TSC latest news news on Teacher TPD Programme
Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI) has kicked off registration of teachers for the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Teacher Professional Development (TPD) programme. KEMI has released the induction and registration dates and venues per County.
Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI) is a Management Development Institute which serves as the Capacity Building Agency of the Ministry of Education. KEMI is mandated under Legal Notice No. 19/2010 to undertake leadership and management training, research and consultancy in the education sector.
The Teachers Service Commission has accredited KEMI to provide Teacher Professional Development (TPD) programme to registered Teachers in Public and Private Primary and Secondary Schools, Trainers in tertiary institutions as well as Instructional Leaders in the public and private institutions.
The overall objective of the TPD program is to professionalize teaching by continuously developing and improving teachers’ skills, competencies and knowledge in line with the 21st Century core competencies aimed at enhancing the provision of quality education.
The Institute has scheduled a country-wide TPD induction and registration to be conducted from 4th – 10th October, 2021. The programme will be carried out at various centres as attached.
The purpose of this letter is to kindly request you to attend the induction workshop and register for the programme.
TSC finally rolls out Teacher Professional Development, TPD, modules: Details
TPD Modules Advert for teachers (Requirements, how to apply, intakes)
Teacher Professional Development, TPD, Course Modules- TSC latest news
To register, pay registration fee of Ksh. 1,000 (which is part of the Ksh. 6,000 fees) through:
Pay bill No.971900, Account: TPD1-County Code-Your TSC No. (E.g. for a participant in Nairobi it shall be: TPD1-047-your TSC No) Below are the County Codes.
County | Code | County | Code | County | Code | County | Code |
Mombasa | 001 | Tharaka-Nithi | 013 | Samburu | 025 | Kakamega | 037 |
Kwale | 002 | Embu | 014 | Trans-Nzoia | 026 | Vihiga | 038 |
Kilifi | 003 | Kitui | 015 | Uasin Gishu | 027 | Bungoma | 039 |
Tana River | 004 | Machakos | 016 | Elgeyo-Marakwet | 028 | Busia | 040 |
Lamu | 005 | Makueni | 017 | Nandi | 029 | Siaya | 041 |
Taita Taveta | 006 | Nyandarua | 018 | Baringo | 030 | Kisumu | 042 |
Garissa | 007 | Nyeri | 019 | Laikipia | 031 | Homa Bay | 043 |
Wajir | 008 | Kirinyaga | 020 | Nakuru | 032 | Migori | 044 |
Mandera | 009 | Murang’a | 021 | Narok | 033 | Kisii | 045 |
Marsabit | 010 | Kiambu | 022 | Kajiado | 034 | Nyamira | 046 |
Isiolo | 011 | Turkana | 023 | Kericho | 035 | Nairobi | 047 |
Meru | 012 | West Pokot | 024 | Bomet | 036 |
Coordinator | County | Training Venue | Dates for TPD Registration | |
Nancy Musembi
Tel.0728327656 |
Tharaka Nithi | Chuka Girls | 04/10/21 | 05/10/21 |
Embu | Kigari TTC | 06/10/21 | 07/10/21 | |
Kirinyaga | Kerugoya Boys | 08/10/21 | 09/10/21 | |
Martin Kisilu
Tel.0722840591 |
Marsabit | Moi Girls | 04/10/21 | 05/10/21 |
Isiolo | Isiolo Boys | 06/10/21 | 07/10/21 | |
Meru | Meru N. Polytechnic | 08/10/21 | 09/10/21 | |
Eunice Mugambi
Tel.0722826680 |
Nyandarua &
Laikipia West |
Nyahururu High School | 04/10/21 | 05/10/21 |
Nyeri & Laikipia
East |
Nyeri Primary School | 06/10/21 | 07/10/21 | |
Muranga | Muranga Technology
Primary School |
08/10/21 | 09/10/21 | |
Elijah Karimi
Tel.0721331037 |
Taita Taveta | Jomo Kenyatta Sec. | 04/10/21 | 05/10/21 |
Kilifi | Juaba Women Social
Hall (Kilifi Town) |
06/10/21 | 07/10/21 | |
Lamu | online | ongoing | ongoing | |
Mombasa &
Kwale |
Sheikh Khalif Secondary | 08/10/21 | 09/10/21 | |
Purity Kibui | Kitui | Kitui Multi-Purpose Hall | 04/10/21 | 05/10/21 |
Tel.0722802532 | Makueni | Makueni Early Childhood Education Teacher
Training Institute (MECETTI) |
06/10/21 | 07/10/21 |
Machakos | Machakos Academy | 08/10/21 | 09/10/21 | |
Dr. Christine Owinyi Tel.0724717158 | Migori | Migori Teachers
Training College |
04/10/21 | 05/10/21 |
Nyamira | Nyambaria Boys School | 06/10/21 | 07/10/21 | |
Kisii | Kisii High School | 08/10/21 | 09/10/21 | |
Homabay | Kabunde CDF Hall | 07/10/21 | 08/10/21 | |
Rebecca Muriuki
Tel. 0721875929 |
Siaya | Siaya Central Secondary
School |
04/10/21 | 05/10/21 |
Vihiga | Bunyore Girls | 06/10/21 | 07/10/21 | |
Kisumu | Kisumu N. Polytechnic | 08/10/21 | 09/10/21 | |
Grace Gatundu
Tel.0722675339 |
Kakamega | Kakamega High School | 04/10/21 | 05/10/21 |
Busia | St. Stephen Lwanya Girls | 06/10/21 | 07/10/21 | |
Bungoma | Namachanja Secondary | 08/10/21 | 09/20/21 | |
Symon Ngatia
Tel.0724247797 |
West Pokot | Nasokol Girls | 04/10/21 | 05/10/21 |
Trans Nzoia | St. Monica Girls | 06/10/21 | 07/10/21 | |
Turkana | Lodwar Teachers College | 08/10/21 | 09/10/21 | |
Peris Kiprono
Tel. 0722695823 |
Nandi | Kapsabet Girls | 04/10/21 | 05/10/21 |
Uasin Gishu | Hill School Primary | 06/10/21 | 07/10/21 | |
Elgeyo Marakwet | St. Patrick Iten Boys | 08/10/21 | 09/10/21 | |
Barkwang Tel. 0707034033 |
Narok | St. Marys Primary School | 04/10/21 | 05/10/21 |
Bomet | Kaplong Girls | 06/10/21 | 07/10/21 | |
Kericho | Kericho Day | 08/10/21 | 09/10/21 | |
Joyce Githae
Tel. 0721318410 |
Samburu & | AIC Moi Girls | 04/10/21 | 05/10/21 |
Baringo | Marigat High School | 06/10/21 | 07/10/21 | |
Nakuru | Nakuru High School | 08/10/21 | 09/10/21 | |
Stephen Choge
Tel. 0728171881 |
Tana River | Hola Boys | 04/10/21 | 05/10/21 |
Garissa | Garissa High School | 06/10/21 | 07/10/21 | |
Wajir | Wajir Boys | 09/10/21 | 10/10/21 | |
Mandera | Online | Ongoing | Ongoing | |
Dr. C. Owinyi
Tel. 0724717158 |
Kiambu | KEMI HQ | 16/10/21 | 17/10/21 |
Kajiado/Nairobi | KEMI HQ | 23/10/21 | 24/10/21 |
Kenya Education Management Institute For Further Inquiries:
P.O Box 62592-00200 Call KEMI Admissions-
Nairobi Safaricom +254 768789468
Email: [email protected] Airtel +254 736 620 668 Visit www.kemi.ac.ke