Summary of In-service Teacher Education Programmes in Kenya: Final CBC Task force Report
Summary of In-service Teacher Education Programmes in Kenya: Final CBC Task force Report
S. NO. |
1 | Strengthening Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education (SMASSE) |
To establish the
(a) perception of students about the effectiveness of the IBL approach |
CEMASTEA | Mathematics and Science Education
in Primary schools |
to-date |
Participants refunded transport |
2 | Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education (SMASE) | To enhance teacher’s pedagogy and content knowledge in science and mathematics
in Primary and Secondary Schools in Kenya |
CEMASTEA | Primary and Secondary Science and Mathematics teachers | 2003,
to-date |
GoK and JICA
Participants refunded transport |
3 | Strengthening Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education (SMASSE) |
To establish the
(a) perception of students about the effectiveness of the IBL approach |
CEMASTEA | Mathematics and Science Education
in Primary schools |
to-date |
Participants refunded transport |
4 | School-Based Teacher Support System (SBTSS) | Improving numeracy and literacy among Early Grade Mathematics and Reading (EGMR). | CEMASTEA | Primary school teachers
and teacher educators |
2020 |
World Bank
Participants refunded transport |
5 | School-Based Teacher Support
Port (SBTS) |
Improving content mastery of learners and pedagogical skills of the teachers. | MoE | Early Grade Learners | 2020-
2021 |
Participants refunded transport |
6 | TUSOME | Improving literacy among learners and pedagogical skills among teachers | MoE | Early Grade Reading | 2016-
2020 |
Participants refunded transport |
7 | School-Based Teacher Support System (SBTSS) | The programme seeks to solve massive wastage at the upper Primary level leading to
a lower transition at the Secondary school level. |
TSC/MoE | Primary and Secondary Science, Mathematics, and English teachers | 2018-
2023 |
GPE World Bank
Parti participants refunded transport |
8 | Continuous Professional Development (CPD) | To meet the Kenya Teacher Professional Development Teaching Standards (KePTS), | TSC
outsourced providers |
All teachers | 2020
ongoing |
Teachers pay Ksh. 6000
to complete the course |
9 | CBC Upgrading | The upgrade programme focuses on equipping teachers with CBC skills | TSC/MoE | Unemployed P1/Diploma Teachers | Students Fees | |
10 | CBC
Preparedness programme |
The upgrade programme focuses on equipping teachers with CBC skills | KICD/TSC | Teachers in Primary schools | 2020
ongoing |
Government funded |
11 | Institutional Leaders and Managers | Build educational personnel’s capacity to deliver Education services efficiently and effectively. | MoE | School Leadership; Education Managers | Ongoing | Participants pay for themselves |
12 | Teacher Induction, Mentorship and Coaching (TIMEC) | Aims at building teachers’ competencies and skills as well as knowledge of laws, regulations, policies, procedures,
values, and norms governing the teaching profession |
Mentors are drawn from experienced registered teachers and successful professionals. |
Newly recruited teachers, internship teachers, teachers with performance gaps, newly appointed institutional administrators, trainees in mentorship and coaching | For a one-year duration and ongoing | No payment |
13 | Other In- service training programmes | Not harmonised | NGOs,
Private Sector Sponsors Researchers |
Selected Teachers | Ongoing and un- regulat- ed | Individual/ institutions
Participants refunded transport |