.5 mk    
          ii.     Syllabi for the teaching subjects. Approved 1 mk    
        iii.     Approved Schemes of work. Approved 1 mk    
        iv.     Updated Lesson plans. Approved 1 mk    
          v.     Updated Lesson   notes. Approved 1 mk    
        vi.     Records of work checked weekly. Approved 1 mk    
      vii.     Subject analysis for the National Exams/ Learners’ Progress Records indicating Value added progress (VAP). Approved 1 mk    
    viii.     Marked/checked learners work exercise books.   1mk    
        ix.     Learners’ discipline management and guidance and counselling records. Approved 1 mk    
          x.     Copies of subject/ departmental meeting minutes. Duly signed 0.5mk    
        xi.     Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development records. Duly filled TPAD tool 1 mk    
D. Lesson Attendance Rating for three months   10  
         i.  Below 60%

ii.  60-70%

iii.  71-80%

iv.  81-90%

v.  91-100%

Certified analysis of lesson attendance 0 mks

4 mks

6 mks

8 mks

10 mks

E. Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development 50  
Part A-Instructional Delivery(Teaching)
Teaching Standards Indicators Evidence Based TPAD Rating Max. Score Actual Score
Standard 1: Professional Knowledge and Practice
1 Prepare professional documents based on the current syllabus/designs [3mks] Refer to TPAD 2.0 Online rating for Term 1, 2020 and verify the physical evidence used.

If the evidence is lacking or it is not provided do your own independent rating for each target and put in your report.

2 Demonstrate mastery of the subject content and use different appropriate instructional methods [3mks]   2  
3 Undertake lesson observation at least once a term[3mks]   2  
4 Utilize teaching/learning resources effectively (improvised or procured)   2  
5 Ability to identify the learners’ capability and learning styles[3mks]   2  
6 Ability to identify and nurture learners’ talents[3mks]   2  
7 Ability to access, retrieve and integrate ICT in teaching and learning[3mks]   2  
8 Ability to carry out learner assessment, feedback and reporting on learners’ learning[3mks]   2  
Standard 2: Comprehensive Learning Environment
1 Ability to create a stimulating classroom environment[3mks]     2  
2 Ability to create child friendly school/class environment[3mks]   2  
3 Ability to ensure safety of learners[3mks]   2  
4 Ability to manage learners conduct and behavior[3mks]   2  
Standard 3: Teacher Professional Development
1 Identify professional gaps     2  
2 Develop Teacher’s Termly Professional Development (TPD) Support Plan[3mks]   2  
3 Engaging in continuous and relevant career growth and development[3mks]   2  
Part B: Teacher Conduct and Professionalism
Standard 4: Teacher Conduct and Professionalism
1 Teacher’s ability to act in the best interest of the learner and maintain high standards of ethics and professional requirements within and outside the institution[6mks].     2  
2 Demonstrate knowledge on the legal requirements in education   2  
3 Comply with the professional requirements in teaching and learning[6mks]   2  
4 xxv.            Ability to observe punctuality in lesson attendance, performance of duty and preparation of professional documents   [6mks] xxvi. xxvii.            2 xxviii.
xxix.            5 xxx.            Timely syllabus coverage and meeting of deadlines[6mks] xxxi. xxxii.            2 xxxiii.
xxxiv.            Part C: Community of Practice
xxxv.            Standard 5: Participation in Professional Learning Community(PLC)
xxxvi.            1 xxxvii.            Join Professional Learning Community (PLC) [5mks] xxxviii. xxxix. xl.            2 xli.
xlii.            2 xliii.            Collaborate with colleagues and the broader Professional Learning Community to support teaching and learning[5mks] xliv. xlv.            2 xlvi.
xlvii.            3 xlviii.            Collaborate with parents/guardians and other stakeholders[5mks] xlix. l.            2 li.
lii. liii.            Establish linkages with communities[5mks] liv. lv.            2 lvi.
lvii.            4 lviii.            Participate in programs organized in collaboration with other education bodies and partners; (KNEC, MOE, KICD, NGOs etc) [5mks] lix. lx.            2 lxi.
F Learner Achievements     Max score 10  
lxii. Performance in National Examinations   5mks lxiii.
lxiv. Either; Candidature: % of Candidates in   National Exam Optional Subjects  



                    i.            30 and below   1mks   lxvi.
                  ii.            31-50%   2mks    
                iii.            51-70%   3mks    
                iv.            71-90%   4 mks    
                  v.            91-100%   5mks    
1 Or; %of candidates scoring C+ in compulsory subjects   5mks  
20 and below   1mk    
        i.            21-40%   2mks    
      ii.            41-60%   3mks    
    iii.            61-80%   4mks    
    iv.            81- 100%   5mks    
4 Either: KCSE  Subject Performance Mean Score   Max 5mks  
i.                    10

ii.                  9

iii.                8

iv.                7

v.                  6

  5 mks

4 mks

3 mks

2 mks


vii. Or; Value AdditionImprovement Index -Last 3Years   Max 5mks viii.
Improvement Index KCSE       ix.
2.10-2.50 & above   5 mks   x.
1.51-2.00   4 mks   xi.
1.49-1.50   3 mks   xii.
0.51-1.00   2 mks   xiii.
0.50 &less   1mks   xiv.
G. Co-curricular Achievements     Max 5mks xv.
xvi. Sub-county   1mk   xvii.
xviii. County   2 mks   xix.
xx. Regional   3 mks   xxi.
xxii. National   4 mks   xxiii.
xxiv. International   5 mks   xxv.
H Community involvement     Max 5mks xxvi.
xxvii. Initiated a project that has benefited the school community   2 mks   xxviii.
xxix. Initiated a project that has benefited the community beyond the school.   2 mks   xxx.
xxxi. Membership to a professional organization   1 mk   xxxii.
xxxiii. TOTAL SCORE     110 xxxiv.



  1. To get a score for TPAD rating take the awarded marks and divide by marks for the target multiplied by 2 (eg. If a teacher is awarded 3marks for Join professional learning community target convert as follows; 3/5×2=1.2) or Timely syllabus coverage and meeting of deadlines target; 3/6×2= 1
  2. Those proceeding to the National Level will:
  • Be required to do a 7 minutes’ presentation to the national conference demonstrate their exemplary performance/achievement.
  • Undertake:
    • face to face interview
    • Aptitude Test

The Principal’s Award Assessment Tool

  1. The principals’ will be evaluated in their multidimensional roles as the lead educators and administrators. Equally their capacity to perform the role of quality assurance within their institutions will be assessed. The assessment will focus on the head of institution personal achievement in both PC & TPAD.
  2. These criteria will be used to evaluate the principal’s professional performance competencies in maintaining of teaching standards during curriculum implementation process.
  3. It will also assess the principal’s competencies in management of human, material and financial resources during the teaching and learning process with a view to enhancing learning outcomes
  4. It is recommended that all the national finalists be evaluated at their work station by the TSC National adjudicators. This will offer an opportunity to verify and authenticate their performance and works; it will also create opportunity to access live evidence and experience of the principal’s performance.

  1. General Assessment
Performance Indicators Indicator Score Max. Score Actual Score

Improving Quality of Education

1. Learner achievement and improvement index in the national examination(10mks) Consider either means score or the value addition.
National Schools Mean Score Value Addition      
       i.     10.00 and above

ii.     9.5 – 9.9

iii.     9.0 – 9.4

iv.     8.5-8.9

v.     8.0-8.4

  i.     2.10-2.50 &above

ii.     1.51-2.00

iii.     1.49-1.50

iv.     0.51-1.00

v.     0.50 &below






Extra/County Schools        i.  8.5 and above

ii.  7.5 – 8.4

iii.  7.0 – 7.4

iv.  6.5-   6.9

v.  6.0 – 6.4

    i.    2.10-2.50 &above

ii.    1.51-2.00

iii.    1.49-1.50

iv.    0.51-1.00

v.    0.50 &below






Sub-County Schools     i.    7.0 and above

ii.    6.5 – 6.9

iii.    6.0 – 6.4

iv.    5.5 -5.9

v.    5.0 – 5.4

    i.     2.10-2.50 &above

ii.     1.51-2.00

iii.     1.49-1.50

iv.     0.51-1.00

v.     0.50 &below






2.      Enhancing access and retention in provision of Secondary Education


School Registration  

i.      Current Registration Certificate status

ii.      Title deed/ Certified copy






Enrolment-students per stream

i. 40-45

ii. <46

iii. >39





Retention Rate

Current student population as compared to the initial student enrolment; Form 1-3

i.            69 & below

ii.            70-79%

iii.            80 & above







Repetition in classes

i.  No Repetition

ii.  Repetition




3.     Improving the learning environment



i.     Infrastructure-Security/Safety


ii.   Social Environment-Prevention


a.  HIV/AIDS infection

b. Drug/Alcohol Abuse

iii.  Physical Environment-trees, flowers & cleanliness






4.     Integration of ICT in learning and teaching processes



    i.        Availability of ICT infrastructures

ii.   Use of computer/Electronic information management systems.

iii.   Availability and used digital content material

iv.   Evidence of ICT integrated lesson delivery









5.     Exhibition of high levels of professionalism and integrity (5mks). i.       Availability and Knowledge of legal provisions in teacher management:

o  TSC Act

o  Code of Regulation for Teachers

o  Code of Conduct for Teachers

ii.     Maintenance of Records of;

o  Teachers & Learners conduct and discipline

o  Complaint management

6.     Prudent financial and human resource management (5mks). i.        Utilization and compliance with used of approved budget

ii.      Evidence of implementation of previous auditors reports recommendation

iii.    Development and display the Citizens Service Delivery Charter.

iv.    Sensitize institutional employees on school service delivery charter

v.      Maintain records on services delivered.









7.        Networking with parents and other stakeholders in the provision and management of education programmes   i.          Parents/guardians involvement in the learning of their children.

ii.          Involvement of learners in community service, joint activities with stakeholders.

iii.          Involvement in collaborative programs/partnership with educational bodies or no-educational organization.








8.        Inculcation of the national values to teachers, learners and staff i.   Sensitization on corruption and prevention measure (teaching and non-teaching staff).

ii.   Implementation of measures to promote realisation of national value and cohesion (learners, teaching and non-teaching staff).






Sub total 50    


1. The ability of the teachers to tap the talents from among the learners (10mks).


    i.     Evidence talents identified and nurtured among learners.

ii.     Student involvement in selection of student council and evidence of an operational council.

iii.     Provision of enabling environment for spiritual nourishment (evidence of active pastoral programmes)

iv.     Active clubs and societies

v.     Effective career guidance and counselling programme and peer-counselling.










2.Mentoring and coaching pupils/students once the talents have been identified (5mks). Mentoring co-curriculum activities at;

i.     National

ii.     Regional

iii.     County

iv.     Sub county

v.     School







3.Suggestions and/or development of new methods of curriculum delivery that improve teaching/ learning outcomes (10mks).        i.          Evidence of mainstreaming ICT integration in curriculum delivery

ii.          School based professional development programmes

iii.          Out of school INSET programmes for teachers

iv.          Teacher-learner motivational programmes











4.Teachers who identify and  facilitate the implementation of distinguished innovations to assist the community in problem solving (5mks)   i.              Innovation identified and developed to promote teaching and learning

ii.              Innovation implemented to assist problem solving in the community.





Subtotal 30    

Distinguished Service

This includes teachers who;


1. Makes major contributions or achievements under extra ordinary circumstances and receive recognition at the national or international level (5mks).

Evidence of certificates/medals for distinguished service  





2. Initiates and participate in school or community based programmes that have significant contribution towards sustainable development(5mks)        i.     Self-initiated income generating projects

ii.     Environmental conservational

iii.     Social/humanitarian programme






3.      Participates indisaster preparednessand management  i.     Availability of serviceable

firing fighting equipment.

ii.     Evidence of training or

sensitization of learners and staff on disasterpreparedness andmanagement.







PC Assessment

  i.     Achievement of PC targets- 2019 (2mks).


  i.      Availability of signed PC-HoI 2019

ii.      Evidence of evaluated and rating for 2019 PC Targets





      ii.            2020 PC; (3mks)

·     Uploaded Operational School Work plan

·     Uploaded term PC target achievement progress report

·     Evidence of having cascaded PC targets

  i.      A copy of school operational work plan uploaded on TPAD online System

ii.      A copy of Term One 2020 PC Target Achievement Report uploaded on TPAD Online system







Subtotal 20    
Total General Assessment 100    
  • TPAD Assessment
Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (50marks)
Part A-Instructional Delivery(Teaching)
Teaching Standards Indicators Evidence Based TPAD Rating Max. Score Actual Score
Standard 1: Professional Knowledge and Practice
1 Prepare professional documents based on the current syllabus/designs [3mks] Refer to TPAD 2.0 Online rating for Term 1, 2020 and verify the physical evidence used.

If the evidence is lacking or it is not provided do your own independent rating for each target and put in your report.

2 Demonstrate mastery of the subject content and use different appropriate instructional methods [3mks]   2  
3 Undertake lesson observation at least once a term[3mks]   2  
4 Utilize teaching/learning resources effectively (improvised or procured)   2  
5 Ability to identify the learners’ capability and learning styles[3mks]   2  
6 Ability to identify and nurture learners’ talents[3mks]   2  
7 Ability to access, retrieve and integrate ICT in teaching and learning[3mks]   2  
8 Ability to carry out learner assessment, feedback and reporting on learners’ learning[3mks]   2  
Standard 2: Comprehensive Learning Environment
1 Ability to create a stimulating classroom environment[3mks]     2  
2 Ability to create child friendly school/class environment[3mks]   2  
3 Ability to ensure safety of learners[3mks]   2  
4 Ability to manage learners conduct and behavior[3mks]   2  
Standard 3: Teacher Professional Development
1 Identify professional gaps     2  
2 Develop Teacher’s Termly Professional Development (TPD) Support Plan[3mks]   2  
3 Engaging in continuous and relevant career growth and development[3mks]   2  
Part B: Teacher Conduct and Professionalism
Standard 4: Teacher Conduct and Professionalism
1 Teacher’s ability to act in the best interest of the learner and maintain high standards of ethics and professional requirements within and outside the institution[6mks].     2  
2 Demonstrate knowledge on the legal requirements in education   2  
3 Comply with the professional requirements in teaching and learning[6mks]   2  
4 Ability to observe punctuality in lesson attendance, performance of duty and preparation of professional documents   [6mks]   2 xxxv.
5 Timely syllabus coverage and meeting of deadlines[6mks]   2 xxxvi.
lxvii.            Part C: Community of Practice
lxviii.            Standard 5: Participation in Professional Learning Community(PLC)
lxix.            1 lxx.            Join Professional Learning Community (PLC) [5mks] lxxi. lxxii. lxxiii.            2 lxxiv.
lxxv.            2 lxxvi.            Collaborate with colleagues and the broader Professional Learning Community to support teaching and learning[5mks] lxxvii. lxxviii.            2 lxxix.
lxxx.            3 lxxxi.            Collaborate with parents/guardians and other stakeholders[5mks] lxxxii. lxxxiii.            2 lxxxiv.
lxxxv. lxxxvi.            Establish linkages with communities[5mks] lxxxvii. lxxxviii.            2 lxxxix.
xc.            4 xci.            Participate in programs organized in collaboration with other education bodies and partners; (KNEC, MOE, KICD, NGOs etc) [5mks] xcii. xciii.            2 xciv.
xcv. xcvi.            Sub-Total xcvii. xcviii. xcix.            50 c.
ci. cii.            TOTAL SCORE for POYA(General + TPAD Assessment) ciii.              civ.            150 cv.


  1. To get a score for TPAD rating take the awarded marks and divide by marks for the target multiplied by 2 (eg. If a teacher is awarded 3marks for Join professional learning community target convert as follows; 3/5×2=1.2) or Timely syllabus coverage and meeting of deadlines target; 3/6×2= 1
  2. Those proceeding to the National Levelwill:
  • Be required to do a 7 minutes’ presentation to the national conference demonstrate their exemplary performance/achievement.
  • Undertake:
    • face to face interview
    • Aptitude Test


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