2020 School games guidelines and rules.

2020 Co Curricular activities/ Games guidelines: Referees, Coaches and Team Managers’ payment rates as set by the Ministry

The Ministry of Education has released new guidelines for all Co-Curricular activities. In the new guidelines, responsibilities of various officials to be in charge of the Co-curricular activities have been stipulated. Financing for Co-Curricular activities has also been outlined. The sources for funding include: Co- Curricular Activity (CCA) Vote head, Free Primary Education (FPE) funds and Free Day Secondary Education (FDSE) funds. The Ministry of education disburses Co- Curricular Activity funds to the Sub- county Directors of Education (SCDEs), County Directors of Education (CDEs) and Regional Directors of Education (RDEs). These field officers have Authority to incur expenses for the various activities.

In the new guidelines, Counties will now pay referees as Sub Counties bear the responsibility of paying their coaches and Team Managers. This means that referees will now receive a flat rate payment unlike in the past where they would receive payments depending on the number of matches officiated. The same will be applied to Regional level championships.

Here are links to the most important news portals:

Here are the latest guidelines from the Ministry;

During the co-curricular activities retreat held on 23rd to 25th September, 2019 at Machakos University, the stakeholders revised the guidelines that were earlier released on 5th November, 2018 and 28th January, 2019 on the above mentioned subject.
This revision is aimed at promoting fairness in co-curricular activities expenditure at the various levels. The guidelines are as follows;

School – zonal level

The participating schools are to meet all costs at school up to the zonal level. Such expenses include:

  •  Provision of sports/festival facilities
  • Preparation and training of teams in various sports
  •  Transport teams to zonal championship
  • Pay lunch allowances to school teams officials and referees at zonal championship
  •  Provide meals/refreshments to the school teams

The schools are expected to get funds for this purpose from the activities fund and should not charge parents.

Sub-county Level
  • The school to transport the teams to and from the sub-county competitions and also pay lunch allowances to team official e.g. coaches, driver etc
  • Schools to feed their own teams
  • The SCDE to pay for the referees, judges, sub-county committees, field preparations, certificates and other related administrative costs
County level

During the county championship, the respective SCDE and CDE will be responsible for their teams as follows;

Sub-county Director of Education
  • Transport the teams to and from the county championships/ festivals
  •  Provide lunch to the sub-counties teams
  •  Pay the coaches, chaperons, team managers, drivers and sub-county committee
County Director of Education
  • The CDE to pay the referees, county executive committee and other championship/festival administrative costs e.g. field preparations, security etc.
  • Allowances will be paid as per approved budgets
Regional level

At this level, the CDE and RDE will be expected to share the expenses as follows:

  •  CDE to transport the county teams to and from the regional competition
  • CDE to pay allowances to the coaches, chaperons, team managers and county executive committee allocated duties, as per the approved budget
  • CDE feeds the county teams/accommodation
  • RDE pays the referees allowances, as per the approved budget
  • RDE to pay administration costs, such as field preparation, security, first aid, executive committee, refreshments, etc
National level

At this level, the RDE and MOE HQs will share expenses as follows;

  •  The RDE to transports teams to and from the national venue
  • The RDE to pay allowances to team officials such as, coaches, chaperons, team managers, drivers and executive committee assigned duties
  • MOE HQs to pay for teams accommodation in the host schools
  • MOE HQs to pay the referees allowances as per the approved budget
  • MOE HQs to cater for officials and teanis refreshments
  • MOE HQs to subsidize on field preparations/hire
  • MOE HQs to pay for badges, certificates, security, ambulance and other related administrative costs.
Host RDE

If a region is hosting the national championship, the RDE will be required to;

  •  Identify the schools to accommodate teams
  • Identify and book venues/play fields
  • Form and cater for the hosting committee
  • Ensure the field/venues are prepared to the required standards
  • Provide and pay for chairs & tents used during opening and closing of the games championship’
  • MOE: Ministry of Education
  • RCE: Regional Director of Education
  • CDE: County Director of Education
  • HQs: Head Quarters
  • SCDE: Sub County Director of Education


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