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2024 Form One Joining Instructions, Admissions for all National, Extra County and County schools

The Ministry of Education has released the 2024 form one online joining instructions for all National, Extra County and County schools.


The Ministry is preparing for the conduct of the 2024 Form One selection exercise. In order to aid in the realization of this important national activity, all National, Extra County and County schools are required to make changes to their previous calling letters through an online tool to reflect joining instructions for the year 2024.

Schools are to follow these steps in editing the joining instructions;-

  1. Use the link to check whether your joining instructions are in the system. Select County and Sub-County of your school,then Select your
  2. If the system prompts you to sign in,use your school email address(Gmail Account).
  3. If your letter is in the system,edit the information to the new changes for joining instructions 2024

NB: Do not edit the first page apart from changing the year to 2024.

In case the school’s joining instructions is missing, the system will prompt the principal to upload the joining instructions in the system from their computer. The principal should then ensure that;

  1. The first page is as the attached copy (Insert school logo/address on the first page only). Page one should not be edited.
  2. The letter should be in Ms-word
  3. The letter should be submitted as one document
  4. (e.g.,Meru School save as 15300002).

In case the principal experience any challenges, they are requested to contact the following numbers:

  • Lawrence Karuntimi: 0721142565,
  • Patrick: 0722823971.

updating of joining instructions should be done by 30thOctober 2023, thereafter the system will not be available for editing.

MeanwhilethePrincipalsareremindedthatthecircularfromthePrincipalSecretaryonuniformsand boarding requirements dated 30thMay 2023(copy attached) still stands. For clarity, it is reiterated that;

a)      No school will direct parents to any particular outlet for the purpose of purchasing uniforms

  1. No school will stock any uniforms and boarding related items

Schools are asked to indicate the requirements with specifications only and parents are free to shop for them as they report.

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