Grade 1 CBC Notes: Hygiene and nutrition latest
Grade 1 Notes: Hygiene and nutrition
Topic: Healthy practices
Sub strand: healthy habits
1: What are healthy habits?
Healthy habits are things we do to stay healthy.Things we do to stay healthy are; playing, washing hands, brushing teeth and eating healthy foods.We practice healthy habits to prevent us from getting diseases.
2: which healthy habits prevents illnesses?
Illinessis a disease and we get diseases when we don’t practice healthy habits
Habits that prevent illnesses are:
Washing hands
Sleeping well
Using the toilet or latrine
Doing exercises
Eating healthy foods
Bathing everyday
3: Why do we practice healthy habits.
We practice healthy habits to prevent our bodies from getting diseasesi.e
We wash hands to remove germs,
We use the toilet to prevent illnesses,
We bathe everyday to keep body clean,
We exercise to keep our body fit.
4: Doing healthy habits
Let Learners go out and do healthy habits like running, skipping, playing football etc.
Exercise 1.1
Care for the teeth
- What are milk teeth?
We grow two sets of teeth
The first set are called milk teeth
As babies grow older they loose the milk teeth.The second set of teeth are calledpermanent teeth
- Removing teeth in a clean way
How to remove teeth in a clean way
1.Wash your hands
2.Hold the tooth with a clean cloth
3.Remove the tooth
4.Put the cloth in a bin
5.Gurgle salty water
Gurgle is to take water into the mouth,move it round then spit it.
Exercise 1.2
1.We wash our_____beforeremoving teeth (hands, mouth)
2.All children grow milk teeth.(true,not true)
3.Teeth that we remove are_____teeth(milk, good)
4.We do not go to hospital to remove milk teeth.( Yes,no)
Use of medicine
Which medicine do you use at home?
Some of the medicines we take at home are;
- Capsules
- Tablets
- Ointment cream
- Using inhaler
- Putting nose drops
- Syrup
Sick people take medicine to feel better
Care when taking medicine
- Wash your hands when taking the medicine.
- Use clean water to take the medicine
- Make sure that you finish the medicine
- Do not share the medicine with anyone
- Store the medicine in a dry place
- Store the medicine away from the baby.
Exercise 1.3
1.We should take medicine using_____water(clean, sweet)
2.Touching medicine with dirty hands is____(good,bad)
3._____is a type of medicine (tablet,table)
4.We should always keep medicine in a ____cupboard(closed, open)
Topic: Personal Hygiene
Care for the parts of the body
Parts of the body
Things we use to clean the body
Things we use to clean the body are;
- Water
- Soap
- Sponge
- Towel
- Handkerchief
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrush
- Pumice stone.
Pumice stone is a soft stone for scrubbing the feet
Handkerchiefis a small cloth used to clean the nose
Cleaning our face
1.put water in a basin
2.close your eyes
3.wet your face
4.put soap and rub
5.rinse your face
6.dry with a towel.
Cleaning our teeth
1.wet your brush
2.put toothpaste
3.brush your teeth up and down,front and back
4.rinse your mouth
We clean our teeth using Colgate, tooth brush/chewed stick, tooth paste/salt, and clean water
Clean your teeth at least two times a day
Washing our hands
- Wet your hands
- Put some soap
- Rub in between and all around
- Rinse your hands
- Dry with a towel.
We wash our hands after visiting the toilet and before eating
Washing our feet
To clean my feet;
- Wet your feet
- Put some soap
- Scrub your feet
- Rinse the feet
- Dry them with a towel
Always keep your feet clean and dry
Keep your nails short
Cleaning our hair,nose and ears
- We clean our ears with a soft wet cloth
- We use ear bud to remove wax from the ear
- We use handkerchiefto clean our nose
- We use soap and water to wash our hair then we brush it with a hairbrush or comb to make it neat
Washing the hair
- Put water in a basin
- Wet the hair
- Put some soap
- Rub then rinse
- Dry and comb
Let learner’s do an extended activity of washing the doll
Exercise 2.1
Answer this questions
1.We use____and____to clean our hair
2.Draw two things you use to clean your teeth
3.We use soap,water and ____to wash our face
- Name the parts of the body we clean with these things
Use of toilets and latrines
Toilets,latrines or urinals
- Our homes have a toilet or latrines
- Schools also have toilets or latrines
Show the toilet, latrine and urinal
- Let learners name the things in each picture
- Ask them the one that is found at their home
- Let them draw the toilet or latrine they use at their home
- Note: The latrine is found outside the house
- Good use of toilets and latrines prevent illnesses
- Going to the bush is not a healthy habit
Always use the toilet orlatrine
Exercise 2.2______
2.After using the toilet,we should_____(knock,flush)
Fill in the blank spaces
1.Latrine is to outside the house while toilet is to
3.Used tissue paper should_____(be used again,be thrown in the latrine)
Topic: Foods
Sources of food
Food at our place
- Learners to name the foods they eat
- Learners to look at the pictures of foods
- Learners to name foods in the pictures
Learners to draw foods they eat on the table
Animal and plant food sources
Source is where food come from
- Some foods come from plants e.gugali,sukumawiki,cabbage, carrots etc
- Some foods come from animals e.gmilk,meat,eggs,fishetc
Exercise 3.1
1.Draw and colour
(a) One food we get from a
(b) One food we get from plants
2.We get tomato from______(animals,plants)
3.Fish,milk and meat are foods from animals_____(true,not true)
Eating habits
Food we eat every day
- Let Learners name the foods they eat every day
- Guide them to draw the foods they eat every day
Foods I like or dislike
- People like some foods
- Some people do not like some other foods
- Not all people like the foods we like
Note: draw a table and let Learners copy it on their books,let them writfoods they like or not like.
Which foods are good for my teeth
- The foods that are not good for our teeth are ice cream, biscuits, chocolates,cakes and sweets.
- We should avoid eating too much sugary foods.
- We should always eat foods that make our teeth strong.
- The foods that make our teeth strong are milk,fruits,sugarcane and carrots.
Exercise 3.2
1.Foods like ____and____ are note good for my teeth.(carrots, biscuits, milk,sweets)
2.Draw two foods that you like.
3.Draw two foods that are bad for your teeth
Using our senses to know food
Foods we eat at home and in school
- Guide Learners to name the foods they eat at home
- Let pupils name that foods they eat at school
Common foods at our locality
Locality is where we come from.
- People come from different localitiesand eat different foods
- Some foods are are eaten in many homes.
- Guide Learners to look at the pictures and name foods they eat in their locality
Senses and food
How do we know food?
We know different kinds of foods by
- Smelling
- Tasting
- Touching
- Seeing
Let Learners bring different kind of foods to school
In groups let them cover their eyes one at a time.
Guide Learners to use hands,nose and tongue to tell the type of foods
Exercise 3.3
1.Draw and colour two foods you eat at home
2.We can know food by it’s colour,taste,smell or_____(touch,ty)
3.Foods that taste bitter are not good to our bodies.(yes,no)
Cleaning of fruits
Fruits at our place
- Some fruits come from our place.
- Our place is our locality
Let Learners look at the pictures of fruits and name fruit in their locality.
Learners activity:
Draw and colour two fruit found in your locality
Choosing fruits
Are all fruits good for eating?
- We should not eat bad fruits
Types of bad fruits are;
- TRotten fruits
- Dirty fruits
- Poisonous fruits
When food goes bad we say it’s rotten
Show Learners pictures of fruit and let them say which fruits are good and which ones are bad
Look at the pictures
Which bananas are good for eating?
Which mangoes are good for eating?
Washing fruits
- Dirty fruits can make us I’ll
- Was fruts before eating them
- Wash fruits with clean running water
Exercise 3.4
1.We _____fruits before eating them (wash,bite)
2.Which fruit will you eat?A or B? why
3.Draw two fruits found in your locality
Why we eat
How many times do you eat in a day?
- When you wake up in the morning,you eat breakfast.
- Then in the afternoon you eat lunch
- In the evening before you go to sleep you eat supper
- So we eat three meals a day, breakfast, lunch and supper.
Foods we eat at different times
Show Learners pictures of foods
- Let them show which foods they eat when they wake up
- Which foods they eat during the day
- Which foods you eat before you go to sleep
Why do we eat every day?
- We eat every day to get energy
- Energy helps us to play,sing,run and jump.
- We also eat to grow
- We eat to be healthy
Exercise 3.5
1.Name two activities that you do.
2.Say if you need energy to do them.
3.We eat to grow and _____ (be healthy, sleep)
Good behavior during meal times
Meaning of mealtime
Look at the pictures
- The pictures show people eating
- The time we eat is called mealtime
Good behavior when eating
1.Wash your hands before eating
2.Serve food that you can finish
3.Close your mouth while chewing
4.Clear the table after eating
- Show Learners this pictures and ask them questions.
Which family is showing good behavior during meal times?A or B?
Why we show behavior during mealtimes
- Bad eating manners can cause choking
- Serving a lot of food make other people miss food.
- Showing food in your mouth is lack of respect
Choking is when food get stuck in the the throat
Exercise 3.6
1.Peter likes talking while eating.He can____(choke,drown)
2.We only wash our hands after eating.____(yes or no)
3.Do not _____ food(waste,eat)
Buying food
Where do we buy food?
We buy food from the following places;
- Burchery
- Kiosk
- Restaurant
- Hotel
- Shop
- Open air market
Kiosk is a small shop
Restaurant is a place where cooked food is sold
The food we buy
We buy food from different places.
1.We buy meat from the butchery
2.We get cooked food from a restaurant
3.We can buy maize and beans in the open air market
* Let Learners do an exercise of matching pictures on page 67 pupils book grade 1
Topic 4: Safety Education
Common accidents at home
What accidents happen at home?
Look at the pictures
- The children in the pictures are
- They had an accident
- An accident is a bad thing that happens to us like cuts,burns and falls.
- Some accidents at home are cuts,burns,fallsand chocking
Cuts and burns
Look at the pictures
The boy in picture A has cut his leg and the girl in picture B has a burn.
Cuts and burns are common accidents at home.
Falls and drowning
Ask Learners to look at the pictures
The boy in picture A has a fall and picture B shows drowning in water
Falling and drowningare also common accidents
Electric shock, choking and suffocation
- When we talk while eating,we can get chocked.
- Electric shock is to get hurt by electricity.
- Do not touch or put metals in sockets, you can get an electric shock
- Do not cover your head with plastic bags, you can suffocate.
- To suffocateis when you lack air to breathe
Causes of accidents at home
Sharp objects
- Sharp objects like scissors, old iron sheets and knives can cut us,do not play with them.Always be careful when handling them.
- Things that can make us fall are.
- Slippery floors
- Banana peels
- Furniture that is not arranged well
- Rough ground
Note: Furniture are things like chairs,beds,tables and desk
Slippery is something that can make one slide and fall
Sockets and flames
Touching a socket is very dangerous ,it can cause a shock
Playing with fire is also dangerous,it can cause burns
Learners to look at pictures on page 75 pupils book.
How can we prevent accidents at home
- Wiping water on the floors prevent falls.
- Arranging furniture prevents falls
- We should put all waste in dustbins
- Always hold the knife by the handle
- Do not play with sharp objects like iron sheets
- Do not play near fire
Activity:Ask Learners to make posters of how to prevent accidents in groups.
Exercise 4.1
1.Name the accidents.
- ___can cause accidents in the kitchen.(a knife, blanket)
3.We can prevent falls by___(keeping the floor dry,playing with a knife)
4.Electricity can cause____(electric shock, drowning)
Dangerous chemicals at home
Dangerousis a thing that can harrm us
- Chemicalsare things ilkeparaffin,soap and insecticides
Which chemicals are dangerous at home?
Let Learners look at the pictures of dangerous chemicals at home
- Some chemicals can harm us
- They are dangerous chemicals
What dangers do chemicals at home cause?
- Some soaps can damage our skin
- Water with soapcanharm our eyes too
- We can get ill when we take liquid soap.
- Parrafin catches fire easily
- Paraffin also harms our skin
- Insecticides can harm our bodies as well
- Pesticides are also dangerous.
Insecticides are chemicals that kill insects like mosquitoes
Pesticides kills pest like weevil.
Give Learners this exercise on pg 85 pupils book
Simple first aid
What is first aid?
First aid is the first help given to a hurt person
We do first aid for all accidents
We do first aid to reduce loss of blood
First aid also reduces pain
The first aid kit
Let Learners look at the first aid kit on pg 89 pupil book
We keep first aid things in a first aid kit
Things found in a first aid kit are;
- Bandages
- Scissors
- Gloves
- Cottonwood
- Elastoplast
- Safety pins
- Tweezers
- Sterile pad
- Show Learners pictures of items found in a first aid kit on pg90 pupils book
Let Learners do a hfirst aid activity in groups.
Let one pupil in each group act like they have been cuton the leg
Let the others do first aid to him/her
Observe and give out marks
Exercise 4.3
1.Your friend has cut herself.What will you do?
- Name the things below.
3.We do first aid on a cut to____(stop bleeding,stop crying)
4.Things used in first aid are kept in a ____(first aid kit, house)
5.____ are not found in a first kit(pins,nails)