The Equity Bank 2020 Wings To Fly Scholarships for 2019 KCPE Candidates: How to get the application form and other details

2020 Equity Bank Wings to Fly Scholarship; Form and how to fill it online

The 2019 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE, results have been announced. Candidates with good scores can now start looking for scholarships to fund their Secondary Education; as they are expected to join form one in January 2020. One of the Scholarships available to those joining secondary school is the Equity Bank’s Wings to Fly Scholarship. he program targets high achieving yet needy (orphan or vulnerable) students identified by assessing two main criteria based on academic performance at KCPE and social-economic vulnerability as follows:
  1. Academic achievement- Qualifying students must be in the top 5th percentile in KCPE in their District.
  2. Students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds – Eligible students who would not be able to attend secondary school for reasons arising from loss of one or both parents; parents who are unable to educate their children because they are physically or mentally disabled, living with HIV/AIDS or other chronic debilitating illness; families that have been displaced due to natural disasters such as floods, drought, famine or civil conflict; families that have no evidence of accumulated assets; children who show evidence of bursaries received or financial assistance in the past or who have a past history of school absenteeism due to lack of tuition fees.
Each year, the Equity Bank Group gives scholarships to needy form ones under the Wings to Fly Programme.


Here are links to the most important news portals:

Details about the Wings to Fly Scholarship

  • Candidates who have attained 350 marks and above are advised to fill in the application form, attach their slip and return the same to the nearest Equity Bank branch or Equity Bank Agent.
  • Application forms can be obtained from Equity Bank or nearby Equity Bank Agents
  • Completed application forms must be returned to the Equity Bank branch or Equity Bank Agent not later than 10th January
  • Shortlisted students will be invited for interviews which will be conducted by the Equity Group Foundation District Scholarship Selection Board.
  • The Wings to Fly scholarship caters for school fees, books, uniform, transport, shopping and pocket money for the four years of secondary school.


  • Only 2019 KCPE candidates are eligible to make an application for this scholarship.
  • The information provided in this form is intended to help Equity Group Foundation Community Scholarship Selection Board (CSSB) understand the applicant’s academic and financial position for the purpose of assessment for scholarship/award.
  • All fields with asterisk (*) are mandatory fields and must be filled accordingly.
  • This application form must be filled accurately, honestly and completely. Equity Group Foundation will reject any applications without relevant documents.
  • Please review the following documents and if required have soft/scanned copies for ease of completing the online application form:
  1. KCPE Results Slip (official KNEC slip or signed & stamped paper with grades from the school). For early bird applications, you will be allowed to fill the application form without KCPE marks. However, these marks must be entered and result slip attached before final submission.
  2. Copy of Death Certificate (if father/mother deceased).
  3. Evidence of financial support (if they have received support in the past).
  4. Evidence of special needs (if they have indicated special needs).
  5. Copy of Pay Slip/ Bank Statement (if parents/guardians are employed/business).
  6. Signed declaration by Applicant and Parent/Guardian
  7. Filled application and recommendation form by Head Teacher, Provincial Adm., Religious Leader and any other.
  • The completion and submission of this form is not a guarantee for sponsorship.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews.
  • Any false statements, omissions or forged documents will lead to automatic disqualification.
  • Please note that the application cannot be edited once it has been submitted.
WINGS TO FLY SELECTION CRITERIA An eligible applicant for the Wings to Fly Scholarship should be academically promising and either be orphaned and/or from vulnerable backgrounds as defined below:
  • Children who have lost one or both parents and have no relative/guardian/sponsor to provide for their secondary education – evidence in form of Death Certificates/Burial Permits/letter from your Chief should be attached.
  • Children who are and/or whose parents are physically, visually, or hearing impaired and are unable to educate their children and have no relative/guardian/sponsor to provide for their secondary education
  • Children who are and/or whose parents are living with HIV/AIDS or other chronic debilitating illnesses and are unable to educate their children and have no relative/guardian/sponsor to provide for their secondary education – medical records should be sought
  • Children who come from vulnerable and marginalized groups or indigenous communities or have suffered from cultural practices e.g. early marriage, female genital mutilation or negative influences including radicalization, child labour among others.
  • Children from families affected by natural disasters such as flooding, drought, and famine or civil conflict and are unable to educate their children and have no relative or guardian or sponsor to provide for their secondary education
  • Children who have suffered neglect and/or abandonment and have no relative/guardian/sponsor to provide for their secondary education
  • Children with parents living under extreme poverty and have no relative/guardian/sponsor to provide for their secondary education



Applicant should create a new account through the portal and fill in the 2020 application form for consideration.  

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