CRE Grade 7 CBC Free Schemes of Work
7 | CRE |
1 | 1 | Christian Living. | Human Sexuality. | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to: (a).Define the term human sexuality. (b).Outline and discuss the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual changes that boys and girls experience as adolescents. (c). Prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the changes boys and girls experience as adolescents. (d). Acknowledge the different changes boys and girls experience as adolescents. |
In groups,learners are guided to:
mention some of the bodily changes boys and girls undergoes during adolescent. discuss the meaning of human sexuality. conduct an internet search on the physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual changes that boys and girls experience as adolescents. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the changes boys and girls experience as adolescents. |
What are the bodily changes that adolescents experience during puberty?
What is human sexuality? |
Digital devices.
Top Scholar CRE pg 116-117.
Oral questions.
Assessment rubric. Written tests. |
2 | Christian Living. | Human Sexuality -Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships. | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
(a). State the meaning of healthy and unhealthy relationship. (b). Outline and discuss the indicators of healthy and unhealthy relationship among young people. (c). Prepare flashcards showing the life skills needed to maintain healthy relationship. (d).Desire to have and maintain a healthy relationship among the peers. |
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
explain the meaning of healthy and unhealthy relationship. discuss the examples or indicators of healthy and unhealthy relationship among young people. search and discuss the life skills needed to maintain healthy relationships. Prepare flashcards showing the life skills needed to maintain healthy relationship. Prepare a one week journal on how you can promote healthy relationship and avoid unhealthy relationship. |
How can you overcome unhealthy relationship?
What are some of the examples of healthy and unhealthy relationship among young people? |
Top Scholar CRE pg 118-119.
Flashcards. Digital devices. |
Assessment rubric.
Journal. Oral questions. Written tests. |
2 | 1 | Christian Living. | Human Sexuality. | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to;
(a). Identify the circumstances that lead to an unhealthy relationship among peers. (b). Discuss the circumstances that lead to unhealthy relationship. (c). Summarize the points on circumstances that lead to unhealthy relationship in their exercise books. (d). Recognize circumstances that may lead to unhealthy relationship among his/her peers. |
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
read the story in learner’s book and identify the circumstances that lead to unhealthy relationship among peers. discuss the circumstances that lead to unhealthy relationships among peers/young people. summarize the points in their exercise books. |
What leads to an unhealthy relationship among peers? | Top Scholar CRE pg 120.
Assessment rubric. oral questions. Checklists. |
2 | Christian Living. | Human Sexuality. | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
(a).Define the term Sexual temptation. (b). Discuss the circumstances that can lead to sexual temptation among young people. (c). Sort out circumstances that can lead to sexual temptation. (d). Summarize the points on circumstances that lead to sexual temptation on charts. (e). Acknowledge the circumstances that can lead to sexual temptations. |
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
brainstorm the meaning of sexual temptation. identify and discuss the circumstances that lead to sexual temptation among the young people. Prepare charts showing circumstances that lead to sexual temptation and display in class. |
What is sexual temptation?
What circumstances can lead to sexual temptation? |
Top Scholar CRE pg 121.
Charts. Digital devices. |
Assessment rubric.
Checklists. Written tests. Oral questions. |
3 | 1 | Christian Living. | Human Sexuality. | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to;
(a).State ways to avoid temptations and tempting places. (b). Discuss the different ways or activities that helps in avoiding temptations and tempting areas in the community. (c).Role play how to overcome tempting situations. (d). Appreciate the different ways/activities that helps in avoiding temptations and tempting areas. |
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
brainstorm the ways or activities that may help a person to avoid temptations and tempting areas. discuss the ways of avoiding temptations and tempting areas. summarize the points in exercise books. role play how to overcome tempting situations in life and record themselves. |
How do one avoid temptations and tempting places? | Top Scholar CRE pg 122.
Digital devices. |
Written texts. Role plays. Checklists. Anecdotal.
2 | Christian Living. | Human Sexuality. | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
(a).Read the different biblical texts. (b). Discuss the biblical teachings on Sexual temptations. (c). Summarize the biblical teachings on charts and present in class. (d). Apply the biblical teachings in their lifes. |
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
Take turns in reading the Bible texts;1st Corinthians 6:9,18,Phillipians 4:8-9, Galatians 5:23,1st Thessalonians 4:3. identify and discuss the biblical teachings from the texts on sexual temptations. summarize their points on charts and share with other groups for assessment. |
What are the biblical teachings on sexual temptations? | Good News Bible.
Flashcards. Charts. Top Scholar CRE pg 122-123. |
Oral questions.
Checklists. Written texts. Assessment rubric. |
4 | 1 | Christian Living. | Human Sexuality. | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
(a).State reasons why young people should engage in sex before marriage (b,). Conduct an internet search on the consequences of engaging in sex before marriage. (c). Develop PowerPoint slides for presentations on the consequences of sex before marriage. (d). Acknowledge the consequences of engaging in sex before marriage. |
In groups, learners are guided to:
state reasons why young people should not engage in sex before marriage. use digital devices to search the internet on the consequences of sex before marriage to an individual. discuss the consequences of engaging in sex before marriage. develop PowerPoint slides for presentation on the consequences of engaging in sex before marriage. |
What are the consequences of engaging in sex before marriage? | Top Scholar CRE pg 123-124.
Digital devices.
Assessment rubric.
Checklists. Written test. oral questions. |
2 | Christian Living. | Human Sexuality. | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
(a). Interview a resource person and identify the values that guide good morals (b). Discuss the values needed by boys and girls to lead a chaste life. (c). Prepare flashcards showing the values needed by boys and girls to lead a chaste life. (d).Desire to develop the values needed by boys and girls to lead chaste lives. |
In groups,learners are guided to;
interview a resource person, identify and discuss the values that guide good morals. discuss values needed by boys and girls to lead a chaste life. make flashcards showing the values needed to lead a chaste life. compose a song on “Lord help me overcome temptations” |
Which values are needed by boys and girls to lead chaste lives? | Top Scholar CRE pg 124-126.
Flashcards. Digital devices. Songs. |
Assessment rubric.
Observation. Checklists. Oral questions. Written test. Interviewing. |
5 | 1 | Christian Living. | Christian Marriage and Family. | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
(a).Define the terms marriage and family. (b). Mention and discuss the types of families in the community. (c).Make charts with information on the types of families in the community. (d). Appreciate the different types of families in the community. |
In groups, learners are guide to;
brainstorm the meaning of marriage and family. mention and discuss the types of families in the community. Prepare charts with information on the types of families in the community. |
What is the difference between marriage and family?
What are the different types of families in Kenya? |
Top Scholar CRE pg 127-128.
Charts. Digital devices. Dictionaries.
Assessment rubric.
oral questions. Checklists. Written tests. |
2 | Christian Living. | Christian Marriage and Family. | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
(a).Read biblical texts: Genesis 2:23-24 and Ephesians 5:25-33. (b). Discuss the biblical teachings on marriage and family to develop positive attitudes. (c). Summarize the biblical teachings on marriag and family on charts. (d). Appreciate the biblical teachings on marriage and family. |
In groups,learners are guided to;
take turns in reading the Bible texts: Genesis 2:23-24, Ephesians 5:25-33, Exodus 20:12, Psalms 127:3-5 & Ephesians 6:4. identify and discuss the biblical teachings on marriage from Genesis 2:23-24 & Ephesians 5:25-33. identify and discuss the biblical teachings on family from Exodus 20:12, Psalms 127:3-5 & Ephesians 6:4. |
What are the requirements of a Christian marriage?
Why should children respect their parents? |
Good News Bible.
Top Scholar CRE pg 129-130.
Reading and explaining biblical teachings.
Assessment rubric. oral questions. Written tests. |
6 | 1 | Christian Living. | Christian Marriage and Family. | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
(a). Explain ways through which christians promote values among young people before marriage. (b). Discuss reasons why it is important for marriages and families to have harmonious relationships. (c). Prepare PowerPoint presentation on the importance of families and marriages having harmonious relationship. (d). Appreciate the importance of marriages and families in a community. |
In groups,learners are guided to;
interact with a religious leader or resource person to find out ways through which christians promote values among young people before marriage. search the internet on the importance of families and marriages to have harmonious relationship. discuss their findings and prepare PowerPoint presentation. |
Why is it important for families and marriages to have harmonious relationship? | Digital devices.
Resource Person. Top Scholar CRE pg 131-132. |
Oral questions.
Written tests Assessment rubrics. Questionnaires. |
2 | Christian Living. | Christian Marriage and Family. | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
(a). Identify the skills required to sustain and support stable families in the society. (b). Discuss how the skills can contribute towards stable families. (c).Role play a stable common family and record it using digital devices. (d). Appreciate the skills that contribute towards stable families in the society. |
In groups,learners are guided to;
conduct an internet inquiry on skills young people need to contribute to stable families. discuss how each of the identified skill contribute towards stable families. role play a stable common family. compose poems on ‘God is the center for stable families. |
Which skills do young people need to contribute towards stable families? | Top Scholar CRE pg 133-134.
Digital devices.
Assessment rubric. Written test. oral questions. |
7 | 1 | Christian Living. | Alcohol,Drugs and Substance Use. | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
(a).List the commonly abused drugs in Kenya today. (b). Discuss reasons why people abuse drugs today. (c). Search the internet on the effects of abusing drugs and alcohol on an individual and families. (d). Prepare PowerPoint presentation on the effects of abusing alcohol,drugs and substance on individuals and families. |
In groups,learners are guided to:
mention the types of drugs commonly abused in Kenya today. explain reasons why people abuse drugs today. use digital devices to search the internet on the effects of abusing drugs, alcohol on individuals and families. prepare PowerPoint presentation on the effects of abusing drugs and alcohol on individuals and families in the Kenya. |
Which are the commonly abused drugs in Kenya today?
Why do people abuse drugs today? What are the effects of abusing drugs on individuals and families? |
Digital devices.
Top Scholar CRE pg 136-140. Flashcards. |
Assessment rubric.
Written tests. Oral questions. Checklists. |
2 | Christian Living. | Alcohol,Drugs and Substance Use. | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
(a).Read biblical texts: Ephesians 5:18, Proverbs 20:1,1st Corinthians 3:17,6:9-10. (b). Identify and discuss the biblical teachings on alcohol, drug and substance use. (c). Identify skills and values that would help avoid alcohol,drugs and substance use. (d). Prepare flashcards with details on skills and values that would help avoid drug, alcohol and substance use. (e). Apply the values and skills to avoid drug, substance and alcohol use in life. |
In groups,learners are guided to:
read the bible and identify the biblical teachings on drug, alcohol and substance use. explain the biblical teachings on drug, alcohol and substance use from the Bible verses. identify and discuss the values and skills that would help an individual to avoid drug, substance and alcohol use. |
Which values and skills can help a person avoid drug, alcohol and substance use? | Top Scholar CRE pg 140-143.
Flashcards. Good News Bible. |
Assessment rubric.
Checklists. Written tests. Oral questions. Reading and explaining biblical teachings. |
8 | 1 | Christian Living. | Gambling as a form of addiction. | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
(a).Define the term gambling and identify the types of gambling in society. (b). Explain the biblical teachings on addictions. (c). Search the internet and discuss the causes of gambling in the society. (d).Make charts with information on causes of gambling in the society. |
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
brainstorm the meaning of term gambling and identify the types of gambling in the society. read bible verses: Proverbs 13:11;28:20-22;1st Timothy 6:9. explain the biblical teachings on addictions. search the internet for the causes of gambling in the society. summarize the findings on charts and display them in class. |
What is gambling?
Why do people engage in gambling? |
Top Scholar CRE pg 144-147.
Digital devices. Charts. Good News Bible. |
Assessment rubric.
Oral questions. Written tests. Reading and explaining biblical teachings.
2 | Christian Living. | Gambling as a form of addiction. | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
(a). Outline the effects of gambling on individuals and families. (b). Discuss the measures taken by christians and government to help young people overcome gambling. (c). Identify and prepare flashcards on the skills and values that help a person avoid gambling. (d).Desire to live an addiction free life. |
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
outline the effects of gambling on an individual and families. identify and discuss the measures taken by Christians and government to help young people overcome gambling. identify and prepare flashcards showing the values and skills that would help one to avoid gambling. draw a value tree and place the values on different parts of the tree. |
What are the effects of gambling to an individual and families?
Which measures can be taken to help young people overcome gambling in the society? |
Top Scholar CRE pg 148-152.
Flashcards. Digital devices. Good News Bible. |
Assessment rubric.
Oral questions. Written tests. Checklists. |
9 | 1 | Christian Living. | Social Media. | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
(a).Define the term Social media platforms. (b).List the social media platforms used by young people today. (b). Outline and discuss ways of using the social media responsibly. (c). Prepare PowerPoint slides on the precautions that one need to exercise as he/she engages on social media platforms. (d). Acknowledge the dangers of chatting or meeting with online strangers. |
In groups, pairs,learners are guided to:
define the term social media platform. list the commonly used social media platforms by young people. discuss the ways of using social media responsibly. sort and write safety precautions to exercise as one engage on social media platforms. prepare PowerPoint presentation on the precautions to exercise when engaging in social media platforms. |
Which are the commonly used social media platforms by young people in Kenya?
Which dangers can one get involved in when chatting with online strangers? |
Top Scholar CRE pg 154-157.
Pictures. Digital devices. |
Assessment rubric.
Written tests. Oral questions. Checklists. |
2 | Christian Living. | Social Media. | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to;
(a). Outline ways in which social media is misused today. (b). Define cyber bullying and give examples. (c). Discuss ways of responding of responding to cyber bullying. (d). Design posters and write skills one should use when using social media platforms. (e). Apply Christian values while using different social media platforms. |
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
explain the ways in which social media is misused today. search the meaning of cyber bullying and cite examples. identify and discuss ways of responding to cyber bullying. identify the christian values and skills to apply while using different social media platforms. design posters and write skills to apply while using social media platforms. |
How is social media misused today?
What is cyber bullying? How should one respond to cyber bullying? Which skills and values can one apply when using social media platforms? |
Top Scholar CRE pg 159-161.
Posters. Digital devices.
Assessment rubric.
Oral questions. Written tests. Checklists. |