2019 TSC intern teachers recruitment; Marking scheme and scoresheet to be used during interviews

2019 TSC intern teachers recruitment; Marking scheme and scoresheet to be used during interviews

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, is lining up interviews for the shortlisted intern teachers. According to the latest communique from the commission the interviews will be conducted at TSC County Offices countrywide. “Applicants are advised that interviews shall be conducted at the county TSC offices. A list of applicants have been sent to each county,” reads a memo dated November 7, 2019 from Catherine Lenairoshi; of TSC Corporate Communications Office. Shortlisted candidates, who will be notified via SMS, are expected to carry the following documents to the interview sessions:
  • i. A valid certificate of Good conduct
  • ii. A valid personal accident cover
  • iii. National ID card
  • iv. Disability card if any
  • v. Two passport size photographs
  • vi. KCSE certificate
  • vii. KCPE certificate
  • viii. Diploma / degree certificate and Transcripts
  • ix. Primary/secondary or college leaving certificate
  • x. Kra pin
  • xi. Bank plate

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Marking Scheme

The Commission has already calculated preliminary scores for each of the shortlisted applicants. The calculation by TSC is based on the Year of Graduation and strength of the academic papers. For instance, a secondary school teacher who graduated in 2016 and with a qualification of a Second Class Honors Degree (Upper Division) would score 25 and 30 marks respectively to sum up to 55%. Effectively, teachers who graduated earlier and have stronger academic papers stand a better chance of clinching the positions. Below is a sample of the marking scheme to be used during the interviews;

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1). Graduate Teachers

Applicants must have a minimum mean grade of C+ (plus) at KCSE and C+ (plus) in each of the two teaching subjects or two (2) principles and one (1) subsidiary pass at A Level. In addition, they must have: a). A Bachelor of Education Degree with two (2) teaching subjects. b). A Bachelor of Science or Arts Degree plus a Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) with two teaching subjects. c). Bachelor of Science with Education / Bachelor of Arts with Education with two teaching subjects. NB: i). Bachelor of Education holders with a mean grade of C Plain and C Plain in the two teaching subjects at KCSE and have undertaken a Diploma in Education or gone through the A level system in the relevant area(s) are eligible. ii). Bridging/Pre-university certificates for those who completed the course before December 31st 2015 can be considered.

2). Diploma Teachers

Applicants must have a minimum mean grade of C+ (plus) at KCSE or its equivalent with at least C+(plus) (or Credit pass) in the two teaching subjects or one (1) Principle and two (2) Subsidiaries at A level. In addition, they must have: a Diploma in Education from a recognized Teacher Training Institution. NB: a) Diploma Teachers who graduated in 2008 or before with a mean grade of C (plain) and C (plain) in the two teaching subjects are eligible; b) Hearing impaired and blind, are enrolled for training with mean grade of C and C in the two teaching subjects thus are eligible.

3). Technical Teachers

Applicants must have a minimum mean grade of C+ (plus) at KCSE or its equivalent with at least C+(plus) (or credit pass) in the two teaching subjects or one (1) principle and two (2) subsidiaries at A level. In addition, they must have: Bachelor of Education Technology (Bed TECH); OR (i) Bachelor of Science (BSC) in any relevant technical Subject(s)/Course; (ii) Higher Diploma in a Technical course; or (iii) A Diploma in a Technical Course. Further, they should have a Diploma in Technical Teacher Education from Kenya Technical Teachers College (KTTC) or a Post Graduate Diploma in Education GDE) from a recognized University. NB: 1) Applicants whose training is in subjects that are currently not in the Curriculum do not qualify, irrespective of their having undertaken a Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) and enhancement e.g. Bachelor of Science /Bachelor of Arts in:
  • Natural Resources
  • Meteorology
  • Forestry
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Horticulture
  • Farm Machinery
  • Fisheries
  • Anthropology
  • sociology
  • Theology/Divinity
  • Journalism etc.
2) Applicants with Economics/Commerce/Accounting, Social Education and Ethics (SEE) can apply for Business Studies and CRE/IRE vacancies respectively. 3) Diploma Teachers with English/other subjects qualify for employment as English/Literature teachers. 4) All applicants must have studied the two teaching subjects at KCSE except for Agriculture, Business Studies, Home Science, and Computer. For those who did not study Business Studies and Computer, one should have attained a minimum of C+ (Plus) in Mathematics in KCSE. For those who did not study Agriculture and Home Science, one should have attained a minimum of C+ in Biology at KCSE. 5) Graduate Teachers should have studied a minimum of eight (8) course units in each teaching subject. 6) Applicants presenting enhancement certificate(s)/official transcripts in a teaching subject(s) from recognized institution (s) qualify for employment. 7) Applicants previously employed under contract and whose services were terminated due to inadequate units in teaching subjects and have since obtained enhancement certificates with adequate units are eligible to apply. 8) Applicants applying for computer studies MUST have taken a course on teaching methods. 9) For applicants trained in Special Needs Education-, KSL and Braille are considered as teaching subjects e.g. Biology/KSL, Geography/Braille.

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