TSC Promotion interview dates and venues

The TSC interviews are very competitive. Both recruitment and Promotions interviews require thorough preparations. In this article, I provide you with all that is required, interview questions, marking schemes and scoring areas.

How do I prepare myself for a teaching interview?

Getting Ready for the TSC Promotion Interview

Prepare well on Mostly asked TSC promotions interview questions. Make sure to go through the marking scheme and scoring areas:

On the material day, arrive one hour before the scheduled interview time.

Related: TSC Promotions Interview Areas/ Marking Scheme (Updated and Final)

Make sure to carry the following with you:

  • Your original ID Card
  • Original Academic Certificates
  • Original Professional Certificates
  • Letter of appointment to the current grade
  • Letter of appointment to the current post (in case you are holding an administrative post).
  • Analyzed individual subject results in KCPE/ KCSE examinations for the last three years and certified by the TSC County or Sub County Director.
  • Performance Appraisal Reports (TPAD) for the last three years.
  • Any other documents that you may see of benefit to enable you convince the panelists.

Also read: TSC promotion interview questions and their answers

Getting Ready for the TSC Recruitment Interview

Most of the time, TSC interviews happen once a year, either to hire new teachers or to replace teachers who have left the field.

Getting a job with TSC can change your life, so it’s important to be well-prepared for the interview.

Often, applicants seem to be in a state of physical, mental, and emotional hurry and worry.

They also don’t take the time to organise the important papers they need for the interview.

They tend to forget that this can have an effect on your interviewers and could help you win them over.

Here are some things you need to do to get ready:

Dressing Code

What you wear is very important because you don’t want it to be talked about at the interview. Women can get by with a nice skirt or pants as long as they are not too tight.

Also, your clothes shouldn’t be too short. We suggest one that is not higher than the knees.
Men should also know that they don’t have to wear a suit to look smart and put-together.

Also, if the only way to look good was to wear a suit, then interviews could be very expensive.

Organising Your Paperwork/Documents 

Make sure your papers are ready and well organised in an envelope or document bag. You should put them in order so that the most current one is at the top.

Make sure that the panel has access to important papers as well.


Don’t do anything during the interview that might show that you are unhappy, tense, or excited.

Don’t chew on anything and look around nervously, because this could mean that you don’t trust yourself.

Extracurricular activities Evidence 

Even though it’s not required, proof that you took part in extracurricular activities could be important if there’s a tie.

If you can, use it, because it will help a lot and make your show better. It will show that you have more to offer than just the skills you have.

Tsc interviews preparation

What You Need to Bring to the Interview/Mandatory Documents 

You need the originals and clear copies of the following papers so that the interviewers can, among other things, identify you and verify your academic credentials:

  • Your NCPWD Card if you are handicapped and have a National Identification Card.
  • K.C.P.E. and K.C.S.E. Certificates (If you try again, you will need to include all of your certificates).
  • Diploma or Degree Certificate, along with the papers that go with them.
  • Certificate of registration as a teacher.
  • Proof that the teacher is an intern. This can be in the form of a letter or a paystub.
  • A signed statement when the names given are different/Oath
  • Primary and Secondary Certificates of Leaving.
  • Co-curricular awards
  • Special talent awards
  • Student test results are kept for 3 years.

How to get the extra 5 points in the teacher hiring interviews in TSC recruitment. 

To get the extra five points and get ahead of the other applicants, you need to do the following:

a) Good Skills in Talking to People 

First, you need to answer all of the questions correctly and stay away from slang. Always be true to yourself.
Make sure your points are clear, that you can be heard, and that you don’t close your eyes while you talk.

b) Bring these things with you to your interview:

If you participated in extracurricular events while teaching, you could get a certificate of participation.
Students’ test results from the last three years
If you served somewhere and were recognised for special skills, like with a Certificate of Leadership, you would need to show proof of those skills. It’s also a good idea to talk about the information on your high school diploma, especially if it adds to what you’ve already said.

Note: The extra 5 marks are important. Don’t give yourself a chance to fail!

What are the questions in competency based teacher interview?

Questions you might be asked at a TSC interview

1. Tell us something about you.

This may be a hard question, but make sure your answer is clear, short, and to the point. Make sure you don’t say anything that goes against what you have written. You should never say things like “you know,” “my name is,” and so on.

2. Behave like a professional.

At least know something about TSC, like what it does, how it works, how teachers should act, and something about the Children’s Act. During the interview, the interviewer may or may not ask about this.
If someone asks you a question you can’t answer, don’t stay quiet. Don’t give the wrong answer on purpose; don’t stay quiet; and don’t say, “I don’t know.” Ask the employer to explain the question to you or give you more information to help you understand it.

3. Knowledge of the content or subject

You should know a lot about the subject you are being interviewed for since the employer may ask you questions about it.

4. Tell a short story about what you’ve done.

Start with what happened most recently and work backward. If you went to more than one school, put the one you went to first at the end.

Do not include a part of your experience that the panel can’t back up with proof, like a letter of approval or a certificate. This can give the other people in the group a way to pin you down.

5. Topics that are current or popular

Interviews are also a good place to talk about changes in schooling. For example, if you want to work as a Computer Studies teacher, you should know something about how Information and Communication Technology, or Computer Science, and education are changing right now.

Be brave, calm, and mentally stable. Avoid overconfidence. When you are asked to join the group and when the interview is over, thank the people in it. Don’t use long descriptions or examples to back up what you say.

Tsc interviews preparation

Documents to Provide After Successful TSC  Interview. 

Even if your interview goes well, you will still need the following papers:

  1. Two photos the size of a passport. 
  2. You will have to write a letter saying that you will teach for at least five years, in any region of this country. 
  3. A signed copy of a bank plate. Once you are hired by TSC, this is where they will put your paycheck.
  4. A pay point details form that has been filled out. 
  5. A copy of an award from the KRA. 
  6. Your NHIF card or a copy of it

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