Dr. Jamleck Muturi TSC Chairman

Dr. Jamleck Muturi TSC Chairman: Biography, Age, Work Experience, Qualifications

Dr. Jamleck Muturi

Commission Chairman

Dr. Jamleck Muturi John was appointed TSC Chairman on April 29th 2021. Until his appointment, Dr. Muturi served in the Embu County Government as Executive Committee Member (CECM) and was in charge of Education Science, Technology and ICT.

A career educationist, Muturi has had a long illustrious career spanning over 30 years. He has served as CEC in various Ministries which are Lands, Water, Environment and Natural Resources; Health; Trade, Tourism, Investment & Industrialization, lately served in Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives in Embu County.

He has lectured at:  University of Embu, Kenyatta University, Part time Lecturer University of Nairobi, Meru University College of Science and Technology and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) – Uppsala Sweden.

Muturi has also served as a teacher in various schools in Kenya, as an assistant teacher in Kathakwa Secondary in Embu, Huruma Girls Nairobi; and has been in administration as Deputy Principal Nguviu Boys – Embu, Principal St. Joseph M’tetu – Embu, St. Stephen Boys Kavutiri High School and Moi High School – Mbiruri.

He holds a PhD in Agricultural Entomology from Kenyatta University; a Higher Diploma in Human Resource Management from the Institute of Personnel Management, Kenya (IPM (K), Master of Science in Agricultural Entomology from Kenyatta University (KU), Master of Business Administration – Global Business Management (MBA – GBM) from United States University – Africa – (USIU – Africa) and a B.Ed. Science in Botany and Zoology; Kenyatta University.  He has published several scientific peer reviewed journals in areas of Science.

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