Final Recommendations on Technical and Vocational Education and Trainingby the Presidential Working Committee on Education

Final Recommendations on Technical and Vocational Education and Training

  1. To institutionalise linkages with industries, MoE shall:
    • Periodically review the TVET curriculum to ensure its relevance to the market needs.
  • Engage TVET trainees in the implementation of government projects such as the construction of infrastructure.
  • Provide a framework for a structured linkage with the “Jua Kali” industry.
  • In addition to provisions in TVET Act Schedule 4 Section 1 (2), ensure that the composition of the governing Councils/Boards should have at least 50% + 1 of their members drawn from relevant industries considering the diversity of professions.
  • Establish industry advisory committees for the different sectors in the institutions.
  • Develop and implement industrial partnership/cooperation guidelines.
  • Develop and implement Workplace Integrated Learning (WIL) model.
  • Develop a policy framework on incubation, commercialisation of innovations and technology transfer centres and museums.
  • Review TVET Quality Assurance and Standards framework and tools to leverage technology in collaboration with the industry.
  • Re-tool TVET trainers in partnership with the industry at all levels to enhance their pedagogical skills and relevance.
  1. MoE, CUE and TVETA to Streamline linkages between TVET institutions at all levels and continuity of graduates from TVET to the Universities and vice versa:
    • Develop a framework for linkages among TVETs to remove duplications and create centres of excellence based on niche areas.
    • Enhance the progression of TVET graduates by enforcing CATS and RPL policies.
    • Rebrand and reposition all TVET institutions at the National and County levels to become a preferred pathway for higher education.
  2. MoE in collaboration with County Governments should establish an Intergovernmental Technical Trainers Service Council to streamline Technical Trainer Management in TVET and harmonise their Scheme of Service.
  3. Support Technical Universities with appropriate infrastructure for SNE programmes.
  4. Strengthen the ODeL utilisation in TVET by providing increased infrastructure and resources, capacity-build trainers and other stakeholders and facilitate digitisation of TVET curriculum content. MoE in collaboration with Technical Universities to develop a TVET trainer
  5. Strengthen the capacity of TVET CDACC to carry out curriculum development, assessment and certification in TVET by expanding infrastructure, equipment as well recruiting and training staff in collaboration with
  6. Merge the training and assessment component in NITA with TVET
  7. MoE in collaboration with Universities that were upgraded from TVET should progressively transfer services of academic staff (trainers) who do not meet the requisite qualifications to teach in a university.

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