Confirm KCSE, KCPE, KPSEA registration Online

How to confirm you registered for KCSE

To verify, parents and school adminstrators are required to send an SMS to 20076 with the candidate’s index number.

“Headteachers, parents, and candidates can now confirm the registration details for KPSEA, KCPE and KCSE examinations by sending an SMS to 20076. Use this format; (Exam)(Index Number), for example; KCPE36611030002, and send to 20076. You will receive a confirmation message,” Knec says.

Registration of Candidates

Registration of candidates for the KNEC examinations is based on the Regulations and Syllabuses for specific examination which give the guidelines and procedures required for the registration of candidates.
After all the information for the candidates has been keyed online, heads of institutions/schools MUST re-check the online report thoroughly to ensure that it is accurate. The head institution must then download the list of candidates, sign and stamp on the space provided and indicate all other details required in the nominal roll after verification.
The Ministry of Education will remit examination fees for all KCPE and KCSE candidates for both private and public schools. However the following candidates will be required to pay examination fees:-

    • KCPE and KCSE private candidates
    • Candidate in prisons
    • Teacher Education candidates
    • Business and Technical examinations candidates

The Registration of the mentioned KNEC examinations is done online.

Registration Of Candidates with Special Needs

The Kenya National Examinations Council has categorized the candidates with special needs as follows:-

      • Visually impaired – low vision and blind candidates
      • Hearing impaired candidates
      • Physically challenged candidates
      • Mentally Challenged candidates

Information on the above candidates giving details of index number, subjects and degree of impairment must be captured during registration.Depending on the degree of impairment, the Council will facilitate the candidates appropriately upon receipt of supporting evidence from competent medical authority.

For Candidate Registration visit click the button below:

All Examination fees must be paid through any of the following banks:-

  1. Co-operative Bank.
  2. National Bank of Kenya.
  3. Equity Bank.
  4. Kenya Commercial Bank.

A candidate is considered duly registered after fulfilling the following:

  1. Candidate’s details are successfully uploaded onto the registration platform for the specific examination.
  2. The subjects are duly selected as per subject cluster as stipulated in the regulations governing the specific examination.
  3. Payment of fees where applicable (examination fees is not refundable or transferable to another candidate nor to another year)
  4. Submission of all the candidates’ registration materials to KNEC

Registration Process and Details

Every year, before the KCSE registration deadline, the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) releases its guidelines that inform what they require from every institution during the registration process.

Therefore, any student that is interested in the regular registration procedure must provide the following information:

  • Digital passport photographs
  • Copy of birth certificates (verifying date of birth)
  • Candidate’s index number
  • Candidate’s full name
  • Subject choices

To register candidates proceed as follows:

  1. Visit the official KNEC registration portal using
  2. On the secondary schools (KCSE) section, click on candidate registration.
  3. Enter KNEC portal username and password, including username (school KNEC code) and password, and click log in to access the portal. It is important to note that only the headmaster or authorised person is allowed to capture the candidate’s details and upload all photographs on the portal.
  4. Under the Register Candidates tab, click on the box indicated Select to open another menu. Once open, select Enter New Candidate (s) and click on Continue.
  5. In the new window that open after clicking continue, provide the candidate’s previous examination details.
  6. You can choose either KCPE or Qualifying.
  7. Also, enter the candidate’s index number as utilised in their earlier examination and year.
  8. Once done, click on find. The action will search for the candidate’s information, and once discovered, will display their name, gender, and year of birth.
  9. You can now complete the candidate’s registration by providing their index number (the last three digits only), entry code, status (citizen or non-citizen), birth certificate number, disability status, passport photo (300 x 300) and choose all the relevant subjects the candidate is taking.
  10. Click on Post to upload the details to the KNEC database.
  11. If the upload is successful, you will get a confirmation message.
  12. Repeat this procedure for all the registration of normal candidates in your school/ Exam centre.

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