University Programmes
- PhD Programmes
- Masters-Programmes
- Undergraduate-Programmes
- Diploma-Programmes
- Certificate-Programmes
School of Education & Social Sciences
- Bachelor of Education (Arts)
- Bachelor of Education (French)
- Bachelor of Education (Science)
- Bachelor of Social Work
- Bachelor of science in Disaster Management and International Diplomacy
- Bachelor of CriminologyBachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education
School of Business and Economics
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Science (Economics)
School of Computing and Information technology
Bachelor of Science (Information Technology)
Bachelor of Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems and Knowledge Management
- Bachelor of Science (Applied statistics with IT
- Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Economics and Resource Management)
- Bachelor of Science (Mathematics With IT)
- Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and Economics with IT)
- Bachelor of Science (Biology)
- Bachelor of Science (Chemistry)
- Bachelor of science in Physics with appropriate Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing
- Bachelor of science in Nursing (Upgrading Distance Learning
- Bachelor of Science Clinical medicine, Surgery and community Health (BSC-CMSCH)
- Bachelor of Science (optometry and Vision sciences)
Diploma Programmes
- Diploma in Social Work
- Diploma in Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Diploma in Business Administration
- Diploma in Information Technology
Certificate Programmes
- Certificate in Social Work
- Certificate in Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Certificate in Business Administration
- Certificate in Information Technology
Profesional Programmes
- Certificate Accounting Management Skills
- Accounting Technicians Diploma
- Certified Public AccountantsCertified Secretaries
- Certified Investment Financial Analyst
- Certified Islamic Finance Executive
- Certified in Human Resource Management (Competence based)
- Diploma in Human in Resource Management (Competence based)
- Certified Human Resource Professional
- Certified Procurement and Supply Professional of Kenya (CPSP-K)
- Associate in Procurement and Supply of Kenya (APS-K)