Physical Education Grade 7 CBC Free Schemes of Work


NAME OF THE TEACHER                                                              SCHOOL                                            YEAR                         TERM            III       

Week LSN strand Sub-strand Specific Learning Outcomes Key Inquiry Question(s) Learning Experiences Learning Resources Assessment Methods Ref
1 1 CAREE OPPORTUNITIES IN SPORTS Games and sports related Careers


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a) identify careers in games and sports

b) create linkages and visit relevant sports institutions for familiarization

c) appreciate career opportunities in games and sports for income generation and healthy lifestyles

1. Which kind of career opportunities are found in games and sports? The learner is guided to:

• brainstorm careers in

games and sports

• identifying different

institutions offering

games and sports

• collaboratively interact

with institutions offering

specialized games and sports

Picture, video clips, songs, flashcards


Spotlight Physical Edu. T.G Pg. 73-77


Spotlight Physical Edu. Pb. Pg.105-111




Practical lessons


  2   Games and sports related Careers


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a) identify careers in games and sports

b) Name sports institutions found in the community

c) appreciate career opportunities in games and sports for income generation and healthy lifestyles

2. Which sports institutions are found in the community? The learner is guided to:

• brainstorm careers in

games and sports

• identifying different

institutions offering

games and sports


Picture, video clips, songs, flashcards


Spotlight Physical Edu. T.G Pg. 73-77


Spotlight Physical Edu. Pb. Pg.105-111




Practical lessons


2 1   Games and sports related Careers


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a) identify careers in games and sports

b) Name sports institutions found in the community

c) appreciate career opportunities in games and sports for income generation and healthy lifestyles

3. How can linkages be created with sports institutions in the community for regular interactions? The learner is guided to:

• brainstorm careers in

games and sports

• identifying different

institutions offering

games and sports


Picture, video clips, songs, flashcards


Spotlight Physical Edu. T.G Pg. 73-77


Spotlight Physical Edu. Pb. Pg.105-111




Practical lessons


  2   Games and sports related Careers


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a) identify careers in games and sports

b) create linkages and visit relevant sports institutions for familiarization

c) appreciate career opportunities in games and sports for income generation and healthy lifestyles

3. How can linkages be created with sports institutions in the community for regular interactions?


The learner is guided to:

• identifying different

institutions offering

games and sports

• collaboratively interact

with institutions offering

specialized games and sports

Picture, video clips, songs, flashcards


Spotlight Physical Edu. T.G Pg. 73-77


Spotlight Physical Edu. Pb. Pg.105-111




Practical lessons


3 1   Use of talent to generate income By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a) identify ways of earning income using talents

b) develop personal management skills and financial discipline from

income generated in sports

c) recognize personal abilities

as a source of income generation and success management

1. How can sports talent be used to generate income?2. How can success in sports be contained honorably?


The learner is guided to:

• create a list on sources of

income from sports talent

• discuss the different ways

of generating income through talent


Picture, video clips, songs, flashcards


Spotlight Physical Edu. T.G Pg. 78-82


Spotlight Physical Edu. Pb. Pg.112-118




Practical lessons


  2   Use of talent to generate income By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a) identify ways of earning income using talents

b) determine appropriate choice of financial services for management of

monetary awards

c) recognize personal abilities as a source of income generation and success management

3. How does one develop personal and financial discipline from sports income?

4. Which financial services can be used for management of monetary awards?

The learner is guided to:

• brainstorm on ways of

developing personal and

financial discipline

• research on how to access financial services, preparing a personal budget, saving and


• research ways of protecting own creativity and share feedback

Picture, video clips, songs, flashcards


Spotlight Physical Edu. T.G Pg. 78-82


Spotlight Physical Edu. Pb. Pg.112-118




Practical lessons


4 1 SWIMMING Water Orientation


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a) establish the levels of water

confidence for learning progression

b) demonstrate buoyancy and floating in water

c) observe rules and regulations of

swimming for safety

d) appreciate water games for fun

and enjoyment while ensuring safety

1. In which ways does one gain water confidence

in swimming?

2. Which rules and regulations need to be observed in water and within the pool area?

The learner is guided to:

• safely make entry and exit

into the swimming pool with


• demonstrate buoyancy and

floating in water while

building confidence


Pictures, floatation devices, sinking objects, ping pong balls


Spotlight Physical Edu. T.G Pg. 110-116


Spotlight Physical Edu. Pb. Pg.157-165




Practical lessons


  2   Water Orientation


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a) establish the levels of water

confidence for learning progression

b) demonstrate buoyancy and floating in water

c) observe rules and regulations of

swimming for safety

d) appreciate water games for fun

and enjoyment while ensuring safety

1. In which ways does one gain water confidence

in swimming?

2. Which rules and regulations need to be observed in water and within the pool area?

The learner is guided to:

• safely make entry and exit

into the swimming pool with


• demonstrate buoyancy and

floating in water while

building confidence


Pictures, floatation devices, sinking objects, ping pong balls


Spotlight Physical Edu. T.G Pg. 110-116


Spotlight Physical Edu. Pb. Pg.157-165




Practical lessons


5 1   Water Orientation


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a) creatively float and balance in

water for orientation

b) observe rules and regulations of

swimming for safety

c) appreciate water games for fun

and enjoyment while ensuring safety

1. In which ways does one gain water confidence

in swimming?

2. Which rules and regulations need to be observed in water and within the pool area?

The learner is guided to:

• practise buoyancy and

floating in water

• play water games while

applying basic rules in and

out of the swimming pool

Pictures, floatation devices, sinking objects, ping pong balls


Spotlight Physical Edu. T.G Pg. 110-116


Spotlight Physical Edu. Pb. Pg.157-165




Practical lessons


  2   Front Crawl


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a) describe the flutter kicks, arm

action and breathing in Front


b) perform the flutter kick, arm

action and breathing techniques

for skill acquisition

c) appreciate own and others

efforts during swimming while observing safety

1. What is the role of the different components of Front crawl?2. What is the importance of combining the Front crawl techniques in swimming? The learner is guided to:

• Watch a video clip on Front

crawl technique

• discuss the techniques of

flutter kicks, arm action and

breathing in Front crawl


Pictures, floatation devices, sinking objects, ping pong balls


Spotlight Physical Edu. T.G Pg. 117-122


Spotlight Physical Edu. Pb. Pg.166-170




Practical lessons


6 1   Front Crawl


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a) describe the flutter kicks, arm

action and breathing in Front


b) perform the flutter kick, arm

action and breathing techniques

for skill acquisition

c) appreciate own and others

efforts during swimming while observing safety

1. What is the role of the different components of Front crawl?2. What is the importance of combining the Front crawl techniques in swimming? The learner is guided to:

• Watch a video clip on Front

crawl technique

• discuss the techniques of

flutter kicks, arm action and

breathing in Front crawl


Pictures, floatation devices, sinking objects, ping pong balls


Spotlight Physical Edu. T.G Pg. 117-122


Spotlight Physical Edu. Pb. Pg.166-170




Practical lessons


  2   Front Crawl


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a) describe the flutter kicks, arm

action and breathing in Front crawl

b) creatively combine the leg kick,

arm pulls action and breathing in Front crawl

c) appreciate own and others

efforts during swimming while observing safety

1. What is the role of the different components of Front crawl?2. What is the importance of combining the Front crawl techniques in swimming? The learner is guided to:

• demonstrate flutter kicks, arm

action and breathing in Front


• collaboratively practise drills in Front crawl

Pictures, floatation devices, sinking objects, ping pong balls


Spotlight Physical Edu. T.G Pg. 117-122


Spotlight Physical Edu. Pb. Pg.166-170




Practical lessons


7 1   Front Crawl


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a) describe the flutter kicks, arm

action and breathing in Front crawl

b) creatively combine the leg kick,

arm pulls action and breathing in Front crawl

c) appreciate own and others

efforts during swimming while observing safety

1. What is the role of the different components of Front crawl?2. What is the importance of combining the Front crawl techniques in swimming? The learner is guided to:

• demonstrate flutter kicks, arm

action and breathing in Front


• collaboratively practise drills in Front crawl

Pictures, floatation devices, sinking objects, ping pong balls


Spotlight Physical Edu. T.G Pg. 117-122


Spotlight Physical Edu. Pb. Pg.166-170




Practical lessons


  2   Back stroke in swimming


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a) describe the body position for

performing Back stroke

b) describe flutter kicks, arm

action and breathing in Back stroke

c) appreciate own and others

efforts during back stroke while

observing safety

What is the role of body position in swimming using Backstroke technique?


The learner is guided to:

• watch a video clip on Back

stroke technique and observe

the execution of the skill

• discuss supine body position

and the techniques of flutter

kicks, arm action and

breathing during Back stroke


Pictures, floatation devices, sinking objects, ping pong balls


Spotlight Physical Edu. T.G Pg. 122-128


Spotlight Physical Edu. Pb. Pg.171-179




Practical lessons


8 1   Back stroke in swimming


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a) describe the body position for

performing Back stroke

b) describe flutter kicks, arm

action and breathing in Back stroke

c) appreciate own and others

efforts during back stroke while

observing safety

What is the role of body position in swimming using Backstroke technique?


The learner is guided to:

• watch a video clip on Back

stroke technique and observe

the execution of the skill

• discuss supine body position

and the techniques of flutter

kicks, arm action and

breathing during Back stroke


Pictures, floatation devices, sinking objects, ping pong balls


Spotlight Physical Edu. T.G Pg. 122-128


Spotlight Physical Edu. Pb. Pg.171-179




Practical lessons


  2   Back stroke in swimming


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a) perform the flutter kick, arm

action and breathing techniques

for skill acquisition

b) creatively combine the flutter

kick, arm action and breathing

for self-efficacy

c) appreciate own and others

efforts during back stroke while

observing safety

What is the role of body position in swimming using Backstroke technique?


The learner is guided to:

• demonstrate flutter kicks, arm

action and breathing while in supine position and share


• practice drills for breathing,

flutter kicks and arm action in

back stroke

• engage in water games for fun

and enjoyment

Pictures, floatation devices, sinking objects, ping pong balls


Spotlight Physical Edu. T.G Pg. 122-128


Spotlight Physical Edu. Pb. Pg.171-179




Practical lessons




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