Timelines for implementation of the Education Reforms Recommendations (CBC Task force)
In order to effectively implement PWPER recommendations, an Implementation Matrix is provided in this Chapter. The Matrix puts exclusive attention on the recommendations made for each of the 12 Chapters and the Terms of Reference therein. In each Chapter, the Matrix guides on the actual activities and tasks to be carried out while implementing the recommendations.
The Matrix also guides implementing bodies, including Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), and other related institutions. Further, it provides estimated timelines for implementing each activity of the recommendations.
The overall responsibility of implementing the recommendations shall vest in the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Education. It is recommended that there be established a Committee to be known as Ministerial Education Reform Implementation Advisory Committee (MERIAC). The membership of the committee shall include representation from the PWPER to provide institutional memory.
Implementation Matrix
The detailed implementation matrix is provided below.
2.1 Implementation of Key Tenets of CBC (PE & E, CSL and VbE |
Recommendation | Activity | Responsibility | Timeline |
Integrate key tenets to support the successful implementation of CBC at all levels
of Education and Training. |
(i) Develop a structured chaplaincy (religious and moral) and counselling guidelines and programs. | – MoE/ Legal Profes- sional Counselling Bodies/ Faith-based Organisations | 6 Months |
(ii) Sensitise parents, caregivers, guardians and the community on their role in their children’s learning. | – MoE/ KICD | Every Year | |
(iii) Develop and implement a Whole School Approach (WSA) on VbE; (develop
training materials, identify pilot schools, orient teachers, pilot the VbE programme, roll out the programme, Monitor and Evaluate). |
– MoE/ TSC/ KICD | 1 Year | |
(iv) Build the capacity of teachers, QASOs and other education stakeholders on VbE, PE&E and CSL. | – MoE/ KICD | 1 Year | |
(v) Develop and implement a communication strategy to inform and shape the opinion of the public on tenets of CBC. | 1 Year | ||
(vi) Monitor and Evaluate the implementation of the key tenets in CBC. | – MoE/ KNEC | Every Year | |
2.2 Assess and recommend an appropriate structure to implement the Compe- tency-Based Curriculum | |||
Recommendation | Activity | Responsibility | Timeline |
Adopt a 2-6-3-3-3 Education Structure. | (i) Develop guidelines on the Management of Pre-Primary to Grade 9 as a comprehensive school. (ii) Develop guidelines on APBET. (iii) Build the capacity of Education officials, Heads of Institutions and other stakeholders in School Management. |
– MoE/ TSC | 6 Months |
2.3 The public school’s categorisation policies and implications on access, tran- sition and cost | |||
Recommendation | Activity | Responsibility | Timeline |
Discontinue categorisation of public Secondary Schools from the current nomenclature | (i) Undertake an audit to establish the number and distribution of public Secondary schools in the Country; (ii) Generate criteria for classifying schools in terms of career pathways while ensuring all regions have all the options; |
– MoE | 6 Months |
(National, Extra- County, County, and Sub-County) to career pathways (STEM, Social Science and Arts and Sports Science) at Senior School; and to enhance equity and inclusion, promote
the establishment of low-cost boarding Primary Schools in marginalised areas; focus on infrastructural and resources support for Sub-County Senior Schools to offer the three pathways. |
(iii) Enhance guidelines on the establishment of low-cost boarding Primary schools. | – MoE | 1 Year |
2.4 Assessment and Examination Framework | |||
Recommendation | Activity | Responsibility | |
Review the Competency- Based Assessment Framework. | (i) Restructure KPSEA for purposes of monitoring learners’ progress and providing feedback to stakeholders as cumulative SBAs for Grade 4 to 6 – not for placement.
(ii) Provide guidelines for APBET. (iii) Provide mechanisms for setting and printing national assessment in Kenya. (iv) Formulate guidelines for placement of learners into the career pathways at Senior School. (v) Develop assessment framework for non- formal schooling. |
– MoE/ KNEC | 1 Year |
(vi) Enhance ICT Systems to enable e-assessment for various levels. | – MoE
– KNEC |
2 Year | |
(vii) Build capacity of teachers and relevant stakeholders on new approaches in assessment. | – MoE
– KNEC – TSC |
3 Year | |
(viii) Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the reviewed assessment process. | – KNEC
– TSC – MoE |
Every Year | |
Provide for: Selection and placement
of learners into career pathways to Senior School; and Computation of KCSE mean score by KNEC based on Mathematics, English/ Kiswahili, and 5 other best performed subjects. |
(i) Develop guidelines for computing KCSE mean score. (Based on English/Kiswahili, Maths and any other 5 best subjects).
(ii) Develop guidelines for the selection and placement of learners into career pathways as they transition to Senior School based on performance, interests, and competencies (including use of aptitude test). |
– MoE | 1 Year |
Develop the capacity of KNEC to print National Assessments in Kenya | (i) Infrastructure development
(ii) Capacity building |
– MoE | 3 Years |
2.5 Summative Evaluation of Competency-Based Curriculum | |||
Recommendation | Activity | Responsibility | |
Rationalise the number of learning areas and curriculum designs
in terms of scope, integration of subjects within a learning area, gaps, content overload and overlaps in basic education. |
(i) Rationalise the number of learning areas as follows:
(a) Pre-Primary (PP1 – PP2): the learning areas not to exceed 5; (b) Lower Primary (Grade 1-3): The learning areas not to exceed 7; (c) Upper Primary (Grade 4-6): The learning areas not to exceed 8; (d) Junior School (Grade 7-9): The learning areas not to exceed 9; (e) Senior School (Grade 10-12): A maximum of 7 Subjects. |
– KICD | Immediate |
(ii) Review the BECF to cater for amendments to the curriculum designs.
(iii) Review curriculum designs to address gaps, overload and overlaps. |
– KICD | 6 Months |
Review the policy guidelines on textbooks and other instructional materials. | (i) Formulate guidelines on textbooks and curriculum support materials to ensure the best two evaluated textbooks by KICD are supplied to each school. | – MoE/ KICD/ SLIMC | 1 Year |
Restructure SEPU to School Learning and Instructional Materials Centre
(SLIMC) to coordinate the procurement and distribution of textbooks and other learning resources. |
(ii) Train publishers and digital content creators on the development of quality content for both regular and SNE learners.
(iii) SLIMC to procure for digital resources hosted in Kenya Education Cloud (KEC). |
– MoE/ MoICT/ KICD | 1 Year |
Develop guidelines on foundational
learning for Early Years Education. |
(i) Develop guidelines on foundational learning.
(iii) Develop a framework to enable KICD to be the publisher of the last resort where publishers do not submit manuscripts for evaluation such as SNE and Indigenous languages. |
– MoE | 1 Year |
2.6 Technology for curriculum delivery, improved learning outcomes and education management | |||
Recommendation | Activity | Responsibility | Timeline |
Leverage technology at all levels of education by developing ICT infrastructure for curriculum delivery; and improve digital literacy among teachers, parents and other key stakeholders. | (i) Design an affordable fit-for- purpose device for learning. | – MoE/ MoICT/ Ministry of Energy/ Ministry of Industrialisation/ ICTA/ KPLC/ REA | 1 Year |
(ii) Develop affordable local ICT in education solutions. | – MoE/ Ministry of Industrialisation | 2 Years | |
(iii) Adopt Public, Private Partnerships (PPP) to enhance ICT integration in education. | – MoE/ The National Treasury/ Development partners | 2 Years | |
(iv) Provide power and Internet connectivity in all learning and training institutions. | – MoE/ ICTA
– Ministry of Energy |
2 Years | |
(v) Build the capacity of educators, managers and policymakers on technology in education. | – MoE | Continu- ous | |
(vi) Develop guidelines on E-Waste management in education and training. | – MoE/ KEBS | 2 Years |
2.7 Tracking System to capture and enrol children of school age to ensure uni- versal access to Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary education. | |||
Recommendation | Activity | Responsibility | Timeline |
Integrate registration of births with EMIS and provide a unique identifier for every child from birth. EMIS to be restructured and renamed
Kenya Education Management Information System (KEMIS). |
(i) Conduct gaps analysis on the existing education data management system. | – MoE/ MoICT/ Ministry of Interior/ The National Treasury/ Ministry of Health | 1 Years |
(ii) Develop and integrate a tracking module that has the following modules; User Registration, Login (with a
unique identifier), Attendance Register, Teacher module, Learner module, Parent/ Guardian Details, Institutions module, and Support/Help- desk. |
– MoE | 2 Years | |
(iii) Integrate registration of births with KEMIS. | – MoE/ Ministry of Interior/ Ministry of Health | 2 Years | |
Recommendation | Activity | Responsibility | Timeline |
Harmonise the quality assurance function in the basic education sector by ensuring that MoE QAS Directorate has exclusive legal authority to oversee Quality Assurance and Standards function.
Accordingly, the Quality Assurance and Standards function at the Teachers Service Commission should be transferred to the Ministry of Education. This harmonisation of QAS functions should be anchored in law. |
(i) Disband the TSC Directorate of Quality. Assurance and Standards and transfer function to the MoE.
(ii) Amend relevant laws. (iii) Review the law to entrench the domiciling of QAS functions at MoE (iv) Transfer all CSOs to the Ministry of Education and rename them Zonal Quality Assurance & Standards Officers. |
– MoE/TSC/ AG/ Parliament |
6 Months
1 Year |
Strengthen the Directorate of Quality Assurance and Standards through appropriate legislation, financing, staffing and capacity building. | (i) Allocate adequate funding for QAS functions.
(ii) Develop new guidelines for QAS. (iii) Develop new guidelines for QAS. (iv) Carry out capacity building and skills development for officers. (v) Deploy adequate officers to operationalise the QAS function in all the gazetted educational zones. |
– MoE/DQAS/ National Treasury/ Parliament
– MoE/DQAS |
1 Year
Continu- ously |
The Directorate of QAS be conferred with operational powers
in law to enable it to enforce laws, regulations, policies, and guidelines of MoE and any other MDAs that pertain to Basic Education institutions. |
(i) Review existing laws and guidelines to include but not limited to:
(a) power to order closure of institutions that contravene set regulations; (b) power to establish a system of rewards and sanctions; and (c) power to enforce laws, regulations policies and guidelines. (ii) Drafting of new laws and guidelines. (iii) Validation of developed laws and guidelines. (iv) Gazettement of the laws and guidelines. (v) Publishing of reviewed guidelines. |
– MoE/DQAS/ Attorney General/ Parliament/ MoE/ DQAS/ AG | 1 Year |
Review the National Education Quality Assurance and Standards Framework (NEQASF) to address the gaps, align it to international standards and improve its efficacy in assuring quality in education. | (i) Review and update NEQASF to include the following:
(a) subject mastery tests, e.g. language fluency tests; (b) Learners’ participation in regional and international assessments; (c) annual reporting and periodic publication of reports on the status of the Country’s quality and education standards as well as school inspection reports. |
– MoE/DQAS | 1 Year |
(d) collaboration with other national and regional education systems authorities on best quality assurance and standards practices;
(e) Standards for SNE, ACE, Home and online schooling; |
– MoE/DQAS |
1 Year
6 Months
1 Year |
(f) Operational Tools for enforcement such as a tool for immediate closure of institutions, suspension of licence etc.;
(g) Action research/Research; (h) Develop a manual for implementing and utilising the ICT-enabled assessment framework for Institutional-Based Quality Assurance (IBQA); (i) Establish a hotline for reporting violations of laws, regulations, policies & guidelines for quick enforcement actions; and (j) Establish a compliance surveillance unit within DQAS. |
Chapter 4 (a): To study, assess and make recommendations on the teacher education and training framework for both Pre-service and In-service. | |||
Recommendation | Activity | Responsibility | Timeline |
Develop guidelines on how all teachers who graduated before 2023 undergo a mandatory one-year retooling and upgrading programme for compliance with the curriculum change. | (i) Develop guidelines for retooling teachers in the service and those entering the service.
(ii) Enforce that only teachers who have undertaken the mandatory training are allowed to teach in all basic education institutions. |
– MoE | 1 Year |
Review the minimum entry grades for Pre- service TE programmes. | (i) Enforce the minimum entry requirement for Pre-service. | – MoE | Immedi- ately |
The Schools/Faculties of Education in Universities to develop comprehensive Faculty Staff retooling programmes in
preparation for CBTE at the University level. |
(i) Develop a retooling programme.
(ii) All Universities offering TE to align their programs, ensuring compliance with CBTE. (iii) Up-skill and re-tool all teacher educators for compliance with CBTE and competence-based teacher Assessment (CBTA). (iv) Teaching practice to be carried out over two terms. |
– MoE/ Uni- versities | 1 Year |
Establish a Kenya School of Teacher and Education
Management (KeSTEM) to coordinate all in- service programmes for Continuous Professional Development for teachers, institutional leaders and education officers. |
(i) Establish a framework for creating the KeSTEM and its regional centres.
(ii) Develop a framework for coordinating in-service training for teachers, teacher educators, education administrators and education officers. |
– TSC/ MoE | 2 Years |
Establish Kenya Teacher Training College (KeTTC) to administer all Pre-service teacher training colleges (TTCs). All the Pre-service TTCs shall become campuses. Further, develop a framework to ensure optimal utilisation and sharing of resources. | (i) Develop a framework for the establishment of KeTTC.
(ii) Map and equip all TTCs and their resources to align them with the training programmes they will offer. |
– MoE | 2 Years |
Undertake a mandatory one- year internship programme upon completion of Pre- service training. The internship should
be a structured and coordinated programme which includes Teacher Induction, Mentorship and Coaching (TIMEC). |
(i) Develop guidelines for mandatory one-year internship. | – TSC/ MoE | 1 Year |
TSC in consultation with MoE to harmonise teacher
management guidelines on deployment, promotion of teachers and institutional administrators and teacher welfare. |
(i) Harmonise the policies for the recruitment of teachers and appointment of heads of institutions.
(ii) Review the policies, regulations and guidelines on teacher, safety, security, medical insurance and allowances. (iii) Review policies and guidelines for the deployment of SNE teachers and teachers in marginalised regions to attract and retain teachers. |
– TSC/ MoE | 2 Years |
Review existing policies and guidelines on Pre-Primary
teacher deployment and institutional administration. This should ensure collaborative management of teacher registration and recruitment, deployment and transfer, promotion and standardised remuneration, as well as performance monitoring and welfare of all Pre- Primary teachers. SRC to be consulted in the implementation of a collaborative framework on harmonised remuneration of Pre- Primary School teachers. |
(i) Develop an intergovernmental agreement between the MoE, TSC and County Governments to harmonise their roles in Pre- Primary teacher registration, deployment, remuneration, welfare, training and management at all levels. | – MoE/ COG/ TSC/SRC | 2 Years |
Prioritise deployment and remuneration of teachers in Pre-Primary, SNE and hard-to-
staff areas under the staff establishment and rationalisation programmes. |
(i) Establish policies for teacher entry requirements for the marginalised regions pursuant to Article 56(b) and (c) as interpreted in Article 260 of the Constitution
(ii) Rationalise and streamline the deployment of Pre- Primary, SNE and teachers in marginalised regions to enhance equity. |
– MoE/ COG/ TSC | 2 Years |
1.1 TOR 1 (e ) to review and recommend appropriate financing framework, including capitation and minimum essential package grants for all levels of basic education. | |||
Recommendation | Activity | Responsibility | Timeline |
Implement a financing framework for Basic Education. | (i) Implement the capitation for Pre- Primary, Primary, JS, SS, SNE and ACE as proposed in Appendix 5.1,
5.2 and 5.3. (ii) Prioritise and ring-fence capitation for Pre-Primary (iii) Pre-Primary learners to be captured through EMIS for financing. (iv) Enhance school feeding programme in Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Schools |
– MoE/ County Government/ TNT
– County Governments – County Governments/ MoE – MoE/ County Governments |
6 Months
1 Year |
Strengthen the School Audit Unit to enable it to support BOMs with internal audit functions
and capacity-built school managers, and auditor general to undertake external audit. |
(i) Continuous reforms in financial reporting through the adoption of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS).
(ii) Capacity building on financial and risk management for education managers. (iii) Digitising and automation of financial management process in schools. |
– MoE/ National Audit Office/ BOM
– MoE/BoM – MoE/BOM |
1 Year
Continu- ous
1 Year |
Adopt a Minimum Essential Package for basic education. | (i) A national-wide school needs assessment to obtain data for MEP.
(ii) Set up a dedicated vote in the budget to finance MEP. |
– MoE
– MoE/County governments |
1 Year
2 Year |
5.2.1 (g) to review and propose an appropriate framework for the management and coordination of bursaries and scholarships for Secondary School students. | |||
Recommendation | Activity | Responsibility | Timeline |
Coordinate bursa- ries and scholar- ship. | (i) Establish a multi-agency committee to propose the coordination of bursaries and scholarships.
(ii) Design the legal framework for coordinated management of bursaries and scholarships. (iii) Develop a framework of accountability for funds sent to schools. |
– MoE/ County governments/ NG-CDF/
Private sector – MoE/ County governments/ NG-CDF/ Private sector – MoE/ TSC/ County governments |
6 Months
6 Months
6 Months |
(iv) Improve the data management in basic education to support the allocation of funds to schools. | – MoE | 1 Year |
5.3.1 (h) to review and recommend a framework for physical and e-infrastructure development and coordination of public-private partnerships for improved access and quality provision. | |||
Recommendation | Activity | Responsibility | Timeline |
Reform the School Infrastructure Fund. | (i) Devolve infrastructure development funds to the constituencies to minimise bureaucratic bottlenecks in the delivery of infrastructure projects.
(ii) There is a need to renovate underutilised and under-enrolled classrooms in Primary schools in urban and rural areas to serve learners for Junior School. (iii) Develop guidelines and a statement on minimum quality standards and specifications for ICT hardware, online resources and other appropriate software. (iv) Develop guidelines and a statement of minimum quality standards and specifications for ICT hardware, online resources and other appropriate software. |
– MoE
– MoE
– MoE
– MoE |
6 Months
2 Year
6 Months
6 Months |
Framework for resource sharing. | (i) Need for a framework for sharing underutilised infrastructure and other resources at all levels of learning. | – MoE/COG | 1 Year |
Adopt a low- cost building technology. | (i) Initiate programs that will enable schools to benefit from PPP to support basic ICT infrastructure and furniture, Computer Labs, Workshops, Digital Devices and Internet Installation. | – MoE/ ICT Au- thority | 2 Years |
(ii) Develop policy and regulatory frameworks for public-private partnerships to create incentives for the private sector and faith-based organisations to supplement access to basic education.
(iii) Enhance coordination of public and private partnerships for ICT. |
– MoE/ TNT | ||
(iv) Develop infrastructure in ACE centres to enhance access. | – MoE/ ICT |
6.1 To review and recommend equitable access to education, especially for those facing social, economic and geographic marginalisation, vulnerable pop- ulations, children and persons with special needs. | |||
Recommendation | Activity | Responsibility | Timeline |
Review policies and guidelines on Special Needs Education with a view to
establish strategies for centralised production, repair, maintenance and distribution of Specialised Learning Resources, Assistive Devices and Adapted Technologies. |
(i) Develop strategies for the provision of Specialized Learning Resources, Assistive Devices and Adapted Technologies.
(ii) Develop a scheme of service for SNE auxiliary staff. (iii) Recruit and deploy SNE Auxiliary staff. (iv) Develop a National Framework for the Assessment, Referral and Placement of learners with Special Needs and Disabilities. (v) Recruit and deploy EARC staff. (vi) Develop a Data platform for learners with special needs and disabilities and link with KEMIS to aid planning and provision of services. (vii) Adapt Curriculum for learners with SNE in both Age and Stage based pathway. (viii) Develop infrastructure for the promotion of Gifts and Talents. |
– MoE/ Part- ners/KISE/ KICD | 1 Year |
Enhance accelerated education programmes for marginalised learners and learners in APBET institutions. | (i) Develop and implement strategies for the education of children in statutory children’s institutions under the Department of Children’s Services.
(ii) Expand the school meals program to reach all nomadic and marginalised children. (iii) Provide bursaries to pre-teen and teen mothers. (iv) Develop and Implement a Refugee Education Policy to implement the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF). |
– MoE |
(v) Establish additional learning spaces within and around informal urban settlements to enhance access for learners in APBET institutions and street children.
(vi) Develop and implement a policy on education for prisoners. (vii) Develop and operationalise a framework for accelerated Learning for Out of School Children(OOSC). |
To study all laws governing the basic education subsector and make recommendations for review of these legislations with a view to addressing duplication, ambiguities, efficiency constraints and improving linkages. | |||
Recommendation | Activity | Responsibility | Timeline |
Policy Review and Development | (i) Develop National Education Policy (Sessional Paper) to provide a framework for the current basic education reforms.
(ii) Develop an intergovernmental relations mechanism for sharing of resources between the two levels of Government. (iii) Develop an intergovernmental agreement on the hiring and remuneration of ECE teachers. (iv) Develop guidelines on the facilitation of religious rights for all learners in basic education institutions. |
– National Government through MoE, The National Treasury and Attorney General’s Office/ CoG/ IGTRC – National Government through MoE, National Treasury and Attorney General’s Office/ CoG/ TSC / IGTRC – MoE, all Religious Groups, TSC, CoG, KNCHR, Attorney General’s Office. |
12 Months
6 Months
6 Months
12 Months |
Review and Development of Legislation | Review the Basic Education Act No. 14 of 2013 and Basic Education Regulations 2015 to provide for the proposed changes as presented in Appendix 7.1. | – MoE (State Department for Basic Education), CoG, Attorney General’s Office, Kenya Law Reform Commission | 12 Months |
Develop the Education Appeals Tribunal Bill to provide for the establishment of the Education Appeals Tribunal to hear all administrative issues in the Education Sector. | (i) Technical personnel
(ii) Policy documents (iii) Workshops/retreats |
– MoE/AG/KLRC | 12 Months |
Develop the Teacher Education and Training Bill to centralise teacher education and training and provide
for the establishment of Kenya Teachers Training College and KeSTEM. |
(i) Technical personnel
(ii) Policy documents (iii) Workshops/retreats |
– MoE/AG/KLRC | 12 Months |
Develop the Management of Scholarships and Bursaries in Basic Education Bill to centralise bursaries and scholarship management. | (i) Technical personnel
(ii) Policy documents (iii) Relevant legislations (iv) Workshops/retreats |
– MoE/AG/KLRC | 12 Months |
Review the KICD Act and develop its Regulations to provide for the proposed changes as presented in Appendix 7.1. | (i) Technical personnel
(ii) Policy documents (iii) Relevant legislations (iv) Workshops/retreats |
– MoE/AG/KLRC/ KICD | 12 Months |
Review the KNEC Act and its Regulations to provide for the proposed changes
as presented in Appendix 7.1. |
(i) Technical personnel
(ii) Policy documents (iii) Relevant legislations (iv) Workshops/retreats |
– MoE/AG/KLRC/ KNEC | 12 Months |
Review the TSC Act and its Regulations to provide for the proposed changes as presented in Appendix 7.1. | (i) Technical personnel
(ii) Policy documents (iii) Relevant legislations (iv) Workshops/retreats |
– MoE/AG/KLRC/TSC | 12 Months |
8.1 Governance Framework for TVET | |||
Institutionalise industrial (formal and informal) linkage in the TVET sub-sector. | (i) Review TVET curriculum periodically
(ii) Develop guidelines for engaging TVET trainees in the implementation of government projects. (iii) Develop a framework for linking with Jua Kali. (iv) Review the guidelines on the appointment of Councils/BoMs to comprise at least 50% + 1 of their members drawn from relevant industries considering the diversity of professions. (v) Establish industry advisory committees for the different sectors in the institutions. (vi) Develop and implement industrial partnership/ cooperation guidelines. |
Industry |
Continuous |
(vii) Map out relevant industries and strategic skill sets for regional socio-economic development.
(viii) Develop and implement a Work- Integrated-Training (WIT) model. (ix) Develop a policy framework on incubation, commercialisation of innovations, technology transfer centres and museums. (x) Review TVET Quality Assurance and Standards framework and tools to leverage technology in collaboration with the industry. (xi) Develop and implement a policy framework on retooling and up-skilling TVET trainers in partnership with the industry. (xii) Develop guidelines on industrial attachment for TVET trainers. (xiii) Operationalise TVET MIS to strengthen monitoring, evaluation and report. |
– Development partners
– SDTVET/ MDAs/Jua Kali
– SDTVET/TVET Institutions/ KENIA/ Industry/KIPI
– Industry, TVET institutions, KSTVET – SDTVET/MDAs |
2 Years
2 Years
2 Years
2 Years |
Establish an Intergovernmental Technical Trainers Service Council. | (i) Entrench a Trainer Service Council in the TVET ACT.
(ii) Capacity build the Trainer Service Council. (iii) Review guidelines on the management of trainers in public institutions in collaboration with County Governments. (iv) Develop a standardised scheme of service for all TVETtrainers. |
– PSCK/Ministry of Public Service and Gender/ SDTVET/
County Governments/ |
2 years |
Support Technical Universities with appropriate infrastructure for SNE Programmes. | (i) Develop and implement policies on inclusivity in TVET.
(ii) Expand and adapt infrastructure and equipment in TVET institutions. (iii) Develop and adapt curriculum and resource materials to cater for trainees with special needs. (iv) Capacity build trainers with skills to effectively deliver Curriculum to trainees with Special Needs. |
Industry/ TVET institutions/ Development Partners |
5 Years |
Strengthen the capacity of TVET CDACC to carry out curriculum development, assessment and
certification in TVET. |
(i) Expand infrastructure and equipment for TVET CDACC.
(ii) Capacity build staff in collaboration with industry. (iii) Operationalize TVET MIS to strengthen monitoring, evaluation and reporting. (iv) Review guidelines on competency-Based assessment and certification. |
The National Treasury |
2 years |
Merge the training and assessment component in NITA with TVET CDACC. | (i) Develop a framework for merging the training and assessment function of NITA with TVET CDACC. | – SDTVET/NITA/
The National Treasury/ Ministry of Labour/ – TVET Institutions |
2 Years |
Universities that were upgraded from TVET should
progressively transfer services of academic staff who do not meet the requisite qualification to each in a University. |
(i) Map out University academic staff absorbed from TVET.
(ii) Develop guidelines on the transfer of service. (iii) Transfer service of trainers from University of MoE. |
– Universities/ SDTVET/
The National Treasury/ Public Service commission |
3 Years |
Streamline linkages between TVET institutions at all levels and continuity of graduates
from TVET to the Universities and vice versa. |
(i) Implement Credit Accumulation and Transfer Systems (CATS).
(ii) Implement the Recognition for Prior Learning (RPL) policy. (iii) Create Awareness of CATS and RPL. (iv) Develop a framework for linkages among TVETs to remove duplications and create centres of excellence based on niche. |
– MoE/KNQA/ Qualifications Awarding Institutions (QAIs),
Regulators, CUE/TVET Institutions/ Universities |
Continuous | ||||
Entrench the Kenya School of TVET
in TVET ACT and provide for its regional Campuses. Strengthen the ODeL utilisation in TVET. |
(i) Review TVET Act to provide for KSTVET in law.
• SDTVET • AG • Legal officer • KSTVET (ii) Establish Regional Campuses of KSTVET. (iii) Enhance the capacity the National TVET ODeL platform at the KSTVET. (iv) Provide ODeL infrastructure and resources IN TVET institution. (v) Provide ODeL platforms. (vi) Capacity build TVET implementors on ODeL. (vii) Develop digital content for ODeL platforms. |
– SDTVET/Service Providers/ TVET institutions/ Service Providers/ Industry/ Ministry of ICT/ Development Partners | 3 Years | ||||
Recommendation | Activity | Responsibility | Timeline | ||||
Amend the Universities Act, 2012:
(a) To provide for the identification of Chancellors in public Universities by a selection panel constituted by the Cabinet Secretary to recommend three nominees for appointment by the President. (b) To provide for the appointment of a selection panel to identify and recommend nominees for consideration as Chairperson and Members of Council, by the Cabinet Secretary in charge of Ministry of Education. (c) To have the University Council carry out the recruitment and appointment of Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice- Chancellor, Principals of Colleges and Deputy Principals in Public Universities without the involvement of the Public Service Commission. |
Review the Universities Act and draft the amendments. | – MoE / State Department for Higher
Education/ CUE |
1 Year |
Amend the University Act to provide for the competitive appointment of Deans of Schools/Faculties rather than elections. | Review the Universities Act and draft the amendments | – MoE / State Department for Higher
Education/ CUE |
1 Year |
Amend the State Corporations Act, 2015 to include Universities in the list of exempted entities to make them autonomous. In addition, income generation entities by the Universities should be allowed to operate under respective Universities. | Review the Universities Act and draft the amendments. | – MoE /State Department for Higher Education/ CUE/ State Corporations Advisory Committee | 1 Year |
(All Technical Universities should be Chartered under Section 70 (2) (a). The Technical University of Mombasa (TUM) and Technical University of Kenya (TUK) should be re- Chartered. | Re-Charter the Technical Universities. | – MoE /Treasury
/ State Department for Higher Education/CUE |
1 Year |
Provide enhanced support to TVET and University research and innovation by: –
(i) Allocating one-third of the 2% GDP provided in the STI Act, 2013 annually to Universities, and another one third to TVETs. (ii) Exempting the University scholarly research from NACOSTI and other related levies. |
– Allocation of one- third of 2%GDP to
Universities and another one third to TVETs. – Exempt Universities Scholarly research from NACOSTI and other Levies. |
– MoE /Treasury
/ State Department for Higher Education/UFB/ NRF/ NACOSTI |
1 Year |
Develop a framework for institutionalising University and industry linkages by promoting University and industry staff engagements in training and practical experience. | Review and enhance the framework for institutionalising University and industry linkages by promoting University and industry staff engagements
in training and practical experience. |
– MoE /Treasury
/ State Department for Higher Education/ UFB/ NRF/ NACOSTI |
1 Year |
Establish a National Research Council to coordinate all public research institutions in the Country. | Establish a National Research Council. | – MoE /the National Treasury
/ State Department for Higher Education/ UFB/ NRF/ NACOSTI |
1 Year |
Operationalise Open University in Kenya. | Establish the Open University of Kenya. | – MoE’s State Department of Higher
Education/ CUE |
1 Year |
Review the Universities’ Standards and Guidelines, 2014, to provide criteria on minimum admission qualifications for OUK. | Review the Universities standard and guidelines. | – MoE, State Department of higher
education/ CUE |
1 Year |
Develop a national policy framework on Open distance and eLearning (ODeL). | Develop a national policy framework on Open distance and eLearning (ODeL). | – MoE/ State Department of Higher/
Education/ CUE |
1 Year |
Fast track affordable, broadband high- speed Internet connectivity to tertiary educational institutions. | Provide broadband high- speed Internet connectivity. | – MoE/ Universities/ ICTA | 1 Year |
Develop the University Competen-
cy-Based Curriculum Framework (UCBCF) |
Develop a Competency- Based Curriculum Framework for Universities (UCBCF)
developed. |
– MoE/ State Department of higher
education/ CUE |
1 Year |
Universities to retool all teaching staff in order to implement the CBE | Retool all teaching and non- teaching staff. | – MoE/State Department of Higher CUE/ Universities | 1 Year |
Universities to review their Bachelor of Ed- ucation degree programme to align with the CBC at Secondary School level by the start of 2023/2024 academic year. | Train education degree students on CBC. | – MoE, CUE and Universities | 1 Year |
Recommendation | Activity | Responsibility | Timeline |
Implement the Vari- able Scholarship and Loan Fund (VSLF) Model | (i) Develop guidelines on the new student financing model.
(ii) Sensitise stakeholders on the new financing model. |
– MoE/National Treasury/ KUCCPS/HELB/
Industry/Tertiary Institutions |
Continuous |
Provide a minimum essential package to facilitate operations of the new public Tertiary institutions. | (i) Develop a financing framework that considers a minimum package for the new institutions.
(ii) Develop a financing framework that considers an infrastructure package for TVET institutions. |
– MoE/National Treasury | 1 Year |
Government to pro- vide for conditional grants for `VTCs, ring- fence the amount for the institutions. | (i) Develop framework for grant allocation.
(ii) Allocate funds |
– MoE/National Treasury | 1 Year |
MoE to develop and implement a perfor- mance-based formula for capital infrastruc- ture development for Universities and TVETs. | (i) Develop performance- based formula for capital infrastructure | – MoE/ National Treasury | 1 Year |
Review the job evalua- tion for University aca- demic staff taking into account comparative skills in the region. | (i) Review job evaluation for lecturers. | – MoE/National Treasury/ University Councils/ SRC | 1 Year |
Incentivise Universities and TVET to im- prove performance in research and innova- tions: | (ii) Implement 2% of statutory provision provided in the Science and Technology Act, 2013. | – MoE/National
– Treasury/NRF/ – Universities/ – TVET institutions/ Industry |
2 years |
Develop and im- plement a perfor- mance-based formula for capital infrastruc- ture development for Universities and TVET. | (i) Develop and implement guidelines for infrastructure grants to Tertiary institutions.
(ii) Develop a projection of the number of students transitioning from CBC. |
– MoE/National Treas ury/ Universities/ TVET institutions | 1 Year |
Rationalise senior ad- ministrative positions, review and strength- en internal financial management systems towards making them sustainable. Merge unviable Universities. | (i) Develop guidelines on the internal financial management of Universities and TVETs.
(ii) Develop guidelines for merging unviable Universities. |
– MoE/National Treasury/ Universities/ TVET institutions | 2 Years |
Develop National Edu- cation Policy (Sessional Paper) to provide a framework for the cur- rent tertiary education reforms. | (i) Formulate the policy document
(ii) Stakeholders Engagements (iii) Attorney General’s Advisory (iv) Cabinet Approval (v) Parliament Approval |
Attorney General Office/ National Treasury |
12 Months |
Review the Technical and Vocational Educa- tion and Training Act No. 29 of 2013 and its Regulation and repeal the Industrial Training Act, Cap. 237 to pro- vide for the proposed changes as presented in Appendix 11.1. | (i) Draft Bill and Regulation
(ii) Stakeholders Engagements (iii) Attorney General’s Advisory (iv) Cabinet Approval (v) Parliament Approval |
– MoE (State Department for TVET)/ TVETA/ TVET CDACC/
KNQA/Ministry of Labour and Social Protection/NITA/ COG/Attorney General’s Office |
12 Months |
Review the Kenya National Qualification Framework Act No. 22 of 2014 and its Regula- tion to provide for the proposed changes as presented in Appendix 11.1. | (i) Draft Bill and Regulation
(ii) Stakeholders Engagements (iii) Attorney General’s Advisory (iv) Cabinet Approval (v) Parliament Approval |
– MoE (State Department for Higher Education and Research)/ CUE/ Attorney General’s Office | 12 Months |
Review of the Engi- neers Act No. 3 of 2012 to pro- vide for the proposed change as presented in Appendix 11.1. | (i) Draft Bill and Regulation
(ii) Stakeholders Engagements (iii) Attorney General’s Advisory (iv) Cabinet Approval (v) Parliament Approval |
– Attorney General’s Office/ Engineering Board/National Treasury/CUE/ MoE/KNQA/ Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure | 12 Months |
Review of the Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Act, CAP. 253a to provide for the proposed change as presented in Appendix 11.1. | (i) Draft Bill and Regulation
(ii) Stakeholders Engagements (iii) Attorney General’s Advisory (iv) Cabinet Approval (v) Parliament Approval |
– Attorney General’s Office/ Medical Laboratory Tech- nicians and Tech- nologists Board/ The National Treasury/ CUE/ MoE/ MoH | 12 Months |
Review of the Legal Education Act, No. 27 of 2012 to provide for the proposed change as presented in Appen- dix 11.1. | (i) Draft Bill and Regulation
(ii) Stakeholders Engagements (iii) Attorney General’s Advisory (iv) Cabinet Approval (v) Parliament Approval |
– Attorney General’s Office/ CLE/ National Treasury/ CUE/MoE | 12 Months |
Review of the Legal Education Act, No. 27 of 2012 to provide for the proposed change as presented in Appen- dix 11.1. | (i) Draft Bill and Regulation
(ii) Stakeholders Engagements (iii) Attorney General’s Advisory (iv) Cabinet Approval (v) Parliament Approval |
– Attorney General’s Office/ CLE/The National Treasury/ CUE/MoE | 12 Months |
Review of the Ad- vocates Act, Cap.16 to provide for the proposed change as
presented in Appendix 11.1. |
(i) Draft Bill and Regulation
(ii) Stakeholders Engagements (iii) Attorney General’s Advisory (iv) Cabinet Approval (v) Parliament Approval |
– Attorney General’s Office/ CLE/ National Treasury/ CUE/MoE/LSK/ Judiciary | 12 Months |
Review of the Veter- inary Surgeons and Veterinary Para-Profes- sionals Act No. 29 of 2011to provide for the proposed change as presented in Appendix 11.1. | (i) Draft Bill and Regulation
(ii) Stakeholders Engagements (iii) Attorney General’s Advisory (iv) Cabinet Approval (v) Parliament Approval |
– Attorney General’s Office/ KVB/ The National Treasury/ CUE/MoE | 12 Months |
Review of the Nutrition- ists and Dieticians Act No. 18 of 2007 to pro- vide for the proposed change as pre- sented in Appendix 11.1. | (i) Draft Bill and Regulation
(ii) Stakeholders Engagements (iii) Attorney General’s Advisory (iv) Cabinet Approval (v) Parliament Approval |
– Attorney General’s Office/ Kenya Nutrition and Dieticians Accreditation Board/ The National Treasury/ CUE/ MoE | 12 Months |
Review of the Review of the Medical Practi-
tioners and Dentists Act CAP. 253 to provide for the proposed change as presented in Appen- dix 11.1. |
(i) Draft Bill and Regulation
(ii) Stakeholders Engagements (iii) Attorney General’s Advisory (iv) Cabinet Approval (v) Parliament Approval |
– Attorney General’s Office/Medical Practitioners and Dentist Board/ The National Treasury/CUE/ MoE | 12 Months |
Review of the Review of the Media Act, CAP. 411B to provide for the proposed change as presented in Appendix 11.1. | (i) Draft Bill and Regulation
(ii) Stakeholders Engagements (iii) Attorney General’s Advisory (iv) Cabinet Approval (v) Parliament Approval |
– Attorney Gener- al’s Office/ Media Council of Kenya/ National Treasury/ CUE/ MoE | 12 Months |
Review of the Sci- ence, Technology and Innovation Act No. 28 of 2013 and it’s Regula- tion to provide for the proposed change as presented in Appendix 11.1. | (i) Draft Bill and Regulation
(ii) Stakeholders Engagements (iii) Attorney General’s Advisory (iv) Cabinet Approval (v) Parliament Approval |
– MoE (State Department for Higher Education and Research)/
CUE/NACOSTI/ KeNIA/ – NRF/ Attorney General’s Office |
12 Months |
Review of the Tourism Act No. 28 of 2011 pro- vide for the proposed change as presented in Appendix 11.1. | (i) Draft Bill and Regulation
(ii) Stakeholders Engagements (iii) Attorney General’s Advisory (iv) Cabinet Approval (v) Parliament Approval |
– Attorney General’s Office/ Ministry of Tourism,
Wild- life and Culture/ National Treasury/ CUE/ MoE |
12 Months |