2019 KCPE Exams Top Candidates Per County; Migori County
December 13, 2024 | KNEC News Portal |
| In the just released 2019 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE, exams Migori county had only one candidate in the top 100 list; nationally. The student; Mwita Fidel Castro from Kamagambo Adventist Primary School managed to score a total of 431 marks out of the possible 500. A total of 20 candidates managed to score over 418 marks.
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Here are the top candidates from this county;
INDEXNO | NAME | GE | ENG | KIS | KSL | MAT | SCI | SSR | TOT | School_code | School_Name |
44717167010 | MWITA FIDEL CASTRO | M | 85A | 92A | = = | 85A | 82A | 87A | 431 | 44717167 | KAMAGAMBO ADVENTIST |
44708135030 | SUNDAY MIRUMBE KEBOYE | M | 84A | 94A | = = | 85A | 79A- | 86A | 428 | 44708135 | MOMOKORO |
44708115008 | RHOBI NAOMI MURIMI | F | 91A | 94A | = = | 83A | 77A- | 81A | 426 | 44708115 | TARANGANYA G. BOARDING |
44717170004 | DANIEL MAXWELL CEPHAS | M | 84A | 94A | = = | 83A | 80A | 84A | 425 | 44717170 | RONGO SUCCESS ACADEMY |
44708161001 | BERNARD SALIM OOKO | M | 86A | 95A | = = | 81A | 80A | 82A | 424 | 44708161 | KEHANCHA PROGRESSIVE |
44744101002 | OUMA BRIGHTON OTIENO | M | 88A | 91A | = = | 83A | 79A- | 82A | 423 | 44744101 | MIGORI |
44744107001 | BONFINE ODHIAMBO | M | 87A | 86A | = = | 83A | 79A- | 87A | 422 | 44744107 | PESODA COMPLEX ACADEMY |
44748053003 | BOKE FAITH CHACHA | F | 85A | 93A | = = | 83A | 79A- | 81A | 421 | 44748053 | NYABIRONGO GIRLS BOARDING |
44748022004 | YVONNE ROBI MASIAGA | F | 87A | 90A | = = | 83A | 80A | 81A | 421 | 44748022 | REV. DAVID DUVESKOG |
44739114039 | OTIENO AGNETA MAKUNGU | F | 80A | 94A | = = | 85A | 80A | 82A | 421 | 44739114 | ANINDO NAZARENE |
44707104001 | OTIENO STEPHEN OMONDI | M | 91A | 84A | = = | 83A | 79A- | 84A | 421 | 44707104 | KADIKA |
44748001001 | KIMANI PETER NJOROGE | M | 82A | 92A | = = | 85A | 77A- | 84A | 420 | 44748001 | ST. ANNES ISIBANIA PRIMARY SCHOOL |
44729311001 | JOSEPH SONIA DARIZU | F | 89A | 91A | = = | 82A | 76A- | 82A | 420 | 44729311 | KIRANDA GIRLS |
44717190001 | MISATI RACHEL CHINTA | F | 84A | 97A | = = | 79A- | 74B+ | 86A | 420 | 44717190 | MOAD ACADEMY |
44744110001 | BIKO CAROL AKOTH | F | 87A | 91A | = = | 82A | 77A- | 82A | 419 | 44744110 | SUNA JUNIOR ACADEMY |
44717170001 | CECILY ACHIENG OLUOCH | F | 85A | 91A | = = | 85A | 76A- | 82A | 419 | 44717170 | RONGO SUCCESS ACADEMY |
44717170003 | EASTER NALIAKA KISACHE | F | 84A | 94A | = = | 85A | 80A | 76A- | 419 | 44717170 | RONGO SUCCESS ACADEMY |
44748053002 | WEGESA CELESTINE WANKURU | F | 83A | 85A | = = | 85A | 79A- | 86A | 418 | 44748053 | NYABIRONGO GIRLS BOARDING |
44748001005 | MOIGE ANNET NYABOGA | F | 85A | 95A | = = | 79A- | 82A | 77A- | 418 | 44748001 | ST. ANNES ISIBANIA PRIMARY SCHOOL |
44739133002 | OKINDA NICHOLAS OMONDI | M | 81A | 91A | = = | 85A | 84A | 77A- | 418 | 44739133 | SONY SUGAR |
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