Portal now open for second revision of degree and TVET courses
The online application portal is now open for the second revision of course and institution choices for the placement of the 2022 KCSE cohort and other applicants to universities and colleges.
This is another opportunity for secondary school graduates to apply for courses offered in universities and technical colleges. The exercise will run until June 27, 2023.
It targets Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) graduates who missed placement to their preferred courses submitted at the school application stage or choices made during the first revision that ended on June 7, 2023. Also targeted are KCSE certificate holders who have never made applications before to pursue courses in universities and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) institutions.
CLICK HERE to download a list of Index Numbers of the candidates who have not secured secure any of their initial choices and are required to apply again, and those who have not yet submitted any application.
KUCCPS also urges candidates who attained C+ and above in the 2022 KCSE examination and did not access the portal during the first revision to ensure that they apply for degree or TVET courses in the current application period. Diploma in Teacher Education Courses for prospective secondary school teachers are also available.
Following the first revision of choices that ended on June 7, KUCCPS has processed the applications that were received, and has provisionally placed successful applicants pending approval by the Placement Board.
Those who have secured courses provisionally should not re-apply but wait for KUCCPS to complete the placement process after which they will be provided with details of their courses and institutions.
KUCCPS selects KCSE graduates for placement to all levels of higher education – artisan, craft, diploma or degree. With any KCSE mean grade, a secondary school graduate can log into the system and find a course that suits their grade.
Countrywide Application Support
From June 19th to 24th, 2023, KUCCPS officers will be stationed at following TVET colleges across all the counties to provide guidance and support to youths applying for placement.
S/No. | County | TVET Institution |
1. | Kilifi | Godoma Technical Training Institute |
2. | Taita Taveta | Coast Institute of Technology |
3. | Kisii | Riragia Technical and Vocational College |
4. | Bungoma | Musakasa Technical Training Institute |
5. | Busia | Dr. Daniel Wako Murende Technical and Vocational College |
6. | Tharaka Nithi | Chuka Technical and Vocational College |
7. | Machakos | Machakos Technical Institute for The Blind |
8. | Homabay | Mawego Technical Training Institute |
9. | Siaya | St. Joseph’s Technical Institute for the Deaf, Nyang’oma |
10. | Turkana | Lodwar Technical and Vocational College |
11. | Nyandarua | Kipipiri Technical and Vocational College |
12. | Migori | Siala Technical Training Institute |
13. | Marsabit | North Horr Technical and Vocational College |
14. | Bomet | Konoin Technical Training Institute |
15. | Embu | Runyenjes Technical Training Institute |
16. | Makueni | Kibwezi West Technical and Vocational College |
17. | Baringo | Emining Technical Training Institute |
18. | Kericho | Kimasian Technical and Vocational College |
19. | Nandi | Aldai Technical Training Institute |
20. | Kirinyaga | Mwea Technical and Vocational College |
21. | Murang’a | Kandara Technical and Vocational College |
22. | Uasin Gishu | Koshin Technical Training Institute |
23. | West Pokot | Kitelakapel Technical and Vocational College |
24. | Tana River | Fayya Technical and Vocational College |
25. | Nyamira | Gitwebe Technical Training Institute |
26. | Elgeyo Marakwet | Chepsirei Technical and Vocational College |
27. | Kajiado | Kajiado East Technical and Vocational College |
28. | Nairobi | Kabete National Polytechnic |
29. | Mombasa | Kenya Coast National Polytechnic |
30. | Nakuru | Kiptaragon Technical and Vocational College |
31. | Kisumu | Nyakach Technical and Vocational College |
32. | Meru | Nkabune Technical Training Institute |
33. | Kitui | Nuu Technical and Vocational College |
34. | Garissa | Lagdera Technical and Vocational College |
35. | Trans-Nzoia | Cherangany Technical Training Institute |
36. | Isiolo | Merti Technical and Vocational College |
37. | Laikipia | Laikipia North Technical and Vocational College |
38. | Kiambu | Limuru Technical and Vocational College |
39. | Nyeri | Mathenge Technical Training Institute |
40. | Lamu | Lamu East Technical and Vocational College |
41. | Wajir | Wajir East Technical and Vocational College |
42. | Samburu | Samburu North Technical and Vocational College |
43. | Mandera | Mandera Technical Training Institute |
44. | Vihiga | Chanzeywe Technical and Vocational College |
45. | Narok | Emurua Dikirr Technical Training Institute |
46. | Kwale | Msambweni Technical and Vocational College |
Applicants seeking guidance should also visit:
- KUCCPS offices, ACK Garden House on 1st Ngong Avenue, Community Nairobi
- Their nearest Huduma Centres
For more information, please visit the KUCCPS website www.kuccps.ac.ke or call 020 5137400 / 0723954927.
Our social media handles are:
- Twitter: The Placement Service (@KUCCPS_Official)
- Facebook: Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (@The.Placement.Service)
Advisory on Fraudulent Sites
Applicants are advised to beware of potentially fraudulent social media pages and websites providing false and misleading information about the placement process. To verify information about the placement process, check the mainstream media, KUCCPS website and the KUCCPS official social media pages.