2020 Form Selection for Extra County, County and Sub County schools to be done in December 2019; Details
The selection exercise for the 2020 form one selection will be done in December, 2019 at designated venues across all the regions. This is according to a Circular by the Education Permanent Secretary Dr. Belio Kipsang. “The Regional Launch for the 2019 Extra-county, County and Sub county Form One Selection exercise will take place on Wednesday, 4th December, 2019 at designated venues within your regions” says Dr. Kipsang in a circular dated November 19, 2019 and sent to all Regional Directors of Education. This means selection of all the schools will now be done online; unlike last year where selection for SubCounty schools was done manually. According to the Ministry, the hosting RDEs for each of the Regions are requested to do the following:
- Invite participating County Directors of Education, Sub-County Directors of Education, Principals of Secondary Schools and other stakeholders within the region for the exercise and
- Liaise with CDEs, all principals and those of the hosting institutions to arrange for conference facilities, sitting arrangement and provision of public address system.
Last year, the launch of the National Selection exercise was done on Monday, 3rd December 2018, while the Regional Selection exercise was launched on Wednesday 5th December, 2018, across designated venues. The forms ones will be placed in National, Extra County, County and Sub County schools depending on the marks garnered and the placement guidelines to be released by the Ministry.
At the Regional launching, the Regional Coordinator will steer the exercise where the Cabinet Secretary’s speech will be read. Sharing of selection guidelines and lists for Extra County, County and Sub County schools will be done. The Regional exercise shall be attended by The County Directors of Education (CDEs), Sub-County Directors of Education (SCDEs) and Principals among other stake holders.
Important links:
- All TSC services online portals and how to log in
- TSC TPAD data upload deadline
- Complete guide to the new TSC TPAD portal
- TSC: Full details on the newly established grades for teachers
- TSC: Designation codes for all teacher job groups
- TSC Grades and qualifications/ requirements for various administrative positions in schools
- TSC: Details on the current all 36 Teacher job groups/ grades
- TSC: Requirements, appointment and responsibilities of Principals
- All what you need to know and carry to a TSC teacher recruitment interview
- TSC: Requirements, responsibilities and appointment of Deputy Principals
- TSC: Full payment rates for teachers, officials, attending CBC training
- New, latest TSC Teachers recruitment guidelines
- TSC: Wealth declaration guide for teachers, staff
- A TSC teacher’s payslip details and how to get yours online
- TSC posting, employment, letters for newly recruited teachers
- TSC adds another new teacher registration, employment requirement; read the details
- All TSC online services: the TSC website, online services and how to easily access them
- New list of TSC County Directors
- Updated TSC recruitment guidelines for teachers
- TSC: Process of handing-taking over by new school heads and other administrators
- New academic and professional requirements for registration of teachers
- How to check the status of TSC number application online
- Get the latest TSC news on these official Social Media links (Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Telegram and online)
- How to apply online for the vacant administrative positions at the Teachers Service Commission-tsc
- TSC: Most marketable subject combinations
- TSC: Revised, new, service charter
- TSC: Download all the TSC forms, circulars, regulations and Memos here
- TSC: How to easily get the retirement, pension, benefits
- TSC: Full process of interdicting, disciplining and dismissing teachers
- New, updated, list of offences that can lead to a teacher’s removal from the TSC register
- TSC: All teachers’ leaves explained
- TSC: List of all allowances paid to teachers and to get them
- Latest Career Progression Guidelines, CPG, for teachers
- TSC: Answers to all the Frequently asked questions by teachers
- TSC: A list of all the TSC contacts
- TSC: How a teacher should claim the medical expenses costs from TSC
- TSC: How to best apply for a teacher transfer
- How to easily apply for a TSC number
- Applying for a TSC number? This is all you need to know.
- All what you are required to have in order to apply for a TSC number
The Ministry has designated the following areas to be used during the launching of the 2020 form one selection at Regional Level;
After the selection is complete Parents/ Guardians will then be able to receive the selection results via the Short Text Message Service, SMS. The admission letters for the 2020 form ones will then be available at the Education Ministry’s portal for the students to download. The 2020 form ones are expected to report to their respective schools in January as the schools re-open for term one; as was the case in 2019.
The good news for the over one million 2019 KCPE candidates is that all of them will get vacancies in form one in 2020. “His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta has asked the Ministry of Education to ensure that every child who sits the KCPE Examination is admitted to secondary school under the 100 per cent transition policy. The aim of the Government is to ensure that all Kenyan children get basic education until Form Four,” said Education CS Professor George Magoha while releasing the 2019 KCPE results on Monday November 18, 2019. “I wish to assure the country that the Ministry has put in place measures to fulfil the 100 per cent transition policy in 2020. All the candidates whose results will be released today should expect to be admitted to Form One. The Ministry has already conducted a mapping exercise of vacancies in all categories of schools that will admit all the candidates,” added CSMagoha.
The Kenyan Government has taken measures to expand the Secondary Schools infrastructure so as to accommodate the large numbers of admissions. “The Government is determined to address some of the expected challenges of the 100 per cent transition. As a result, the Government – together with development partners under the Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project – will roll out a Sh8 billion programme to build classrooms and laboratories in 110 sub-counties located in 30 counties next year. These classes will ease the pressure on the existing facilities in our secondary schools,” the CS said.
According to CS Magoha, the Government will from next year (2020) put 9,000 Form One students from targeted regions under a full scholarship programme called ELIMU SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME. The programme will be run under the Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project. Additionally, all the girls who will be selected as beneficiaries of the Elimu Scholarship Programme will also be supplied with free sanitary towels for the full period of their secondary school education.