Kenya Science Teachers College
Kenya Science campus is the former Kenya Science Teachers College (KSTC). It was established in 1965 through partnership between the Government of the Republic of Kenya and the Swedish Government. The Campus is headed by Deputy Principal, College of Education and External Studies.
Kenya Science Campus is home to Bachelor of Education (Science) and Bachelor of Education ICT programmes, as well as Early Childhood Laboratory – Kenya Science Nursery School.
The Campus is situated in Nairobi, along Ngong’ Road, approximately 8 Km from the City center. The KSTC initially trained S1 teachers to teach Sciences and Technical Education (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Industrial Education) in secondary schools.
From 1980, it started training Diploma in Science Education teachers in the same science subjects.
In 2002, the College introduced Computer Science as a main teaching subject alongside the Sciences. A basic ICT course was also introduced as a support subject for all students admitted in the college to enable them be computer literate upon graduation.
Kenya Science campus is the former Kenya Science Teachers College (KSTC). It was established in 1965 through partnership between the Government of the Republic of Kenya and the Swedish Government. The Campus is situated in Nairobi, along Ngong’ Road, approximately 8 Km from the City center. The KSTC initially trained S1 teachers to teach Sciences and Technical Education (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Industrial Education) in secondary schools.
From 1980, it started training Diploma in Science Education teachers in the same science subjects. In 2002, the College introduced Computer Science as a main teaching subject alongside the Sciences. A basic ICT course was also introduced as a support subject for all students admitted in the college to enable them be computer literate upon graduation.
The KSTC was elevated to become a Campus of the University of Nairobi following recommendations by the Public Universities Inspection Board, which were accepted by the Government of Kenya for subsequent implementation. It was officially handed over to the University on October 9th 2007 and renamed Kenya Science Campus.
The Kenya Science Campus falls under the School of Education, College of Education and External Studies (CEES). The recommendation to upgrade the former KSTC to a University Campus was informed by the observation that the Campus would expand teacher training in science education but at graduate level as the Diploma curriculum was phased out. Consequently, the first intake of Bachelor of Education Science students was admitted in October 2007.
This cohort graduated in September 2011, while the last Diploma graduation was realized in November 2009.
The Bachelor of Education Science students are allowed to specialize in their preferred subject areas. Combinations can be drawn from Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics, Physical Education and Sport, Agriculture and Geography. The teaching staff for these subjects are therefore drawn from four of the six colleges of the University namely, College of Education and External Studies, College of Biological and Physical Sciences (CBPS), College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (CAVS), and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS).
Kenya Science Teachers College Courses Offered
Kenya Science Teachers College Courses Offered – Details:
Courses Offered at Kenya Science Teachers College
List of Courses:
- Certificate in Chemistry
- Certificate in Mathematics
- Certificate in Child Counselling and Protection
- Certificate in Biology
- Certificate in Counseling Supervision
- ECDE Teachers Certificate
- Certificate in Early Childhood and Development
- Certificate in Child Counseling
- Certificate in Early Childhood Education
- Certificate in Counselling and Stress Management(Counselling)
- Certificate in Kiswahili
- Certificate in Religious Studies
- Certificate in Agriculture
- Certificate in Early Childhood Development and Education
- Certificate in Primary Teacher Education
- Certificate in Counselling
- Certificate in Counseling Psychology
- Diploma in Teaching of the 3Rs(Reading, Writing and Arithmetic)
- Diploma in Public Relations, Customer Care and Service
- Diploma in Agricultural Education
- Diploma in Child Counseling
- Diploma in Child Forensic Studies
- Diploma in Early Childhood and Development
- Diploma in Counseling Psychology
- Diploma in Early Childhood Development
- Diploma in Early Childhood Development and Education
- Diploma in Education – Computer Science
- Diploma in Education, Primary Education
- Diploma in Education, Guidance & Counseling
- Diploma in Biology
- Diploma in Child and Adolescent Counselling
- Diploma in Early Childhood and Primary Care
- Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education
- Diploma in Early Childhood Development and Primary Education
- Diploma in Education
- Diploma in Education
- Diploma in Education and Counseling
- Diploma in Education Planning
- Diploma in History
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