Andy Michael Munyiri, 2019 KCPE top student

2019 KCPE Results in Numbers; Here are the key statistics

Education Cabinet Secretary Professor George Saitoti has today (Monday November 11, 2019)  released the 2019 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE, results. The results were announced at the Kenya National Examinations Council, KNEC, offices; located at offices on Denis Pritt Road.

The top candidate Andy Michael Munyiri garnered 440 marks out of the possible 500 marks.

Here are the 2019 KCPE Results in Numbers.


  • Send SMS to 20076. SMS should be in the format: INDEXNUMBERKCPE


  1. Andy Michael Munyiri ( Damacrest School in Thogoto, Kiambu)- 440 Marks
  2. Flavian Onyango (Chakol Girls)- 439 Marks
  3. June Cheptoo Koech (Sang’alo Central)- 439 Marks
  4. Sean Michael Ndung’u (Kitengela International School)- 439 Marks


  • Total Number of Candidates: 1,083,456
  • Total Number of Boys: 543,000; 50.1%
  • Total Number of Girls: 539,874; 49.9%


  • 401-500 Marks: 9,770 Candidates
  • 301-400 Marks: 243,320 Candidates
  • 201-300 Marks: 586,886 Candidates
  • 101-200 Marks: 262,307 Candidates
  • 000-100 Marks: 1,173 Candidates


  • Total Number of Contracted Professionals: 181,016
  • 5,795 Examiners were contracted to mark English Composition and Kiswahili Insha Scripts.
  • Centre Managers: 27,809
  • Supervisors: 28,014
  • Invigilators: 66,807
  • Security Officers: 58,060
  • Examination Management Directors: 2,800
  • Drivers: 6,987
  • Clerks: 479


  • From November 19, 2019 to December 2, 2019.


  • Nairobi (62,498 Candidates)
  • Kakamega (54,311 Candidates)
  • Nakuru (53,225 candidates)


  • Lamu (2,959 Candidates)
  • Isiolo (3,454 Candidates)
  • Samburu (4,793 Candidates)


  • English,
  • Kenya Sign Language and
  • Religious Education.



This is the most effective and fastest way of checking for the results. To get KCPE results 2019 by SMS a candidate is required to send an SMS with your Index Number to 20076. The service is viable for all the three network providers in the country Safaricom, Airtel and Telkom networks.Send SMS to 20076 in the format; INDEXNUMBERKCPE. Do not leave a space in between and write the word KCPE in Capital Letters.

The cost of each SMS is Sh.25.


To use this method to check 2019 results you only need to remember your index number and access your mobile phone or computer Here is the procedure:

  • Visit the Official KNEC website (
  • Check  for the KCPE Results tab, click on it
  • Select the year you sat for the Exams
  • Enter your Index number.
  • Finally click the Submit button.
  • Your KCPE results should show on the screen after a while.

Visiting former Primary School

Finally, candidates can check their KCPE 2019 results by visiting  their former schools a day after the official release of the exam.

Downloading full School’s Results

Download the full centre’s results, after they have been announced, at:

Also read:

Release Of Examinations Results

The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) wishes to bring the following information to the attention of all institutions presenting candidates for the KNEC examinations:

Examination Results Slips and Printouts

Each of the institutions that enter candidates for the KNEC examinations shall receive a hard copy of the institution’s examination results printout and result slips which captures the following information:
1. Institution’s Code and Name
This appears on the top left side of the printout. The institution’s code is a unique number by which an examination centre is identified by the Council. This is the number that an institution should always quote whenever communicating with KNEC.
2. Candidates Details
Below the institution’s name and code are details of the candidates. These details include the index number of the candidate, year of examination, gender, individual subject grades and the mean grade.

The important features of the examination results are as indicated below:-

  • X – denotes an absent candidate. A candidate is declared absent if he/she did not sit for one or all papers in the examination. However, for the KCPE examination results, the symbol AB indicates an absence;
  • Y- denotes that the candidate was involved in an examination irregularity. For the KCPE examination results, the symbol 00 indicates an irregularity;
  • P- denotes that the candidate’s examination results have been pended due to infringement on the entry requirements for the examination e.g. incorrect KCPE details for entry in KCSE examination;
  • W- denotes that the candidate’s examination results have been withheld on suspicion that the candidate has been involved in an examination malpractice and investigations are ongoing;
  • U- denotes ungraded examination results due to infringement of the awards criteria.

Mean Grade Award Descriptions

  • Mean grade will be X, if a candidate is absent in all subjects
  • Mean grade will be Y , if one or more subjects are cancelled.
  • Mean grade will be U, if the entry requirements for the KCSE examination are not met
  • Mean grade will be CRNM, if the course requirements for the Teacher education, Business and Technical examinations are not met
  • Mean grade will be P, if results are pended
  • Mean grade will be W, if the examination results are withheld;

The details of pended, withheld and irregularities are communicated to the institution through the Sub County Director of Education at the time of release of the examination results and are received by the institutions at the same time with the examination results.

Release Of Certificates

Once certificates for a specific examination are ready for collection/dispatch from KNEC, the institutions shall be informed through the mass and print media, Sub County Directors of Education and/or the heads of institutions:

All certificates for regular candidates are issued through the Heads of Schools/Institutions and to private candidates through the Sub County Directors of Education.
The Kenya National Examinations Council reserves the right to withdraw a certificate for amendment or for any other reason should this be necessary.
Upon the release of KCPE and KCSE examinations, the candidates can access their results through SMS number provided during the official release of results. The KCPE candidates are expected to access their result slips through the KNEC website immediately after release of the examination in their respective schools.

Also read;


To use this method to check 2018 results you only need to remember your index number and access your mobile phone or computer Here is the procedure:

  • Visit the Official KNEC website (
  • Check  for the KCSE Results tab, click on it
  • Select the year you sat for the Exams
  • Enter your Index number.
  • Finally click the Submit button.
  • Your KCSE results should show on the screen after a while.

Visiting former Primary School

Finally, candidates can check their KCSE 2019 results by visiting  their former schools a day after the official release of the exam.

Downloading full School’s Results

Download the full centre’s results, after they have been announced, at:

Also read:

Release Of Examinations Results

The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) wishes to bring the following information to the attention of all institutions presenting candidates for the KNEC examinations:

Examination Results Slips and Printouts

Each of the institutions that enter candidates for the KNEC examinations shall receive a hard copy of the institution’s examination results printout and result slips which captures the following information:
1. Institution’s Code and Name
This appears on the top left side of the printout. The institution’s code is a unique number by which an examination centre is identified by the Council. This is the number that an institution should always quote whenever communicating with KNEC.
2. Candidates Details
Below the institution’s name and code are details of the candidates. These details include the index number of the candidate, year of examination, gender, individual subject grades and the mean grade.

The important features of the examination results are as indicated below:-

  • X – denotes an absent candidate. A candidate is declared absent if he/she did not sit for one or all papers in the examination. However, for the KCPE examination results, the symbol AB indicates an absence;
  • Y- denotes that the candidate was involved in an examination irregularity. For the KCPE examination results, the symbol 00 indicates an irregularity;
  • P- denotes that the candidate’s examination results have been pended due to infringement on the entry requirements for the examination e.g. incorrect KCPE details for entry in KCSE examination;
  • W- denotes that the candidate’s examination results have been withheld on suspicion that the candidate has been involved in an examination malpractice and investigations are ongoing;
  • U- denotes ungraded examination results due to infringement of the awards criteria.

Mean Grade Award Descriptions

  • Mean grade will be X, if a candidate is absent in all subjects
  • Mean grade will be Y , if one or more subjects are cancelled.
  • Mean grade will be U, if the entry requirements for the KCSE examination are not met
  • Mean grade will be CRNM, if the course requirements for the Teacher education, Business and Technical examinations are not met
  • Mean grade will be P, if results are pended
  • Mean grade will be W, if the examination results are withheld;

The details of pended, withheld and irregularities are communicated to the institution through the Sub County Director of Education at the time of release of the examination results and are received by the institutions at the same time with the examination results.

Release Of Certificates

Once certificates for a specific examination are ready for collection/dispatch from KNEC, the institutions shall be informed through the mass and print media, Sub County Directors of Education and/or the heads of institutions:

All certificates for regular candidates are issued through the Heads of Schools/Institutions and to private candidates through the Sub County Directors of Education.
The Kenya National Examinations Council reserves the right to withdraw a certificate for amendment or for any other reason should this be necessary.
Upon the release of KCPE and KCSE examinations, the candidates can access their results through SMS number provided during the official release of results. The KCPE candidates are expected to access their result slips through the KNEC website immediately after release of the examination in their respective schools.

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